Day: March 10, 2016

Shift To Wisdom and Guidance by Self Realizing All Is In A State Of Becoming


Ever since I was a young child, I have always taken a keen interest in the subject of “Philosophy”. I took a particular interest in Rene Descartes who wrote “I Think, Therefore I Am”. Possibly due to the importance and attention that this man got for his work on thinking and allowing the superior label be put on this work gave rise to a complete split away from paying attention to feelings and intuitive knowing that was meant to be. This created a split away from spirit and the intention of spirit. This line of thought started way back at 1637 A.D. But now as we are well on our way through 2016, what is becoming apparent now is that there are many different level of mind , that have become accepted by science and those who study” what consciousness is” All life is imbued with Christ consciousness, as creation is the projected perfect thought of God. 

From my own experience, I have experienced frontiers and realms beyond time and space. I call these realms “Secret Things of God waiting to be realized”. Dr. Mantir Samanta – Laughton said “This world is not devoid of meaning or thought, but one alive with consciousness where we dance in a field of light imbued with the mind of God”.

Jesus spoke about “The Comforter, Holy Ghost” who is always with us. The Holy Ghost who is the invisible substance which has a vibratory power of God and is always sustaining the universe, hence it vibrates at all levels. Within the Holy Ghost, cosmic vibration is the all pervading Christ, the only begotten Son or Consciousness of Father Mother God and is pure love.

The world perceptions are changing and new discoveries and awakenings are happening everyday. The Christ Consciousness is imbued into all creation at every level. But what is now taken place is an expansion of human consciousness making ready the ability to receive the ocean of Christ Consciousness, to guide the population to their true reality. This true reality is “We are all Christ’s”. We are all “Christ beings” having a human experience. I now wish to briefly discuss what actually this means.

When something is imbue with a quality, that quality has the power to be utilized and to be realized. Having read the gospel of Thomas, where Jesus said “I am not your Master, because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out”. So I realized, I was drinking from the wisdom through the Holy Ghost of His perceptions. All this wisdom was given unto me so that I could experience within my knowing the Christ mind. This now is the path which the whole world is now embracing.

The Diamond River of Light is now flowing through all life. The Christ mind is coming into being for all those who desire truth. Very soon, all will begin to start to resurrect within themselves the infinite Christ Consciousness; hence they will put on the mind of Christ.

When I made my confirmation at the age of 12, I felt a small glimmer of energy running through my body. In preparation for the sacrament of confirmation, my teacher spoke about the Exodus from Egypt. My teacher was a student of Kabalistic tradition. He told us that journey from bondage as slaves in Egypt to the Promised Land was the journey we all will take. He spoke of the spiritual journey home to the expanded self of knowing our true nature. He told us that all will at some time embark this journey consciously. The world is now embarking this journey in earnest. As we are all waiting for this new paradigm to be realized?

By embracing the spiritual journey, one begins to be self-realized. Just as in the beginning when God above and beyond all things, the cosmic bachelor spirit created the perfect idea to manifest the cosmic Virgin Mary or Cosmic Vibration given birth to his reflection, the only Begotten Son “Christ Consciousness” present in all level s of creation. Each individual identity is imbued to be self-realized of its origins. I bring your attention to what Saint John said “As many as received Him to them gave He the power to become the Sons of God”. Sons imply many. So Jesus said, “Follow Me”. In order to follow Jesus, it would be wise to master the fear based mind and strive toward the developing a Christ Consciousness state of mind, where you become self-realized of your origin and the love, wisdom and truth of your true being.

Before I started meditating, I suffered because of the limitations of only using the five senses. But when I developed the ability to still the mind, I was able over time to broaden my senses to develop the sixth sense of intuition, the seventh sense of Diamond heart Awareness and now eighth sense of Christ Conscious awareness.
I am now going to write about the different levels that one would have access to through meditation. These concepts are not entirely new, you the reader may know of some of these ideas and concepts. But to give you an overall picture, I will name and label them as follows.

Physical Body
The physical body allows the daunting experience of complete separation from spirit. We come from various levels of awareness into the physical body to experience process through the bonding to a limited perception. All experience will crystallize into well defined and permanent limited awareness of the consciousness we truly are. So we keep our focus on the five senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

Etheric Body
The esthetic body is an overlay in the form of a subtle sheet composed of various energies vital for the production of the electro-magnetic field which one feed energy from the interlinking chakra system. The Esthetic body feeds into the endocrine glands which function as to process the many different type of consciousness with the discovery of experiences at this level, one is aware of the energy around them.

Astral/Emotional Body
The astral body allows us to experience imagination, dreams and a full range of emotions ranging from fear to love. Also call the desire body which holds all desires which were being created through the ego, where one believes they are separate entity that is separated, isolated and full of negative perceptions. This has a range of perception of hell to complete bliss. The awareness of the astral body can magnified by meditation, psychic development and can be experience by experiencing different types of trauma and by taking drugs. Drugs are not advisable

Mental Body 
One perceives and relates to the outer object world through their outer objective mind called the conscious mind. With this conscious mind one thinks chooses and with capable reasoning forms conclusion through logic and perception.. The conscious mind has the ability to discern and create thoughts, concepts and foster certain beliefs. But with meditation, one starts to develop the ability not only discerning very specific and detailed data, but to realize the power that the intuition and intention of life’s purpose has to provide wisdom of the next step on the road of becoming. The practice of meditation will support all to become more. As with meditation new perceptions and the ability to integrate with the Christ mind (the supper consciousness mind) allows for the truth to be self realize, to who you are and the power you have access to. Then having accessed the supper consciousness mind, be able to perceive unified embracing thought which lead to the development of an awakened mind and eventually to develop “Christ Consciousness awareness. You could say the awaken mind has the ability to access clairaudience, clairsentience, psychometric and different levels of clairvoyance. This is dependant on which level one experience feelings coming from one own spirit self. Also how one interprets those feelings. 

In order to discuss the mental body one has to take into account the ability to utilize all 3 aspects of the mental body. These aspects are the lower mental body or lower mind where one is concerned with fact and figures and accepted data that the lower mind accepts as truth. The next aspect is the higher mental body; here we tend to apply judgment and the power of discrimination using the information that experience gives us. These first 2 parts are mainly concerned with the facility of discerning very specific and detail data and then making judgment on the acquired data. With the conscious mind operating on only the lower mental awareness, and the higher mind without access to intuition one rises only to a level of the ego, and looses out on the ability to gain wisdom . At this level one can think, choose and with cognition form conclusion through logic and reasoning. But the accepted truth is incomplete or lacks the full truth. This leads me on to the higher mental intuitive body. The best way to understand intuition is realizing you can access the wisdom of your inner self (Christ Self) It is by listen to your own spirit self you can access the non physical aspect of the intelligence that created you. Here lies the power of the ability of been in touch with your emotions and the guidance been presented. Your own Christ Self will not willing go along with your deficient ideas and thoughts that are based on fear and fear related issues and coming from incomplete information. So there is a requirement to disassociate from the limited perception of the fearful mind. This is why meditation supports where you put your attention, by giving you the ability to commune with the spirit.

The Christ Body 
The Christ body contains the archetype of the perfect union of the inner and the outer reality, which is the perfect union of spirit and matter. The Christ child is the realization of the perfect idea made manifest on earth. The embodiment of this state of consciousness is what our life is really all about. Then the ego and the Christ mind become one. 
Pure Christ consciousness is characterized by an expansion of identity in steps. First the Christ teachers announce themselves. They prepare you to receive your Christ self. This allows you to experience compassion and love for all, your consciousness goes beyond reflections of the Mental or Astral levels, of consciousness where a state of ecstatic individual self transcendence takes place. Feelings of intense love are feed into your body and continue to a plateau of orgasmic ecstasy. Every New Bliss is experienced; until that time comes to let go all deficient thought and ideas less than love go. When you are in advanced state of inner communication with your Christ self you will be in a state continual ecstatic union with others. It is a state of intense love and communication with Father Mother God and all life.

This level is greatly misunderstood as within this body conscious is undifferentiated awareness so there is no real sense of individuality instead there is pure equality and a complete transcendence of the experience of all. Extreme sense of peace and the ability to see truth, hear sound, and know one’s nature is love, by accepting the wisdom which is characterized my omnipotence cosmic presence and the ability to unfold the progress of creation. If highly developed it knows that all is one. It perceives it is acting through all living creatures on all levels within existence. Specific laws govern the atma body.

The Monadic Body
This level of awareness can be best be described an un-extended indivisible and indestructible entity that is the ultimate constituent of the universe as well as been the microcosm of it. Experiences at this level, one is able to receive pure universal spiritual flame within their consciousness. The soul has acquired wisdom from the divine flame and has access to al levels below. Having experienced this level of consciousness, there is a direct relationship with the evolution of consciousness for all life.

The Logoic body
I can only give you an account of the brief experiences that I have experienced at this level of awareness. From my own personal experiences, awareness at this level is fundamentally Love. With the development of love and faith one enters into developing will and power. One then becomes aware that all is one. All power is from the one mind of Father Mother God, and can to be realized by all. While living on this level of existence, it briefly shows itself to the soul that is dismantling the Ego. It also demonstrates the unconditional love aspect of its knowing. It is at this level that one perceives all as love. There is a knowing that all is in a state of becoming and deserves to be supported with unconditional love. The laws govern form within a stellar body are now bringing all to a place within their consciousness to be self realized Christ’s. Here one starts to forgive, as this is the quality the Jesus demonstrated .When he said” Father forgive them, they know not what they do “.

The soul’s journey reaches it final destination when it become aware of its origins, then as you unite your lower consciousness with God, you begin to know God. You put on the mind of Christ. Without self realization you will feel a presence and the eminent nature of spirit merging within you. But in order to receive this new consciousness, it would be wise to empty out the consciousness which is based on fear and false truth of misconception of reality handed down from the beginning of time. Before you put on the mind of Christ, it is necessary to integrate your experience so as to understand the wisdom coming from the Diamond heart of God. “The Diamond River of Light” will merge within you to the wonder feeling of ever new bliss as result of been consciously be aware of the Love you are, the perfect reflected intelligence which is the Christ Consciousness made manifested on earth through us all. With the souls inherent intuitive sense awareness of God’s omnipresence what has obscured the soul from the truth will be unveiled by the ability to receive wisdom directly from the Christ Self, the true identity who is now aware of the Christ level of awareness of the Father Mother God of “All That Is”.

To support the unveiling of truth, I have prepared a process which I would like to share with you the seekers of truth. Our minds are drunk with delusion as we depend on only our five senses. Science has proving that this is most unproductive state of mind. (Cade research) I covered this already in one of my earlier articles in the pearls of wisdom section. It is this delusion that obliterates our true perceptions. We will not be able to apprehend the light of God vibrating through out creations until we become still. I have found from my own experience that the darkness of delusion that bonds me to fear goes away and into its place intuitions prevails allowing the “Diamond River of Light” awaken the “Diamond heart Awareness” revealing ourselves as light, love and wisdom.“That was the true light which lighted’ every man that cometh unto to the world” John 1:19” the significant problems we face in life just need light to be shined on them. What is light but love? So by giving love to all apparent problems, we can learn to release old feeling and thoughts that do not honor us or our true nature. 

I practice a method to release old thoughts and associated feeling which I call inner Christ letting go. I wish now to share the process with you.

Preparation to receive the Christ Self – Set aside space, time and attention to receive peace within your being. Be still and know I am .You can use certain prayers or you can be guided from within your own heart. This is the prayer I use and feel free to use it.
“I call forth the collective wisdom flame of the Diamond heart of The Father Mother God of which Love Wisdom, and power are being projected into my consciousness to be absorbed into my four lower bodies to support the transmutation of every trace of in- harmony, every perceived negative thought, word, miss judged feeling, or action that I have judged as less than love. In the sacred name of God “I AM”. I call forth my Holy Christ Self __________. (When you learn the name, you can apply)

“I Am” within the truth of love, wisdom and power. It expands my consciousness; it fills my awareness with power and authority of the presence of God. I ask this presence to remove all miss qualified energy of deficient thoughts and judgment of feeling coming up within my body to be released. Cut free all thoughts, ideas and concepts that bound me to this past energy. Cut free all thoughts that are less than love. Oh beloved Supreme Presence from every part and particle of God’s plan for me to materialize into my life now. Expand my consciousness so as it become stable in all vibratory realms of my being. Support me in realizing the presence of the immaculate Christ Consciousness in the all pervasive cosmic vibration through out creation” in all levels of my being. On and within my physical body,( slight pause to allow the experience to manifest within your consciousness )on and within my enteric level , pause ___, on and within my emotional body, ___pause ,___ on and within my mental body,___ on and within my intuitional levels,___ on and within my atomic body ,___on and within my Monadic level,___ on and within my logic levels,___ Since I am infinite, I make this call for all levels of my being. I ask this to be kept in place to support my every expanding consciousness. Thank you Father Mother God, and so it is now. 

Release every crystallize thought that I have created out of my focus on fear based ideas, concepts, judgments that were less than love within the core of my being. .For all is love. Release from the co –mind of Father Mother God all energies that have ever been created by me that are less than love. 

Before saying this prayer, one need to examine what is their focus. Usually we focus on our fears. I would ask you to regard intention in every thing you do as your divine work. Respect all; develop compassion and forgiveness for self and others. I remind you of what Jesus said “But I say unto you, I will not drink hence forth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father Kingdom” Matthew 26:29 so by developing the Christ consciousness awareness within you being, you too will drink of the divine bliss.