Author: Thomas

The Vibration of Duality of Its Oneness or “One Being” into Subjective and Objective Natures, at every level of its being


Now what is the meaning of the Divine Bridegroom as was spoken by Jesus? It is my understanding “that all that is” caused a vibration of duality of its oneness or “One Being” into subjective and objective natures, at every level of its being. This created a polarity of positive or negative streams of vibration. Hence God is universal spirit, universal mind, and the totality of all embodiment in creation. There for not separate from creation but all inclusive. So if you accept this. It follows that God is both objective and subject on every level of its being. When God said let there be light, it was the projected idea that was accepted into its own feminine aspect that created the only begotten son” The Christ consciousness”. Child of Spirit which is eternal and is life. This was the First coming of Christ. It was in fact the perfect idea. Now when we take this down to the level of this manifest world we notice the two complementary ways to create have been lost in translation.

The dual nature of our being has been denied and the false Christ of our own focus of fear and fear related issues have been projected into this world using God substance and this is fuelled by our bonding by the universal law of attraction. We stay bonded to the limited lives we live. God is eternal and so are you. You are constantly creating form and manifesting your creations. This is either consciously or unconsciously. What has been thought into existence is. Since you are a belief your belief limits what you imagine. It is only when the two become one; this knowing becomes conscious of its nature and its purpose. It is only recently that humankind has started to look at the process of creation and now visionaries have started to come into their own. I know you all heard about” the Secret” This is but a beginning of new wisdom which will change the world we live in.You who have been searching for truth are on the threshold of the greatest discovery in this century. What will take place very soon will be a massive awakening as the Christ light and the diamond heart awareness expands to all life.

1 Comment Categories: 2 guidance



This passion is the spirit within you, which endeavors to accomplish great things. Remember Jesus words, “Greater things should you do, that I have done”. To become intimate with spirit is the goal of everybody. But when our focus is on anything but on attention to spirit, we feel the absenteeism of spirit. This diverts the search to outside of us. It would have been wise had we searched for this intimacy with all our heart. Indeed with our entire mind and all our strength. Instead we settle for the intimacy with one another. We always attract to ourselves what lesson that the heart wants us to learn. “Intimum” in Latin means interior, which is explained as the inner core of our being. It is within the interior of our being that the spark of the Christ Self is waiting to develop, so it is like the “mustard seed “and will grow up to be magnificent and do great things.

What Faith was Jesus Talking About?


“FAITH is assurance of thing hoped for”. Intellectual faith admits doubt; Spiritual faith includes unfailing assurance and immediate response”. At the beginning of your work, these two attitudes of faith are often observed acting and reacting upon each other. Faith boosts the spoken word, so the word faith has an inner force. Words of faith set energy in action. When the centre of faith is activated, a idea in the mind of man (individual) connects him/her through faith with almighty energy. This faith centre within the pineal gland develops strong faith in “everything is possible”.

By affirming the activity of this super power, it will merge you to All That Is (Christ Consciousness). This ability is near impossible without stilling the mind the never rests. So meditation is advisable to experience the now moment. FAITH is the assurance or confidence within the mind brought about by devotion to seeking the truth that a particular thing or ideal will happen. Metaphysically, I have understood that the vibration of light that mind is able to expresses at its awareness level, always takes into account what the mind accepts as truth. Since then, my awareness of the indwelling Son of God consciousness “Christ consciousness”, the only begotten Son or Child of Spirit is living in my heart as the Inner Teacher

The True Bride and Groom


To expand your consciousness, blend your energy with that of the spiritual world and it would be wise to be desirous of this practice. Desire creates attraction and like attracts like. In the coming years, many will be anointed with the Baptism of Fire. To explain Baptism, Jesus uses the story of the Bride and the Groom at the marriage of Cana. I believe and have realized within myself as truth that this was the descending masculine and feminine dual force melting at the heart and creating a Diamond heart consciousness where all facets of the diamond are pure, immaculate and of the one energy which is LOVE. It is as the bride and groom unite in a mystical union and divine conception takes place, wherein the spiritual embryo is conceived and the infant Christ child is born around the pure self within the soul. I have experience this as the masculine force descending and the feminine force arising and expand the heart and the ability to LOVE. Love unconditional becomes a mind set.

Now what is the meaning of the Divine Bridegroom as was spoken by Jesus? It is my understanding “that all that is” caused a vibration of duality of its oneness or “One Being” into subjective and objective natures, at every level of its being. This created a polarity of positive or negative streams of vibration. Hence God is universal spirit, universal mind, and the totality of all embodiments in creation. There for not separate from creation but all inclusive. So if you accept this. It follows that God is both objective and subject on every level of its being. When God said let there be light, it was the projected idea that was accepted into its own feminine aspect that created the only begotten son” The Christ consciousness”. Child of Spirit which is eternal and is life. This was the First coming of Christ. It was in fact the perfect idea. Now when we take this down to the level of this manifest world we notice the two complementary ways to create have been lost in translation. The dual nature of our being has been denied and the false Christ of our own focus of fear and fear related issues have been projected into this world using God substance and this is fuelled by our bonding by the universal law of attraction. We stay bonded to the limited lives we live. God is eternal and so are you. You are constantly creating form and manifesting your creations. This is either consciously or unconsciously. What has been thought into existence is. Since you are a belief your belief limits what you imagine. It is only when the two become one; this knowing becomes conscious of its nature and its purpose. It is only recently that humankind has started to look at the process of creation and now visionaries have started to come into their own. I know you all heard about” the Secret” This is but a beginning of new wisdom which will change the world we live in.You who have been searching for truth are on the threshold of the greatest discovery in this century. What will take place very soon will be a massive awakening as the Christ light and the diamond heart awareness expands to all life.

1 Comment Categories: Wisdom Querries

Shift to Wisdom and Guidance Creates Cosmic Balance/Divine Bridegroom


Cosmic Balance/Divine Bridegroom

Preconceived opinion come from beliefs and makes it nearly impossible to change to the slightest degree. It is this foolish investment which each of us is afraid to let go that bonds us to same. So rather than accept what is new, most people reject all even if it contains the truth. In the case of a belief that you hold, that you are conscious about, have the intention of subjecting yourself to strict examination. Access what you want to change, by including the possibility that it might be incomplete and benefit by the expansion of your new truth. Now as children, we all accept a great majority of indoctrinating truth which is accepted by the subconscious mind by our acceptance and trusting nature. This empowers the so call beliefs to run in the background of our minds like a pilot light in your oven in the kitchen. It is always on. So our lives are built on the wrong foundation and will continually run like a computer without the ability to change. Change will only come by focus attention on intent, which will be energized by the feelings generated by action. It is now wise to take action. Growth can only take place when you dissociated from closed and limiting beliefs through meditation. Meditation allows dissociation and analysis of new wisdom which will expand your consciousness and identity. With self inquiry, we knock at the door of a new perception which opens to a new consciousness. By being focused and opened mind to new perceptions, one is able to listen to the inner teacher which will guide everyone to the true identity of who you are and what you could become.

It is by stilling the mind in meditation, which will lead everybody to discover and utilize the origin of power, health, happiness, courage and zeal to build for yourself the life of your dreams. Your individualized self-consciousness is within the core of your being. The trick is how to harmonize the activity of the individual consciousness with that of the universal consciousness. This is achieved by merging the heart and mind together and at the same time taken guidance from what you feel and start to communicate the potentialities of what could exist, will start to manifest. This leads to harmony of thoughts through feeling which will result in right action and deed. So you see, we actually perceive the world within by our intuition and imagination and we should be capable of listening to the voice of our own spirit self not one’s own fear based mind. It is the fear based thoughts which create a total false perception by the ego who does not want to listen to it own spirit self. It is the ego’s impatient of wants and lack of understanding that we are all one. Instead, it uses the intellect to give it life and survival. At the same time it creates a sense of lack and deficient ideas that human being are not enough and forgetting the pure soul within, which is the Christ Self of infinite consciousness and is eternal. So the world due to its lack of attention to meditation has failed to resurrect the consciousness that was to be shared among everyone within the mind of our heavenly parents. The natural order of creation has been reversed due to this failure. Instead of the Christ mind we have in its place the Antichrist. We create instead with our present limited helpless and ignorant understanding of our own give fearful minds and the Divine nature is un-awakened. It is like having a battered up car that is used while you let the BMW auto mobile sit because you are unaware of the beauty and power that you posses.

Divine Father Mother God Together Creates Unconditional Love


Divine Father Mother God together creates unconditional love. This is the love that everyone on this planet is striving for. Unconditional love is a process. It is the only process in life that is worth striving too. With the eventual achievement of obtaining the consciousness of unconditional love, peace within is achieved. Unconditional love does not identify with anything outside of your self. Your happiness does not depend on others or something outside of yourself, you are enough. Peace is always there, but if you create deficient thought, you turn your attention elsewhere and peace is disturbed. Usually our attention wanders to the past, what was or it rambles on to a desired future bringing with it also undesired fears. When you embrace Christ consciousness, life becomes about acceptance as it unfolds in its perfect way.

I have noticed with myself as soon as I desire something other than “What Is”, I create conflict and usual attract the lesson that come with that. There is a time to build and there is a time to act. So the question we all ask is what do I do with this life of mine? Within my experience, I have found that each moment unfolds with its own wisdom, truth and integrity. I also have found that when I am not in the moment I am not present, I am not at peace and I am creating deficient thought.

So, self mastery is about experiencing the NOW moment, moment by moment. When action takes place from a non-peaceful state, I am living in the past or a feared future. Hence, I try not to give attention to creating suffering for myself. Before I speak, act or do, I try to find a place within myself where I am at peace with the situation as it is.. When a situation become over bearing in my life and suffering is created, I now know its origin was my own mind. So this is the place where I choose to undo the attention to the suffering. In my younger days, I used to let my thoughts and feeling run wild without taming them. Hence, I lived my life through my beliefs, and so call truths that I accepted as truth. Also I miss read the feeling that were generated by all my thoughts, I created ideas about why my feelings were the way they were. I judged my words as I spoke them, and adopted the associate feelings that were produced..

The area that I first concentrated on was my mind, I started to realize that that the majority of the population had failed to utilize or develop their mind in all aspects. First I examined all of the old concepts and beliefs which occupied my mind and I accepted. I realized that I had accepted false truths about who I was. I then eliminated the negative errors with the help of my Christ Self and I accepted new ideas which were feed into my mind to test and used. Through this article, I am doing a service of self expression and by living it, I am making it ours. Let us talk about the assimilation of food in relation to the four concepts mentioned in part2 (acceptance, unification, use, realization). We all know that the correct intake of food and body activity creates a beautiful body form. Non judgments on the self and on others will digest life in a joyful way; and body digestion will correspond by being healthy as judging life and making any aspect deficient will create indigestion the body. Now we all know that the elimination of the food intake is necessary and we eliminate it regularly. Improper elimination will slow the process and also creates other problem with the body. Try not to go to the toilet for a week and see for yourself.

When we exhaled, we apply this technique to release the build up of carbon dioxide which the body produces as a by product of breathing and body metabolism build up. So what technique do we use to release old thoughts and associate feelings that are no longer working or useful in our life? We feed the human body regularly, with food of deficient thought. We breathe on instinct, and at night, we die for a short period of time each day. We regain consciousness and enter into the dream of perceptions that we have accepted as truth. But where does this truth come from .On analysis you will find it’s from previous perceptions that you accepted as your truth. Your focus is that you are powerless to change the dream of the perception you have created by your own minds. But during our day, the dream sometimes is too real and what is demonstrated in our lives is not desirable. But we still keep our focus on the problem, which create deficient thoughts which generate feelings. Where do these feelings come from but our own spirit self? I have found that my feelings are really a guidance system coming from within the core of my being. My own Christ self does not willing go along with the deficient thought that my fear based mind is suggesting. Over time, we are always creating our lives through the law of attraction. Do become aware of all your habitual self talk that is always going on within your fearful mind. This fear bonds us to creating less desirable outcomes. As we live in an unconditional response loving universe that manifests what we habitually focus on. It is recommended to create time in our lives for release and regeneration .The practice of good meditation, walks in nature, and prayer within Christ consciousness contact, is a good start to finding out if what I have told you is true for you. Our Christ Selves and the “I AM” presence are regenerating us all now with a new and developing consciousness so we can complete our spiritual journey.

In my life, I have become aware of Christ feeding of love since 1988. At first, it was just a small amount, and every so often it would increase. It was a gradual loving way that the spirit increases the love that my heart could take. I found that when I required more love, the love that I was receiving would become more intense and increased within me. This feeding of love always supported me. Sometimes it became so intense, I would feel overjoyed with the experience and I had a compelling desire to give it out to all around me. So with planned meditation, I have learned we regenerate ourselves consciously by desire and knowing.

When I was younger, I was really aware of one body. Then as I got older, I became aware of another body. I started to see the “Aura”. It was a beautiful array of color and it existed. I became very aware of the existence of other people aura. They would fade in and out of my mind, but it was always there. When I went through the psychic barrier and made my first contact with my Christ Self, I felt up lifted and free from fear and a sense of peace filled me and I received a knowing beyond anything I had felt before. This took place regularly. At times when I was going through these experiences I thought that my body was changing. Each subsequent spiritual experience that I went through I changed my perception of what I accepted as truth. Over along period of time my perceive consciousness was replaced with a new level of awareness. I choose to change my eating habits and use my free time to familiarize myself with the new energy within meditation. I felt that I grew increasingly lighter and lighter. My conscious mind was able to relax very easily over time. I became aware of the thoughts that my mind was entertaining and became the watcher. I started to be the witness of my deficient thoughts which were playing out in my life.

Over time, I tried not to be judgmental and increasingly my body felt more refined and my mind became more disciplined. I tried only to allow thoughts that would support life and that were constructive and positive. I habitually denied error thought of deficient nature and positively affirmed the truth which was communicated to me by my Christ Self. Now this was no walk in the park. I had to face all my desires and fulfill them by knowing that this was right for me for now without judgments.. It was when I started to have no desire left in me other than doing the work of Self Healing that I started to move in ways that astounded me.

I found for me the best way to dissolve my fears was by “prayer”. Not a pity me prayer, but a prayer of unification with God and a desire to know the truth. Over time, I found the any kind of fear would lower my vibration, so I would lovingly release any fear that I had to my Christ Self. With daily meditation, at first for 5 minutes, increasing to 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, later 20 minutes and later again 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours. When I got stuck, I used “prayer treatment”, I used prayer treatment for specific situations. This was a prayer similar to the prayer that Jesus thought his Disciples. Again, I found over time at the beginning that I was attracting fear entities by the dozen. I even attracted fake entities who gave signal which I assumed were from the Christ Self but they were not. So unless I received a unification experience with God, I did not believe the channel that I received. The signal given to me by my Christ Self never changed. So I am assuming that every person that has a desire to establish contact, their signal will remain constant. I used this to build it into safe guarding the channel. By channel I mean an inner knowing. There were times when I could not get verification signal, somehow I knew by the doubts and fears that I was experiencing that I would be wise not to trust the information coming from the fear related vibration.. The only time that my signal changed was when I was introduced to new Christ teachers and Christ masters. Here I was lifted to a higher vibration and awareness. An inner knowing would occur. I was told that if there was any judgment or fear related material presented to me, to affirm the truth by allowing non judgment, and love to heal the deficient thought forms occupying my mind.

When signals changed, I used to get two other practicing Christ conscious people to verify what this change meant and what it would be wise for me to accept. I had learned early on in my development that other entity would copycat the signal. So I always use double safe guard to verify information. The double safe guard was a complete joy that use to take place with the vibration I received. For me, I received various different types of signals all through my life. The first type of signal that I got was a feeling signal. The palms of my hands use to warm up. This signal was from my Christ Self, it was given before I realized I could communicate with my Christ Self. The next signal was the psycho-kinetic energy of lifting, it was from my “I AM” presence and my body was lifted or apparently lifted. The next signal I received was for verification, sometimes I would think of some thought and my body would verify by feelings of love within my heart that this was indeed from the Christ consciousness.

In the beginning, I used to get low vibration signal which I believed were entities that wanted to move into the light. I would receive “clairvoyant” signals and inner knowing. As time went on, I would receive Holy Fire” and many beautiful sensations that would last for various time spells, during these contacts, I gain great realization about unconditional LOVE. Now some of the feeling I received caused me to weep with joy and sometimes, I could but only bear it. When this happened, I used to send it to whoever needed it. After several months of receiving feedings of Holy fire, my Christ self told me to give it out to others. I became a channel and could do this at will when ever my intention was to empower others.

From a very early age in life, we are thought to judge not to appreciate. We are indoctrinated in the concept of using judgment of “what is good” and “what is bad”. By the very act of judgment, we create separation between us and God. We empower one person and make less of another but in fact we are both in the one mind of God. Jesus knew this when he spoke about judgment. “Judge not least you be judged”. As how can one say that one is better of less than the other when all is one? There is only one God and all life is that consciousness of God. My first judgment was that of my brother, “he was my younger brother and I created a perception that he need more love, so there would be less love for me”. Therefore I had to fend for myself. This act alone created for me separation and I saw myself as less, and it became a reality for me as my brother appeared to be loved to a greater degree. This self judgment by me was wrong. It was a perception that I accepted as true. It would have been better for me to appreciate him and look at the uniqueness of who he really was and who I really was, not put my attention to the fact that I was less than my brother. This act of judgment empowers one and makes less of the other.

With this act of judgment, I saw myself as less, therefore I became less. At four years, I became deaf and this started a series of things that would manifest in my life to fulfill this idea of what less could be. The fact that I was hard up in hearing made me more resolve to become aware, then if I had two good ears and not be aware. My brother was a sickly child and had to be loved more. My mother’s judgment about my brother created for me a desire for independence it wasn’t until my brother joined the army that he finally overcame this dependence on our mother. I on the other hand was not influenced by my parent’s beliefs hence I became independent thinker. As an independent individual, I ventured into my own world gaining insights, wisdom and confidence to empower myself by loose all preconceived ideas of false truths. Then my unique specialness started to develop. My place in the family was always looking in hence I created separation from my family and their limited perceptions which they accepted . So one can see how this self act of separation created for me both inhibition as well as blessings. My life played second best to my brother, until I became aware of the concept of unconditional love. Knowing and feeling God’s love, allow me to know I was loved and over time I healed the error in my thinking.

My second act of judgment was “when I damaged my ear drum and became deaf. I started to analyses why this happened to me. This too, played out its role in my life. If I am less than there must be a reason for that .So I manifested a hearing problem. From the time I became deaf in one ear my personality underwent change .Every body use have to repeat every thing twice for me. I became inhibited in school, I was considered not very bright. I felt that I was less intelligent than others and I developed a coping mechanism by retreating in to my heart. My mind was telling me that other people found it hard to understand me .So people then must be thinking that I am less than them. So I must be less intelligent than others. My brother was 13 months younger than me, so when my brother was born, I had to be second to everything. Firstly to my mothers love, then to my brother ability and too what he could achieves. All of my younger life, I perceived that there was less love for me. This was an error in my thinking as love is unconditional .Love was all around me, what was wrong was my perception .We are all one, we have come to this earth to create something that is so unique and special. These were just too early judgment that I made which created separation from God. Then at 12 years of age, I tried to connect to God because I missed the love that I used to have earlier. But the love never went anywhere. It was always there. It was the perception I had which created the chains of event that took place. With this a different perception, I have grown up to be the consciousness which I now have.

You the reader will be able to see where you might have created separation from love, but remember, the love is always there. It is your perception which has created judgment and it’s the love of Christ which fulfils it. “Christ Consciousness” is universal power. The universal power is directed by thought through the mind. So by creating deficient thoughts, these thoughts will manifest sometime in the future I learned that, the mind or lower ego is the tool we use to create separation from love from the higher source which is “God”. You have an idea in your mind, but often you wonder how that idea got there in the first place. Fear based thoughts stop any thing from coming into existence. I know that the mind of every individual is the medium which spirit puts ideas to take form. So mind is the channel through which the spiritual power takes a certain direction. Mind gives direction to the “spiritual law”. So if our minds have created separation and judge anything less than perfection, then through that process, spiritual law takes direction, which is false and what is demonstrated in our lives has a direct bearing on the content of the mind. So it is a wise man or women who learn to observe the thoughts which are allowed to grow within their mind. Without love the heart is hardened and devoid of presence.

Now, let us examine the thought which enter the mind. As fresh new beings coming into this world, we have clear and open minds. But by our judgments, we have created separation and in doing so; we have created negative thought forms that align with fear.. Also, we have being already influenced by the race mind negative thoughts from everyone who came before us. To add to that, we are reinforced with negative thought forms of (guilt, resentment, self rejection, fear, pride) this may be buried deep in our subconscious mind. One may ask, “How can a person clear this avalanche of negative thoughts, so one can better give direction to mind?”. The answer is, it will be done for you, through your desire to connect to your Christ self. It will be done through your work with the Father in meditation. Here you will experience pure love without thoughts, there is no deficient thought created. Because in God everything that happened in everyone life is accepted with no judgments as God’s love is unconditional. Remember you are hear to birth a new consciousness that will be supported by” all that is”

The first time when I went through the “psychic barrier” I felt negative thoughts, and old perceptions being cleared. Lightness and a knowing came from within. Thought entities that were stopping me making contact were cleared out of my mind. As I felt connected to the Christ self, a great clearing and cleaning of my subconscious mind took place. I had a major emotional reaction my whole body from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet experienced warm electric charges which cascade all over me, It was as if a bolt of lightening passed through me. My perception changed. I became aware of what thoughts my mind was entertaining and I started to see where my focus was bonding to. Also I became aware of what my habitual thoughts were for the last few months. Over time, I let go of old beliefs and negative thought forms which were no longer useful to me. Being individual expressions of God, it is our innate desire to express freely; what you may call your gifts or talents, become possible. Up to that time I had ignored my interest in psychic development, I only delayed the desire, really, because it was always there. It kept raising its head. At regular intervals I was prompted from within very gently to pursue a spiritual journey. After searching outside of my self and allowing others to define what truth was for me, I started to develop spiritually? I was living with false perceptions which I was indoctrinated with since I was born. I repressed my true dynamic expression of life and was living a life which I did not desire. You will have learned that people either express life of repress it. You will be able to look back over your life and see what you actually express and what you repressed. But overtime it will surface; sometimes it will manifest itself as hostility or even rebellion. Also illness or misfortune can vent out the disunity. In my case, I am a diabetic because I created a disunity thought form which may have been chosen by me to learn sensitivity and is manifesting as diabetes. Any thoughts which block your progress of having a wonderful experience could be thought of as mental inhibitor.

Mental inhibitors are block to true life expression. You will not know all your mental inhibitor as one by one they are brought up in front of you by your Christ self within your own mind. When they do, just be honest with yourself and love yourself. Then dissolve them, after all they are just thoughts. Any false thoughts can be dissolved by knowing it’s corresponding true thoughts or ask the Christ Self to give you the corresponding thoughts to re-educate yourself into a greater consciousness of perfection. One way is to re-affirm the truth as the need arises. In the beginning, we lost our identities of “Christ consciousness” and have learned to survive against everything else, as we saw ourselves as individual and separate from God.

Have you the reader ever been held as a prisoner by anyone? Up to passing through the physic barrier I had created my life situation where I felt like a prisoner, but within the prison, I had a life, but a limited life. You the reader have a life. Do you want more? Do you want to realize your dreams? After I went through the physic barrier I did. Before went through that experience was in a prison within my own mind. I was living a limited life with limited situation. My life was been created by my mind which habitually focus on fear. Daily I had to face my fears. For until recently, I lived the life of a man with chains, who accepted the chains and in doing so, I accepted the conflict for my life. I accepted the idea that I was an individualized being and I had to fend for myself. I had to fight for survival; I had to beat others in order to win. I mistakenly felt that I had no value. The question I asked was how could (God) allow me, his son to suffer. Worse, how could a loving Father cause all his sons and daughters to suffer as we do? I felt that God would find a way if I asked to figure out the world which I found myself in. Others who came before me must have asked too. As God did, find a way through Jesus, by sending His Christ consciousness into the dream which I lived and allowed it to take root within my dream. I felt that God knew that the seed would grow and that one day the “Prodigal Son” would wake up and see the error of his thinking. In order to wake up, one must have light to shine into the illusion of the dream. For me, the light was my desire and my desire has been fulfilled. So how did I recognize that I had a problem? You may well know of your problems about money, work, brothers, sisters, food and any circumstances surrounding your dream life. But, do you know what the real problem is?

I throughout my life I have had many problems. One by one, I solved them. Then a new set of problem would raise their head and I equally, tried to solve these as well. There was always one more problem to solve. , At times I felt inadequate and hence, I fell back into the dream. I re-bonded to my fear and fear related issues. My mission was not a success, I failed once again. I had tried to wake up from the dream many times before but also I had failed. My problems were on many levels. They were of a variety of different forms with as much varied content that I was left helpless, so failure was the result. On examination, I realised the complexity of the problem. Then I got an idea to think outside the box to solve the problem, just like the inventor or the modern artist would.

I asked myself “why was the world so unfair” and so not true, what might be the answer to the problem, Many times in my life, I has tried to fix whatever problem presented it’s self to me. But I just created another lot of problems, even worse than before. Until, I came upon the idea after one of my intensive workshops. The idea was, there is just one problem. The problem was “within the perception and the mechanism” that I saw the world in which I was experiencing now. So, when I stopped perceiving the world with only my five senses. I started to meditate to perceive it another way, and from that perspective, I solve the one problem. The answers were always there, but I failed to see them. When I got nearer and nearer the answer, I got drawn back into the false reality, which was the dream again. It was only when I realised what the problem was that I was able to solve it. Then I realised, I had the means to solve the problem. It came about for me in realizing that I was not an individualized being who had to fight for survival, but that was indeed A Christ of “I AM ALL THAT I AM” (God). So too was everyone else. Equally all life is the conscious of the Christ consciousness. All that was necessary for me was to acknowledge the truth and that alone would set me free. When I recognized that the one problem was solved, I started to see that I had no problem. It was like the story about” the king who had no cloths.”It just needed to be said. A sense of peace filled my being and acute awareness grew within my being which set me free. Now I am ready to take my rightful place in God plan for my salvation and support others as well.

Embracing Christ Consciousness and Shifting to Wisdom and Guidance.


There is a delicate balance between preparing to receive the Christ-consciousness and allowing the ego to claim it as a possession. In preparing to receive this awareness, it is necessary to not allow the ego to dictate the terms as the ego has a mentality that it is separate isolate and alone. It would be wise to love the ego unconditionally and allow the ego the choice of merging with the truth, that love is the only power that is. It is by applying love daily to yourself with all your strength that you can endure all human commotion, betrayal and competition between the other ego’s while you become aware of the flame of the Holy Spirit within your heart. It is the flame of Christ-consciousness which will illuminate the mind. It will nourish the immaculate idea of the new born child with the wisdom of creative thought which gives God’s will freedom to express unconditionally.

I started to realize that I came into this life to express the good news that we are all “Christ Consciousness” and that it was time to wake up. Before, I brought the dream I lived the anti-Christ life and struggled with a false reality. I allowed my fears to run my life. It wasn’t until I woke up and realized the true path that would lead me to a new awareness of embracing the Christ conscious within all life. I was living with false perceptions which I was indoctrinated with since I was born. I repressed my true dynamic expression of life and was living a life which I did not desire.

From a long time back, I had heard that we were living in world of illusion. But living in that illusion did seemed so real to me. So I asked the question “How such various and infinite realities manifested for the population of the world?” I was posing the question about what power was behind this world. I realized that the greatest thing that I could do, was to get to know that power. This power had no name to my knowledge or there was no or little knowledge available about where this power originated. Little did I know that I set the concept of “Christ consciousness “being the power within my being in to motion? I wondered where it was and how to access it .This wonderment became my focus.. How do we create, where do ideas come from and why do paradigm shifts take places I noticed that when I gained new perceptions I made new discoveries’ I realized that my beliefs and what I habitually focused on were part of how things manifest in my world, so depending on what I believed or expected there was a corresponding coming together of energy which would lend itself to my ability to manifest. I realized that my thoughts had a direct effect on everything. I started a process of energizing and envisioning desired results Add to that, my desires and the feelings which accompanied my thoughts. But always there was a focus which would be deficient as there was judgment and fear the result would be watered down by the fact that I did believe in separation and I did live in that separation. So as long as I give my attention to thoughts or ideas that were deficient, I would experience them. I started to experience my very thoughts. Separation was real, so I would fall back into the dream. I started to realize that every thought I had brought with it love or the opposite fear. There was nothing in between love .Love was absolute. Fear was received with various levels of intensity.

At first, it was hard to dismiss fearful thoughts. Then I was able to separates out what was false from the feeling of what was felt true by my inner guidance. , because the truth was that all thoughts are equal and equally unreal if they created fear. This realization set me free. The dream had no power over me now. What manifests ,”is what is”. But from time to time, I did get brought back into the dream and my attention would go to a specific problem which would raise its head. In doing so, I lower my vibration and bonded to fear, feeling the fear as real. I know now that I give power to co- create what is not real or serves me. “I Am Christ consciousness” unconditionally creates what I give my attention to. So what I believe or expect is. I noticed that I attracted what ever I feared. My habitual thoughts were deficient and full of fear. We are all co creators in the one mind of god.

The world to me today, is the sum total of all thoughts that were ever created. It would be wise to realize that all these thoughts have happened in the dream and do not affect your true reality, and your perception of it. I found that every thought that I contemplated without judgment contributed to created for me self realization at some level. My thoughts brought me to a point within my consciousness of the infinite possibilities that could be. But once I realize this, I now could allow the future be attracted to me. I created the experience that I experience and I in the past failed to see that I was the creator of my own misfortune. But now, I am able to look at any situation and allow the wisdom to come forth for me. I forgive myself for thinking that the dream was real.

In the past, I believed that the world was full of individual separate beings. This fact made me believed that I was vulnerable to attack and as a result I was attacked. The only place that the attacked thoughts were was within my own mind. So before I could damage my enemy, I actually damage myself first. The damage was created with my own mind. So my thoughts created within me vulnerability and hence I was attacked. So actual I attacked myself out of the mind of God by my creation of false image of who I am. Since all life is God consciousness; it is fair to see that the attack can come from anywhere. But remember you created the attack first in your own mind. Jesus knew this when he said “judge not least you be judged”. Because when you attack, you create judgment which comes back to the individual who created the thought.

I realised that my life was a mirror of the thoughts which I have ever entertained. Any judgment that I made of a situation, created a separation and that separation in turn was adding to the imbalance which already existed. I had to ask myself, “What laws if any existed that the dream of life abides by?” During my college days, I studied physics and the laws of the universe. Two laws which remained in my mind were, “matter can neither be created nor destroyed”, and “the concept of the balance of forces”. Now these laws were always demonstrated all around me. When we started to understand the laws of the universe, we realize the universal law will be reveled in a timely manner, so as to gain new perceptions. Now I felt that the universal law will work in whatever location it is found. Jesus knew this as he said, “as above so below”. I remember in the physics practical demonstration taken place to prove these laws and discussion taken place to disapprove them, but modern physics is now moving towards the string theory and the concept of multiply universes and quantum physics. I remember a sea-saw effect where two objects are placed on two ends of the sea-saw and one would bring it up, and the other would bring it down. From experiencing this I realized and acknowledged that pressure always creates an equal and opposite pressure. So resistance from the mind and focus on those deficient thoughts creates resistances.

In the beginning, God saw His creation as good. He did not see good and bad. There was no judgment of any of creation. The judgment came in to existence through the mind, when fear entered the aura of individuals who excepted the dream, that they were separate from God. Hence the altered ego was created. Altered ego – is an ego put in place instead of what is. Therefore this altered ego is a perceived force against God and it has to play the game of survival. But in fact there is no power against God, for God is all that is.

When I was a child, I believed that God was someone who was outside of me, away up in the clouds, far, far away, which created for me a separate entity. Since I was brought up as a Catholic, I believed the Devil was a force or entity which opposes God. This was an error in my thinking as there is no energy apart of God consciousness. Of all the religions that I have studied and I have study a lot, they all talk about one God yet give power to other Gods who don’t exist. So all religions are man made because they were created with deficient thought and were used by men who wanted to control what people thought. As a child, I believed what I was thought and failed to see the oneness of God. Therefore God is not absolute, meaning, “Not all that is” and has a force which opposed it. Here is where I accepted the anti-Christ, because I denied the Christ consciousness of all that is, by thinking deficient thoughts which were fear based and created separation from truth. When I passed through the psychic barriers within meditation I realized by degrees that there was only one absolute and that is “I AM all that I AM”.

Now I know that this world is the creation of the mind of all the individuals who ever lived and have created deficient thought and fear. So what we have created in the dream can be also destroyed. We all lived in a heavenly state until we came to the earth for the first time. Then we accepted the opposite to eternal life. We once were innocent and loved, now through our own choice become less, and enter hell. This hell is of our own making.

The opposite of eternal life is a limited life, so we invented death. This death is the lie which keeps all other lies in place. Now a sense of powerlessness bears witness to the “I AM all that I am” which is an error. Now all power is outside of us. In order to create death, we created fear, because when you have fear, you are all the times looking over your shoulder, and you become ill at ease and hence created disease. I know this, because I have developed disease in my life. Now my altered ego denies the Christ consciousness of the “I AM all that I AM” and continue to fight for survival where life was abundant, now there is lack, where life was good, now there is good and bad. Where everything was equal, now we have scarcity for those who have not and the effect of that. We also have those who have everything and always did. We created separation for our self by our handed down beliefs and what followed is to have or to have not. Survival followed due to this. You become an expression of who you think you are. Thus judging anybody or situation keeps you boned to what is not real.

Because “All That Is”, is an absolute, what everyone has created comes back to the Creator. So all the fearful thoughts, or emotional painful thoughts do come back to the one Christ Consciousness of “I AM All That Is”. When bad things befall us, we have to blame someone, so who do we blame? I used to blame God, and that is exactly what the altered ego wanted me to do. This insures the altered ego survival. I realized only recently that I could not fix the dream as in order to fix the dream, I would have to become part of it. So I asked for help. The help came through the Christ consciousness contact, call it “the Holy Spirit” or God consciousness. So through this contact, I am in the progress of dismantling the judgment s of thought which I have kept as my truth. Now, I hope to build a bridge back to the reality of “I AM all that I AM” consciousness. This contact for me came because I desired it. So do not be afraid to follow your heart desire.

When I did become part of the dream, I realized that there were inhibiting thoughts in my mind which I allowed hence they manifested. The first of these was thoughts of survival and my need to control. I am still working on acceptance and allowing spirit to guide. The fact that part of me saw myself as separate and that I was vulnerable to attack. I did experience my very thought instantly But the truth was, there is only one power in the universe and that power is “Love” for .me and everybody else and there is no other power which could be against me. I prayed to the Christ consciousness in me to truly know this. Because I still had not fully accepted this fact, my mind gave energy to the one source of power and manifested my fears unconditionally.

The power outside me created a world of “Us and them” and put in place a lack of acceptance of the true Christ consciousness “I AM all that I AM”. So it become necessary to criticize and to condemn what I felt could be a threat to me. This created for me, confusions and disorder. I use to always create thoughts which lowered my vibration, as I was afraid that I would be wrong, instead of appreciation that I was doing the best that I was capable of for now. True self expression is “I AM all that I AM” and any other expression is brought about by guilt. Guilt lowered my vibration. I saw guilt as an inhibitor of true self expression and a degrade of the “I AM all that I AM”. Guilt used to place me on a lower vibration. I would feel not loved and I would feel self deficient and judge myself harshly. Instead of being guided by how I felt and trusted that my own spirit self was not agreeing with the thoughts I was creating. So by choosing to bond to deficient thought while focusing on my fears, I was lending my energy to attracting and creating my fears. Here I was influence by possessions of some type or other of deficient thought, who themselves were lost. I am talking about thought forms as enties. I chose not to accept guilt and I asked the “I AM all that I AM” in my heart to replace the false belief with the idea of truth. When I look at the world, I could see that everyone was on a path of unfolding their true being. What was stopping me was the resistance being created within my own mind There is no need for anyone to live with guilt, “I AM all that I AM” replaced the false beliefs with the truth when you search within your spiritual journey “we are all perfect beings” each trying to wake up from the dream of the altered ego. God loves and forgives us and we love and forgive ourselves, when we pass through the physic barrier because we are all in the Diamond Heart, which is the one mind of God. Which is all loving and wise?

The corresponding truth is self forgiveness and acceptance of the self as “I am perfect for me for now”. I knew the universe held nothing against me and I hold nothing against the universe. I am on my perfect path of “unfolding my true being” and I am “perfect for me for now”. When I experienced a negative response from the world, I realized that it came from my bonding to what ever I give my attention to. So there was no use blaming others for my problem, or been jealous of them. Because I give no power to anything or anyone outside of myself that could create any negative experience for me. I realized that I created all my experiences. I try now to allow life to unfold. We all are God consciousness, some are aware, but the vast majority does not know yet. For a long time, I have accept that the kingdom of heaven is within, so it follows that “I AM all that I AM” is within me, as it is also is within you, and that makes you and I master of our own destiny.

Unification with God is inclusive not exclusive. So, all of my desires are known to the source of “I AM All That I AM”. So I accept everything that has happened in my life with love. My spiritual journey has given me the ability to experience different realities. Everything that has come about has happened out of God’s love for me. All my desires are been fulfilled by the “I AM all that I AM” presence. I now believe that the true intentions of my life were created on the levels of spirit but because of the vast subconscious mind that has excepted fear and deficient thoughts, I have blocked and distorted my true intention and lost sight of my true identify, hence, what is manifesting within my life now seems to be less than a perfect experience. But I know now that all experiences that I have experienced have brought me to the awareness and point of consciousness which now is a reality. Therefore, my true desires have been meet, and I have been set free. It was my perception which judged what was manifested in my life was not right, but if I had any other life, I would never have arrived at this place in consciousness. I am grateful for all the guidance and lessons which I have been given by all the people who crossed my path.

Since fear is a state of mind and it is now loosing its grip on mankind within a larger number of people due to the grace of God. The validity of the old paradigm of the need to attack and defend, what is not real, does not cover the new truths emerging. It is now irrational and obsolete to hold on to old concepts that form the guide lines that we are in survival mode and separate from God. Truth is changeless. It has been a long time emerging. It took the coming of Jesus and many great souls to bring about the subtlety of the soul and the supremacy of Spirit to conqueror the psychic forces which were created by the lie of the false ego. The ego self esteem is dependent on how much it has, equally it tends to create division and it finds ways to prove that its arbitrary divisions are valid.

As I discovered new perceptions I became a teacher and as a teacher my wish was to empower all to travel their own path. By choosing to dissolve your fears of the unknown and embracing your truth, the truth will set you free. What you have read within this article may have challenged your truth. There is a tendency to recoil from it. Some may display anger; some may rubbish it, and offer a defense. This is a reaction to defend what is not real, but truth needs no defense. At the intellectual level you can read my words and not understand them. As to understand my words you would be wise to develop your own intuition functions at a higher state of consciousness. To find your own truth it is necessary to practice your meditation regularly. This will develop your higher intuition and manifest your higher wisdom which will come from within from you heart. Each person has a potential to discover their truth. Your truth is within your heart and when you are ready you will embrace the truth about yourself. Truth allows us to be our self.

On entering into the higher plains of consciousness you will find peace .You will realize that the birth of your Christ self is the door to the realization of your origination is from Father Mother God as a unique idea to be sent forth upon the beam of light into this plane of limited Self awareness, that you and I and all life might gain that inner identify and eternal flame which is love.

Shift to Wisdom by Guiding your Imagination to be Creative and Less Limiting


Shift to wisdom by guiding your imagination to be creative and less limiting .

Take Charge of Your Feelings through Non directive Meditation where your focus and attention is allowed to day dream possible solutions that solve life situation’s

If you’re troubled by strong feelings and memories, non-directive meditation may help you sort out what to give your attention to. It certainly will create greater awareness of the creativity that is within you to actively go about solving life problems. Know that what you focus on and think as habit will always dilute down possible outcomes things. Documented evidence and recent study found that this form of meditation is more effective than regular rest or other kinds of meditation when it comes to getting in touch with you. Getting to know the true self “The Christ within” the inner teacher with our heart creates more and greater awareness of what is possible through the power of love.

While meditation often involves focusing on a specific object or your breath, non-directive meditation encourages day dreaming. Take a look at the benefits of this practice and learn how to get started.

Benefits of Non-directive Meditation

Build self-awareness confront and address what’s going on within your unconscious and conscious of your mind. Observing the nature of your thoughts will teach you about your values and aspirations. Yes your fears will come up into your awareness but so too will solutions. Watching the corresponding thoughts and how they reflect back will give guidance by how you feel. Knowing how you come across to others will make you more effective at promoting cooperation to create harmony instead of confusion. This creates a different vibration base of love and acceptance.

Teaches awareness and to accept yourself. Uncertainty creates anxiety and fearful thoughts which will have corresponding feeling of guidance as to what to not focus on. Facing your darkest feelings shows you that you can handle them. It also allows you to get closer to the ability of solving them. You can love yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. This is true acceptance.

Potential will be stimulating creativity. As we grow older, career and family demands lessen your time for play. Indulging in fantasies can make you more innovative. Maybe you’ll discover a quicker method for doing the house work or for doing the shopping. Maybe you’ll start writing poetry or painting landscapes or even write a book. True creativity is known with you soul. Use your imagination to bring life to it.

Goes a long way in understand others fears and doubts Another advantage of flexible thinking and observing corresponding feeling is that it makes it easier to put yourself in another person’s shoes. This allows you to open up to compassion. You’ll be able to see important issues from multiple perspectives. Once you see why your child is afraid of certain situations, you’ll know how to comfort them. As awareness grows so too will your compassion and love.

Initiate positive changes. Looking back into your past gives you a better picture of what your future could be like. Use your insights to adopt new habits that bring you closer to your goals. Develop your communication skills or engage in regular physical exercise.

How to Practice Non directive Meditation

Apply Non directive Meditation to any problems that you may be facing

Strengthen your relationships with other is important some of our most intense emotions come up in our interactions with others. Non-directive meditation may help you adjust your thinking about your non flexible mentality or lack of true awareness of truth accepted by you or a neighbor you find irritating. This OPENS ONE UP TO COMPASSION AND DESIRE LESS LOVE AS A WAY OF LIVING THINKING AND FEELING. This raises your vibrations.

Make your work more meaningful. Picture yourself in your dream job. The vision may inspire you to look for a new position or shake up your routine at your current job. Take on a challenging project at work or find a mentor in your field who can help you move beyond your comfort zone. As co-creators with “I AM All That I AM” we were meant to feeling that wich was within our soul and bring it it to full manifestation.

Stick to your diet ever thing in moderation both happiness and sadness can trigger overeating When you gain control over your feelings, it’s easier to limit yourself to small sensible eating habits if thought them as children. You’ll be able to just eat when you’re hungry instead of being led off track by your feelings.

Enhance your spirituality by regular nondirective meditation provides opportunity to
examine your life and life experience and potential source of ideas at dealing wit and adversity.

Achieve greater serenity through non directive meditation. Letting your thoughts follow their own course can help you uncover your true feelings and make peace with your past. This you will prevents deflecting or comparing and create true awareness.

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Shift to Wisdom by Embracing Knowing How You Feel About Your Real Thoughts


Take Charge of Your Feelings through Non-directive Meditation where your focus and attention is allowed to day dream possible solutions that solve life situation’s

If you’re troubled by strong feelings and memories, non-directive meditation may help you sort out what to give your attention to. It certainly will create greater awareness of the creativity that is within you to actively go about solving life problems. Know that what you focus on and think as habit will always dilute down possible outcomes things. Documented evidence and recent study found that this form of meditation is more effective than regular rest or other kinds of meditation when it comes to getting in touch with you. Getting to know the true self “The Christ within” the inner teacher with our heart creates more and greater awareness of what is possible through the power of love.

While meditation often involves focusing on a specific object or your breath, non directive meditation encourages day dreaming. Take a look at the benefits of this practice and learn how to get started.

Benefits of Nondirective Meditation

Build self-awareness confront and address what’s going on within your unconscious and conscious of your mind. Observing the nature of your thoughts will teach you about your values and aspirations. Yes your fears will come up into your awareness but so too will solutions. Watching the corresponding thoughts and how they reflect back will give guidance by how you feel. Knowing how you come across to others will make you more effective at promoting cooperation to create harmony instead of confusion. This creates a different vibration base of love and acceptance.

Teaches awareness and to accept yourself. Uncertainty creates anxiety and fearful thoughts which will have corresponding feeling of guidance as to what to not focus on. Facing your darkest feelings shows you that you can handle them. It also allows you to get closer to the ability of solving them. You can love yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. This is true acceptance.

Potential will be stimulating creativity. As we grow older, career and family demands lessen your time for play. Indulging in fantasies can make you more innovative. Maybe you’ll discover a quicker method for doing the house work or for doing the shopping. Maybe you’ll start writing poetry or painting landscapes or even write a book. True creativity is known with you soul. Use your imagination to bring life to it.

Goes a long way in understand others fears and doubts Another advantage of flexible thinking and observing corresponding feeling is that it makes it easier to put yourself in another person’s shoes. This allows you to open up to compassion. You’ll be able to see important issues from multiple perspectives. Once you see why your child is afraid of certain situations, you’ll know how to comfort them. As awareness grows so too will your compassion and love.

Initiate positive changes. Looking back into your past gives you a better picture of what your future could be like. Use your insights to adopt new habits that bring you closer to your goals. Develop your communication skills or engage in regular physical exercise.

How to Practice -Meditation

Apply Non directive Meditation to any problems that you may be facing

Strengthen your relationships with other is important some of our most intense emotions come up in our interactions with others. Nondirective meditation may help you adjust your thinking about your non flexible mentality or lack of true awareness of truth accepted by you or a neighbor you find irritating. This OPENS ONE UP TO COMPASSION AND DESIRE LESS LOVE AS A WAY OF LIVING THINKING AND FEELING. This raises your vibrations.

Make your work more meaningful. Picture yourself in your dream job. The vision may inspire you to look for a new position or shake up your routine at your current job. Take on a challenging project at work or find a mentor in your field who can help you move beyond your comfort zone. As co-creators with “I AM All That I AM” we were meant to feeling that wich was within our soul and bring it it to full manifestation.

Stick to your diet ever thing in moderation both happiness and sadness can trigger overeating When you gain control over your feelings, it’s easier to limit yourself to small sensible eating habits if thought them as children. You’ll be able to just eat when you’re hungry instead of being led off track by your feelings.

Enhance your spirituality by regular non-directive meditation provides opportunity to examine your life and life experience and potential source of ideas at dealing with and adversity.

Achieve greater serenity through non directive meditation. Letting your thoughts follow their own course can help you uncover your true feelings and make peace with your past. This you will prevents deflecting or comparing

British Psycho Physiologist Cecil Maxwell Cade (1918-1984).


With our conscious mind, we tend to analyze and judge data. We used the process of thinking, planning, making judgement and using references of past experiences from our memory to determine truth. Whether good or bad experiences, the mind holds them in our memory and accepts them as truth. When we, as individuals seem and act with fear, the feelings of fear distort truth . In fact these feelings come from the spirit self , as it does not agree with your focus or your self talk coming from the conscious mind. These feelings are guidance from within our being, that the thoughts that we are focussing on are deficient and that they will manifest in your life as we are co creators with” all that is” So our heart prompt us in one direction and the fearful mind prompt us in another direction out of fear. Hence we have two masters. Some point in the future the mind will furnish us with the stored thought which will be triggered with certain feelings of fear. Our bonding to this old feelings will keep attracting the same outcome through the law of attraction. Thought patterns that become permanent do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries. By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete we ignore our superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the super conscious mind which is available to all. This super conscious mind gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to all that is. So it is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. It used to be said that knowledge was power, but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? One must know what to do with the knowledge that one has acquired and one must utilized this knowledge for all.

So how can we let these feelings and deficient thoughts deprived us from the love that we truly are. The process to successfully released old thoughts and associated feelings is called meditation. Meditation will create greater mental clarity. It will also give you the ability to dissociate from what is no longer working in your life or damaging your life experiences. After meditating for a while you will developed a proficiency and be able to have the advantage point from where you will become aware to your own thoughts and associated feelings as they arise in your daily activities. You will see and be aware of what sets off the trigger that creates fear or how you react to a given situation or to certain ideas or individual concepts. This gives you the upper hand and allows you to use wisdom to think things through.

Psychics, metaphysicians and mystics seem to understand what consciousness is, but to the broader community, it remains very limited. It is to this group of people who I am addressing this “pearl of wisdom” to.
Since I am a mystic and have been all my life, I would like to address the short fall of information that is available for those who now seek truth. The word consciousness has been clearly misunderstood by the vast population of the world. Conscious as been defined by the dictionary “ as awareness by the mind of itself and awareness of the world around itself”. This awareness is based on the five senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste but it does not take into account other perception which have been developed by psychics, meta-physicians and mystics.

When I first started studying metaphysics and mysticism, I was always looking at the other side of the equation of life. My daily background was in Science, mostly Biology, Chemistry and Fine Sciences. So I came from a practical logical background. But I was always drawn to people who were like teachers for me who encouraged my deep analytical mind to develop greater means of understanding and analysing what consciousness was. I came across another definition of what consciousness was from a paper I read by a British psycho physiologist Cecil Maxwell Cade (1918-1984). He had actually developed a new way to measure consciousness. This new method is called “Electroencephalogram or EEG readings.

The paper goes on to say that “there are five observable levels of consciousness” for which I can vouch for through my own experienced. But that study is now obsolete. But for the purpose of this discussion we will briefly review it. For this study, it was decided to observed experienced mediators, for they have achieved various other levels of awareness. These five levels of consciousness were recorded as going from the awaken state to deep meditation state and beyond. They are described as what follows.

1) Dream State or dream sleep state – This awareness does not take into account any awareness from the external world. This awareness is associated as coming from the internal imagination of the recipient. So “who or what” is the observer. .
2) The next state is called Hypnotic – This state of awareness happen between the awaken state and the half a sleep state. Within this awareness you are aware of the external world, but also the semi-consciousness of the dream sleep state.
3) The Fully Awaken State – your full awareness is on the world and your focus is the world around you.
4) The Meditative State – where one has withdrawn their awareness from the external environment and are perceiving perceptions from within the core of their being.
5) The fifth state is the Awaken Mind – This state of awareness is experienced only by experienced mediators. This is where one is able to maintain awareness of both the self and the internal awareness of the awareness of the all environments.

On inspection, the results shows vast differences between the different states of awareness particularly between the awaken state of everyday awareness to that of the awakened mind. Cade’s overall research was an eye opener to those people particularly Scientist and Physicist who were looking for evidence of data and proof of the benefit of meditation. Cade’s results also showed that beta wave content was balanced over the two brains hemisphere. This suggested that there was a balanced between the left brain and right brain. So it was obvious that the best most productive and highest level of consciousness and brain functionality cannot be achieved in the awaken state. Just look what Albert Einstein did and said I can remember the exact quote but if goes something like this – the intelligence that created the problem, can not solve the problems, and the only way is to shed new light on the subject. New light is every day been shed on what consciousness is, from metaphysicians and other innovative Scientist and healers.

As a metaphysician, mystic and a healer I believed and know that there is no separation from existence but that which the mind accept as true. Also, I now introduce to these five levels of consciousness a sixth state. This state of consciousness is called “Self-Mastery in Christ Consciousness“. This is the state of consciousness that Jesus sheared to the world over 2000 years ago. Within this state of consciousness, the recipient interacts at the diamond heart awareness level of awareness with the materialisation of invisible beings .through thoughts, feelings and the actual momentarily materialization into form, which can be seen by the material eye both internally and externally. Para-psychological studies had been recorded as well as telepathic experiences also clairvoyance and clairaudience by many prominent scientists. There are many prominent Doctors and Scientist forging a path with new an innovative discoveries. Also many such studies on pre-cognition, psychometrics, astral projection, dream analysis and communication with animals and other life forms are easily found on the internet.

I have spoken to many people who have had these experiences and have shared them with me. All of them had revealed to me a vast amount of wisdom. More and more people in this present age are experiencing higher levels of consciousness which vary from individual to individual. Just as there are only five levels of consciousness which can be proven by the Scientific measurement there are many more levels of consciousness to be discovered. Jesus said, “In my Fathers there are many mansions”. In order to gain perception into these levels of consciousness, one would be wise to prepare to give up self (ego), as self does not exist as separate entity outside of the mind of infinite consciousness. One has to choose to loose oneself to find one’s true self. This true self is a Christ Being of infinite love and power and is there to be realized by all. When one receives conscious contact with their own Christ Self or I Am Presence, one is attuned to the higher spiritual vibration of love. Up to now most of us have been broken and taken apart and have experienced deep separation from love. But now as the awakening is taken place, people are starting to realized that to be broken and lost is the only way to find our true self. Our work or task was to integrate our egos with our true self the Christ Being.

All can be forgiven if there is no concept of sin or guilt. Jesus knew this when He said “ Your sins are forgiven”. The awakening has been taken place as the perfect love which is the perfect idea is now birthing and manifesting. This will facilitate a new consciousness of love for all who focused and search for truth. Love dissolves all fears. When this realization takes place, which is the perfect idea that you are the Immaculate Concept of Father Mother God, also unique, truth set you free. When this takes place within your conscious mind, you put on the mind of the Christ and this is accompanied by a massive spiritual experience of ecstasy of ever new bliss. You will feel this within your heart. This will be a conscious communion taken place with spirit. After which further awakening will take place and greater wisdom will be followed by new knowledge of one’s true self. All will start to receive love feedings as the diamond river of light brings to recipient DiamondHeart awareness. This begins the recipient’s task to move into the sixth state which I call The Self Mastery in Christ Consciousness. In Cade time this state was not measurable , but now major break through are well on their way. All will start to receive stronger feedings of love, peace and joy. These love feedings will grow in magnitude and length. At first gradually then as the conscious mind accepts the truth, the feelings will gather great momentum. As the mind starts to receive wisdom, confirmation will be recognized by feedings of ecstasy and joy and the recipient will be left in no doubt of the unconditional love of our Father Mother God. These feelings of love will come with inter heart awareness, this is a transformative process which I call “DiamondHeart Awareness”. After persistent and deliberate focus, the person or people who attuned to the level of spirit will developed self authority in all levels of their lives.

This level of self authority will allow all who practice self mastery in Christ consciousness to heal influences and entities of the lower levels of vibration. I realized that I was an individual expression of my parents “ Father Mother God of all that is“ As an individual express .there was an impulse to be co -creative and to express all that I am. I started to realise that certain desires were planted within my soul by Father Mother God of all that is. The desire which spirit plants in our souls are our talents. All that is , is dynamic therefore we are dynamic beings who wish to express our unique talents for the good of all. But fear and bonding to fear represses our through expression of life. Bonding takes place by what we habitually focus on and keep us limited. So it is little wonder that we stay bonded to a limited life. What is it in us that keeps us believing that we are limited beings.? The Christ in you see you as perfect , but you do not agree. So you judge your talents and gifts as less and fail to deliver them to the world. Our souls are pure and beyond beauty, but with our attachment to fear, and our focus kept on fear, we are not enough. So deficient thoughts and associated feelings keeps us bonded to the life we have.

“All That Is” (Source) call it God or any name you like but do get to know it. The means in which you will be supported and guided is called meditation. Meditation increases the activity of the pituitary gland and also opens more of your brain to a new level of consciousness. It allows you to accept within your truth the invisible power that you posses and allows you access your true nature which in turn creates a knowing of “Who you really are”. You are the consciousness of all that is which is all expanding, all knowing, all loving source. Your empowerment will come from the awareness of loving all things without judgment and accepting what is. Remember, you are constantly changing and perceiving new discoveries and levels of awareness also “ALL That Is” is expanding and ever evolving by your partnership. Each of us represent a unique perception of divine reality. So truth does not exist, truth is always expanding and changing.
Not realizing that we are the prodigal children of God and Goddess and all we have to do is choose to contact home. Our work is to realize this fact. Our inheritance is our divine inner loving, all powerful nature. It is only when we remember our true nature and start acting with this knowing that we bring heaven to earth. This knowing of our unconditional loving nature allows us to have a relationship with God. As we are fully conscious of whom we are. By making meditation your work on a daily bases, you learn consciously to lift the soul in bondage from body consciousness into the divine presence of God.

I was a prodigal soul wandering in consciousness of only mater but now I am doing the work of meditation and self discipline and have been graciously been given a small glimpse of the infinite presence that I am. Now I am blessed as I truly feel the presence all around me. With this support and guidance I am in the process of practicing non attachment and unconditional love. Hopefully I will gain more wisdom and knowi