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Embracing Christ Consciousness and Shifting to Wisdom and Guidance.


There is a delicate balance between preparing to receive the Christ-consciousness and allowing the ego to claim it as a possession. In preparing to receive this awareness, it is necessary to not allow the ego to dictate the terms as the ego has a mentality that it is separate isolate and alone. It would be wise to love the ego unconditionally and allow the ego the choice of merging with the truth, that love is the only power that is. It is by applying love daily to yourself with all your strength that you can endure all human commotion, betrayal and competition between the other ego’s while you become aware of the flame of the Holy Spirit within your heart. It is the flame of Christ-consciousness which will illuminate the mind. It will nourish the immaculate idea of the new born child with the wisdom of creative thought which gives God’s will freedom to express unconditionally.

I started to realize that I came into this life to express the good news that we are all “Christ Consciousness” and that it was time to wake up. Before, I brought the dream I lived the anti-Christ life and struggled with a false reality. I allowed my fears to run my life. It wasn’t until I woke up and realized the true path that would lead me to a new awareness of embracing the Christ conscious within all life. I was living with false perceptions which I was indoctrinated with since I was born. I repressed my true dynamic expression of life and was living a life which I did not desire.

From a long time back, I had heard that we were living in world of illusion. But living in that illusion did seemed so real to me. So I asked the question “How such various and infinite realities manifested for the population of the world?” I was posing the question about what power was behind this world. I realized that the greatest thing that I could do, was to get to know that power. This power had no name to my knowledge or there was no or little knowledge available about where this power originated. Little did I know that I set the concept of “Christ consciousness “being the power within my being in to motion? I wondered where it was and how to access it .This wonderment became my focus.. How do we create, where do ideas come from and why do paradigm shifts take places I noticed that when I gained new perceptions I made new discoveries’ I realized that my beliefs and what I habitually focused on were part of how things manifest in my world, so depending on what I believed or expected there was a corresponding coming together of energy which would lend itself to my ability to manifest. I realized that my thoughts had a direct effect on everything. I started a process of energizing and envisioning desired results Add to that, my desires and the feelings which accompanied my thoughts. But always there was a focus which would be deficient as there was judgment and fear the result would be watered down by the fact that I did believe in separation and I did live in that separation. So as long as I give my attention to thoughts or ideas that were deficient, I would experience them. I started to experience my very thoughts. Separation was real, so I would fall back into the dream. I started to realize that every thought I had brought with it love or the opposite fear. There was nothing in between love .Love was absolute. Fear was received with various levels of intensity.

At first, it was hard to dismiss fearful thoughts. Then I was able to separates out what was false from the feeling of what was felt true by my inner guidance. , because the truth was that all thoughts are equal and equally unreal if they created fear. This realization set me free. The dream had no power over me now. What manifests ,”is what is”. But from time to time, I did get brought back into the dream and my attention would go to a specific problem which would raise its head. In doing so, I lower my vibration and bonded to fear, feeling the fear as real. I know now that I give power to co- create what is not real or serves me. “I Am Christ consciousness” unconditionally creates what I give my attention to. So what I believe or expect is. I noticed that I attracted what ever I feared. My habitual thoughts were deficient and full of fear. We are all co creators in the one mind of god.

The world to me today, is the sum total of all thoughts that were ever created. It would be wise to realize that all these thoughts have happened in the dream and do not affect your true reality, and your perception of it. I found that every thought that I contemplated without judgment contributed to created for me self realization at some level. My thoughts brought me to a point within my consciousness of the infinite possibilities that could be. But once I realize this, I now could allow the future be attracted to me. I created the experience that I experience and I in the past failed to see that I was the creator of my own misfortune. But now, I am able to look at any situation and allow the wisdom to come forth for me. I forgive myself for thinking that the dream was real.

In the past, I believed that the world was full of individual separate beings. This fact made me believed that I was vulnerable to attack and as a result I was attacked. The only place that the attacked thoughts were was within my own mind. So before I could damage my enemy, I actually damage myself first. The damage was created with my own mind. So my thoughts created within me vulnerability and hence I was attacked. So actual I attacked myself out of the mind of God by my creation of false image of who I am. Since all life is God consciousness; it is fair to see that the attack can come from anywhere. But remember you created the attack first in your own mind. Jesus knew this when he said “judge not least you be judged”. Because when you attack, you create judgment which comes back to the individual who created the thought.

I realised that my life was a mirror of the thoughts which I have ever entertained. Any judgment that I made of a situation, created a separation and that separation in turn was adding to the imbalance which already existed. I had to ask myself, “What laws if any existed that the dream of life abides by?” During my college days, I studied physics and the laws of the universe. Two laws which remained in my mind were, “matter can neither be created nor destroyed”, and “the concept of the balance of forces”. Now these laws were always demonstrated all around me. When we started to understand the laws of the universe, we realize the universal law will be reveled in a timely manner, so as to gain new perceptions. Now I felt that the universal law will work in whatever location it is found. Jesus knew this as he said, “as above so below”. I remember in the physics practical demonstration taken place to prove these laws and discussion taken place to disapprove them, but modern physics is now moving towards the string theory and the concept of multiply universes and quantum physics. I remember a sea-saw effect where two objects are placed on two ends of the sea-saw and one would bring it up, and the other would bring it down. From experiencing this I realized and acknowledged that pressure always creates an equal and opposite pressure. So resistance from the mind and focus on those deficient thoughts creates resistances.

In the beginning, God saw His creation as good. He did not see good and bad. There was no judgment of any of creation. The judgment came in to existence through the mind, when fear entered the aura of individuals who excepted the dream, that they were separate from God. Hence the altered ego was created. Altered ego – is an ego put in place instead of what is. Therefore this altered ego is a perceived force against God and it has to play the game of survival. But in fact there is no power against God, for God is all that is.

When I was a child, I believed that God was someone who was outside of me, away up in the clouds, far, far away, which created for me a separate entity. Since I was brought up as a Catholic, I believed the Devil was a force or entity which opposes God. This was an error in my thinking as there is no energy apart of God consciousness. Of all the religions that I have studied and I have study a lot, they all talk about one God yet give power to other Gods who don’t exist. So all religions are man made because they were created with deficient thought and were used by men who wanted to control what people thought. As a child, I believed what I was thought and failed to see the oneness of God. Therefore God is not absolute, meaning, “Not all that is” and has a force which opposed it. Here is where I accepted the anti-Christ, because I denied the Christ consciousness of all that is, by thinking deficient thoughts which were fear based and created separation from truth. When I passed through the psychic barriers within meditation I realized by degrees that there was only one absolute and that is “I AM all that I AM”.

Now I know that this world is the creation of the mind of all the individuals who ever lived and have created deficient thought and fear. So what we have created in the dream can be also destroyed. We all lived in a heavenly state until we came to the earth for the first time. Then we accepted the opposite to eternal life. We once were innocent and loved, now through our own choice become less, and enter hell. This hell is of our own making.

The opposite of eternal life is a limited life, so we invented death. This death is the lie which keeps all other lies in place. Now a sense of powerlessness bears witness to the “I AM all that I am” which is an error. Now all power is outside of us. In order to create death, we created fear, because when you have fear, you are all the times looking over your shoulder, and you become ill at ease and hence created disease. I know this, because I have developed disease in my life. Now my altered ego denies the Christ consciousness of the “I AM all that I AM” and continue to fight for survival where life was abundant, now there is lack, where life was good, now there is good and bad. Where everything was equal, now we have scarcity for those who have not and the effect of that. We also have those who have everything and always did. We created separation for our self by our handed down beliefs and what followed is to have or to have not. Survival followed due to this. You become an expression of who you think you are. Thus judging anybody or situation keeps you boned to what is not real.

Because “All That Is”, is an absolute, what everyone has created comes back to the Creator. So all the fearful thoughts, or emotional painful thoughts do come back to the one Christ Consciousness of “I AM All That Is”. When bad things befall us, we have to blame someone, so who do we blame? I used to blame God, and that is exactly what the altered ego wanted me to do. This insures the altered ego survival. I realized only recently that I could not fix the dream as in order to fix the dream, I would have to become part of it. So I asked for help. The help came through the Christ consciousness contact, call it “the Holy Spirit” or God consciousness. So through this contact, I am in the progress of dismantling the judgment s of thought which I have kept as my truth. Now, I hope to build a bridge back to the reality of “I AM all that I AM” consciousness. This contact for me came because I desired it. So do not be afraid to follow your heart desire.

When I did become part of the dream, I realized that there were inhibiting thoughts in my mind which I allowed hence they manifested. The first of these was thoughts of survival and my need to control. I am still working on acceptance and allowing spirit to guide. The fact that part of me saw myself as separate and that I was vulnerable to attack. I did experience my very thought instantly But the truth was, there is only one power in the universe and that power is “Love” for .me and everybody else and there is no other power which could be against me. I prayed to the Christ consciousness in me to truly know this. Because I still had not fully accepted this fact, my mind gave energy to the one source of power and manifested my fears unconditionally.

The power outside me created a world of “Us and them” and put in place a lack of acceptance of the true Christ consciousness “I AM all that I AM”. So it become necessary to criticize and to condemn what I felt could be a threat to me. This created for me, confusions and disorder. I use to always create thoughts which lowered my vibration, as I was afraid that I would be wrong, instead of appreciation that I was doing the best that I was capable of for now. True self expression is “I AM all that I AM” and any other expression is brought about by guilt. Guilt lowered my vibration. I saw guilt as an inhibitor of true self expression and a degrade of the “I AM all that I AM”. Guilt used to place me on a lower vibration. I would feel not loved and I would feel self deficient and judge myself harshly. Instead of being guided by how I felt and trusted that my own spirit self was not agreeing with the thoughts I was creating. So by choosing to bond to deficient thought while focusing on my fears, I was lending my energy to attracting and creating my fears. Here I was influence by possessions of some type or other of deficient thought, who themselves were lost. I am talking about thought forms as enties. I chose not to accept guilt and I asked the “I AM all that I AM” in my heart to replace the false belief with the idea of truth. When I look at the world, I could see that everyone was on a path of unfolding their true being. What was stopping me was the resistance being created within my own mind There is no need for anyone to live with guilt, “I AM all that I AM” replaced the false beliefs with the truth when you search within your spiritual journey “we are all perfect beings” each trying to wake up from the dream of the altered ego. God loves and forgives us and we love and forgive ourselves, when we pass through the physic barrier because we are all in the Diamond Heart, which is the one mind of God. Which is all loving and wise?

The corresponding truth is self forgiveness and acceptance of the self as “I am perfect for me for now”. I knew the universe held nothing against me and I hold nothing against the universe. I am on my perfect path of “unfolding my true being” and I am “perfect for me for now”. When I experienced a negative response from the world, I realized that it came from my bonding to what ever I give my attention to. So there was no use blaming others for my problem, or been jealous of them. Because I give no power to anything or anyone outside of myself that could create any negative experience for me. I realized that I created all my experiences. I try now to allow life to unfold. We all are God consciousness, some are aware, but the vast majority does not know yet. For a long time, I have accept that the kingdom of heaven is within, so it follows that “I AM all that I AM” is within me, as it is also is within you, and that makes you and I master of our own destiny.

Unification with God is inclusive not exclusive. So, all of my desires are known to the source of “I AM All That I AM”. So I accept everything that has happened in my life with love. My spiritual journey has given me the ability to experience different realities. Everything that has come about has happened out of God’s love for me. All my desires are been fulfilled by the “I AM all that I AM” presence. I now believe that the true intentions of my life were created on the levels of spirit but because of the vast subconscious mind that has excepted fear and deficient thoughts, I have blocked and distorted my true intention and lost sight of my true identify, hence, what is manifesting within my life now seems to be less than a perfect experience. But I know now that all experiences that I have experienced have brought me to the awareness and point of consciousness which now is a reality. Therefore, my true desires have been meet, and I have been set free. It was my perception which judged what was manifested in my life was not right, but if I had any other life, I would never have arrived at this place in consciousness. I am grateful for all the guidance and lessons which I have been given by all the people who crossed my path.

Since fear is a state of mind and it is now loosing its grip on mankind within a larger number of people due to the grace of God. The validity of the old paradigm of the need to attack and defend, what is not real, does not cover the new truths emerging. It is now irrational and obsolete to hold on to old concepts that form the guide lines that we are in survival mode and separate from God. Truth is changeless. It has been a long time emerging. It took the coming of Jesus and many great souls to bring about the subtlety of the soul and the supremacy of Spirit to conqueror the psychic forces which were created by the lie of the false ego. The ego self esteem is dependent on how much it has, equally it tends to create division and it finds ways to prove that its arbitrary divisions are valid.

As I discovered new perceptions I became a teacher and as a teacher my wish was to empower all to travel their own path. By choosing to dissolve your fears of the unknown and embracing your truth, the truth will set you free. What you have read within this article may have challenged your truth. There is a tendency to recoil from it. Some may display anger; some may rubbish it, and offer a defense. This is a reaction to defend what is not real, but truth needs no defense. At the intellectual level you can read my words and not understand them. As to understand my words you would be wise to develop your own intuition functions at a higher state of consciousness. To find your own truth it is necessary to practice your meditation regularly. This will develop your higher intuition and manifest your higher wisdom which will come from within from you heart. Each person has a potential to discover their truth. Your truth is within your heart and when you are ready you will embrace the truth about yourself. Truth allows us to be our self.

On entering into the higher plains of consciousness you will find peace .You will realize that the birth of your Christ self is the door to the realization of your origination is from Father Mother God as a unique idea to be sent forth upon the beam of light into this plane of limited Self awareness, that you and I and all life might gain that inner identify and eternal flame which is love.