Tag: awareness

Hallmarks of focus of attention.

If one stand back from the screen of life, one will noticed that our focused of attention is based on egotist conflict where one sees themselves as separate from all that is. The simple fact is, our minds are the stage where we are entertained by the diversity of false egotist conflicts as a form of entertainment. From the first time we start to observe life at the very young age, we are lead into the trap of the ego. Our focused of attention is blindly lead into absorbing false truth, which is accepted by the subconscious mind as our truth. Our true consciousness is denied and the destruction of truth of the child of spirit begins. No longer do we get to know the inner Christ consciousness within, so we do not develop the ability to access our true power. Instead, we create a destructive consciousness as the false anti-Christ is given power and hides from us our true reality as co-creator of father-mother God of all that is. If we look at the lies and the falsehood perception that are carried out in the name of relaxation and a sense of being who we are, TV films, plays, media materials which keep our attention and bond us to the limitation of who we have become. It would be better to focus our imagination and use the power of our wisdom and rise above who we are now to become our future selves where love, peace and joy are our focused. Not only is our attention firmly on a destructive conscious form which when seeded within our consciousness create feelings which we claim as our own and misinterpret the guidance within this feeling that are produced within our body.

We have allowed our focused and attention to be consistently diverted to watching and filling our minds with entertainment that desensitized the mind allowing the emotional fears and subsequent vibrational frequencies to become real within our lives. Just take a brief look at our media and our focused that is directed to it on a daily basis. Now, ask the question “Why do we give so much power to what invested interest want to keep our attention on?”. Taking into account the “Law of Attraction” what you habitually focused on you invite into your co-creator mind by your attention to it. There is little doubt that someone in your community or country will be experiencing the very same situation as real. Remember, what you watched on TV or what you focused on TV is implanted into your subconscious mind as real. Now I have a question for you and is simply this, “Why do we ask people aspiring to know love, to be love and to express love, allow our attention to be consistently kept on full gross mental heavy ideas or pictures, story lines and concepts?, that create fear.
We, as people are in the midst of a paradigm shift in consciousness. A time is coming when people will rise up with one voice to not support such horrific, disgraceful use of imagination and instead realize that what we focused on, we give invitation to expand ideas, concepts, ideologies that come into our lives and create fear, pain, anguish, distress and these visit us and our children.
A while ago I wrote an article called “Body Wisdom”. In that article, I was stating that it would be wise to listen to your own body wisdom within the silence as you meditate. I have found that the ability to communicate with your own body wisdom gives you the advantage to utilize greater wisdom than the conscious mind has to offer. The conscious mind offers data, at best other people data that you accept as truth. So the question I have for you today is “Do you really know who you are?” also “Have you ever tried to find out who you are?”. If you decide to ask this question, I would ask you not to ask somebody else but to ask your inner self within the silence. Before I started my own spiritual journey, I was confused to the distinction to be discovered between the ego and the real self. In the beginning of my journey, I studied a book called “A Course on Miracles”, it was the first step to lasting freedom. This first step allowed me to adjust my mind set. After many years of studying the course, certain realization started to take place within my life. So I meditated on the following questions for several weeks.

Question: What is the primal distinction to be discovered between “one’s real-self” and the ego? In other words, who is the “real self”? The next question I asked was; if everything is an illusion, what was real and authentic? So if one keeps their focus on the illusion, the illusion get bigger and more real. So I felt that such a view can’t really escape dualism at all. This is where I saw and experience conflict within myself. Now for me conflict was evidence of lack of true peace and a degrading of what real love is. I know the real love is all encompassing so I choose not to be stuck in contradiction. So with meditation, I expanded my consciousness and accelerated my awakening which opened other spiritual gates to the vastness of my soul. Then the soul through the Christ-consciousness allowed me to awaken and understand my life purpose and divine nature. So it becomes necessary to awaken from the dream of the dreamer itself. “The mind has the choice about what it chooses to think of what is reality. But what about what I feel? By focus attention and meditation on everything through the belief of metaphysical conclusion that “it all unreal” creates false reality. I am very much fused to a dream made by an internal sense of the dreamer.

What about the real reality of love? This then allow me to ask, how could love be a dreamer? For love is not separate. Love is real. With this realization, I felt a presence a strange feeling of love was experienced within my body. (This truth set me free). I realized that a belief created by the conscious mind which is based on fear and is the corner stone of what is seen and felt is not real or illusion was erroneous. The fact that we state that object, people, things and experience or ideas are illusions will always that draw our focus to them, which expands them and it does become a reality through “The Law of Attraction” (What you believe and expect is).

The strong possibility of finding peace is before you. This journey is achievable, for I am in the process of it. The NEXT STEP is yours. You can experience these same divine truths within yourself. If you would like to read more, I refer you to the previous article that I wrote “Embracing Peace”.

The whole world is in the progress of an awakening to a new reality of our true being. There is a light emerging from within everybody’s heart. This light is the light of the world and announcing an inner teacher or presence which is in the progress of birthing a new consciousness and at the same time preparing each of us for a paradigm shift. Our focused of attention will begin to shift from what we presently pay attention to. We will start to support a new understanding of how the world really operates and this understanding will emerge as truth.

Thought patterns that become permanent do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries. By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete we ignore our superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the super conscious mind which is available to all. This super conscious mind gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to all that is. So it is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. It used to be said that knowledge was power, but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? One must know what to do with the knowledge that one has acquired and one must utilized this knowledge for all.

As children growing up, we accepted truth from those people who we depended on such as parents, brothers and sisters and closed relatives. Our truth was clouded by their beliefs and their habitual pattern of thoughts, which we generally accepted as our own without ever testing. Recently there has been published new article relating to how the mind works. It is now generally accepted by the visionary community of innovative and new thinkers that reality is a by product of our beliefs, attitudes, habits and what we pay attention to. With this new understanding, it beholds us to redefine our habitual patterns of thought and ideas based on our own perception. Empirical data is not enough. New perceptions and new discoveries always change the paradigm of our beliefs system in which we operate. In some point in our lives we are faced with certain challenges which create a desire for new wisdom. With new discoveries and perceptions we are able to overcome particular blockages. You must remember that modern science is now looking at reality creating as a product of our unconscious and subconscious beliefs manifesting as our truth.

Mass mind reality creation is the collective level where the whole world is at as a whole. But there is an individual level of consciousness which can be developed and improved. This type of consciousness is developed by meditation and mastering your thought and associated feeling. The more people that engaged in the practice of meditation and developing within their own consciousness a knowing that we are all from the same source called LOVE. Our focused of attention will not choose to entertain thoughts, ideas, ideologies, beliefs that create fear instead our focused of attention will demand with one voice that we stop creating deficient thoughts through our books, films, plays and entertainment in general. Instead our entertainment and our focused and attention will incorporate ideas, ideologies and beliefs that instill peace, joy and freedom. We will elect politician that create a focused on joy, peace and freedom. At the moment, our TV depicts violence which acts within our subconscious mind and bonds us to attracting these into our very own lives. Remember, our newspapers, all our media keeps our attention bonded to the concept of imperfection and creates the vibration of fear.

For example, our minds are bombarded with violence, death, pain, guilt, torture and explicit behavior that create fear and lodges within our body system at the core of our being. This bonds us to the limitation and imperfection that we presently have and creates a continuance for more of the same that gives invitation for more of the same to come in to our lives and the lives of our children.

So would be wise to start focused on the higher form of entertainment, ideologies and perceptions which is love, joy and peace.

God is coming into the world in a new way. He will reveal himself in all of us as we are all in the Diamond Heart of God where all facets are of the one substance called Love. All are equal and all have equal potential to manifest heaven on earth. We have free will to not focus on deficient ideas and thoughts which were introduced into the world from the beginning of time. “I am All That I Am” lives within us and through our being. We are starting to conduct His power all around us. God is Love, Wisdom and Truth and you will know the manifestation of the Christ within your own consciousness by these virtues. There is nothing greater than love; wisdom and truth for these principles is the cornerstone of developing Christ consciousness within you. God’s love brings forth life, His wisdom brings forth light and His truth brings forth freedom that destroys fear. It would be wise to merge with the love nature of God being, as without merging we create separation which leads to fear. The path we walk in life leads only to love and when we are filled with God’s love our bodies becomes shining, majestic and invincible. To support this paradigm shift, it would be wise to start your own spiritual journey so you are ready to receive within your own knowing and own consciousness the knowing that you are one with all life and “all that is” and that your very nature is LOVE.


Self goverance

For those who wish to make the commitment to continue on the inner pathway, the next step is yours. It is a beautiful, peaceful and wonderful harmonious moment to cross the line between closed thinking and limited perception into the fascinating journey of the inner sensitivity where there is infinite consciousness of ones being.

The inner pathway of sensitivity is a process, where there are challenges; there are patterns of behavior and attachments including beliefs and beliefs systems that it would be wise to examine. When necessary, have the courage then to make the required changes for the better. With this process, a change in consciousness offers to us a new way of thinking, feeling, sensing and living. The pathway then becomes full of choices, which are supported by the soul, with the gift of wisdom which illuminates those on the inner pathway.

Inner sensitivity is one of the pathways to enlightenment. It will not release one from their responsibilities or involvement in human affairs. Instead, the consciousness with which one takes part in human events is aligned and empowered. One starts to develop a healing consciousness and follow their inner urges. All the inner prompting comes from the inner teacher, which is the source of all consciousness.

Through the use of deep meditation and contact with the higher realms of consciousness, one becomes aware of the choices which one has. Meditation is simply a journey within to become focused and calm and in that condition, to understand the natural state of ones reality, away from everyday pressures and influences. Meditation is a way of harmonizing body, mind and spirit to experience the inner teacher. Rediscover your inner nature. Relaxation is part of the recipe for a meaningful life. It is the alignment of focused attention. Your spiritual identity is tied to all life. When any part of the relaxation support is under utilized, the human body and psyche suffers.

Go on that journey, identify and align with who you truly are. The process of going within to contact this point of consciousness is easily accomplished for it is the natural way. There is a tendency with people on the pathway through the mental, emotional and physical nature to manipulate, the outcome, to control and guide how creation will take place. It would be wise to resist the urge to do this. The spirit knows the pathway and will fulfill all desires that are consistent with spiritual development.

Now look where you are, what you observe and what you respond too? Where is your attention going to? A new awareness and energy commences. The momentum increases and so awakening in consciousness takes place, the soul is remembering its true nature.

Through the use of various meditation techniques and contact with the inner teacher, it is possible to receive knowledge and wisdom concerning ones life purpose and your soul desire. As a direct result of your desire, you will expand innate inner sensitivity abilities such as the following:

Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing) seeing higher levels of vibration and viewing forms which cannot be seen with the physical eyes, such an visions, auras energies, higher beings, , etc. third eye

Clairsentience (Clear Feeling) knowing intuitively, the knowing of ideas or energies, through ones feeling nature or heart sense. Which sometimes happens with the smelling of heavenly fragrances/beautiful senses?

Clairaudience (Clear Hearing) of words or music which allows single focused on other sounds from universal consciousness, which happens through the inner ear.

Soul Sensing – feeling of rapture, love and harmony and the feeling of love in the soul from other like-minded people.

Intuition – Receiving of wisdom and knowledge directly from the inner teacher through vibration sensing

It is then possible to develop ones own authority over mental influences from outside ones self. At the same time, letting go guilt, worry, anxiety and other negative feelings. This will create peace within your heart where love will expand.

Within every individual, there is a treasure chest of intuitive wisdom, which in the average individual is under utilized. To access this wisdom, all that is required is to be still, to listen and trust the inner teacher. “Be still and know I am”, your life becomes harmonious and peaceful.

Your work will become involved with self-acceptance and transformation from a lower consciousness to a higher conscious. It is a step wise journey and is supported by your own Christ self. The process of meditation is an essential valuable tool to support transformation. It is designed with wisdom, simplicity, and compassion. It will offer to many a new paradigm. A paradigm can be looked at as a conceptual framework or a set of excepted assumptions by which we make rules and follow a set inquiry. The journey of self discovery leads to powerful personal breakthroughs with new and leading edge thinking which encourages emotional freedom, illumination and allowing the release of the victim mentality. This practice of meditation when practiced daily will take your life to new levels. Breakthroughs have been experienced in personal, business and family relationships with the focus of attention on finding truth. The process is incredibly effective. Self governance is the ability to act and have the sense to carry out new insights and hidden wisdom to improve the quality of life. Your work enhances this search and allows innate intelligence to express itself in the world.

We are starting to see ourselves as a global community in fact we are all indigenous people of the earth. Ireland is now a cross culture society with various different nationalities and beliefs systems yet there is a gathered momentum of compassion for all its people without prejudice from the overall population. A revolution of transformation has taken place in Ireland indeed the world. No one thing made this happen rather it was driven by agents of change. So the overthrowing of the current paradigm is now in full swing. So future generation who’s perspective, collective orientation is driven for social change which will bring about a dramatically different ways of how we look at ourselves and our fellow human beings. Only then will our true potential become apparent. Our true potential will not be actualized by thinking, acting, and feeling the way we always have. This keeps us living and focusing on the past.

It is time to think about paradigm shift. From the traditional concept which we erroneously adopted from the time we first came into the world. Ireland is today in the fruits of a paradigm shift. The traditional ways of accepting how the world works can be improved and understand. This includes religion, economics, philosophy and science. The questions we are starting to ask ourselves are:

• Why is every thing‘s breaking down? (Our old systems are not all working as they used too.
• How do we have compassion for ourselves and solidarity for our fellow
persons,, communities, and nations?

• What method could we try to be able to make progress in a conscious shift to examine new ways at looking at ourselves and others?

• What can we learn from quantum physics, the mystics and the wisdom they acquired through the ages?

• Could there be another way which would allow quantum leaps of new
Consciousness, that would afford the tools to take the next step?

• Can the skill of mystic connect us to a greater understanding of reality?

In answering these 6 questions, we are putting forward a solution and process that will allow dissociation from the 5 senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and introduce the sixth sense of intuition and seventh sense of heart awareness or love. This process take into account, “One perceives and relates to the outer objective mind called the conscious mind, with this mind, one thinks, chooses and forms conclusions through logic and capable reasoning. On the other hand one relates to the inner subjective universe through their subjective mind or feeling nature which acts spontaneously as if it has a higher understanding and greater wisdom which allows the over ride of fear based ideas and perceptions to be dissuaded. Which in turn allows awareness through intuition and direct knowing? As one learns to relate to these two universes in perfect balance, one can achieve a state of happiness and well-being.”

We have seen many paradigm shifts already to mention but a few to allow the reader to understand through their own wisdom the impact which is awaiting us.

Example 1 “The earth is the centre of the universe and the earth is flat.” We now know that the earth is round and is not the centre of the universe.

Example 2 “Hunting and gathering for survival taken into account seasonal food and water.” But we now have device agriculture and fined tuned our ability to use knowledge and wisdom to do better.

Example 3 “Newtonian acceptance of physics Now, we have arrived at
relativity and quantum physics and the string theory.

So one can see, we are all on a journey of discovery and what was accepted as truth in religion, science, and economics do not give all the answers. We are now in the tide of paradigm shift. What was accepted as truth is no longer proving to be the truth, but relative truth. When mind and heart are one, we will have but one master, there in lies the kingdom of heaven and there in lies truth.

“Truth keeps on changing and our assumption about the nature of existence is now in the process of change. The next step is yours”. The question I ask myself a long time ago is, “If there was only one truth or one basis to form my assumption about the nature of existence, why do we have a paradigm shift?” It became obvious to me that discovery and awareness changes perspective. New paradigm requires new understanding, wisdom, and acceptance. As we merge with the tide of the new paradigm shift, it will pick us up and move us faster and faster into right relationships, right action, and right opportunities, then we will be in position to let go of the past and acknowledge what is true for each of our individual lives while letting innate intelligence or heart sense express itself through us. In the process of merging the heart sense will increase its vibration, which will be noticed as a feeling of love and a new found peace and stillness will be the result. This will create the right resonance to attract the corresponding dream for each individual. Each life will unfold effortlessly, beautifully, and it is in our acceptance of what is that we can ask for more. It is really in our ideas of what truth is that prevents the freedom of individual thought. Then it will become apparent that there is a fundamental illusion which translate into a beliefs about who you think you are. This will bring about a new consciousness which will allow us to access our limiting beliefs allowing us to expand any belief or change them to create a new “heaven on earth”.

Many have found that the process and programs that are now available leads to transformation of consciousness that actually change a person experience so as to enhance mental and emotional intelligence which in turn allow individuals to experience beautiful states of consciousness as well as raise their everyday living experience to one which integrates peace and enlightened states which overtime automatic awareness happens.

To conclude, let us emphasize that science and medicine have advanced a great deal, even the study of how the mind works that our psychology, philosophy, and our beliefs are constantly changing. The time is right to advance the consciousness of everybody who desire it. This will not happen until people intentionally want to advance their consciousness then humanity will bring to the surface a new level of contribution to the unfolding of who we are, and what we are capable of .Then our focus of attention will be in the now moment .This is the only place where joy can be experience and true reality begins.

By: Malcolm Mc Auliffe

Path To Ascension


Through the quickening and awaken astral centre of the spine, the subtle Kundaline often call the Serpent Force rises up through the body bringing the individual to a state of conscious of Knowing. This Knowing is achieved by communication with the soul. It is by achieving and understanding the soul qualities that all will ascend. The Ascension process takes time. It is the spiritual morality and love for Father Mother God and one another that is the corner stone for Ascension. Remember Jesus words, Thou shall Love thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and Love thy neighbour as thy self (Luke 10:25-28) As long as the soul is bound to a lesser consciousness, it is not ascended. Instead, it chooses to suffer and it chooses freely to disregard Spirit. Liberated souls and there are many, are attracted to those aspiring people who have started to ascend in consciousness and are becoming aware of their spiritual origin


When I was studying to be a Brother in a Christian Order many years ago, I came across this sentence I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. I did not understand this at that time. But after reading the story of St. Francis of Asisi and St. Theresa, I realize that it was possible to communicate with Jesus. These Saints that I have mentioned above were able to see the immortalized body and spirit of Jesus as they were within sight of their ascension. Throughout our history, many people have also see Jesus. He will come to all those who ask Him. In my case, I have not seen Jesus, but I have received communication through His Spirit. This experience has guided me on my spiritual path all my life.


All who desire contact with Jesus, make your desire persistent, and have it your intention within your meditation to make contact with the infinite Christ Consciousness. This is achieved by opening the third eye. Be warned, It is not what you see but what you feel that is important. Years ago, when I was still trying to figure out a lot of things, I strained my eyes trying to see into the Spiritual World. One cannot see into the Spiritual World with physical eyes, so many have made that same mistake as me. If you want to see into the Spiritual World, it is necessary to develop your consciousness and learn to open the third eye. The Third Eye is the Spiritual Eye. This will only be opened by devotion to unconditional love and the development of your consciousness through Meditation.


Deception comes in many ways, as I realize on my path. This brings me back to what Jesus said, if thy eye offends, then pluck it out. Better not to see as deception can take on many forms, but feelings of love cannot be produced by mimic tactics. On your path, you will be deceived just as I was. Your truth as accepted by your subconscious mind will be projected to see all sorts of things, some may appear good, and others may be described as evil or not good. A good way to know if what you see is real is, if you see it with both inner and outer eyes. We all want the ultimate vision, but wanting it and having it as true are two different things. For now, settle for the wondrous elevating experience of joy and bliss. Here, one becomes a vessel or cup to hold the infinite Christ Consciousness. Then one day, full Ascension will happen. You will gain wisdom of the formless substance of the Only Begotten Son of God and Goddess (The Christ Consciousness). The Christ is already present in you and all life. Seek to experience the spirit behind the body of Jesus and realize within yourself the beginning of the ascension of the soul.


Remember John the Baptist declaration to the priests and leaders, indeed baptize you with water onto repentance, but he that cometh after me shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. The Baptism of Fire is in place for everybody now. It will continue up to and beyond 2012. A cleansing will be apparent for all to see. Those of you, who have opened the third eye, will be able to witness this. Let us recall John 1:32, I saw The Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and abide upon Him. So those who are in-tune with the Spirit will certainly see great wonders. The omniscient spiritual eye is symbolized by the Dove. Meditation is the process in which one ascends and keeps on ascending with regular practice. First, one educates the body of the present of spirit. This is carried out by the Holy Spirit, The Comforter. While within the presence of the spirit, one examines belief system that has been accepted .These are your hidden agendas and handed down from generation to generation. Also, you are able to detach yourself from the aspect of your focus which binds you to your place of limitations. The Holy Spirit washes out your consciousness with fire and burns away all fear and thought forms of non-truth. Please recall what Matthew 3:16-17 wrote, this is my beloved Son in whom I Am well pleased. This Christ Consciousness is the only begotten Son of God and Goddess. It is by developing this consciousness and raising the Son of man up within you, that Ascension takes place. The Son of Man body, ordinary man women of limited consciousness contains spiritual centres, and by awakening these centres of divine consciousness and by immersion of the light of spirit in meditation, your focus and intentions are clear. Then you will choose to enter the wilderness of the silence and absorb the cosmic sound of the silent intuitive wisdom where all can be conceived and revealed.


Remember when Jesus was talking to Nathaniel, He said that He would see heaven open and Angels ascending and descending on The Son of Man. Surely this was proof of man divine inheritance to claim his spiritual perception, knowing that this wonder can and will be realized from now on.


We have lost through fear our free will and have dissociated from the heavenly essences by choosing to identify solely with the physical world. But it is only by merging your spiritual self with your physical self that you can bring to your conscious mind, the truth. Then one can transcend the physical consciousness which hold us to our own limited perception which is limited to what is. Then one starts to realize that those of religious titles by virtue of intellectual knowledge have no real wisdom. They alone cannot advise the masses to believe in false notions of what is good and what is evil, without any real wisdom because they themselves are blinded to their temporal power. People are starting to see that this power was handed down to control people by fear. One feels very incomplete and helpless. So one searches a deeper truth not limited by intellectual understanding, I realized this on my own path. I noticed my attention on the five senses which really is just the start of the journey. Here, the mind interprets in error as it fails to use the intuitive part of itself, and hence cannot open the door of the heart. It is my knowing now that it was Jesus intuitive revelations, indeed, any great masters that have grace  us with their presence that allow the full manifestation of the true nature of their origin, which is the  Christ Being of infinite consciousness. I know that each and everyone one of us have descended from the heavenly causal and astral spheres down here to the earth plane. Now, it is, but a matter of time for all those who practice the development of Christ Consciousness to be lifted up. To practice this awareness it is necessary to meditate and invite in your Christ Self. It is by knowing this within your consciousness and consciously experiencing presence within yourself that it will manifest throughout your being. When I say lifted up, I mean that, the small minded or error of body only identify which we started out, will undergo change. The change is eternal life in the realization of Christ Consciousness.


And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that come down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven, and as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whoever believe in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:13-15).This can be explained as the lifting up of the seed of the potential of the Child of Spirit, the Christ Self,  which is throughout all of creation. All that is required is, to become aware of its infinite consciousness everywhere.


In order to descend down to manifest as physical body, the primal life force rooted itself in the First Chakra or better known as the Base Centre at the lower end of the backbone. Here, it sleeps until it is awaken. While it is asleep, it is continuously en-living the physical region of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and it focuses the consciousness to totally identify with the senses. The sensory body consciousness is limited; hence, fear generates attachment to the lower plane. It is this limited attention to the physical, which binds us to our suffering.  The error is making the earth our permanent home, by focus attention on limitations, imperfections and the separation by choice and making spirit subservient to the ego.


I realized what Jesus was talking about was, to lift up the Christ Seed or Christ Self so as we could attempt to accomplish what He did. This would depend on our ability to master through meditation, our thoughts of fear, separation and hopelessness. Over time, we would be ready for the final ascension. Remember Jesus told us to follow Him. The process is to develop the conscious awareness of the Christ-Self. For without this awareness, it is impossible to ascend when one is totally conscious of the physical world only, and with no awareness of the spiritual worlds that were created, to expand the consciousness of our infinite possibilities This keep us bonded to our insistent moods and habits which are stored within subconscious mind, and are running in the background within our consciousness. Hence, we keep the chains of reincarnation  around our selves, and these are weaved into our perception as fear, limitations and seeded within the next reincarnation to be qualified or adjusted.

I learned a long time ago, that meditation reverses the life force and consciousness from matter to God and Goddess. So by realizing your Christ Self and learning to communicate and perceive wisdom, you will not choose to be condemned to live and think as a struggling mortal. It is the sensory boundaries and the cutting off of the spiritual aspect of your being that condemns you to self-temptation of a lesser existence.

Meditation-The First To True Awareness


True awareness for me began when I started to feel energy running through my body. I labelled this at the time, “Body Wisdom”, and later “Diamond Heart Awareness”.  I had recently started to meditate and take an interest in search for truth. I was learning the streams of energy which I was now aware of contained vital information from spirit. I had to be in a meditated state to receive these feelings.  It became obvious to me that the mind never stops creating deficient ideas and making me live through my mistakes which created guilt and feeling of depression would take me over and I would feel powerless. I started to realize that I needed tools to clear this avalanche of negative thoughts, so that I could experience peace in my waken day. So, while in meditation, I would ask for wisdom so I could discover truth.  From then onwards, the spirit within my heart gave me many experiences to awaken the soul nature.

If you examine your life over the past years, you would have started to realize that you have been given life lessons to help you develop and progress from lower to higher realization of who you are and what you could become. The practice of meditation possibly has become a big part of your life as you would have realized that you can only access spirit through the seven astral doors (Chakras). Cosmic force that flows through our body has definitely increased, and if the practice of meditation can create wisdom for all, why not include it within our education system.

By learning the art of meditation and successfully stilling the mind, I became less affected by the “Law of Duality”. This is not to say that life was easy or that I didn’t have problems. But, with regular meditation, I was able to follow the inner teacher from within my heart. I was able to access the sanctuary of my soul. To switch on the electricity of love, all I had to do was meditate. This realization, supported the idea that only a small portion of my brain was actually been used. In fact, my brain was full of facts, other people experience and what I observed everyday.

With regular practice of meditation, I broke out of what I call “self-imprisonment” which came into my life through my focus and attention on deficient thoughts, ideas and lack of self-belief. My focus on fear and deficient ideas created limitation and produce a feeling of despair.  With my discovery of meditation, it become obvious to me that discovery and awareness, changes perception.  New paradigm requires new understanding and acceptance. As we merge with the tide which is rising, it will move us faster and faster upwards to greater wisdom which will be felt in our hearts.

In order to come deeply in the present moment where real joy can only exist, acknowledgment of the past and integration of wisdom obtain, plays a vital part in our level of awareness.