Tag: Diamondheart awareness



With our conscious mind, we tend to analyze and judge data. We used the process of thinking, planning, making judgement and using references of past experiences from our memory to determine truth. Whether good or bad experiences, the mind holds them in our memory and accepts them as truth. When we, as individuals seem and act with fear, the feelings of fear distort truth . In fact these feelings come from the spirit self , as it does not agree with your focus or your self talk coming from the conscious mind. These feelings are guidance from within our being, that the thoughts that we are focusing on are deficient and that they will manifest in your life as we are co creators with” all that is” So our heart prompt us in one direction and the fearful mind prompt us in another direction out of fear. Hence we have two masters. Some point in the future the mind will furnish us with the stored thought which will be triggered with certain feelings of fear. Our bonding to this old feelings will keep attracting the same outcome through the law of attraction. Thought patterns that become permanent do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries.

By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete we ignore our superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the super conscious mind which is available to all. This super conscious mind gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to all that is. So it is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. It used to be said that knowledge was power, but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? One must know what to do with the knowledge that one has acquired and one must utilized this knowledge for all.

So how can we let these feelings and deficient thoughts deprived us from the love that we truly are. The process to successfully released old thoughts and associated feelings is called meditation. Meditation will create greater mental clarity. It will also give you the ability to dissociate from what is no longer working in your life or damaging your life experiences. After meditating for a while you will developed a proficiency and be able to have the advantage point from where you will become aware to your own thoughts and associated feelings as they arise in your daily activities. You will see and be aware of what sets off the trigger that creates fear or how you react to a given situation or to certain ideas or individual concepts.

This gives you the upper hand and allows you to use wisdom to think things through., meta-physicians and mystics seem to understand what consciousness is, but to the broader community, it remains very limited. It is to this group of people who I am addressing this “pearl of wisdom” to.
Since I am a mystic and have been all my life, I would like to address the short fall of information that is available for those who now seek truth. The word consciousness has been clearly misunderstood by the vast population of the world. Conscious as been defined by the dictionary “ as awareness by the mind of itself and awareness of the world around itself”. This awareness is based on the five senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste but it does not take into account other perception which have been developed by psychics, meta-physicians and mystics.

When I first started studying metaphysics and mysticism, I was always looking at the other side of the equation of life. My daily background was in Science, mostly Biology, Chemistry and Fine Sciences. So I came from a practical logical background. But I was always drawn to people who were like teachers for me who encouraged my deep analytical mind to develop greater means of understanding and analysing what consciousness was. I came across another definition of what consciousness was from a paper I read by a British psycho physiologist Cecil Maxwell Cade (1918-1984). He had actually developed a new way to measure consciousness. This new method is called “Electroencephalogram or EEG readings.

The paper goes on to say that “there are five observable levels of consciousness” for which I can vouch for through my own experienced. But that study is now obsolete. But for the purpose of this discussion we will briefly review it. For this study, it was decided to observed experienced mediators, for they have achieved various other levels of awareness. These five levels of consciousness were recorded as going from the awaken state to deep meditation state and beyond. They are described as what follows.

1) Dream State or dream sleep state – This awareness does not take into account any awareness from the external world. This awareness is associated as coming from the internal imagination of the recipient. So “who or what” is the observer. .
2) The next state is called Hypnotic – This state of awareness happen between the awaken state and the half a sleep state. Within this awareness you are aware of the external world, but also the semi-consciousness of the dream sleep state.
3) The Fully Awaken State – your full awareness is on the world and your focus is the world around you.
4) The Meditative State – where one has withdrawn their awareness from the external environment and are perceiving perceptions from within the core of their being.
5) The fifth state is the Awaken Mind – This state of awareness is experienced only by experienced mediators. This is where one is able to maintain awareness of both the self and the internal awareness of the awareness of the all environments.

On inspection, the results shows vast differences between the different states of awareness particularly between the awaken state of everyday awareness to that of the awakened mind. Cade’s overall research was an eye opener to those people particularly Scientist and Physicist who were looking for evidence of data and proof of the benefit of meditation. Cade’s results also showed that beta wave content was balanced over the two brains hemisphere. This suggested that there was a balanced between the left brain and right brain. So it was obvious that the best most productive and highest level of consciousness and brain functionality cannot be achieved in the awaken state. Just look what Albert Einstein did and said I can remember the exact quote but if goes something like this – the intelligence that created the problem, can not solve the problems, and the only way is to shed new light on the subject. New light is every day been shed on what consciousness is, from meta physicians and other innovative Scientist and healers.

As a meta physician, mystic and a healer I believed and know that there is no separation from existence but that which the mind accept as true. Also, I now introduce to these five levels of consciousness a sixth state. This state of consciousness is called “Self-Mastery in Christ Consciousness“. This is the state of consciousness that Jesus sheared to the world over 2000 years ago. Within this state of consciousness, the recipient interacts at the diamond heart awareness level of awareness with the materialization of invisible beings .through thoughts, feelings and the actual momentarily materialization into form, which can be seen by the material eye both internally and externally. Para-psychological studies had been recorded as well as telepathic experiences also clairvoyance and clairaudience by many prominent scientists. There are many prominent Doctors and Scientist forging a path with new an innovative discoveries. Also many such studies on pre-cognition, psycho metrics, astral projection, dream analysis and communication with animals and other life forms are easily found on the internet.

I have spoken to many people who have had these experiences and have shared them with me. All of them had revealed to me a vast amount of wisdom. More and more people in this present age are experiencing higher levels of consciousness which vary from individual to individual. Just as there are only five levels of consciousness which can be proven by the Scientific measurement there are many more levels of consciousness to be discovered. Jesus said, “In my Fathers there are many mansions”. In order to gain perception into these levels of consciousness, one would be wise to prepare to give up self (ego), as self does not exist as separate entity outside of the mind of infinite consciousness. One has to choose to loose oneself to find one’s true self.

This true self is a Christ Being of infinite love and power and is there to be realized by all. When one receives conscious contact with their own Christ Self or I Am Presence, one is attuned to the higher spiritual vibration of love. Up to now most of us have been broken and taken apart and have experienced deep separation from love. But now as the awakening is taken place, people are starting to realized that to be broken and lost is the only way to find our true self. Our work or task was to integrate our egos with our true self the Christ Being.

All can be forgiven if there is no concept of sin or guilt. Jesus knew this when He said “ Your sins are forgiven”. The awakening has been taken place as the perfect love which is the perfect idea is now birthing and manifesting. This will facilitate a new consciousness of love for all who focused and search for truth. Love dissolves all fears. When this realization takes place, which is the perfect idea that you are the Immaculate Concept of Father Mother God, also unique, truth set you free. When this takes place within your conscious mind, you put on the mind of the Christ and this is accompanied by a massive spiritual experience of ecstasy of ever new bliss. You will feel this within your heart. This will be a conscious communion taken place with spirit. After which further awakening will take place and greater wisdom will be followed by new knowledge of one’s true self. All will start to receive love feedings as the diamond river of light brings to recipient Diamond Heart awareness. This begins the recipient’s task to move into the sixth state which I call The Self Mastery in Christ Consciousness.

In Cade time this state was not measurable , but now major break through are well on their way. All will start to receive stronger feedings of love, peace and joy. These love feedings will grow in magnitude and length. At first gradually then as the conscious mind accepts the truth, the feelings will gather great momentum. As the mind starts to receive wisdom, confirmation will be recognized by feedings of ecstasy and joy and the recipient will be left in no doubt of the unconditional love of our Father Mother God. These feelings of love will come with inter heart awareness, this is a trans-formative process which I call “Diamond Heart Awareness”. After persistent and deliberate focus, the person or people who attuned to the level of spirit will developed self authority in all levels of their lives.

This level of self authority will allow all who practice self mastery in Christ consciousness to heal influences and entities of the lower levels of vibration. I realized that I was an individual expression of my parents “ Father Mother God of all that is“ As an individual express .there was an impulse to be co -creative and to express all that I am. I started to realise that certain desires were planted within my soul by Father Mother God of all that is. The desire which spirit plants in our souls are our talents. All that is , is dynamic therefore we are dynamic beings who wish to express our unique talents for the good of all. But fear and bonding to fear represses our through expression of life. Bonding takes place by what we habitually focus on and keep us limited. So it is little wonder that we stay bonded to a limited life.

What is it in us that keeps us believing that we are limited beings.? The Christ in you see you as perfect , but you do not agree. So you judge your talents and gifts as less and fail to deliver them to the world. Our souls are pure and beyond beauty, but with our attachment to fear, and our focus kept on fear, we are not enough. So deficient thoughts and associated feelings keeps us bonded to the life we have.

“All That Is” (Source) call it God or any name you like but do get to know it. The means in which you will be supported and guided is called meditation. Meditation increases the activity of the pituitary gland and also opens more of your brain to a new level of consciousness. It allows you to accept within your truth the invisible power that you posses and allows you access your true nature which in turn creates a knowing of “Who you really are”. You are the consciousness of all that is which is all expanding, all knowing, all loving source. Your empowerment will come from the awareness of loving all things without judgment and accepting what is. Remember, you are constantly changing and perceiving new discoveries and levels of awareness also “ALL That Is” is expanding and ever evolving by your partnership. Each of us represent a unique perception of divine reality. So truth does not exist, truth is always expanding and changing.

Not realizing that we are the prodigal children of God and Goddess and all we have to do is choose to contact home. Our work is to realize this fact. Our inheritance is our divine inner loving, all powerful nature. It is only when we remember our true nature and start acting with this knowing that we bring heaven to earth. This knowing of our unconditional loving nature allows us to have a relationship with God. As we are fully conscious of whom we are. By making meditation your work on a daily bases, you learn consciously to lift the soul in bondage from body consciousness into the divine presence of God.

I was a prodigal soul wandering in consciousness of only mater but now I am doing the work of meditation and self discipline and have been graciously been given a small glimpse of the infinite presence that I am. Now I am blessed as I truly feel the presence all around me. With this support and guidance I am in the process of practicing non attachment and unconditional love. Hopefully I will gain more wisdom and knowing of Gods Love.

What is self mastery?

What is it all about? Why am I here? Who am I? To solve any mystery, one requires right knowledge and wisdom. So what is knowledge? And what can one do with it. Our minds we know help us to determine, choose and discard ideas, but also our mind tells us what to feel, what to think, and what kind of life to have. But what do we mean by mind. Is it just our thoughts or would it better to mean the totality of our psyche. The question always arises in us, “What is good for us” Now based on whatever knowledge we have, we always act with the knowledge that it is good for us. The moment we realize that we always do what we believe to be good, this will allow us to appreciate the value of knowledge. Based on what one believes they know about a subject, they usually use knowledge for good. But what if this belief isn’t true. Some think money will give or create peace, but it does not. So what some rich people believe is not always true. So it is necessary to investigate what one believes as their truth and to take into account that truth changes with time due to discovery and new perceptions.

“How we act according to what we know or what we think we know is important” So the ability of our minds to be able to accept a paradigm shift will determine your lives, what you want to be, what you want to do and how you want to live. FEAR is dependent on what we think we are. I believe lack of knowledge creates all fears. With fear based ideas wisdom has no home. So we now know that we do not have full knowledge or wisdom about everything. We tend to be afraid of what we lack in knowledge about things. To name but a few – anger, sadness, love, compassion, dependence, emptiness, being alone.

Let us briefly examine ourselves. Believing in death makes us scared of dying. Knowledge also extends to feeling, and knowledge also extends beyond thought and feelings. The more we gain knowledge of who we are, the more our desires, for what we think is good for us will change and reflects within reality.” When examining facts and experiences that you have or that another person is describing. Focus on the following “what am I assuming I know and believe and accept as my truth happen not to fit with my new perceptions from other people that I have just experienced ”The more you gain knowledge and wisdom of who you are . the more your desires for what you think is good for you will change and reflect a new reality. When you experience knowing that you are beyond your body, mind, emotions and sensations, you will realize that there is more to you than that of physical being. It would be wise to be still and tap into your infinite consciousness. This is achieved. by meditation Then you will find out who you really are. You nature is love so you do not need to look for love outside of yourself.

We do what we believe to be good for us, based on the knowledge we have. Everything we do, every little thing depends on what we think we know. What we believe to be the best way to do things is not really the best way, at the time of taken action if the knowledge changes or expands to include new knowledge. Try applying the old law of physics to land a rocket on the moon. It can not be achieved. Take another example pain in the body always creates fear for everybody, but if it is explained as trapped air the fear will go. But if it is explained as medical condition fear over power the person.

So reaction depends on knowledge (less creates fear). So it is important to gain the necessary knowledge to live our lives to the full. Knowledge gained through our lives becomes our beliefs. We tend to believe our own beliefs too much without questioning them, then go about our lives based on them. But what about old perceptions. “Knowledge becomes part of our minds” But is this wise. So now would it not be better to test all accepted knowledge and see if it fits with your new perceptions.

So how do we find out the truth? Remember: “Ask and you shall receive” So ask the question: Is this thing I want really good for me? Did the person I learned it from know it was good? It was good for that person but is it good for me? Could it be obsolete and requires new ideas to fit it in to your new perceptions.

What we know is not ultimate knowledge but only inconclusive knowledge or part of the truth . So what about the situation where knowledge is evolving due to new perceptions that some people are realizing.

Ask the question: What information am I assuming about what I know about what to do, that I do not know that is accepted by others? Could there perceptions be valid. You will realize that there is much more to you than this, and how much more”. Because of the capacity to learn and with our minds we can investigate, study and arrive at new knowledge to see and understand new concepts. We actually find out who we are. Our nature is Love, so we do not have to look for love outside ourselves, but we can share our Love with those who desire more Love. Having loving thoughts and only projecting thoughts that are not deficient makes way for unconditional love. Any thought less than love is deficient. Put love before every thought. Then the wisdom in the feeling will reflect the truth.

By questioning and investigating, you will be able shift though of what you think you know and with an open mind allow other kinds of perceptions and values and even actions to emerge in you.

Now from experience, I know as your ability to question all things to find truth strengthens your perspective widens and what was spoken as another truth can become your new truth. Your now focus is bigger and your ability to know increases. Knowledge requires awareness, without awareness you cannot know yourself.

When there is more awareness in the body, the capacity to know feelings increases. With increasing feelings, it is easier to discriminate, strength grows, patience and courage grow. Peace and gentleness reside within the body. Particularly within the heart. Our experience of our nature becomes knowledge. It is when our essential nature of oneness with all life is achieved, that experience and knowledge become inseparable and that is wisdom

Our bodies and minds are knowledge. This happens when the oneness” all that is “reveal its magic, of its boundless dimensions. With these new revelations the new paradigm is accepted.

Let us talk about twin ideas of knowledge and power and the concept of Self-Mastery. In order to gain self-mastery, it would be wise to shift your focus inward and see the world and your place in it in new light. Throughout our lives we acquire information which in turn allow us to pursue status and symbols of status. This gives us power over others. From now on, it would be wise to develop self-mastery over your own thinking and the feeling in yourself. This will allow you to give your gift to the world.

So power over others is replaced with self mastery over self . The awareness of your self mastery and inner strength, will empower you to behave from a place of great wisdom, that will be revealed by the Christ Self (within). As you learn to modify your thinking, your world will undergo fantastic dramatic changes. You will realize that you are responsible for your reactions in any given moment. Others will cease to have power over you or control you. e.g. Why is that person behaving that way and making me feel upset and tired? Ask the question. See this situation as an invitation to explore yourself from a new attitude of self-mastery. By seeking your stream of thoughts and simply going with them, the conduct of that other person instantly loses its power. Your inward examination will allow you to listen to the inner teacher (inner response). Your inner Christ Self will allow you to examine your thoughts with tolerance (LOVE) toward yourself. By calling on the inner Christ, the conduct of the other person instantly loses its ability to hurt you.

By refusing to turn the controls of your existence over to anyone or any set of circumstances, your exercising your personal strength instead of force, you are now practicing self-mastery and a new internal state will come about.

Whatever situations that you find yourself in , where you are anxious/upset over the conduct of others, take the focus off those people or situations you are holding responsible for your inner distress. Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling without blaming yourself or others for the feelings. Tell yourself that no one has the power to make you feel whatever you are feeling and make you act in a certain way without your consent. But you are willing to feel your emotions without calling them wrong or need to chase them away. This is the time to focus on understanding yourself. Now by taking full responsibility for how you chose to respond to anything or anyone. You are aligning yourself with your Christ Self. It is about changing the way you chose to perceive the power that others have over you.

Allow yourself to dismiss any desire to extend power over others through forceful nature of your responsibility. Catch yourself as you are about to tell others how they should be. Practice allowing them to make their own mistakes without interference from you. When you are in judgment mode, you isolate yourself from the “Inner Teacher” (Christ-self). Your whole body constricts and acts as an insulation from love. To poison another you first have to be the vessel to create the poison ,hence you poison yourself.

Remember: “I am responsible for what I see, I also choose the feelings I experience“. By questioning and investigating , you will be able to shift through what you think you know and with an open mind allow other kinds of perceptions and values and even actions to emerge within you. Now from experience I know as your perceptive ability widens, the picture is bigger and your ability to know at deeper levels increases. Knowledge requires wisdom , which leads to awareness. Without awareness it will be impossible to know yourself.

When there is more awareness in the body , the capacity to know feeling increases. With that change in perception the intuition and heart sense begin to make them self know . Hence awareness is off and running. With the increase in feeling ,Your Divine presence is able to guide you through how you feel. Loving thoughts about your world increases the vibration and the feeling of love that you experience is transferred to the sub consciousness which is then your new truth. With regular feeding of love this change perception deepens your awareness. Now with the added awareness it is easier to identify what is truth for you. The conscious mind become aware of the experience and that becomes knowledge which will become wisdom over time.

As we experience our true nature ,we begin to realize our essential nature is Love. It is in the realization of our oneness with all life that peace begins to be known. Then experience and knowledge become available and our bodies and mind become wise and knowledgeable. There is no separation, you realize that you are unique, special and a loved soul. It is our essential nature of oneness with all life that experience and knowledge become whole. Then essences revels it’s boundless wisdom and knowledge of all dimensions to the recipient. The spirit realms are now revealing to the world the Christ Teachers. Who in turn will make ready all who are desiring Christ contact. This will be different for everybody. You will not know the time or place when you will be lifted up into that realization. My own experience was beautiful . I remember the feeling of pure love energy passing through my body. To describe the energy there are no words. What I experience was expansive ,gentle, smooth ,and loving. At no time did this energy create fear , doubt or judgement about me . It was the most beautiful knowing which produced cosmic brotherhood which awaken in me spiritual comprehension and resurrected me into the consciousness of Bliss. With daily meditation you will be choosing to awaken your spiritual joy and you will be prepared to begin to liberate your soul which has been in bondage since the beginning of time. I recommend eternal life. So make meditation your daily work and prepare to receive your Christ-Self.