Tag: Holy spirit

Within the Silence and After


shift to wisdom - sunset view

Self reflection
Silent nights allow me to listen to my Heart while being in meditation. In the silence of the night being nowhere, I get the opportunity to listen to the expressions of my heart. While in the silence my inner world opens up to me. I quietly hear and feel all the emotions that stir within my soul
I listen to my heart sing praises to my Creator for all the blessings of the day. I give thanks for the lesson and ask for greater clarity of my purpose That moment allows me to stop and truly give thanks in a conscious way. It allows me to forget everything else and focus on how I am blessed in a myriad of so many different ways.

The joy and bliss that fills my heart and the guidance I receive from my own inner Christ fills my awareness with pure joy and inner bliss. During the quietness of the night, I lay still with eyes closed so I can focus on the bliss passing through my body ,I am able to have an awareness of communication with the Christ within the Holy spirit as if peering through the windows of my soul. That is when I get the best view and inner knowing of the beauty of my soul. of what I am made of. We are all made of love. It is pure love. No part of us is less than love. I am made aware of the all emotional high points as well as the lows, and truly understand the person I am.

The silence of the night gives me the chance to renew my spirit and give thanks for all my experiences to “I Am All That I Am” Taking an emotional journey back in time allows me to see where I went wrong and what I need to work on going forward. Every day , I commit to taking advantage of silent nights for retrospection, contemplation and enjoying communion with the Holy spirit and my own Christ Self. I pledge to use the opportunity to renew my spirit so it can shine brightly – like a beacon – to guide my way and bring joy to others as well.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are my thoughts when I reflect after my meditation and communication with spirit? Do I judge myself or others.

2. What inner know and discoveries have I experienced.
3. Do I seize the opportunity to make a pact to be more conscious of my thoughts and deeds? So I can become a conscious creator of the ideas of the “I Am All that I Am”

4. Am I honest with myself when assessing my thoughts and actions from the past? What feeling arise when I judge myself or others.

5. After meditation give thanks for all the bodily sensations and inner Christ healing .Take action on new discoveries and perceptions.

6. Become aware of the inner light the new light of the Christ self and give it out to all for as you give it out more love returns back to you. It is eternal and it is ” I Am All That I Am ” unconditional ,desire less love which is there for all.

Trust the Divine Intelligence of the Inner Christ


Trust is something that has become harder and harder to find, due to past experiences which the separate mind is not willing to let go . Hence we all live our lives from the fear of miss trust. We don’t trust our friends.  and our partners and our children. This leads to our governments , our laws and the way we do business.

We question our doctors, we worry about the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. So one can see that the habit of miss trust is a real one. Our daily thoughts that we imagine into being are co created due to lack of awareness . Awake, Awake Awake, to the fact that we reflect back to the world what we think into creation. This is magnetized by the energy of the heart.

We lock our doors at night because we don’t trust the people who live down the street or anyone who may be traveling through our neighborhood. In this increasing environment of fear and distrust that we live in, our ability to trust each other has also deteriorated. The present migration taken place in the world to day is creating miss trust.  Instead of trusting someone until we are wronged, we automatically assume the opposite, that they are guilty until proven innocent. So our starting out focus of attention is summing into our life’s the very situations we think into being.

Our own life experience gave us reason to be miss trustful.As we live our lives, there are many things that can create feelings of distrust toward others in our psyches. We acquire these habits  growing up,in a volatile environment of emotional pain brought on by belief in separation from our good. This creates abuse and neglect and  set the stage for distrusting others from our earliest of days. The subconscious separate mind accepts all information that we believe ,regardless of new perception and the application of wisdom.  As an adult we  all have  suffer the pain afflicted by others though their put downs, belittling or victimization, where we lose our self esteem and ultimately learn that we cannot believe in ourselves let alone others.

By embracing unconditional love one has moments of self realization This focus on fears attracts more to be feared and dis- trusted. Over time, the scars that we carry around from this deep emotional wounding cause us to shut parts of ourselves down. This hardens the heart and creates reason for believing in fear. where we are fearful of opening ourselves up to others and only to be hurt again.

As one embraces unconditional love , one acknowledges universal divine intelligence and love as their bases for growth on their spiritual path. For love bonds us collectively to others as one family of man. The more one embraces unconditional love the more one becomes whole and starts to feel their own body wisdom. As we go deeper right into our sensitivity of the awaken heart one will experience an accelerated period of spiritual growth and daily break through in the real definition of what love is. This will create in you greater clarity in making better decisions  using the principles of love. With each meditation and act of service of love ,one’s consciousness will expand.

Trusting your own divine guidance will come with the energy of love. Your spirit flows and your co creation abilities work best while you allow all other grow into their own awareness of the fullest expression of the inner Self the Christ within. Trusting that change is purposeful and good and is in all our life paths as a process of our own life experience to become more love.

Transformation of all ways of thinking,  feeling and knowing will creates higher vibrations of love so pure that will be able to transform our own lives as well as other. As we change our life will unfold a purposeful reason for accepting a change in consciousness from fear and lack of trust to love and trusting our good.

The Spirit of God within your heart.

The awakening happening now is being experienced by the heart and whole body. The spirit of God within you is being quickened, regenerated, born again as the inner teacher “the inner Christ” Actual experience of knowing God through the divine Christ impulse intimately give rise to divine wisdom.Desiring to being quickened by His spirit is a womderous thing.It does require work For ask and you shall receive.“When He, the spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13)..

Most of the time, God will speak in an inspiration that comes from deep within us and we will not always understand it with the separate conscious mind, but as we continue to take time in His presence, He makes us clear as to what He is saying. If God spoke to us it is natural that it would be a universal voice as we all speak different langues. Love and the vibration of love is universal languages. Many people say they have never heard God speak to them, because they do not know how He speaks to each one of us.But through the intelligence of the heart thoughts and feeling come together to raise our vibration and raise our consciousness.

As one’s consciousness expands it embraces unconditional love. The resonance of truth felt by the confirmation of thought and feeling sends up through the body divine bliss which lifts our vibration.The resonance of truth felt is Divine bliss and comes with an expansion of consciousness. Potential, creative ideas enter the separate conscious mind and become possibility. For now confirmation is acknowledge and the potential of what could manifest is now possible.

Path To Ascension


Through the quickening and awaken astral centre of the spine, the subtle Kundaline often call the Serpent Force rises up through the body bringing the individual to a state of conscious of Knowing. This Knowing is achieved by communication with the soul. It is by achieving and understanding the soul qualities that all will ascend. The Ascension process takes time. It is the spiritual morality and love for Father Mother God and one another that is the corner stone for Ascension. Remember Jesus words, Thou shall Love thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and Love thy neighbour as thy self (Luke 10:25-28) As long as the soul is bound to a lesser consciousness, it is not ascended. Instead, it chooses to suffer and it chooses freely to disregard Spirit. Liberated souls and there are many, are attracted to those aspiring people who have started to ascend in consciousness and are becoming aware of their spiritual origin


When I was studying to be a Brother in a Christian Order many years ago, I came across this sentence I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. I did not understand this at that time. But after reading the story of St. Francis of Asisi and St. Theresa, I realize that it was possible to communicate with Jesus. These Saints that I have mentioned above were able to see the immortalized body and spirit of Jesus as they were within sight of their ascension. Throughout our history, many people have also see Jesus. He will come to all those who ask Him. In my case, I have not seen Jesus, but I have received communication through His Spirit. This experience has guided me on my spiritual path all my life.


All who desire contact with Jesus, make your desire persistent, and have it your intention within your meditation to make contact with the infinite Christ Consciousness. This is achieved by opening the third eye. Be warned, It is not what you see but what you feel that is important. Years ago, when I was still trying to figure out a lot of things, I strained my eyes trying to see into the Spiritual World. One cannot see into the Spiritual World with physical eyes, so many have made that same mistake as me. If you want to see into the Spiritual World, it is necessary to develop your consciousness and learn to open the third eye. The Third Eye is the Spiritual Eye. This will only be opened by devotion to unconditional love and the development of your consciousness through Meditation.


Deception comes in many ways, as I realize on my path. This brings me back to what Jesus said, if thy eye offends, then pluck it out. Better not to see as deception can take on many forms, but feelings of love cannot be produced by mimic tactics. On your path, you will be deceived just as I was. Your truth as accepted by your subconscious mind will be projected to see all sorts of things, some may appear good, and others may be described as evil or not good. A good way to know if what you see is real is, if you see it with both inner and outer eyes. We all want the ultimate vision, but wanting it and having it as true are two different things. For now, settle for the wondrous elevating experience of joy and bliss. Here, one becomes a vessel or cup to hold the infinite Christ Consciousness. Then one day, full Ascension will happen. You will gain wisdom of the formless substance of the Only Begotten Son of God and Goddess (The Christ Consciousness). The Christ is already present in you and all life. Seek to experience the spirit behind the body of Jesus and realize within yourself the beginning of the ascension of the soul.


Remember John the Baptist declaration to the priests and leaders, indeed baptize you with water onto repentance, but he that cometh after me shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. The Baptism of Fire is in place for everybody now. It will continue up to and beyond 2012. A cleansing will be apparent for all to see. Those of you, who have opened the third eye, will be able to witness this. Let us recall John 1:32, I saw The Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and abide upon Him. So those who are in-tune with the Spirit will certainly see great wonders. The omniscient spiritual eye is symbolized by the Dove. Meditation is the process in which one ascends and keeps on ascending with regular practice. First, one educates the body of the present of spirit. This is carried out by the Holy Spirit, The Comforter. While within the presence of the spirit, one examines belief system that has been accepted .These are your hidden agendas and handed down from generation to generation. Also, you are able to detach yourself from the aspect of your focus which binds you to your place of limitations. The Holy Spirit washes out your consciousness with fire and burns away all fear and thought forms of non-truth. Please recall what Matthew 3:16-17 wrote, this is my beloved Son in whom I Am well pleased. This Christ Consciousness is the only begotten Son of God and Goddess. It is by developing this consciousness and raising the Son of man up within you, that Ascension takes place. The Son of Man body, ordinary man women of limited consciousness contains spiritual centres, and by awakening these centres of divine consciousness and by immersion of the light of spirit in meditation, your focus and intentions are clear. Then you will choose to enter the wilderness of the silence and absorb the cosmic sound of the silent intuitive wisdom where all can be conceived and revealed.


Remember when Jesus was talking to Nathaniel, He said that He would see heaven open and Angels ascending and descending on The Son of Man. Surely this was proof of man divine inheritance to claim his spiritual perception, knowing that this wonder can and will be realized from now on.


We have lost through fear our free will and have dissociated from the heavenly essences by choosing to identify solely with the physical world. But it is only by merging your spiritual self with your physical self that you can bring to your conscious mind, the truth. Then one can transcend the physical consciousness which hold us to our own limited perception which is limited to what is. Then one starts to realize that those of religious titles by virtue of intellectual knowledge have no real wisdom. They alone cannot advise the masses to believe in false notions of what is good and what is evil, without any real wisdom because they themselves are blinded to their temporal power. People are starting to see that this power was handed down to control people by fear. One feels very incomplete and helpless. So one searches a deeper truth not limited by intellectual understanding, I realized this on my own path. I noticed my attention on the five senses which really is just the start of the journey. Here, the mind interprets in error as it fails to use the intuitive part of itself, and hence cannot open the door of the heart. It is my knowing now that it was Jesus intuitive revelations, indeed, any great masters that have grace  us with their presence that allow the full manifestation of the true nature of their origin, which is the  Christ Being of infinite consciousness. I know that each and everyone one of us have descended from the heavenly causal and astral spheres down here to the earth plane. Now, it is, but a matter of time for all those who practice the development of Christ Consciousness to be lifted up. To practice this awareness it is necessary to meditate and invite in your Christ Self. It is by knowing this within your consciousness and consciously experiencing presence within yourself that it will manifest throughout your being. When I say lifted up, I mean that, the small minded or error of body only identify which we started out, will undergo change. The change is eternal life in the realization of Christ Consciousness.


And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that come down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven, and as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whoever believe in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:13-15).This can be explained as the lifting up of the seed of the potential of the Child of Spirit, the Christ Self,  which is throughout all of creation. All that is required is, to become aware of its infinite consciousness everywhere.


In order to descend down to manifest as physical body, the primal life force rooted itself in the First Chakra or better known as the Base Centre at the lower end of the backbone. Here, it sleeps until it is awaken. While it is asleep, it is continuously en-living the physical region of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and it focuses the consciousness to totally identify with the senses. The sensory body consciousness is limited; hence, fear generates attachment to the lower plane. It is this limited attention to the physical, which binds us to our suffering.  The error is making the earth our permanent home, by focus attention on limitations, imperfections and the separation by choice and making spirit subservient to the ego.


I realized what Jesus was talking about was, to lift up the Christ Seed or Christ Self so as we could attempt to accomplish what He did. This would depend on our ability to master through meditation, our thoughts of fear, separation and hopelessness. Over time, we would be ready for the final ascension. Remember Jesus told us to follow Him. The process is to develop the conscious awareness of the Christ-Self. For without this awareness, it is impossible to ascend when one is totally conscious of the physical world only, and with no awareness of the spiritual worlds that were created, to expand the consciousness of our infinite possibilities This keep us bonded to our insistent moods and habits which are stored within subconscious mind, and are running in the background within our consciousness. Hence, we keep the chains of reincarnation  around our selves, and these are weaved into our perception as fear, limitations and seeded within the next reincarnation to be qualified or adjusted.

I learned a long time ago, that meditation reverses the life force and consciousness from matter to God and Goddess. So by realizing your Christ Self and learning to communicate and perceive wisdom, you will not choose to be condemned to live and think as a struggling mortal. It is the sensory boundaries and the cutting off of the spiritual aspect of your being that condemns you to self-temptation of a lesser existence.