Tag: vibrations

Trust the Divine Intelligence of the Inner Christ


Trust is something that has become harder and harder to find, due to past experiences which the separate mind is not willing to let go . Hence we all live our lives from the fear of miss trust. We don’t trust our friends.  and our partners and our children. This leads to our governments , our laws and the way we do business.

We question our doctors, we worry about the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. So one can see that the habit of miss trust is a real one. Our daily thoughts that we imagine into being are co created due to lack of awareness . Awake, Awake Awake, to the fact that we reflect back to the world what we think into creation. This is magnetized by the energy of the heart.

We lock our doors at night because we don’t trust the people who live down the street or anyone who may be traveling through our neighborhood. In this increasing environment of fear and distrust that we live in, our ability to trust each other has also deteriorated. The present migration taken place in the world to day is creating miss trust.  Instead of trusting someone until we are wronged, we automatically assume the opposite, that they are guilty until proven innocent. So our starting out focus of attention is summing into our life’s the very situations we think into being.

Our own life experience gave us reason to be miss trustful.As we live our lives, there are many things that can create feelings of distrust toward others in our psyches. We acquire these habits  growing up,in a volatile environment of emotional pain brought on by belief in separation from our good. This creates abuse and neglect and  set the stage for distrusting others from our earliest of days. The subconscious separate mind accepts all information that we believe ,regardless of new perception and the application of wisdom.  As an adult we  all have  suffer the pain afflicted by others though their put downs, belittling or victimization, where we lose our self esteem and ultimately learn that we cannot believe in ourselves let alone others.

By embracing unconditional love one has moments of self realization This focus on fears attracts more to be feared and dis- trusted. Over time, the scars that we carry around from this deep emotional wounding cause us to shut parts of ourselves down. This hardens the heart and creates reason for believing in fear. where we are fearful of opening ourselves up to others and only to be hurt again.

As one embraces unconditional love , one acknowledges universal divine intelligence and love as their bases for growth on their spiritual path. For love bonds us collectively to others as one family of man. The more one embraces unconditional love the more one becomes whole and starts to feel their own body wisdom. As we go deeper right into our sensitivity of the awaken heart one will experience an accelerated period of spiritual growth and daily break through in the real definition of what love is. This will create in you greater clarity in making better decisions  using the principles of love. With each meditation and act of service of love ,one’s consciousness will expand.

Trusting your own divine guidance will come with the energy of love. Your spirit flows and your co creation abilities work best while you allow all other grow into their own awareness of the fullest expression of the inner Self the Christ within. Trusting that change is purposeful and good and is in all our life paths as a process of our own life experience to become more love.

Transformation of all ways of thinking,  feeling and knowing will creates higher vibrations of love so pure that will be able to transform our own lives as well as other. As we change our life will unfold a purposeful reason for accepting a change in consciousness from fear and lack of trust to love and trusting our good.

What Is Enlightenment?



The human mind has spiritual currents running through its thoughts streams. These streams contain vital information from spirit that is highly valuable to us. Spirit is the source of everything and conveys these ideas through the human mind that intersect with a person’s belief and helping the individual ascend into the higher information that uplifts and improves the quality of life.

In human life, spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of spirit by intellectual ascent and emotional devotion. Christconsciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (ego) mind with divine mind and the divine personality, that is the source of human happiness and fulfilment. As this is the state of awareness of our true nature, our higher selves and our birthright as children of God. Christconsciousness is our living expression as a child of spirit as we unfold our own divine life plan into the earth, bringing heaven on earth.

The Christ Self is actually being fully alive and invested in who we truly are. In our Christed Self we live as inspiration for others to seek this for themselves so we can collectively move our planet forward into the divine plan for planetary transformation and glorification.

Based on what we believe or expect, we tend to acquire. But what about the path of the soul. “The Law of Attraction” is understood as a mechanism or principle by which one receives based on the quality of their output of thought and ability to stay focused until the desired outcome is achieved. It is important to become aware of unconscious self-talk, trauma, induced beliefs, values, and other types of dysfunctional deficient projections going on within the mind

So let us now rephrase. Our lives are product of the consistency of our outgoing prayer/focus/attentions to details. Which are depended on the true path of the soul This makes it critically important to understand “The Law of Attraction” in its entirely, takes into account the soul desire. So “The Law of Attraction can be understood as “What we focus on expands” depending on the skill and ability to stay focused. But by becoming more aware the true focus changes direction, hence new desires become new reality.

Example: One thought, or idea purely held without any fear attached to it , attracts to it another thought like it but more powerfully established which will crystallizes pure concept of desire outcome. Now these two thoughts powerfully held attract a vibration of love which in turn attract a third thought for which the accumulation of the feeling vibration becomes increasingly powerful in the future. So this original thought gathers momentum after momentum allowing reality to manifests. So the original thought has become the initiator hence intension of desired result is off and running.

So now you understand there is an additional component to this growing vibration (resonance) and it is the feeling that are associated with the arising thoughts that are produced. This is where fear dilutes down by creating deficient thought. Feeling are the interchange with the source or the intelligence recognized within oneself It is in the resonance, feeling, and quality of connection with the source that we get insight or advise of the quality of the reality creating, we are each producing. Therefore, reality creating happens for everyone depending on the connection and flow to the source. through the Christ self. The Christ self is the door and it is only opening.

Once a person has acquired access to deep levels of consciousness, change is possible. Hence, the traditional paradigm of looking at reality will be set aside and a new paradigm will be born.

“The Law of Attraction” is The unconditional mindset which is only opening, and the way we use our mind can be improved upon which will lead to more understanding of the true concept of love. Then by allowing guidance to come through this door. To open this door fully, meditation is advised. Then we will understand that flow and non-resistance will release fear, guilt, shame, blame, and allow acceptance of what is which will move to create through the power of the imagination a new heaven.