Within the Silence and After


shift to wisdom - sunset view

Self reflection
Silent nights allow me to listen to my Heart while being in meditation. In the silence of the night being nowhere, I get the opportunity to listen to the expressions of my heart. While in the silence my inner world opens up to me. I quietly hear and feel all the emotions that stir within my soul
I listen to my heart sing praises to my Creator for all the blessings of the day. I give thanks for the lesson and ask for greater clarity of my purpose That moment allows me to stop and truly give thanks in a conscious way. It allows me to forget everything else and focus on how I am blessed in a myriad of so many different ways.

The joy and bliss that fills my heart and the guidance I receive from my own inner Christ fills my awareness with pure joy and inner bliss. During the quietness of the night, I lay still with eyes closed so I can focus on the bliss passing through my body ,I am able to have an awareness of communication with the Christ within the Holy spirit as if peering through the windows of my soul. That is when I get the best view and inner knowing of the beauty of my soul. of what I am made of. We are all made of love. It is pure love. No part of us is less than love. I am made aware of the all emotional high points as well as the lows, and truly understand the person I am.

The silence of the night gives me the chance to renew my spirit and give thanks for all my experiences to “I Am All That I Am” Taking an emotional journey back in time allows me to see where I went wrong and what I need to work on going forward. Every day , I commit to taking advantage of silent nights for retrospection, contemplation and enjoying communion with the Holy spirit and my own Christ Self. I pledge to use the opportunity to renew my spirit so it can shine brightly – like a beacon – to guide my way and bring joy to others as well.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are my thoughts when I reflect after my meditation and communication with spirit? Do I judge myself or others.

2. What inner know and discoveries have I experienced.
3. Do I seize the opportunity to make a pact to be more conscious of my thoughts and deeds? So I can become a conscious creator of the ideas of the “I Am All that I Am”

4. Am I honest with myself when assessing my thoughts and actions from the past? What feeling arise when I judge myself or others.

5. After meditation give thanks for all the bodily sensations and inner Christ healing .Take action on new discoveries and perceptions.

6. Become aware of the inner light the new light of the Christ self and give it out to all for as you give it out more love returns back to you. It is eternal and it is ” I Am All That I Am ” unconditional ,desire less love which is there for all.

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