What Faith was Jesus Talking About?


“FAITH is assurance of thing hoped for”. Intellectual faith admits doubt; Spiritual faith includes unfailing assurance and immediate response”. At the beginning of your work, these two attitudes of faith are often observed acting and reacting upon each other. Faith boosts the spoken word, so the word faith has an inner force. Words of faith set energy in action. When the centre of faith is activated, a idea in the mind of man (individual) connects him/her through faith with almighty energy. This faith centre within the pineal gland develops strong faith in “everything is possible”.

By affirming the activity of this super power, it will merge you to All That Is (Christ Consciousness). This ability is near impossible without stilling the mind the never rests. So meditation is advisable to experience the now moment. FAITH is the assurance or confidence within the mind brought about by devotion to seeking the truth that a particular thing or ideal will happen. Metaphysically, I have understood that the vibration of light that mind is able to expresses at its awareness level, always takes into account what the mind accepts as truth. Since then, my awareness of the indwelling Son of God consciousness “Christ consciousness”, the only begotten Son or Child of Spirit is living in my heart as the Inner Teacher

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