Month: November 2015

Meditation-The First To True Awareness


True awareness for me began when I started to feel energy running through my body. I labelled this at the time, “Body Wisdom”, and later “Diamond Heart Awareness”.  I had recently started to meditate and take an interest in search for truth. I was learning the streams of energy which I was now aware of contained vital information from spirit. I had to be in a meditated state to receive these feelings.  It became obvious to me that the mind never stops creating deficient ideas and making me live through my mistakes which created guilt and feeling of depression would take me over and I would feel powerless. I started to realize that I needed tools to clear this avalanche of negative thoughts, so that I could experience peace in my waken day. So, while in meditation, I would ask for wisdom so I could discover truth.  From then onwards, the spirit within my heart gave me many experiences to awaken the soul nature.

If you examine your life over the past years, you would have started to realize that you have been given life lessons to help you develop and progress from lower to higher realization of who you are and what you could become. The practice of meditation possibly has become a big part of your life as you would have realized that you can only access spirit through the seven astral doors (Chakras). Cosmic force that flows through our body has definitely increased, and if the practice of meditation can create wisdom for all, why not include it within our education system.

By learning the art of meditation and successfully stilling the mind, I became less affected by the “Law of Duality”. This is not to say that life was easy or that I didn’t have problems. But, with regular meditation, I was able to follow the inner teacher from within my heart. I was able to access the sanctuary of my soul. To switch on the electricity of love, all I had to do was meditate. This realization, supported the idea that only a small portion of my brain was actually been used. In fact, my brain was full of facts, other people experience and what I observed everyday.

With regular practice of meditation, I broke out of what I call “self-imprisonment” which came into my life through my focus and attention on deficient thoughts, ideas and lack of self-belief. My focus on fear and deficient ideas created limitation and produce a feeling of despair.  With my discovery of meditation, it become obvious to me that discovery and awareness, changes perception.  New paradigm requires new understanding and acceptance. As we merge with the tide which is rising, it will move us faster and faster upwards to greater wisdom which will be felt in our hearts.

In order to come deeply in the present moment where real joy can only exist, acknowledgment of the past and integration of wisdom obtain, plays a vital part in our level of awareness.

What Is Enlightenment?



The human mind has spiritual currents running through its thoughts streams. These streams contain vital information from spirit that is highly valuable to us. Spirit is the source of everything and conveys these ideas through the human mind that intersect with a person’s belief and helping the individual ascend into the higher information that uplifts and improves the quality of life.

In human life, spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of spirit by intellectual ascent and emotional devotion. Christconsciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (ego) mind with divine mind and the divine personality, that is the source of human happiness and fulfilment. As this is the state of awareness of our true nature, our higher selves and our birthright as children of God. Christconsciousness is our living expression as a child of spirit as we unfold our own divine life plan into the earth, bringing heaven on earth.

The Christ Self is actually being fully alive and invested in who we truly are. In our Christed Self we live as inspiration for others to seek this for themselves so we can collectively move our planet forward into the divine plan for planetary transformation and glorification.

Based on what we believe or expect, we tend to acquire. But what about the path of the soul. “The Law of Attraction” is understood as a mechanism or principle by which one receives based on the quality of their output of thought and ability to stay focused until the desired outcome is achieved. It is important to become aware of unconscious self-talk, trauma, induced beliefs, values, and other types of dysfunctional deficient projections going on within the mind

So let us now rephrase. Our lives are product of the consistency of our outgoing prayer/focus/attentions to details. Which are depended on the true path of the soul This makes it critically important to understand “The Law of Attraction” in its entirely, takes into account the soul desire. So “The Law of Attraction can be understood as “What we focus on expands” depending on the skill and ability to stay focused. But by becoming more aware the true focus changes direction, hence new desires become new reality.

Example: One thought, or idea purely held without any fear attached to it , attracts to it another thought like it but more powerfully established which will crystallizes pure concept of desire outcome. Now these two thoughts powerfully held attract a vibration of love which in turn attract a third thought for which the accumulation of the feeling vibration becomes increasingly powerful in the future. So this original thought gathers momentum after momentum allowing reality to manifests. So the original thought has become the initiator hence intension of desired result is off and running.

So now you understand there is an additional component to this growing vibration (resonance) and it is the feeling that are associated with the arising thoughts that are produced. This is where fear dilutes down by creating deficient thought. Feeling are the interchange with the source or the intelligence recognized within oneself It is in the resonance, feeling, and quality of connection with the source that we get insight or advise of the quality of the reality creating, we are each producing. Therefore, reality creating happens for everyone depending on the connection and flow to the source. through the Christ self. The Christ self is the door and it is only opening.

Once a person has acquired access to deep levels of consciousness, change is possible. Hence, the traditional paradigm of looking at reality will be set aside and a new paradigm will be born.

“The Law of Attraction” is The unconditional mindset which is only opening, and the way we use our mind can be improved upon which will lead to more understanding of the true concept of love. Then by allowing guidance to come through this door. To open this door fully, meditation is advised. Then we will understand that flow and non-resistance will release fear, guilt, shame, blame, and allow acceptance of what is which will move to create through the power of the imagination a new heaven.