Category: The Journey

Availability and Awareness of the Presence of the Inner Christ

Vast horizon

As one embraces meditation and adopts the principle of love, one makes their availability to the presence of god a daily thing One is in communion with the Christ within.Here their focus is to grow more aware of God’s love for all of life.To be in communion with ” I Am All That i Am” one would be wise to still the separate mind. For the separate mind believes the idea of being separate from our good.The separate mind needs to protect itself from perceived  forces that would be against it’s good.

As you experience yourself in stillness, you will intuit a new way of using your mind. You will be taught – from within the stillness – how to receive moment-to-moment inner guidance during the day from the Infinite  Christ Mind, and you will be given individual inspiration spiritual teachings for you to act on. With inner guidance and spiritual insight, you can know with certainty the most appropriate thing to do at any given moment in your life. Inner guidance is the means of right action,right thought . It is how you can know what to do with confidence with out doubt. It is your deepest knowing made conscious and when acted upon made manifested.. And as you learn to trust and make use of this faculty, it can become your decision maker.The resonance of truth felt deep with your inner knowing confirms your next step.  Practice daily listening to the inner guidance that resonance with Divine bliss.  The more experience you have with it and the better you get at utilizing the information available to you, the more convinced you’ll be of just how wonderful an attribute of mind this actually is. Listening for guidance is the technique of spontaneous wisdom.As one learns to trust the inner guidance the inner teacher announces it’s self to the conscious mind.

The spiritual teachings you’ll receive from within your silent mind within the silence will be the source of new meaning  and understanding in your life,  awakening revealing to you lift’s inherent meaning. and hidden laws . Spiritual teachings are communications of truth about the way things are.Why they are that way and how to change them. They will answer your conscious and unconscious questions concerning the nature of who you are and how the world works. Inspiring and guiding you in your thought, word and  speech, and behavior, they will come in the form of clarifying insights and sudden inspirations, creative ideas, intuitive knowings, life circumstances, people and situations, hunches, premonitions, desires, attractions, and spontaneous impulses. The teachings, taught from within, will he important to you and your life. They will make sense to you.As you live your new spiritual wisdom you will awaken to the joy and bliss of your life experiences.



With our conscious mind, we tend to analyze and judge data. We used the process of thinking, planning, making judgement and using references of past experiences from our memory to determine truth. Whether good or bad experiences, the mind holds them in our memory and accepts them as truth. When we, as individuals seem and act with fear, the feelings of fear distort truth . In fact these feelings come from the spirit self , as it does not agree with your focus or your self talk coming from the conscious mind. These feelings are guidance from within our being, that the thoughts that we are focusing on are deficient and that they will manifest in your life as we are co creators with” all that is” So our heart prompt us in one direction and the fearful mind prompt us in another direction out of fear. Hence we have two masters. Some point in the future the mind will furnish us with the stored thought which will be triggered with certain feelings of fear. Our bonding to this old feelings will keep attracting the same outcome through the law of attraction. Thought patterns that become permanent do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries.

By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete we ignore our superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the super conscious mind which is available to all. This super conscious mind gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to all that is. So it is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. It used to be said that knowledge was power, but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? One must know what to do with the knowledge that one has acquired and one must utilized this knowledge for all.

So how can we let these feelings and deficient thoughts deprived us from the love that we truly are. The process to successfully released old thoughts and associated feelings is called meditation. Meditation will create greater mental clarity. It will also give you the ability to dissociate from what is no longer working in your life or damaging your life experiences. After meditating for a while you will developed a proficiency and be able to have the advantage point from where you will become aware to your own thoughts and associated feelings as they arise in your daily activities. You will see and be aware of what sets off the trigger that creates fear or how you react to a given situation or to certain ideas or individual concepts.

This gives you the upper hand and allows you to use wisdom to think things through., meta-physicians and mystics seem to understand what consciousness is, but to the broader community, it remains very limited. It is to this group of people who I am addressing this “pearl of wisdom” to.
Since I am a mystic and have been all my life, I would like to address the short fall of information that is available for those who now seek truth. The word consciousness has been clearly misunderstood by the vast population of the world. Conscious as been defined by the dictionary “ as awareness by the mind of itself and awareness of the world around itself”. This awareness is based on the five senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste but it does not take into account other perception which have been developed by psychics, meta-physicians and mystics.

When I first started studying metaphysics and mysticism, I was always looking at the other side of the equation of life. My daily background was in Science, mostly Biology, Chemistry and Fine Sciences. So I came from a practical logical background. But I was always drawn to people who were like teachers for me who encouraged my deep analytical mind to develop greater means of understanding and analysing what consciousness was. I came across another definition of what consciousness was from a paper I read by a British psycho physiologist Cecil Maxwell Cade (1918-1984). He had actually developed a new way to measure consciousness. This new method is called “Electroencephalogram or EEG readings.

The paper goes on to say that “there are five observable levels of consciousness” for which I can vouch for through my own experienced. But that study is now obsolete. But for the purpose of this discussion we will briefly review it. For this study, it was decided to observed experienced mediators, for they have achieved various other levels of awareness. These five levels of consciousness were recorded as going from the awaken state to deep meditation state and beyond. They are described as what follows.

1) Dream State or dream sleep state – This awareness does not take into account any awareness from the external world. This awareness is associated as coming from the internal imagination of the recipient. So “who or what” is the observer. .
2) The next state is called Hypnotic – This state of awareness happen between the awaken state and the half a sleep state. Within this awareness you are aware of the external world, but also the semi-consciousness of the dream sleep state.
3) The Fully Awaken State – your full awareness is on the world and your focus is the world around you.
4) The Meditative State – where one has withdrawn their awareness from the external environment and are perceiving perceptions from within the core of their being.
5) The fifth state is the Awaken Mind – This state of awareness is experienced only by experienced mediators. This is where one is able to maintain awareness of both the self and the internal awareness of the awareness of the all environments.

On inspection, the results shows vast differences between the different states of awareness particularly between the awaken state of everyday awareness to that of the awakened mind. Cade’s overall research was an eye opener to those people particularly Scientist and Physicist who were looking for evidence of data and proof of the benefit of meditation. Cade’s results also showed that beta wave content was balanced over the two brains hemisphere. This suggested that there was a balanced between the left brain and right brain. So it was obvious that the best most productive and highest level of consciousness and brain functionality cannot be achieved in the awaken state. Just look what Albert Einstein did and said I can remember the exact quote but if goes something like this – the intelligence that created the problem, can not solve the problems, and the only way is to shed new light on the subject. New light is every day been shed on what consciousness is, from meta physicians and other innovative Scientist and healers.

As a meta physician, mystic and a healer I believed and know that there is no separation from existence but that which the mind accept as true. Also, I now introduce to these five levels of consciousness a sixth state. This state of consciousness is called “Self-Mastery in Christ Consciousness“. This is the state of consciousness that Jesus sheared to the world over 2000 years ago. Within this state of consciousness, the recipient interacts at the diamond heart awareness level of awareness with the materialization of invisible beings .through thoughts, feelings and the actual momentarily materialization into form, which can be seen by the material eye both internally and externally. Para-psychological studies had been recorded as well as telepathic experiences also clairvoyance and clairaudience by many prominent scientists. There are many prominent Doctors and Scientist forging a path with new an innovative discoveries. Also many such studies on pre-cognition, psycho metrics, astral projection, dream analysis and communication with animals and other life forms are easily found on the internet.

I have spoken to many people who have had these experiences and have shared them with me. All of them had revealed to me a vast amount of wisdom. More and more people in this present age are experiencing higher levels of consciousness which vary from individual to individual. Just as there are only five levels of consciousness which can be proven by the Scientific measurement there are many more levels of consciousness to be discovered. Jesus said, “In my Fathers there are many mansions”. In order to gain perception into these levels of consciousness, one would be wise to prepare to give up self (ego), as self does not exist as separate entity outside of the mind of infinite consciousness. One has to choose to loose oneself to find one’s true self.

This true self is a Christ Being of infinite love and power and is there to be realized by all. When one receives conscious contact with their own Christ Self or I Am Presence, one is attuned to the higher spiritual vibration of love. Up to now most of us have been broken and taken apart and have experienced deep separation from love. But now as the awakening is taken place, people are starting to realized that to be broken and lost is the only way to find our true self. Our work or task was to integrate our egos with our true self the Christ Being.

All can be forgiven if there is no concept of sin or guilt. Jesus knew this when He said “ Your sins are forgiven”. The awakening has been taken place as the perfect love which is the perfect idea is now birthing and manifesting. This will facilitate a new consciousness of love for all who focused and search for truth. Love dissolves all fears. When this realization takes place, which is the perfect idea that you are the Immaculate Concept of Father Mother God, also unique, truth set you free. When this takes place within your conscious mind, you put on the mind of the Christ and this is accompanied by a massive spiritual experience of ecstasy of ever new bliss. You will feel this within your heart. This will be a conscious communion taken place with spirit. After which further awakening will take place and greater wisdom will be followed by new knowledge of one’s true self. All will start to receive love feedings as the diamond river of light brings to recipient Diamond Heart awareness. This begins the recipient’s task to move into the sixth state which I call The Self Mastery in Christ Consciousness.

In Cade time this state was not measurable , but now major break through are well on their way. All will start to receive stronger feedings of love, peace and joy. These love feedings will grow in magnitude and length. At first gradually then as the conscious mind accepts the truth, the feelings will gather great momentum. As the mind starts to receive wisdom, confirmation will be recognized by feedings of ecstasy and joy and the recipient will be left in no doubt of the unconditional love of our Father Mother God. These feelings of love will come with inter heart awareness, this is a trans-formative process which I call “Diamond Heart Awareness”. After persistent and deliberate focus, the person or people who attuned to the level of spirit will developed self authority in all levels of their lives.

This level of self authority will allow all who practice self mastery in Christ consciousness to heal influences and entities of the lower levels of vibration. I realized that I was an individual expression of my parents “ Father Mother God of all that is“ As an individual express .there was an impulse to be co -creative and to express all that I am. I started to realise that certain desires were planted within my soul by Father Mother God of all that is. The desire which spirit plants in our souls are our talents. All that is , is dynamic therefore we are dynamic beings who wish to express our unique talents for the good of all. But fear and bonding to fear represses our through expression of life. Bonding takes place by what we habitually focus on and keep us limited. So it is little wonder that we stay bonded to a limited life.

What is it in us that keeps us believing that we are limited beings.? The Christ in you see you as perfect , but you do not agree. So you judge your talents and gifts as less and fail to deliver them to the world. Our souls are pure and beyond beauty, but with our attachment to fear, and our focus kept on fear, we are not enough. So deficient thoughts and associated feelings keeps us bonded to the life we have.

“All That Is” (Source) call it God or any name you like but do get to know it. The means in which you will be supported and guided is called meditation. Meditation increases the activity of the pituitary gland and also opens more of your brain to a new level of consciousness. It allows you to accept within your truth the invisible power that you posses and allows you access your true nature which in turn creates a knowing of “Who you really are”. You are the consciousness of all that is which is all expanding, all knowing, all loving source. Your empowerment will come from the awareness of loving all things without judgment and accepting what is. Remember, you are constantly changing and perceiving new discoveries and levels of awareness also “ALL That Is” is expanding and ever evolving by your partnership. Each of us represent a unique perception of divine reality. So truth does not exist, truth is always expanding and changing.

Not realizing that we are the prodigal children of God and Goddess and all we have to do is choose to contact home. Our work is to realize this fact. Our inheritance is our divine inner loving, all powerful nature. It is only when we remember our true nature and start acting with this knowing that we bring heaven to earth. This knowing of our unconditional loving nature allows us to have a relationship with God. As we are fully conscious of whom we are. By making meditation your work on a daily bases, you learn consciously to lift the soul in bondage from body consciousness into the divine presence of God.

I was a prodigal soul wandering in consciousness of only mater but now I am doing the work of meditation and self discipline and have been graciously been given a small glimpse of the infinite presence that I am. Now I am blessed as I truly feel the presence all around me. With this support and guidance I am in the process of practicing non attachment and unconditional love. Hopefully I will gain more wisdom and knowing of Gods Love.

Who are we. what are we capable of manifesting-What about the manifesting of love.


When we come to this earth through the process of birth, we are unaware of “who we are”. Our awareness is that of another world “We are lost to our true reality, which is one with “all that is” and we have been lost since the beginning of time. This experience of been lost is because we choose to take this position, in order to find our true nature. But as we experience separation a spiritual darkness enters into the consciousness. Our focus of attention is now directed to the physical world . So all action come now with a result and actions taken are intentional and will incur karma. It is our bonding to the result which creates attachment and this attachment will incur karma,especially when we believe that the self exist as a separate entity. If it is the case that the self the anti Christ exist then the small self (ego) will create separation from “all that is” and the results is now separation. This separation is experienced as a separate me against the world, hence a separate ego full of fear is born. This ego need to defend itself, also to stay in existance by keeping you from your true Christ Self. Thus the true identity and nature of the infinite Christ consciousness that we posses is lost. The belief that the ego self exist really creates separation. It is perpetuated by the belief of self as separate that causes the suffering. Then living as a separate individual being reinforces the now separate ego self. So as we go through life and ever increasing idea of identity becomes real. Jesus message and wisdom was “I and the Father are One” and He came so we could have more. He also said “Greater thing shall you do than I have done”. To follow Jesus, it is essential to dissolve and transmute and transcend karma. This is carried out by embracing the spiritual journey.
I found it very difficult to release the existence of the self as the sole doer of my life. I also found it difficult that all actions are the manifestation of the grace of God as God is not separate from His creation but interwoven into it at every level. I try now to live in the moment. This allows me to experience and accept things as they are while not attaching any outcome that creates fear of not been able to achieve a certain outcome. Jesus said “let the self die”. So in reality, one has to lose oneself to be free of a desired result, hence there is no attachment to the result in no karma been created and gives the ability to live in the now moment, moment by moment. It is only by developing the wisdom to abandon both the self that is doing the work or task and the self that desires certain results, for this alone nurtured freedom from the results. Another way to look at it is to abandon the self and become the activity or task experiencing the moment in its entirety . If you have not read the article on hallmarks of focus which I wrote a couple of months ago, please do” Please refer to it ,to help you understand how the law of receptivity works within your life.
When I look at the present reality now, my mind objectifies it. It uses the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell) which give me a certain perceptions which allow me to take action and gain a result. But when I do not have enough information, I tap into the sixth sense of intuition and the seventh sense of Diamond heart awareness. It is within these inner sensing abilities that the perception and wisdom becomes available to me. This allows me to trust and become the partner with the universe where all resistance falls away. Universal life “God” is the prime movement or activity in all life. God is constantly creating from itself and manifesting into “all that is” as form.
God created the world and saw it was good. So God creates through self contemplation. Remember in the beginning, God created an idea to create the perfect son, the Christ consciousness child of spirit. It was the perfect idea that was projected into it self. It self then became the medium or substrate through which all ideas were manifested. It is the projected idea that is objective by nature which we can call “the masculine nature”. This objective nature by its very existence has will and absolute choice with the power to act. “All that is” had the wisdom to create out of itself a vessel to project ideas unto itself. The aspect of “all that is” is the subjective or the feminine nature. Since the masculine or objective nature has the absolute choice, the feminine nature has no will of its own other than to accept all respondent ideas that are projected unto it and to support their growth. Also to develop these ideas through the “law of growth”. This subjective nature or feminine aspect is called “the spiritual law of receptivity” because it always acts without judgment to give the identical form to whatever is projected upon it from the masculine nature.
In the beginning God said, “ Let there be light”, this light is the Christ consciousness the only begotten son of God child of spirit. This was the first coming of the Christ. What is taken place now is the second coming of Christ. The second coming will take place within you and all who embrace the truth of existence. It was by speaking the word that the projected idea was implanted in the feminine aspect of God, hence creation was off and running. God at this plane of existence communicates to all by a particularization of “all that is” by means of two complimentary and symbiotic nature through our thoughts and feelings. I would like to remind you at this point, you the reader of a time when you became aware of your heart prompting you to one course of action and your head prompting you a different way. It is here that you realized that you have two masters (your head and your heart) and within this situation you become powerless through fear and lack of clarity.
The masculine nature has been diluted down to attract fear due to its separation from “all that is “and it is this fear that suggests , that the law of attraction bonds to. So the belief and focused attention keeps mankind from realizing their true self. The true self is a Christ being . But now the anti-Christ has taken over and hides from the conscious mind the truth. It is this fear and the focus you put your attention fearing a certain outcome that is implanted into the spiritual law which creates unconditionally the identical form into existence therefore, it is. One can now see it is the masculine nature or objective mind which includes the intellect and the capable reasoning faculties that has been diluted down as the results of the attracted fear. Add to this, certain limiting beliefs that are accepted as truth, will influence the manifestation and colour it , depending on our use of the law of receptivity as individual, separate beliefs fulfils the personal law of limiting belief.
While grown up as a young child, I was not aware that whatever I gave my attention to by a fact I feared that result, I was projecting ideas into the spiritual law of receptivity and I would attract what I fear most into my life. I now know after much discovery that every thought which I accept into my subconscious, registers in the book of life and will manifest. Every word that I project out will be fuelled by the emotion in my heart. So I try to let all ideas, concepts and judgment from my heart go allowing the feeling of unconditional love fill my heart. Remember Jesus words, “ Are ye also yet without understanding”” Do not ye yet understand that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into belly and is cast out into the draught. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile man”
As an individual while on my spiritual journey, I obtained a certain degree of peace and freedom. Now I can intuitively merge with the reality of another person and through the awareness of my heart obtain wisdom to facilitate their next step.
True wisdom can only be access by apply unconditional love to all aspects of what is. Then the resulting Christ consciousness will transcend both the subjective and objective view points and creating a higher consciousness of direct wisdom for a bi-lateral solution in thinking for the next step.
All egocentric desires where one believes that they are separate from “all that is “creates karma. If we examine the world religious, they fail to support the seeker to gain control over their created negative thoughts and actions. So, more and more people are tuning to meditation and various other methods to develop the mind. It is important to now develop and awaken other states of awareness.
It is by becoming conscious within meditation by been the witness and having developed the ability to disassociate oneself from what one observes that allow the letting go to attachment to begin. When all of the letting go to attachment is realized, the associated feeling will fall away and in there place a new awareness will announce itself as Love.
When one first begins to practice meditation, the desired outcome may not be realized as the participant will not be able to withstand the deluge of constant ideas and concepts which will distract them. The idea of meditation is to allow awareness of the content of ideas in the subconscious that does not serve you anymore to go pass through your mind as an observer and not to get involved in interacting with them. Just witness them. Then as the astral body becomes purified, a sense of peace is achieved as a result of gaining control over emotions and the imagination. Then your work really begins to transcend your karma. It is now time to surrender without knowing the outcome. The diamond river of light will awaken you to the diamond heart awareness which resides in the deepest core of your heart.
This magical awareness is unknowable; it can not be described or prepared for. When all the work of letting go to attachment becomes an awareness. It becomes time to live in the “Now Moment.” For me, this is the mysterious, magical and intriguing part of the trust with “All That Is“. The past couple of months challenged me to let go all the limiting beliefs that were holding me back.
For every given day, I am possessed by various levels of fear and joy that I cannot control. It is enough for me to allow without resistance what is and release my fears on a daily basis and let the power of release create for me passion for existence and there by letting go in order to meet my future self. At the same time blessing every experience and feeling the love sweep through my body. Letting time take it proper place while letting it change all that exists. It is by listening to my receptive innocence from within my heart and that I become aware of the still small voice “my inner teacher”, The Christ Self.. This voice reminds me of a new vision. This new vision has been living on the inner core of my being and consciousness, and is now asking me to take responsibility for the work at hand. Divine Intention is working through all life. God is coming into the world in a new way. He will reveal himself in all of us as we are all in the DiamondHeart of God where all facets are of the one substance called Love. All are equal and all have equal potential to manifest heaven on earth. We have free will to not focus on deficient ideas and thoughts which were introduced into the world from the beginning of time. “I am All That I Am” lives within us and through our being. We are starting to conduct His power all around us. God is Love, Wisdom and Truth and you will know the manifestation of the Christ within your own consciousness by these virtues. There is nothing greater than love; wisdom and truth for these principles are the cornerstone of developing Christ consciousness awareness within you. God’s love brings forth life, His wisdom brings forth light and His truth brings forth freedom that destroys fear. It would be wise to merge with the love nature of God being, as without merging we create separation which leads to fear. The path we walk in life leads only to love and when we are filled with God’s love our bodies becomes shining, majestic and invincible. To support this paradigm shift, it would be wise to start your own spiritual journey so you are ready to receive within your own knowing and own consciousness the knowing that you are one with all life and “all that is” and that your very nature is LOVE.

Self realization is within the energy and awareness of the diamond heart and the diamond river of light.

With the cultivation of only using the five senses (smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing) the human brain has been under developed to what its original purpose was intended for by its Creator. By failing to develop the other part of the human mind, man has cut himself off from the ability to receive spirit. The part of the brain that has been neglected is of course the cerebellum, since man has only developed one part of his brain and the rest is practically asleep. It is but a sleeping giant which is in the first stages of waking up.

From now on the already awaken people will experience significant and profoundly meaningful intuitive knowing which will be from the Christ self within. This experience will further awaken many to take up their divine purpose and offer their service and expertise to the many. Most will be directly guided from within; it is by paying attention that most of you will see significant realization of the Heavenly kingdom. At first you will encounter bursts of energy of spirit clearing away your fear and fear related issues. This energy will start like a small water spring and as you pay attention to it you will become a river of diamond light. The river of Diamond light will awaken the” diamond heart awareness “within your knowing. By embracing this new awareness of the purity of your soul you will go through a process of remembering the love you are. Your own body wisdom will reinforce your convictions of the new awareness that you are experiencing. Some will enter the secret space of knowing and be transformed by the transformation power of the diamond heart awareness. The universe through your Christ self will intuit to you the next step for you. You will be asked to embrace the intuitive thoughts that enter your mind with compassion and love and non judgment and an inner knowing will become your new truth. The non physical world will start to become a reality for you. This realization will reinforce your spiritual journey towards God- Awareness .Thus you will take your part in building your unique gift to this world and accept the diamond heart awareness of Christ consciousness knowing of the purity of you immaculate soul. You are bless and loved and “all that is “will rejoice in your returning to your true consciousness.

To support the diamond heart consciousness and the diamond river of light it would be wise now to practice meditation and begin to focus on the heart sense which has intelligence far beyond that of a fear based mind. The diamond heart awareness symbolizes the soul’s journey home to its true awareness. Notice the amount of material been brought into arena of new wisdom. It is with this new awareness or heart sense that the people of the world will define what we give our attention too. Already many people of the world have started to wake up. The hallmarks of our attention will manifest our very thoughts and will utilize the emotion of love to co creates them.

Your truth will keep on changing and our assumption about the nature of existence is now undergoing the process of change. It will become obvious to you that discovery and awareness changes your perspective. This new paradigm requires new understanding, wisdom, and acceptance. As you merge with the tide of this new paradigm shift, it will pick you up and move you faster and faster into right relationships, right action, and right opportunities, then you will be in position to let go of the past and acknowledge what is true for you. Look at how the majority of the people of Ireland have accepted the Queen of England visit and have started to move on to a new beginning with England. You too can let go the past and choose not to focus on what was, but start to build a new future, while letting innate intelligence or heart sense expresses itself through you. In the process of merging your heart sense will increase its current, which you will noticed as a feeling of love and a new found peace and stillness will be the result. This will create the right resonance to attract the corresponding dream for you. Each life will unfold effortlessly, beautifully, and it is in our acceptance of what is that we can ask for more. It is really in our ideas of what truth is that prevents the freedom of individual thought. Then it will become apparent that there is a fundamental illusion about Jesus ‘message. Which translate into the error of “that a belief is enough to enter heaven?” Jesus message was not understood. This error was not made by Jesus, but by those who misunderstood his message. What is becoming apparent now is Jesus told us to follow him. To follow Jesus, it would be wise to develop Christ consciousness within your inner being. This is the true marriage of life. This will bring about a new consciousness which will allow us to access our higher power and let go our limiting beliefs allowing us to expand and change them to create perfection as a new “heaven on earth”.
Any thought that is diluted down with the remembrance of fear is not perfect. It was fear that prevented this island of Ireland from embracing the future which is enfolding. Hence we are the creator of what is. Have the wisdom to know that your very thoughts are creating this world. Your daily objective was to remove fear which has built up over time. It is your fear related thought which block the flow of light and create a resistance to the flow of love for you. Becoming one with the Christ Self is the first step in eradicating fear. When you call on the Christ self the power of power attracts the Christ self to you by your intention to be one with “all that is” where you let go the belief that you are separate isolated and less. Whereby you become God centred and let go the need to defend the Ego. You will be shown by direct guidance coming from your own spirit self, how to take the next step. Thus with the increase of focused attention on truth, you will increasingly become aware of the presence within. New wisdom will become available to every person who seeks it, and new guides and teachers will be forthcoming in their wisdom to help all through the complexities of life.

Accept full responsibility for your thoughts, words, deeds and associated feelings and beliefs which are making you a beggar man in God’s House. We then can take responsibility as co-creators and have the wisdom to stay focused on putting LOVE before every thought. This will bring about unconditional love. As a result, the people of the world will find a new and meaningful means of nurturing ourselves and allowing the emergence of truth, love and wisdom to allow the all new expansive transformation of life which is well and truly under way.

Jesus was a bringer of truth. It is only by recognizing the will of God in creation, that man can find the path to the luminous glorious resurrection of eternal life. But man has failed to cultivate that part of the brain which is specifically for the purpose of knowing spirit within his consciousness. Meditation was a gift from the Father Mother God to cultivate that part of the brain that now science is paying much respect to.

With the advent of the law of attraction there is now a shift of deep philosophical questions been investigated and new discoveries are making the headlines. The question of free will was discussed in the April addition of the New Scientist 2011 What caught my attention in the article was the author drawn my attention to the fact that Neuroscientists are increasing describing our behaviour as been a result of a chain of cause and effect in which the physical brain of patterns of neural activity inexorably lead to the next culmination in a particular action of decision. But the question should be asked, what the underlining reason could be for a particular action or decision. From my own experience people tend to take action, if they can see a benefit from the choice of action. But where does the information come from that allow one to choose a particular action and where does fear fit in. Modern science is now realizing that the sub-consciousness is the store house of all our experiences, bearing in mind that the sub-consciousness gathers and stores past experiences and associated feelings which bond us to attracting more of the same as the patterns of thought are etched into the core of our being. So our patterns of thought create our focus and the hallmarks of focus demonstrate our thoughts into the world. The article discusses challenging people’s beliefs. It suggests trying to change people beliefs by overlaying them with more reasonable knowledge obtained with new perceptions. Certainly the world is now experiencing new perceptions. Using new ideas and new concepts they try to dilute down strongly held beliefs. Visionaries are now looking at the limitations of beliefs, if you watched the Gerry Springer show you would have observed peoples beliefs been challenged and how they behave in response to a major challenge been presented. It is noted the when a person beliefs are challenged they tend to defend and become aggressive. The reason for this is usually the amount of invested energy put in over time is flawed. It is this awareness that the ego will not willingly admit it is wrong and has been for a long time. So it denies that its knowledge is wrong. Or that might be incomplete.

If you’re predominant thought is fear and fear related, your very focus and knowing creates an unconscious feeling of lack, loneness and separation from your good. This focus creates a holding vibration of undesired results. It also will influence choices and prompt certain actions. For the purpose of explaining, predominant thought or a holding vibration, let us say you are observing a lack of money in your life. I am using this example as we are presently in a recession. So every day you are observing lack. It is talked about in the news; it is written about in the newspapers and is spoken about everywhere. Hence, “The Law of Attraction” binds us to the very circumstance we do not desire

The Law of Attraction” matches your habitual dominant vibration. Therefore what you focus on will become real to you. Belief is only a practised vibration. “The Law of Attraction” accepts your beliefs as your point of attraction and brings you things that match that vibration. Anything you call your truth is your creation, because it will come to pass and anything that you give your attention to will become your truth. So take a look at the predominance of your thoughts as they will become your truth and reality. To deliberately decide to redirect your thoughts, you are now focusing on your new point of attraction and “The Law of Attraction” is working to give you this new thought and working to create it.

In the process of merging the heart sense will increase its current, which will be noticed as a feeling of love and a new found peace and stillness will be the result. This will create the right resonance to attract the corresponding dream for each individual. Each life will unfold effortlessly, beautifully, and it is in our acceptance of what is that we can ask for more. It is really in our ideas of what truth is that prevents the freedom of individual thought.

So it would be wise to examine your belief system that has been accepted by your subconscious mind. These are your hidden agendas and handed down from generation to generation. Also, by doing this you are able to detach yourself from the aspect of your focus which binds you to your place of limitations. The Holy Spirit washes out your consciousness with fire and burns away all fear and thought forms of non-truth. Please recall what Matthew 3:16-17 wrote, “This is my beloved Son in whom I Am well pleased”. This Christ Consciousness is the only begotten Son of God and Goddess. It is by developing this consciousness and raising the Son of man up within you, that Ascension takes place. The Son of Man body, ordinary man women of limited consciousness contains spiritual centres, and by awakening these centres and by immersion of one’s consciousness in the diamond river of life the light of spirit will make your focus and intentions very clear. Then you will choose to enter the wilderness of the silence and absorb the cosmic sound of the silent intuitive wisdom where all can be conceived and revealed

We have lost through fear our free will and have dissociated from the heavenly essences by choosing to identify solely with the physical world. But it is only by merging your spiritual self with your physical self that you can bring to your conscious mind, the truth. Then one can transcend the physical consciousness which hold us to our own limited perception which is limited to what is. Then one starts to realize that those of religious titles by virtue of intellectual knowledge have no real wisdom. They alone cannot advise the masses to believe in false notions of what is good and what is evil, without any real wisdom because they themselves are blinded to their temporal power. People are starting to see that this power was handed down to control people by fear. One feels very incomplete and helpless. So one searches a deeper truth not limited by intellectual understanding. So develop your intuition your 6TH sense and your 7th heart sense, this will open the door to the 8th chakra, where the diamond heart awareness knowing of infinite consciousness will transform your consciousness to the truth of your infinite power. I learned a long time ago, that meditation reverses the life force and consciousness from matter to God and Goddess. So by realizing your Christ Self and learning to communicate and perceive wisdom through body wisdom, you will not choose to be condemned to live and think as a struggling mortal. It is the sensory boundaries and the cutting off of the spiritual aspect of your being that condemns you to self temptation of a lesser existence Body wisdom does not come from the fearful mind. It comes from a deeper knowing than that of the intellect. Body wisdom comes from the ability to develop an inner sensitivity. This inner sensitivity can be developed by taken massive action to acquire the ability to allow spirit to impart the process of cleansing. Dictate time and attention to be focused on been in the moment.

Daily be resurrected with Christ light as you take your individual conscious and merge with the illuminating light of Christ consciousness within your meditation in the diamond river of eternal life. Allow the diamond river of light to saturate your consciousness. Be inspired and sustained in the wisdom of the transparent purity which will build for you the ability to manifest your spiritual powers to lift the soul beyond fear and fear based ideas and associated feelings that come with such thoughts. Remember we have lost through fear our free will and have dissociated from the heavenly essences by choosing to identify solely with the physical world. But it is only by merging your spiritual self with your physical self” The perfect marriage” that you can bring to your conscious mind, the truth. Then one can transcend the physical consciousness which hold us to our own limited perception which is limited to what is. Then one starts to realize that those of religious titles by virtue of intellectual knowledge have no real wisdom. They alone cannot advise the masses to believe in false notions of what is good and what is evil, without any real wisdom because they themselves are blinded to their temporal power. Thereby they were not able to access real power. The power that they managed was the accumulation of invested energy in a belief and was kept in check with fear. People are starting to see that this power was handed down to control people by fear. One feels very incomplete and helpless. So one searches a deeper truth not limited by intellectual understanding

The descending masculine force meets the feminine force in the bridal chamber of the heart. The resultant is the mystical union on the physical plain of the “Father Mother God”. Here, the immaculate divine conception takes place wherein the spiritual embryo is conceived and the Christ Self is born around the pure self within your soul. You will begin to feel energy within your body. Now is the time to listen to your own body wisdom. As the divine dual forces start to awaken the soul, you will be able to access the wisdom of your soul. This process will allow you to receive new truth about who you are.

What becomes important is what you allow your conscious mind to be feed on. So your focus and what you accept as truth will be diverted away from fear and fear related issues. Fear will be defeated the newly born Christ child will attract the body of Christ within the inner dimension of its being. The new awaken soul will feel the presence of that “I Am All That I Am” within their body. It is heard from within the throne chamber the new awaken soul abiding with the Christ will know it very own nature is Love. No longer is the ego, the false Christ or Anti-Christ ruling but instead the “I Am All That I AM” the true Christ has gained dominion over the anti-Christ.

It is by stilling the mind in meditation, that the new earth will support and lead everybody to discover and utilize the origin of power, health, happiness, courage and zeal to build for yourself the life of your dreams. Your individualized self-consciousness is within the core of your being. The trick is how to harmonize the activity of the individual consciousness with that of the universal consciousness. This is achieved by merging the heart and mind together and at the same time taken guidance from what you feel and start to communicate the potentialities of what could exist, will start to manifest. This leads to harmony of thoughts through feeling which will result in right action and deed. So you see, we actually perceive the world within by our intuition and imagination and we should be capable of listening to the voice of our own spirit self not one’s own fear based mind. It is the fear based thoughts which create a total false perception by the ego who does not want to listen to it own spirit self. It is the ego’s impatient of wants and lack of understanding that we are all one. Instead, it uses the intellect to give it life and survival. At the same time it creates a sense of lack and deficient ideas that human being are not enough and forgetting the pure soul within, which is the Christ Self of infinite consciousness and The Diamond heart Awareness that we are one.

When you experience the slowdown of the creation of your thoughts through meditation, you start to realize that you are creating all your experiences but you are not aware consciously that this is what you are doing. It is only when you realize that your habitual thoughts of likes and dislikes bond you to the life you have.

By utilizing meditation, the sacred dual forces will nourish and care for the Christ child that is born anew in you. Then overtime, growth of the inner divinations will speed up. Your body will undergo change at the core of your being; your cells will receive the program of immortality from “All That I AM”. By feeling love within one’s own consciousness, a light will begin to break which allows the individual to experience a profound peace and joy more than the ordinary human heart has ever known before. From this point on wards the diamond river of life feeds your new awareness of your diamond heart awareness and the perfection of your soul. You will be asked to embrace yourself with compassion, non judgements and unconditional love. As your inner knowing becomes your new truth, you will be let in no doubt how love and blessed you are. Then as time goes on your courtship with Spirit alter your perceptions. Hence new perceptions will be experienced and acknowledge. You will start to perceive the world in a new way. Greater clarity and perspective will lead you towards wholesome thinking and feelings of the love that exists. This will support you about your spiritual convictions and your inner knowing. All that remains is you trust the guidance of this new partnership and marriage “to all that is “

The Christ self is the door and once opened no man can shut it. Love is the divine energy of Father Mother God and you are child of spirit. Bear this in mind the love feeling is the denominator which is now announcing itself to the world.

We are becoming aware of energy and as it expands beyond the physical, some of us sense it others see it and yet still others can communicate with it. Notice how the mind set of unconditional love practised regularly will change the reality that you are experiencing. All the resistance of the drama of life dissipates. Limitation will start to fall away. New belief systems will be evidence of the new seeds that you are planting within your consciousness. This will become your new truth for now and your experiences will reinforce the “Law of Attraction” with vibration of love and this energetic environment will affect your physical world. In fact you will be working with thought and intention before it will come into manifestation. Now with deliberate conscious creating of your part in creation as a co-creator, the universe will create that which you desire. This freedom creates peace within and more remembrance of your purpose.

So my recommendation to you who have the inner eyes to see and the inner ears to hear my words “Be Still and Know I AM, All That I AM”. I am the Diamond Heart consciousness where all are one. Be emerged in the diamond river of life daily within your meditation. Know that all facets of our diamond are pure, immaculate and of the same and only one substance called LOVE. To give expression of trust to the highest potential, it would be wise to evolve in wisdom, intelligence and higher consciousness in order to return to the awareness of the full consciousness of your being. Which is the source (God and Goddess) the nature of your true reality and being

Shift to wisdom by using your daily journal to be self contemplative

A journal has two different purposes.It can serve as a specific tool for not only recording your life, but also for helping to find solutions to life’s challenges and asking the rights questions.

A diary can be used to record external events in your life, but a journal can be used to record your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. The difference can be profound if used for insights and awareness.

The benefits of keeping a journal of recording your thoughts and feeling create greater awareness of what you daily keep your focus on.What one focuses on and pays attention to, one attracts same into their life.Thoughts become things and what we believe gives power to the universal law of attraction the power to create our experience.

A journal creates an ability to examine what we daily focus our thoughts and feeling on. Few of us really take the time to examine our lives. Self reflection allows us to dis guard what does not work in our lives We commonly feel that we either don’t have the time, it won’t be beneficial, or it’s simply too uncomfortable. By regularly making an appointment to examine our thoughts and resulting feeling with yourself, greater awareness takes place. you can create the necessary focus to make positive changes in your life when you act on new perceptions from the inner teacher.

Writing a journal supports and allows us to see the actual truth which creates reflection on our thoughts ,actions and the resulting feeling which gives us choices on how to do better next time. .This will give rise to new awareness of any experience we have become aware of. We’re all amazing at fooling and distracting ourselves,we tend to deflect away from particular experiences instead of learning from them in a positive way. but when the truth is right before our eyes in black and white, there’s no place to hide.Deflection or comparison is not and option.

A journal when use to reflect and focus our attention on solving life problems and releases stress. There’s something about getting your thoughts on paper, that creates awareness and greater awareness of the power of reflection . Reducing your stress also creates a more effective state of mind for solving challenges. A journal provides a means of measuring progress and growth. One is able to see where one is in any situation .One can segment a particular problems and follow steps to solve them in a easy way.

Changes aren’t noticed when you’re exposed to them daily. A journal provides a way of looking back and seeing just how far you’ve come.It also gives us time to be grateful for our experiences. Record your thoughts about the challenges you’re facing, creates a sense of doing something about them. Thoughts like, how does it make you feel? How would your life improve if you were able to get this challenge fully under control?Will change your vibration and attract to you what you focus on.

Keep a list of possible solutions gives one options creating reason to focus on non fearful thoughts. Over the course of several days, your mind can provide dozens of possible solutions. Record them for future reference. Avoid being judgmental. Simply record the ideas that pop into your head gives you power and creativity to solve problems..

Develop an action plan In a timely manner allows one to take action. Eventually, one idea will stand above the rest. If you find yourself torn between multiple options, do whatever it takes to make a decision. Use a tarot reading with options if certain option are chosen..

Start your action plan with small steps that are simple and easy to accomplish. A little momentum can be invaluable.Record you progress.Record how you feel.Notice your own body wisdom. Become aware of the joy experienced.
Record your progress. Record the actions that you took each day to overcome the obstacle in your life. Also record your thoughts and feelings about your progress. If you can make yourself feel good about the process, success is much more likely.Acknowledge improvement, no matter how small.For any improvement is progress and will chance your vibration.

Look for old self talk and affirm new truth and focus.. Everyone is self-sabotaging to varying degrees. Record your thoughts and behaviors that are creating resistance to your progress. For example, Change habits that block or inhibit your progress.

Create a list of solutions for dealing with your counterproductive habits and do them to make them habits.Like meditation. self contemplation and exercise.
Make your journal a daily habit. It’s easy to let things slip through the cracks and create even bigger challenges if you don’t write in your journal each day. Take advantage of this easy way to keep your life moving forward in a way that pleases you.

A journal can be an effective way to create positive change in your life. Even if you’re never tried it before, give the journal method a try for a few months and measure the improvement in your life. With regular effort, you’re certain to reap many positive rewards.

Conscious mind v the Christ mind

With our conscious mind, we tend to analyze and judge data. We used the process of thinking, planning, making judgement and using references of past experiences from our memory to determine truth. Whether good or bad experiences, the mind holds them in our memory and accepts them as truth. When we, as individuals seem and act with fear, the feelings of fear distort truth . In fact these feelings come from the spirit self , as it does not agree with your focus or your self talk coming from the conscious mind. These feelings are guidance from within our being, that the thoughts that we are focussing on are deficient and that they will manifest in your life as we are co creators with” all that is” So our heart prompt us in one direction and the fearful mind prompt us in another direction out of fear. Hence we have two masters. Some point in the future the mind will furnish us with the stored thought which will be triggered with certain feelings of fear. Our bonding to this old feelings will keep attracting the same outcome through the law of attraction. Thought patterns that become permanent do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries. By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete we ignore our superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the super conscious mind which is available to all. This super conscious mind gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to all that is. So it is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. It used to be said that knowledge was power, but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? One must know what to do with the knowledge that one has acquired and one must utilized this knowledge for all.

So how can we let these feelings and deficient thoughts deprived us from the love that we truly are. The process to successfully released old thoughts and associated feelings is called meditation. Meditation will create greater mental clarity. It will also give you the ability to dissociate from what is no longer working in your life or damaging your life experiences. After meditating for a while you will developed a proficiency and be able to have the advantage point from where you will become aware to your own thoughts and associated feelings as they arise in your daily activities. You will see and be aware of what sets off the trigger that creates fear or how you react to a given situation or to certain ideas or individual concepts. This gives you the upper hand and allows you to use wisdom to think things through.

Psychics, metaphysicians and mystics seem to understand what consciousness is, but to the broader community, it remains very limited. It is to this group of people who I am addressing this “pearl of wisdom” to.
Since I am a mystic and have been all my life, I would like to address the short fall of information that is available for those who now seek truth. The word consciousness has been clearly misunderstood by the vast population of the world. Conscious as been defined by the dictionary “ as awareness by the mind of itself and awareness of the world around itself”. This awareness is based on the five senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste but it does not take into account other perception which have been developed by psychics, metaphysicians and mystics.

When I first started studying metaphysics and mysticism, I was always looking at the other side of the equation of life. My daily background was in Science, mostly Biology, Chemistry and Fine Sciences. So I came from a practical logical background. But I was always drawn to people who were like teachers for me who encouraged my deep analytical mind to develop greater means of understanding and analysing what consciousness was. I came across another definition of what consciousness was from a paper I read by a British psycho physiologist Cecil Maxwell Cade (1918-1984). He had actually developed a new way to measure consciousness. This new method is called “Electroencephalogram or EEG readings.

The paper goes on to say that “there are five observable levels of consciousness” for which I can vouch for through my own experienced. But that study is now obsolete. But for the purpose of this discussion we will briefly review it. For this study, it was decided to observed experienced mediators, for they have achieved various other levels of awareness. These five levels of consciousness were recorded as going from the awaken state to deep meditation state and beyond. They are described as what follows.

1) Dream State or dream sleep state – This awareness does not take into account any awareness from the external world. This awareness is associated as coming from the internal imagination of the recipient. So “who or what” is the observer. .
2) The next state is called Hypnotic – This state of awareness happen between the awaken state and the half a sleep state. Within this awareness you are aware of the external world, but also the semi-consciousness of the dream sleep state.
3) The Fully Awaken State – your full awareness is on the world and your focus is the world around you.
4) The Meditative State – where one has withdrawn their awareness from the external environment and are perceiving perceptions from within the core of their being.
5) The fifth state is the Awaken Mind – This state of awareness is experienced only by experienced mediators. This is where one is able to maintain awareness of both the self and the internal awareness of the awareness of the all environments.

On inspection, the results shows vast differences between the different states of awareness particularly between the awaken state of everyday awareness to that of the awakened mind. Cade’s overall research was an eye opener to those people particularly Scientist and Physicist who were looking for evidence of data and proof of the benefit of meditation. Cade’s results also showed that beta wave content was balanced over the two brains hemisphere. This suggested that there was a balanced between the left brain and right brain. So it was obvious that the best most productive and highest level of consciousness and brain functionality cannot be achieved in the awaken state. Just look what Albert Einstein did and said I can remember the exact quote but if goes something like this – the intelligence that created the problem, can not solve the problems, and the only way is to shed new light on the subject. New light is every day been shed on what consciousness is, from metaphysicians and other innovative Scientist and healers.

As a metaphysician, mystic and a healer I believed and know that there is no separation from existence but that which the mind accept as true. Also, I now introduce to these five levels of consciousness a sixth state. This state of consciousness is called “Self-Mastery in Christ Consciousness“. This is the state of consciousness that Jesus sheared to the world over 2000 years ago. Within this state of consciousness, the recipient interacts at the diamond heart awareness level of awareness with the materialisation of invisible beings .through thoughts, feelings and the actual momentarily materialization into form, which can be seen by the material eye both internally and externally. Para-psychological studies had been recorded as well as telepathic experiences also clairvoyance and clairaudience by many prominent scientists. There are many prominent Doctors and Scientist forging a path with new an innovative discoveries. Also many such studies on pre-cognition, psychometrics, astral projection, dream analysis and communication with animals and other life forms are easily found on the internet.

I have spoken to many people who have had these experiences and have shared them with me. All of them had revealed to me a vast amount of wisdom. More and more people in this present age are experiencing higher levels of consciousness which vary from individual to individual. Just as there are only five levels of consciousness which can be proven by the Scientific measurement there are many more levels of consciousness to be discovered. Jesus said, “In my Fathers there are many mansions”. In order to gain perception into these levels of consciousness, one would be wise to prepare to give up self (ego), as self does not exist as separate entity outside of the mind of infinite consciousness. One has to choose to loose oneself to find one’s true self. This true self is a Christ Being of infinite love and power and is there to be realized by all. When one receives conscious contact with their own Christ Self or I Am Presence, one is attuned to the higher spiritual vibration of love. Up to now most of us have been broken and taken apart and have experienced deep separation from love. But now as the awakening is taken place, people are starting to realized that to be broken and lost is the only way to find our true self. Our work or task was to integrate our egos with our true self the Christ Being.

All can be forgiven if there is no concept of sin or guilt. Jesus knew this when He said “ Your sins are forgiven”. The awakening has been taken place as the perfect love which is the perfect idea is now birthing and manifesting. This will facilitate a new consciousness of love for all who focused and search for truth. Love dissolves all fears. When this realization takes place, which is the perfect idea that you are the Immaculate Concept of Father Mother God, also unique, truth set you free. When this takes place within your conscious mind, you put on the mind of the Christ and this is accompanied by a massive spiritual experience of ecstasy of ever new bliss. You will feel this within your heart. This will be a conscious communion taken place with spirit. After which further awakening will take place and greater wisdom will be followed by new knowledge of one’s true self. All will start to receive love feedings as the diamond river of light brings to recipient Diamond Heart awareness. This begins the recipient’s task to move into the sixth state which I call The Self Mastery in Christ Consciousness. In Cade time this state was not measurable , but now major break through are well on their way. All will start to receive stronger feedings of love, peace and joy. These love feedings will grow in magnitude and length. At first gradually then as the conscious mind accepts the truth, the feelings will gather great momentum. As the mind starts to receive wisdom, confirmation will be recognized by feedings of ecstasy and joy and the recipient will be left in no doubt of the unconditional love of our Father Mother God. These feelings of love will come with inter heart awareness, this is a transformative process which I call “DiamondHeart Awareness”. After persistent and deliberate focus, the person or people who attuned to the level of spirit will developed self authority in all levels of their lives.

This level of self authority will allow all who practice self mastery in Christ consciousness to heal influences and entities of the lower levels of vibration. I realized that I was an individual expression of my parents “ Father Mother God of all that is“ As an individual express .there was an impulse to be co -creative and to express all that I am. I started to realise that certain desires were planted within my soul by Father Mother God of all that is. The desire which spirit plants in our souls are our talents. All that is , is dynamic therefore we are dynamic beings who wish to express our unique talents for the good of all. But fear and bonding to fear represses our through expression of life. Bonding takes place by what we habitually focus on and keep us limited. So it is little wonder that we stay bonded to a limited life. What is it in us that keeps us believing that we are limited beings.? The Christ in you see you as perfect , but you do not agree. So you judge your talents and gifts as less and fail to deliver them to the world. Our souls are pure and beyond beauty, but with our attachment to fear, and our focus kept on fear, we are not enough. So deficient thoughts and associated feelings keeps us bonded to the life we have.

“All That Is” (Source) call it God or any name you like but do get to know it. The means in which you will be supported and guided is called meditation. Meditation increases the activity of the pituitary gland and also opens more of your brain to a new level of consciousness. It allows you to accept within your truth the invisible power that you posses and allows you access your true nature which in turn creates a knowing of “Who you really are”. You are the consciousness of all that is which is all expanding, all knowing, all loving source. Your empowerment will come from the awareness of loving all things without judgment and accepting what is. Remember, you are constantly changing and perceiving new discoveries and levels of awareness also “ALL That Is” is expanding and ever evolving by your partnership. Each of us represent a unique perception of divine reality. So truth does not exist, truth is always expanding and changing.
Not realizing that we are the prodigal children of God and Goddess and all we have to do is choose to contact home. Our work is to realize this fact. Our inheritance is our divine inner loving, all powerful nature. It is only when we remember our true nature and start acting with this knowing that we bring heaven to earth. This knowing of our unconditional loving nature allows us to have a relationship with God. As we are fully conscious of whom we are. By making meditation your work on a daily bases, you learn consciously to lift the soul in bondage from body consciousness into the divine presence of God.

I was a prodigal soul wandering in consciousness of only mater but now I am doing the work of meditation and self discipline and have been graciously been given a small glimpse of the infinite presence that I am. Now I am blessed as I truly feel the presence all around me. With this support and guidance I am in the process of practicing non attachment and unconditional love. Hopefully I will gain more wisdom and knowing of Gods Love.

By: Malcolm McAuliffe

Thoughts and feeling.fear and love

The human mind has spiritual currents running through its thoughts streams.”FEAR CREATES DILUTION OF ANY AND ALL CREATIVE THOUGHT”. These streams contain vital information from spirit that is highly valuable to us. Spirit is the source of everything and conveys these ideas through the human mind that intersect with a person’s belief and helping the individual ascend into the higher information that uplifts and improves the quality of life.

In human life, spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of spirit by intellectual ascent and emotional devotion. Christ consciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (ego) mind with divine mind and the divine personality, that is the source of human happiness and fulfillment. As this is the state of awareness of our true nature, our higher selves and our birthright as children of God. Christ-consciousness is our living expression as a child of spirit as we unfold our own divine life plan into the earth, bringing heaven on earth.

The Christ Self is actually being fully alive and invested in who we truly are. In our Christed Self we live as inspiration for others to seek this for themselves so we can collectively move our planet forward into the divine plan for planetary transformation and glorification.

Based on what we believe or expect, we tend to acquire. But what about the path of the soul. “The Law of Attraction” is understood as a mechanism or principle by which one receives based on the quality of their output of thought and ability to stay focused until the desired outcome is achieved. It is important to become aware of unconscious self-talk, trauma, induced beliefs, values, and other types of dysfunctional deficient projections going on within the mind

So let us now rephrase. Our lives are product of the consistency of our outgoing prayer/focus/attentions to details. Which are depended on the true path of the soul This makes it critically important to understand “The Law of Attraction” in its entirely, takes into account the soul desire. So “The Law of Attraction can be understood as “What we focus on expands” depending on the skill and ability to stay focused. But by becoming more aware the true focus changes direction, hence new desires become new reality.

Example: One thought, or idea purely held without any fear attached to it , attracts to it another thought like it but more powerfully established which will crystallizes pure concept of desire outcome. Now these two thoughts powerfully held attract a vibration of love which in turn attract a third thought for which the accumulation of the feeling vibration becomes increasingly powerful in the future. So this original thought gathers momentum after momentum allowing reality to manifests. So the original thought has become the initiator hence intention of desired result is off and running.

So now you understand there is an additional component to this growing vibration (resonance) and it is the feeling that are associated with the arising thoughts that are produced. This is where fear dilutes down by creating deficient thought. Feeling are the interchange with the source or the intelligence recognized within oneself It is in the resonance, feeling, and quality of connection with the source that we get insight or advise of the quality of the reality creating, we are each producing. Therefore, reality creating happens for everyone depending on the connection and flow to the source. through the Christ self. The Christ self is the door and it is only opening.

Once a person has acquired access to deep levels of consciousness, change is possible. Hence, the traditional paradigm of looking at reality will be set aside and a new paradigm will be born.
“The Law of Attraction” WORKS WITH the unconditional mindset which is only opening, and the way we use our mind can be improved upon which will lead to more understanding of the true concept of love.The Christ Self level of awareness is the door to our true consciousness Then by allowing guidance to come through this door. To open this door fully, meditation is advised. Then we will understand that flow and non-resistance will release fear, guilt, shame, blame, and allow acceptance of what is which will move to create through the power of the imagination a new heaven.

Diamond Heart AwareNess.

Shift to Wisdom by Developing Diamond heart Awareness within Your own Consciousness and Accept the Christ Self within your Human Soul Part 1

I read an article in the Huffington Post in the mindful living section written by Agapi Stassinopoulos Author of the book “Unbinding The Heart” I wish to quote a few lines for you as an introduction to my own article “Shift To Wisdom By Developing Diamond Heart Awareness Within Your Consciousness by Accepting the Christ Self Within your Human Soul.”
“At every moment we have the power invested in us to touch another human heart to heart and affect their lives by conveying the truth of all truths: we are one. We have the power to bridge the illusion and pain of separation”. Agapi Stassinopoulos.
I then clicked on to the web site to be greeted with “How would your life be if you lived with an open heart and free and knew your story mattered”. While I was trying to get myself around her name, I noticed the word “SIN” in the name, my knowing in me prompted me to include her quotes.
I spend years reading books, meditating and attending esoteric lectures in hope that I could know myself. The Great “Fritz Perls” said, “The very moment you get in touch with yourself, growth begins, integration begins”. Integration of what ingredient would allow us to fully awaken? The missing ingredient is what we all want, and that is “Love”. The love I speak about is unconditional.

In this article, I will attempt to give you “food for thought” about the Christ Self and the human soul. I believe what is now taken place is the integration of the Christ Self within the human soul. I now wish to go back to the beginning of “creation”. In my previous article, I introduced the reader to the concept of the “Perfect reflection of Christ Consciousness” I spoke about the birth of Creation. “God breathe a desire and the Holy Ghost or Mother Mary carried within its virgin whom the Christ consciousness, which was symbolized by the “Son of God”, the only begotten Son, child of spirit and “the perfect reflection of cosmic consciousness (God the Father). We are now coming to the end of the man earth evolution which is also the completion of the soul evolution. If one does any real investigation into the shift in consciousness which has been reported all around the world, one would come to a realization that the old paradigm system is dying. A new level of consciousness is announcing itself to the world. This new level of consciousness is not about separation, isolation, or negativity. Referred to by many as “SIN”.

The experiences of those of us that are waking up go far beyond knowledge and how to extricate ourselves from the catastrophe in which the world now finds itself. There is a shift to wisdom and a new realization of what we are meant to become in our soul. Heart and mind are merging together to give proper use of free will. The duality we live in, allow us the possibility of choosing between what is true and what is false. Each of us has a capacity to distinguish between what is true and what is false for ourselves for now. But truth keeps on changing, truth is conceptual.

There is a lot of talk about freedom, but many people do not really understand what freedom is. Our present day media is controlled by invested interests who want to control what you and I keep our attention on. No real news of importance is ever allowed to be heard. In fact news of any importance is suppressed. Our focus of attention has been kept on fear and the impending fear that is used to control us.

From an early age as children, we are indoctrinated by beliefs and are surrounded by duality of good and evil. We all know the story of the temptation and the fall. Now I have a question for you the reader, why are you here on earth? What was the fall? Could it be the inability of a person to feel the presence of its deepest being within itself? Could the fall be that person had lost the power to feel the presence of his true divine inheritance “His Christ Self”? So Christ is always within us even to the end of days. The people of the “Old Testament” could not experience this presence, hence they felt alone and isolated like the majority of people on the earth this days. Some people of today do not know the “presence” and how to connect to their own human soul. But now there is a great awakening taken place within the body and minds of all.

The spiritual journey is the regaining of the loss of the inherent power to find its true essence through itself. The meaning of our lives was lost and obscured to a place of darkness where we felt alone, separated and isolated of full of attention on negative data, “SIN” (separation, isolation and negativity.

We are all students of life and we all desire to know the truth of our being. What I have previously written and what I will feed the reader is my direct experience of contact with the higher realms. My continued interest and attention is to explore the truth of my being. The shift in consciousness that is taken place within the deepest level of our being is gathering momentum. Science and modern day thinkers are re-discovering the under layer of the subconscious realm of old feeling and the core level of beliefs that we all embody from early childhood, which keep us prisoners of our past experience. Hence, we lost our divine nature and acquire a false nature which we choose to bond to by the very fact that we keep our focus and attention firmly on limited perceptions and the absence of sensitivity of feeling love.

In fact the awaken is all about self-realization that all life is the presence of God made manifest in the physical world of form and that is energized with the vibration of love. But how do we change from a consciousness of low self-esteem and a sense of unworthiness to realize our true God reality? For me it took an adjustment in awareness and the realization that the separation I felt from God was self –inflected by what I choose to focus on. In my early years I used to keep my focus on fear and fearful issues, hence I kept attracting reason to live by fear. I realized I was always only one breath away from my own Christ presence, so when I started to call on my Christ self a presence would fill me with love. I often ask myself how it could be this simple. But by asking that question creates resistance. So I learned that any thought less than love created resistance to the truth of my being. This is where I made meditation my daily task. By centring myself and going within to the silence, a still small voice made its presence felt. An inner knowing become my reality and joy. While absorbed within the presence I became aware of what limiting beliefs that I had. By expanding my wisdom and applying this wisdom to my life, I was able to let go of past hurts that kept my attention on fear. This become necessary to allow contact with the beautiful presence within my body.

Body wisdom does not come from the fearful mind. It comes from a deeper knowing than that of the intellect. Body wisdom comes from the ability to develop an inner sensitivity. This inner sensitivity can be developed by taking massive action to acquire the ability to allow spirit to impart the process of cleansing. As far as I know this can only happen within meditation and while you sleep. What do I mean by massive action? It is taken the necessary time and attention to achieve a desired result. Most people tend to mean to do something about their fearful minds. But few actually do anything about it. Those that do, acquire the ability to receive guidance from within through the silence. What actually takes place is a knowing originates inwardly within the mind. So it was with me.

Knowledge alone is not enough to be able to create happiness. It is but the foundation to build on. The Christ life is our goal which I know will bring about blessedness for all. The Christ life is an inner maturity which is attained by absolute knowing. So as you journey on your quest for happiness, you are bound by your own inner condition. We as individual come into this world with seeds of error (which is energy that needs re-qualification from previous life times) which is reinforced by what we accept or believe and accept as truth.

Understanding is gain by direct experience of what is and having the wisdom to develop through wisdom of the Christ nature which is unconditional love. The Christ seed is but a spark of potential to be developed. I now know that without meditation the Christ seed will not develop. Remember Jesus story about the seeds that fell on hard ground .The hard ground is a closed fearful mind .The fertile ground allows the seed to grow up over time .The harvest is upon us now. For as 2012 draws near, a new paradigm is coming into existence. So to cultivate your mind to develop the awareness of spirit, it would be wise to start to “be still and know I am all that I am”. Become Christ of the living God and Goddess and to acquire the Christ mind attuned of unconditional love. It is necessary to develop the Christ consciousness awareness and receive the blessedness of all, as divinity is within everything. All is love.

To beautify is to gain wisdom to experience supremely joyous truth with the resultant feeling of excitement and bliss. It is by awaken the astral centres of the spine that truth of ascension in consciousness can be experienced through the intuitionally perceive wisdom that allow the Christ Consciousness be able to be received. In order to be able to receive the gift of the holy spirit it would be wise to empty out all your misconceived ideas that have be accepted by the fearful mind. When one is able to be filled with the creative vibration of Holy Spirit, one realizes that the choice of disregarding the parental divine consciousness and excepting the limiting fear and imperfection of this world is a monstrous error that have been handed down from generation to generation and accepted as truth, one always wants to return home.

Everybody is waking up. No longer will it be possible to stop the Christ light and the baptism of fire which is taken place at great speed. If you look around the world, there is evidence of many revolutions taken place both within countries and within individual at the core of their beliefs and accepted truth. Take what is happening in the Middle East in Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Tunisia and Kyrgyzstan as a paradigm shift taken place within the minds and heart of all concerned, this very paradigm shift is also taken place with your very own consciousness. Soon very soon more and more people will wake up. What will follow will be more and more changes. Notice the change in how our finances and financial system are all changing. What was hidden is now been revealed. Look at the wiki leaks All persons now have the capacity to become spiritually aware. So now all will start to become spiritually evolved. The dual forces of “Christ I am that I am” will begin their descent into matter and our golden age will start to manifest.

Before the descent of the baptism of fire, those that are ready will notice a warm sense at the top of their head. For me, it was as if I was wearing a hat on the top of my head. The descending masculine force meets the feminine force in the bridal chamber of the heart. The resultant is the mystical union on the physical plain of the “Father Mother God”. Here, the immaculate divine conception takes place wherein the spiritual embryo is conceived and the Christ Self is born around the pure self within your soul. You will begin to feel energy within your body. Now is the time to listen to your own body wisdom. As the divine dual forces start to awaken the soul, you will be able to access the wisdom of your soul. This process will allow you to receive new truth about who you are. By utilizing meditation, the sacred dual forces will nourish and care for the Christ child that is born anew in you. This is the second birth that Jesus spoke about. Then overtime, growth of the inner dimensions of reality will speed up. Your body will undergo change at the core of your being; your cells will receive the program of immortality from “All That I AM”.

I bring your attention to “Paramahansa Yogananda” who after his death showed no sign of decay for many months. Indeed, there are many saints prophets that also have defied the law of nature. To my knowledge they were sustained by divine intervention as they had achieved Christ-consciousness with their knowing. As an awaken soul you will be cared for and undergo particular care while the Christ child grow within your consciousness. It is only by letting the natural rebirth to take place within your mind that you will exhibit your own Christ mind where love, faith and wisdom will guide you to focus on love, peace and joy. Then your body will be filled with the sweetest joy filled with love, wisdom and truth.

Just as on earth the new child will need to be cared for and nourishment and so it is with the Christ child. It becomes necessary to be feed a virtuous life into the mind. This allows your attention and focus to co create your soul’s purpose. The law of attraction will attract to you your very own mastery. What becomes important is what you allow your conscious mind to be feed on. So your focus and what you accept as truth will be very important. Hence by diverting away from fear and fear related issues you will advance your spiritual growth. Fear will be defeated the newly born Christ child will attract the body of Christ within the inner dimension of its being. The new awaken soul will feel the presence of “All That I Am” within their body. It is hear from within the throne chamber the new awaken soul abiding with the Christ will know its very own nature is Love. No longer is the ego, the false Christ or Anti-Christ ruling but instead the “I Am All That I AM” the true Christ has gained dominion over the anti-Christ.

The ruling authority of the Christ-consciousness is able to receive the perfect truth. Consciousness is all pervasive (everything/everywhere) and is all there is. There is no force that could be against it. So there is no Devil or Satan but the imagined thought forms that we as God’s in training co create within our fearful separate mind. This all-encompassing universal consciousness is individualized in you. There is no separation really but a perceived guilt that bonds us to our imagined thoughts. SIN is but a perceived separation, which we undergo due to the implant of fear within our consciousness on our descent to the physical plane. As a result our conscious mind accepts separation, illusion, negativity, and this creates the personality or ego through the universal law of attraction. As our focused attention is then trapped in illusion.

It then keeps co creating the imagined thoughts that are deficient fearful and lack the feeling presence of love, because of the unconditional aspect of the principles of love we receive what we focus on so the love of power creates separation. This focuses on an elite group holding the power. But the power of love sets you free. None the less because of free will and the principal of love we choose to co create unwisely.

The EGO from the moment of its inception bonds to limitation and the perceived lack of wisdom of its soul. As a result the human being allows for a perceived separation and a limited perception of the world, and its own soul ability to manifest its greatness. With our limited consciousness, and lack of awareness we go through life needing to defend the separate Ego. Call it self (small) or false self or anti-Christ. This self-consciousness has free will and the ability to choose thoughts, feelings and action based on beliefs and accepts truth. When these unwise choices are placed under your direct conscious control, you create your reality. Since reality is always been created with deficient thoughts due to the absence of unconditional love, we have societies and countries that do not share their wisdom and their knowledge for the good of all. Instead there is a monopoly of power which is passing down through families and those connected to those who have power.
The whole universe is a makeup of different frequencies merged by universal consciousness into patterns of vibration. Therefore, thought itself is a form of vibration your consciousness is within and is an indivisible part of all consciousness (God). The direct link from your individualized self (God) consciousness is within you. In order to gain entry, it would be wise to meditate. And within the silence you will become aware of the presence within all life.

To understand the creative power of your consciousness and of universal consciousness will lead you to understand the real cause of all that affects you in your life. Your choice of belief, thought and emotion create your reality. To have anything you decide to do and in order to do anything, you must be present in the now. “To be or not to be that is the question. How you are, depends upon what you think what you believe what you feel and how you allow feeling to guide you. And these are all within your ability to choose what is resonating with your feelings which is within you. But too often our focus is on worrying and using our imagination on creating the fears of the past and re-inventing new and more unwanted things into our lives. The constant eternal action of all life iscreativity. Life is always creating new forms and experiences through the laws of metaphysical cause and effect.

The law of attraction works from a point of attraction based on love, and the awareness of love that you feel within yourself. One perceives and relates to the outer world through the outer objective mind. This is the conscious mind, with this mind one uses logic and reasoning and thinks chooses and forms certain conclusion based on what their belief and past collection of data allow them to conclude. This becomes their truth, but may not be the truth for everybody. On the other hand with meditation one relates to the inner world or subjective mind from a point of knowing through the feeling nature which acts spontaneously and reaches awareness through intuition and heart sense. This leads to self-knowing. The inner pathway is a process where there are challenges including beliefs, belief systems that it would be wise to examine. Then when necessary through direct experience have the courage to make the required changes for the better. So truth is always changing. Now the greatest change in mankind is now taken place whether you are aware of it or not.

“I am That I Am” created you, sustains you and dwells within you as the pure self. It is this known from the conscious point of view that allows you to experience the second birth. “Unless a man is born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Jesus has been reported in saying.). Usually before the second birth the soul goes through the dark night of the soul. This happens as it forces the individual to consider what truth is for then. Usually the choice is a life of submission to alien goals and alien purpose’s , to be born again not into ideology and false beliefs that need you to surrender, but into your true self, your unique God given reality of Christ-consciousness. You might say that the dark night of the soul is your pain and your deliverance, it was that for me. It emphasizes self-realization and individuality. Now as 2012 and the prophecy of the old from the various cultures and traditions time line is upon us and fear is our focus, it is reasonable to tell you the world is now coming out of the dark night of the soul. This passage of time will mark the change in the way we sense ourselves and our reality. This will be the beginning of the new paradigm and for earth and its people. The true marriage of spirit and matter will become a true reality. It is my understanding “that all that is” caused a vibration of duality of its oneness or “One Being” into subjective and objective natures, at every level of its being. This created a polarity of positive or negative streams of vibration. Hence God is universal spirit, universal mind, and the totality of all embodiments in creation. There for not separate from creation but all inclusive. So if you accept this. It follows that God is both objective and subject on every level of its being.

When God said let there be light, it was the projected idea that was accepted into its own feminine aspect that created the only begotten son” The Christ consciousness”. Child of Spirit which is eternal and is life. This was the First coming of Christ. It was in fact the perfect idea. Now when we take this down to the level of this manifest world we notice the two complementary ways to create have been lost in translation. The dual nature of our being has been denied and the false Christ of our own focus of fear and fear related issues have been projected into this world using God substance and this is fuelled by our bonding by the universal law of attraction. We stay bonded to the limited lives we live.

God is eternal and so are you. You are constantly creating form and manifesting your creations. This is either consciously or unconsciously. What has been thought into existence is. Since you are a belief your belief limits what you imagine. It is only when the two become one; this knowing becomes conscious of its nature and its purpose. It is only recently that humankind has started to look at the process of creation and now visionaries have started to come into their own. I know you all heard about” the Secret” This is but a beginning of new wisdom which will change the world we live in. You who have been searching for truth are on the threshold of the greatest discovery in this century. What will take place very soon is there will be a massive awakening as the Christ light and the diamond river of light starts to gather momentum affording us all to reach into the realms of illuminate truth and access wisdom of our soul. The miss qualified energy that we have created during our earth and planetary sojourn where we felt separate from love will be unlocked, and transmuted within the silence of our meditation. Then through listening grace an inner knowing will develop a confidence to change limiting beliefs and attitudes of attention will give way to releasing old patterns of fear and judgments that keeps us separate from” all that is.”

You do not have to be a genus to realise what is missing within the world today. We will all soon recognise that love dwells in the realm of feeling and without love the human soul falls short of perfection. Love is not something you can take from another or that you can own until you realise that love is your divine nature. The veil of forgetfulness was lifted by the mystery of Golgotha. A cosmic being called Jesus united his self with earth and told us to follow him. So by developing Christ consciousness awareness one unites with their soul. Where by the “ Second coming of Christ” will be in you when your consciousness is one with the omnipresence positive consciousness of spirit unite with the negative vibration of cosmic nature. So by becoming one with the Christ intelligence all will know love. At this point Self-realization will embrace truth and the recipient will feel within their being an outpouring of measured love and grace that leave you in no doubt of the love and wisdom that the all loving Father Mother God will bestow upon you .Daily ecstatic meditation will become firmly rooted in the consciousness and sub consciousness of your being with dedication practice and discipline

.Thomas Malcolm Mc Auliffe

Self goverance

For those who wish to make the commitment to continue on the inner pathway, the next step is yours. It is a beautiful, peaceful and wonderful harmonious moment to cross the line between closed thinking and limited perception into the fascinating journey of the inner sensitivity where there is infinite consciousness of ones being.

The inner pathway of sensitivity is a process, where there are challenges; there are patterns of behavior and attachments including beliefs and beliefs systems that it would be wise to examine. When necessary, have the courage then to make the required changes for the better. With this process, a change in consciousness offers to us a new way of thinking, feeling, sensing and living. The pathway then becomes full of choices, which are supported by the soul, with the gift of wisdom which illuminates those on the inner pathway.

Inner sensitivity is one of the pathways to enlightenment. It will not release one from their responsibilities or involvement in human affairs. Instead, the consciousness with which one takes part in human events is aligned and empowered. One starts to develop a healing consciousness and follow their inner urges. All the inner prompting comes from the inner teacher, which is the source of all consciousness.

Through the use of deep meditation and contact with the higher realms of consciousness, one becomes aware of the choices which one has. Meditation is simply a journey within to become focused and calm and in that condition, to understand the natural state of ones reality, away from everyday pressures and influences. Meditation is a way of harmonizing body, mind and spirit to experience the inner teacher. Rediscover your inner nature. Relaxation is part of the recipe for a meaningful life. It is the alignment of focused attention. Your spiritual identity is tied to all life. When any part of the relaxation support is under utilized, the human body and psyche suffers.

Go on that journey, identify and align with who you truly are. The process of going within to contact this point of consciousness is easily accomplished for it is the natural way. There is a tendency with people on the pathway through the mental, emotional and physical nature to manipulate, the outcome, to control and guide how creation will take place. It would be wise to resist the urge to do this. The spirit knows the pathway and will fulfill all desires that are consistent with spiritual development.

Now look where you are, what you observe and what you respond too? Where is your attention going to? A new awareness and energy commences. The momentum increases and so awakening in consciousness takes place, the soul is remembering its true nature.

Through the use of various meditation techniques and contact with the inner teacher, it is possible to receive knowledge and wisdom concerning ones life purpose and your soul desire. As a direct result of your desire, you will expand innate inner sensitivity abilities such as the following:

Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing) seeing higher levels of vibration and viewing forms which cannot be seen with the physical eyes, such an visions, auras energies, higher beings, , etc. third eye

Clairsentience (Clear Feeling) knowing intuitively, the knowing of ideas or energies, through ones feeling nature or heart sense. Which sometimes happens with the smelling of heavenly fragrances/beautiful senses?

Clairaudience (Clear Hearing) of words or music which allows single focused on other sounds from universal consciousness, which happens through the inner ear.

Soul Sensing – feeling of rapture, love and harmony and the feeling of love in the soul from other like-minded people.

Intuition – Receiving of wisdom and knowledge directly from the inner teacher through vibration sensing

It is then possible to develop ones own authority over mental influences from outside ones self. At the same time, letting go guilt, worry, anxiety and other negative feelings. This will create peace within your heart where love will expand.

Within every individual, there is a treasure chest of intuitive wisdom, which in the average individual is under utilized. To access this wisdom, all that is required is to be still, to listen and trust the inner teacher. “Be still and know I am”, your life becomes harmonious and peaceful.

Your work will become involved with self-acceptance and transformation from a lower consciousness to a higher conscious. It is a step wise journey and is supported by your own Christ self. The process of meditation is an essential valuable tool to support transformation. It is designed with wisdom, simplicity, and compassion. It will offer to many a new paradigm. A paradigm can be looked at as a conceptual framework or a set of excepted assumptions by which we make rules and follow a set inquiry. The journey of self discovery leads to powerful personal breakthroughs with new and leading edge thinking which encourages emotional freedom, illumination and allowing the release of the victim mentality. This practice of meditation when practiced daily will take your life to new levels. Breakthroughs have been experienced in personal, business and family relationships with the focus of attention on finding truth. The process is incredibly effective. Self governance is the ability to act and have the sense to carry out new insights and hidden wisdom to improve the quality of life. Your work enhances this search and allows innate intelligence to express itself in the world.

We are starting to see ourselves as a global community in fact we are all indigenous people of the earth. Ireland is now a cross culture society with various different nationalities and beliefs systems yet there is a gathered momentum of compassion for all its people without prejudice from the overall population. A revolution of transformation has taken place in Ireland indeed the world. No one thing made this happen rather it was driven by agents of change. So the overthrowing of the current paradigm is now in full swing. So future generation who’s perspective, collective orientation is driven for social change which will bring about a dramatically different ways of how we look at ourselves and our fellow human beings. Only then will our true potential become apparent. Our true potential will not be actualized by thinking, acting, and feeling the way we always have. This keeps us living and focusing on the past.

It is time to think about paradigm shift. From the traditional concept which we erroneously adopted from the time we first came into the world. Ireland is today in the fruits of a paradigm shift. The traditional ways of accepting how the world works can be improved and understand. This includes religion, economics, philosophy and science. The questions we are starting to ask ourselves are:

• Why is every thing‘s breaking down? (Our old systems are not all working as they used too.
• How do we have compassion for ourselves and solidarity for our fellow
persons,, communities, and nations?

• What method could we try to be able to make progress in a conscious shift to examine new ways at looking at ourselves and others?

• What can we learn from quantum physics, the mystics and the wisdom they acquired through the ages?

• Could there be another way which would allow quantum leaps of new
Consciousness, that would afford the tools to take the next step?

• Can the skill of mystic connect us to a greater understanding of reality?

In answering these 6 questions, we are putting forward a solution and process that will allow dissociation from the 5 senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and introduce the sixth sense of intuition and seventh sense of heart awareness or love. This process take into account, “One perceives and relates to the outer objective mind called the conscious mind, with this mind, one thinks, chooses and forms conclusions through logic and capable reasoning. On the other hand one relates to the inner subjective universe through their subjective mind or feeling nature which acts spontaneously as if it has a higher understanding and greater wisdom which allows the over ride of fear based ideas and perceptions to be dissuaded. Which in turn allows awareness through intuition and direct knowing? As one learns to relate to these two universes in perfect balance, one can achieve a state of happiness and well-being.”

We have seen many paradigm shifts already to mention but a few to allow the reader to understand through their own wisdom the impact which is awaiting us.

Example 1 “The earth is the centre of the universe and the earth is flat.” We now know that the earth is round and is not the centre of the universe.

Example 2 “Hunting and gathering for survival taken into account seasonal food and water.” But we now have device agriculture and fined tuned our ability to use knowledge and wisdom to do better.

Example 3 “Newtonian acceptance of physics Now, we have arrived at
relativity and quantum physics and the string theory.

So one can see, we are all on a journey of discovery and what was accepted as truth in religion, science, and economics do not give all the answers. We are now in the tide of paradigm shift. What was accepted as truth is no longer proving to be the truth, but relative truth. When mind and heart are one, we will have but one master, there in lies the kingdom of heaven and there in lies truth.

“Truth keeps on changing and our assumption about the nature of existence is now in the process of change. The next step is yours”. The question I ask myself a long time ago is, “If there was only one truth or one basis to form my assumption about the nature of existence, why do we have a paradigm shift?” It became obvious to me that discovery and awareness changes perspective. New paradigm requires new understanding, wisdom, and acceptance. As we merge with the tide of the new paradigm shift, it will pick us up and move us faster and faster into right relationships, right action, and right opportunities, then we will be in position to let go of the past and acknowledge what is true for each of our individual lives while letting innate intelligence or heart sense express itself through us. In the process of merging the heart sense will increase its vibration, which will be noticed as a feeling of love and a new found peace and stillness will be the result. This will create the right resonance to attract the corresponding dream for each individual. Each life will unfold effortlessly, beautifully, and it is in our acceptance of what is that we can ask for more. It is really in our ideas of what truth is that prevents the freedom of individual thought. Then it will become apparent that there is a fundamental illusion which translate into a beliefs about who you think you are. This will bring about a new consciousness which will allow us to access our limiting beliefs allowing us to expand any belief or change them to create a new “heaven on earth”.

Many have found that the process and programs that are now available leads to transformation of consciousness that actually change a person experience so as to enhance mental and emotional intelligence which in turn allow individuals to experience beautiful states of consciousness as well as raise their everyday living experience to one which integrates peace and enlightened states which overtime automatic awareness happens.

To conclude, let us emphasize that science and medicine have advanced a great deal, even the study of how the mind works that our psychology, philosophy, and our beliefs are constantly changing. The time is right to advance the consciousness of everybody who desire it. This will not happen until people intentionally want to advance their consciousness then humanity will bring to the surface a new level of contribution to the unfolding of who we are, and what we are capable of .Then our focus of attention will be in the now moment .This is the only place where joy can be experience and true reality begins.

By: Malcolm Mc Auliffe

When Curve-Balls and Apparent Challenges Come Into Our Awareness

shift to wisdom6Life is a journey of experiences, so when faced with curve balls and challenges ask your self several questions.Why are these situations and personal experiences coming into your awareness now? Why are these challenges being given to you to solve .If you solve these challenges could it be that you invited in these experiences to give you deeper awareness of your serves to others. As when you solve your particular set of challenges you can pass on your direct experiences on such matters and  create greater awareness of how you solved and address your own focus  and abilities to cultivate solutions based of direct perceptions of your own inner inventiveness and guidance received from your own inner teacher ” The Christ intelligence working in your thoughts and feeling and directing your God given abilities to solve their problems has now become your  service to others.For your own resilience, determinations and steed fast ideas has now fully manifested to create greater awareness and wisdom to solve such problems for every one who has the good sense to attract your .power of understanding and advice.