Category: Meditation Insights

Within the Silence and After


shift to wisdom - sunset view

Self reflection
Silent nights allow me to listen to my Heart while being in meditation. In the silence of the night being nowhere, I get the opportunity to listen to the expressions of my heart. While in the silence my inner world opens up to me. I quietly hear and feel all the emotions that stir within my soul
I listen to my heart sing praises to my Creator for all the blessings of the day. I give thanks for the lesson and ask for greater clarity of my purpose That moment allows me to stop and truly give thanks in a conscious way. It allows me to forget everything else and focus on how I am blessed in a myriad of so many different ways.

The joy and bliss that fills my heart and the guidance I receive from my own inner Christ fills my awareness with pure joy and inner bliss. During the quietness of the night, I lay still with eyes closed so I can focus on the bliss passing through my body ,I am able to have an awareness of communication with the Christ within the Holy spirit as if peering through the windows of my soul. That is when I get the best view and inner knowing of the beauty of my soul. of what I am made of. We are all made of love. It is pure love. No part of us is less than love. I am made aware of the all emotional high points as well as the lows, and truly understand the person I am.

The silence of the night gives me the chance to renew my spirit and give thanks for all my experiences to “I Am All That I Am” Taking an emotional journey back in time allows me to see where I went wrong and what I need to work on going forward. Every day , I commit to taking advantage of silent nights for retrospection, contemplation and enjoying communion with the Holy spirit and my own Christ Self. I pledge to use the opportunity to renew my spirit so it can shine brightly – like a beacon – to guide my way and bring joy to others as well.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are my thoughts when I reflect after my meditation and communication with spirit? Do I judge myself or others.

2. What inner know and discoveries have I experienced.
3. Do I seize the opportunity to make a pact to be more conscious of my thoughts and deeds? So I can become a conscious creator of the ideas of the “I Am All that I Am”

4. Am I honest with myself when assessing my thoughts and actions from the past? What feeling arise when I judge myself or others.

5. After meditation give thanks for all the bodily sensations and inner Christ healing .Take action on new discoveries and perceptions.

6. Become aware of the inner light the new light of the Christ self and give it out to all for as you give it out more love returns back to you. It is eternal and it is ” I Am All That I Am ” unconditional ,desire less love which is there for all.

Shift to Wisdom by Guiding your Imagination to be Creative and Less Limiting


Shift to wisdom by guiding your imagination to be creative and less limiting .

Take Charge of Your Feelings through Non directive Meditation where your focus and attention is allowed to day dream possible solutions that solve life situation’s

If you’re troubled by strong feelings and memories, non-directive meditation may help you sort out what to give your attention to. It certainly will create greater awareness of the creativity that is within you to actively go about solving life problems. Know that what you focus on and think as habit will always dilute down possible outcomes things. Documented evidence and recent study found that this form of meditation is more effective than regular rest or other kinds of meditation when it comes to getting in touch with you. Getting to know the true self “The Christ within” the inner teacher with our heart creates more and greater awareness of what is possible through the power of love.

While meditation often involves focusing on a specific object or your breath, non-directive meditation encourages day dreaming. Take a look at the benefits of this practice and learn how to get started.

Benefits of Non-directive Meditation

Build self-awareness confront and address what’s going on within your unconscious and conscious of your mind. Observing the nature of your thoughts will teach you about your values and aspirations. Yes your fears will come up into your awareness but so too will solutions. Watching the corresponding thoughts and how they reflect back will give guidance by how you feel. Knowing how you come across to others will make you more effective at promoting cooperation to create harmony instead of confusion. This creates a different vibration base of love and acceptance.

Teaches awareness and to accept yourself. Uncertainty creates anxiety and fearful thoughts which will have corresponding feeling of guidance as to what to not focus on. Facing your darkest feelings shows you that you can handle them. It also allows you to get closer to the ability of solving them. You can love yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. This is true acceptance.

Potential will be stimulating creativity. As we grow older, career and family demands lessen your time for play. Indulging in fantasies can make you more innovative. Maybe you’ll discover a quicker method for doing the house work or for doing the shopping. Maybe you’ll start writing poetry or painting landscapes or even write a book. True creativity is known with you soul. Use your imagination to bring life to it.

Goes a long way in understand others fears and doubts Another advantage of flexible thinking and observing corresponding feeling is that it makes it easier to put yourself in another person’s shoes. This allows you to open up to compassion. You’ll be able to see important issues from multiple perspectives. Once you see why your child is afraid of certain situations, you’ll know how to comfort them. As awareness grows so too will your compassion and love.

Initiate positive changes. Looking back into your past gives you a better picture of what your future could be like. Use your insights to adopt new habits that bring you closer to your goals. Develop your communication skills or engage in regular physical exercise.

How to Practice Non directive Meditation

Apply Non directive Meditation to any problems that you may be facing

Strengthen your relationships with other is important some of our most intense emotions come up in our interactions with others. Non-directive meditation may help you adjust your thinking about your non flexible mentality or lack of true awareness of truth accepted by you or a neighbor you find irritating. This OPENS ONE UP TO COMPASSION AND DESIRE LESS LOVE AS A WAY OF LIVING THINKING AND FEELING. This raises your vibrations.

Make your work more meaningful. Picture yourself in your dream job. The vision may inspire you to look for a new position or shake up your routine at your current job. Take on a challenging project at work or find a mentor in your field who can help you move beyond your comfort zone. As co-creators with “I AM All That I AM” we were meant to feeling that wich was within our soul and bring it it to full manifestation.

Stick to your diet ever thing in moderation both happiness and sadness can trigger overeating When you gain control over your feelings, it’s easier to limit yourself to small sensible eating habits if thought them as children. You’ll be able to just eat when you’re hungry instead of being led off track by your feelings.

Enhance your spirituality by regular nondirective meditation provides opportunity to
examine your life and life experience and potential source of ideas at dealing wit and adversity.

Achieve greater serenity through non directive meditation. Letting your thoughts follow their own course can help you uncover your true feelings and make peace with your past. This you will prevents deflecting or comparing and create true awareness.

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Shift to Wisdom by Embracing Knowing How You Feel About Your Real Thoughts


Take Charge of Your Feelings through Non-directive Meditation where your focus and attention is allowed to day dream possible solutions that solve life situation’s

If you’re troubled by strong feelings and memories, non-directive meditation may help you sort out what to give your attention to. It certainly will create greater awareness of the creativity that is within you to actively go about solving life problems. Know that what you focus on and think as habit will always dilute down possible outcomes things. Documented evidence and recent study found that this form of meditation is more effective than regular rest or other kinds of meditation when it comes to getting in touch with you. Getting to know the true self “The Christ within” the inner teacher with our heart creates more and greater awareness of what is possible through the power of love.

While meditation often involves focusing on a specific object or your breath, non directive meditation encourages day dreaming. Take a look at the benefits of this practice and learn how to get started.

Benefits of Nondirective Meditation

Build self-awareness confront and address what’s going on within your unconscious and conscious of your mind. Observing the nature of your thoughts will teach you about your values and aspirations. Yes your fears will come up into your awareness but so too will solutions. Watching the corresponding thoughts and how they reflect back will give guidance by how you feel. Knowing how you come across to others will make you more effective at promoting cooperation to create harmony instead of confusion. This creates a different vibration base of love and acceptance.

Teaches awareness and to accept yourself. Uncertainty creates anxiety and fearful thoughts which will have corresponding feeling of guidance as to what to not focus on. Facing your darkest feelings shows you that you can handle them. It also allows you to get closer to the ability of solving them. You can love yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. This is true acceptance.

Potential will be stimulating creativity. As we grow older, career and family demands lessen your time for play. Indulging in fantasies can make you more innovative. Maybe you’ll discover a quicker method for doing the house work or for doing the shopping. Maybe you’ll start writing poetry or painting landscapes or even write a book. True creativity is known with you soul. Use your imagination to bring life to it.

Goes a long way in understand others fears and doubts Another advantage of flexible thinking and observing corresponding feeling is that it makes it easier to put yourself in another person’s shoes. This allows you to open up to compassion. You’ll be able to see important issues from multiple perspectives. Once you see why your child is afraid of certain situations, you’ll know how to comfort them. As awareness grows so too will your compassion and love.

Initiate positive changes. Looking back into your past gives you a better picture of what your future could be like. Use your insights to adopt new habits that bring you closer to your goals. Develop your communication skills or engage in regular physical exercise.

How to Practice -Meditation

Apply Non directive Meditation to any problems that you may be facing

Strengthen your relationships with other is important some of our most intense emotions come up in our interactions with others. Nondirective meditation may help you adjust your thinking about your non flexible mentality or lack of true awareness of truth accepted by you or a neighbor you find irritating. This OPENS ONE UP TO COMPASSION AND DESIRE LESS LOVE AS A WAY OF LIVING THINKING AND FEELING. This raises your vibrations.

Make your work more meaningful. Picture yourself in your dream job. The vision may inspire you to look for a new position or shake up your routine at your current job. Take on a challenging project at work or find a mentor in your field who can help you move beyond your comfort zone. As co-creators with “I AM All That I AM” we were meant to feeling that wich was within our soul and bring it it to full manifestation.

Stick to your diet ever thing in moderation both happiness and sadness can trigger overeating When you gain control over your feelings, it’s easier to limit yourself to small sensible eating habits if thought them as children. You’ll be able to just eat when you’re hungry instead of being led off track by your feelings.

Enhance your spirituality by regular non-directive meditation provides opportunity to examine your life and life experience and potential source of ideas at dealing with and adversity.

Achieve greater serenity through non directive meditation. Letting your thoughts follow their own course can help you uncover your true feelings and make peace with your past. This you will prevents deflecting or comparing

British Psycho Physiologist Cecil Maxwell Cade (1918-1984).


With our conscious mind, we tend to analyze and judge data. We used the process of thinking, planning, making judgement and using references of past experiences from our memory to determine truth. Whether good or bad experiences, the mind holds them in our memory and accepts them as truth. When we, as individuals seem and act with fear, the feelings of fear distort truth . In fact these feelings come from the spirit self , as it does not agree with your focus or your self talk coming from the conscious mind. These feelings are guidance from within our being, that the thoughts that we are focussing on are deficient and that they will manifest in your life as we are co creators with” all that is” So our heart prompt us in one direction and the fearful mind prompt us in another direction out of fear. Hence we have two masters. Some point in the future the mind will furnish us with the stored thought which will be triggered with certain feelings of fear. Our bonding to this old feelings will keep attracting the same outcome through the law of attraction. Thought patterns that become permanent do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries. By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete we ignore our superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the super conscious mind which is available to all. This super conscious mind gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to all that is. So it is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. It used to be said that knowledge was power, but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? One must know what to do with the knowledge that one has acquired and one must utilized this knowledge for all.

So how can we let these feelings and deficient thoughts deprived us from the love that we truly are. The process to successfully released old thoughts and associated feelings is called meditation. Meditation will create greater mental clarity. It will also give you the ability to dissociate from what is no longer working in your life or damaging your life experiences. After meditating for a while you will developed a proficiency and be able to have the advantage point from where you will become aware to your own thoughts and associated feelings as they arise in your daily activities. You will see and be aware of what sets off the trigger that creates fear or how you react to a given situation or to certain ideas or individual concepts. This gives you the upper hand and allows you to use wisdom to think things through.

Psychics, metaphysicians and mystics seem to understand what consciousness is, but to the broader community, it remains very limited. It is to this group of people who I am addressing this “pearl of wisdom” to.
Since I am a mystic and have been all my life, I would like to address the short fall of information that is available for those who now seek truth. The word consciousness has been clearly misunderstood by the vast population of the world. Conscious as been defined by the dictionary “ as awareness by the mind of itself and awareness of the world around itself”. This awareness is based on the five senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste but it does not take into account other perception which have been developed by psychics, meta-physicians and mystics.

When I first started studying metaphysics and mysticism, I was always looking at the other side of the equation of life. My daily background was in Science, mostly Biology, Chemistry and Fine Sciences. So I came from a practical logical background. But I was always drawn to people who were like teachers for me who encouraged my deep analytical mind to develop greater means of understanding and analysing what consciousness was. I came across another definition of what consciousness was from a paper I read by a British psycho physiologist Cecil Maxwell Cade (1918-1984). He had actually developed a new way to measure consciousness. This new method is called “Electroencephalogram or EEG readings.

The paper goes on to say that “there are five observable levels of consciousness” for which I can vouch for through my own experienced. But that study is now obsolete. But for the purpose of this discussion we will briefly review it. For this study, it was decided to observed experienced mediators, for they have achieved various other levels of awareness. These five levels of consciousness were recorded as going from the awaken state to deep meditation state and beyond. They are described as what follows.

1) Dream State or dream sleep state – This awareness does not take into account any awareness from the external world. This awareness is associated as coming from the internal imagination of the recipient. So “who or what” is the observer. .
2) The next state is called Hypnotic – This state of awareness happen between the awaken state and the half a sleep state. Within this awareness you are aware of the external world, but also the semi-consciousness of the dream sleep state.
3) The Fully Awaken State – your full awareness is on the world and your focus is the world around you.
4) The Meditative State – where one has withdrawn their awareness from the external environment and are perceiving perceptions from within the core of their being.
5) The fifth state is the Awaken Mind – This state of awareness is experienced only by experienced mediators. This is where one is able to maintain awareness of both the self and the internal awareness of the awareness of the all environments.

On inspection, the results shows vast differences between the different states of awareness particularly between the awaken state of everyday awareness to that of the awakened mind. Cade’s overall research was an eye opener to those people particularly Scientist and Physicist who were looking for evidence of data and proof of the benefit of meditation. Cade’s results also showed that beta wave content was balanced over the two brains hemisphere. This suggested that there was a balanced between the left brain and right brain. So it was obvious that the best most productive and highest level of consciousness and brain functionality cannot be achieved in the awaken state. Just look what Albert Einstein did and said I can remember the exact quote but if goes something like this – the intelligence that created the problem, can not solve the problems, and the only way is to shed new light on the subject. New light is every day been shed on what consciousness is, from metaphysicians and other innovative Scientist and healers.

As a metaphysician, mystic and a healer I believed and know that there is no separation from existence but that which the mind accept as true. Also, I now introduce to these five levels of consciousness a sixth state. This state of consciousness is called “Self-Mastery in Christ Consciousness“. This is the state of consciousness that Jesus sheared to the world over 2000 years ago. Within this state of consciousness, the recipient interacts at the diamond heart awareness level of awareness with the materialisation of invisible beings .through thoughts, feelings and the actual momentarily materialization into form, which can be seen by the material eye both internally and externally. Para-psychological studies had been recorded as well as telepathic experiences also clairvoyance and clairaudience by many prominent scientists. There are many prominent Doctors and Scientist forging a path with new an innovative discoveries. Also many such studies on pre-cognition, psychometrics, astral projection, dream analysis and communication with animals and other life forms are easily found on the internet.

I have spoken to many people who have had these experiences and have shared them with me. All of them had revealed to me a vast amount of wisdom. More and more people in this present age are experiencing higher levels of consciousness which vary from individual to individual. Just as there are only five levels of consciousness which can be proven by the Scientific measurement there are many more levels of consciousness to be discovered. Jesus said, “In my Fathers there are many mansions”. In order to gain perception into these levels of consciousness, one would be wise to prepare to give up self (ego), as self does not exist as separate entity outside of the mind of infinite consciousness. One has to choose to loose oneself to find one’s true self. This true self is a Christ Being of infinite love and power and is there to be realized by all. When one receives conscious contact with their own Christ Self or I Am Presence, one is attuned to the higher spiritual vibration of love. Up to now most of us have been broken and taken apart and have experienced deep separation from love. But now as the awakening is taken place, people are starting to realized that to be broken and lost is the only way to find our true self. Our work or task was to integrate our egos with our true self the Christ Being.

All can be forgiven if there is no concept of sin or guilt. Jesus knew this when He said “ Your sins are forgiven”. The awakening has been taken place as the perfect love which is the perfect idea is now birthing and manifesting. This will facilitate a new consciousness of love for all who focused and search for truth. Love dissolves all fears. When this realization takes place, which is the perfect idea that you are the Immaculate Concept of Father Mother God, also unique, truth set you free. When this takes place within your conscious mind, you put on the mind of the Christ and this is accompanied by a massive spiritual experience of ecstasy of ever new bliss. You will feel this within your heart. This will be a conscious communion taken place with spirit. After which further awakening will take place and greater wisdom will be followed by new knowledge of one’s true self. All will start to receive love feedings as the diamond river of light brings to recipient DiamondHeart awareness. This begins the recipient’s task to move into the sixth state which I call The Self Mastery in Christ Consciousness. In Cade time this state was not measurable , but now major break through are well on their way. All will start to receive stronger feedings of love, peace and joy. These love feedings will grow in magnitude and length. At first gradually then as the conscious mind accepts the truth, the feelings will gather great momentum. As the mind starts to receive wisdom, confirmation will be recognized by feedings of ecstasy and joy and the recipient will be left in no doubt of the unconditional love of our Father Mother God. These feelings of love will come with inter heart awareness, this is a transformative process which I call “DiamondHeart Awareness”. After persistent and deliberate focus, the person or people who attuned to the level of spirit will developed self authority in all levels of their lives.

This level of self authority will allow all who practice self mastery in Christ consciousness to heal influences and entities of the lower levels of vibration. I realized that I was an individual expression of my parents “ Father Mother God of all that is“ As an individual express .there was an impulse to be co -creative and to express all that I am. I started to realise that certain desires were planted within my soul by Father Mother God of all that is. The desire which spirit plants in our souls are our talents. All that is , is dynamic therefore we are dynamic beings who wish to express our unique talents for the good of all. But fear and bonding to fear represses our through expression of life. Bonding takes place by what we habitually focus on and keep us limited. So it is little wonder that we stay bonded to a limited life. What is it in us that keeps us believing that we are limited beings.? The Christ in you see you as perfect , but you do not agree. So you judge your talents and gifts as less and fail to deliver them to the world. Our souls are pure and beyond beauty, but with our attachment to fear, and our focus kept on fear, we are not enough. So deficient thoughts and associated feelings keeps us bonded to the life we have.

“All That Is” (Source) call it God or any name you like but do get to know it. The means in which you will be supported and guided is called meditation. Meditation increases the activity of the pituitary gland and also opens more of your brain to a new level of consciousness. It allows you to accept within your truth the invisible power that you posses and allows you access your true nature which in turn creates a knowing of “Who you really are”. You are the consciousness of all that is which is all expanding, all knowing, all loving source. Your empowerment will come from the awareness of loving all things without judgment and accepting what is. Remember, you are constantly changing and perceiving new discoveries and levels of awareness also “ALL That Is” is expanding and ever evolving by your partnership. Each of us represent a unique perception of divine reality. So truth does not exist, truth is always expanding and changing.
Not realizing that we are the prodigal children of God and Goddess and all we have to do is choose to contact home. Our work is to realize this fact. Our inheritance is our divine inner loving, all powerful nature. It is only when we remember our true nature and start acting with this knowing that we bring heaven to earth. This knowing of our unconditional loving nature allows us to have a relationship with God. As we are fully conscious of whom we are. By making meditation your work on a daily bases, you learn consciously to lift the soul in bondage from body consciousness into the divine presence of God.

I was a prodigal soul wandering in consciousness of only mater but now I am doing the work of meditation and self discipline and have been graciously been given a small glimpse of the infinite presence that I am. Now I am blessed as I truly feel the presence all around me. With this support and guidance I am in the process of practicing non attachment and unconditional love. Hopefully I will gain more wisdom and knowi

Every Thought Must Manifest According to it’s Intensity


Every thought must manifest according to it’s intensity. The slightest thought of intelligence set in motion a power in the law to produce a corresponding idea.This idea will gather power and attract to it’s self like minded concepts that will magnetize to you the energy of people , circumstances and events that will bring good into your life.

Results of Our thoughts,What is the Purpose?


Intensity is derived from your heart and the feeling that energize the thought, through your knowing at the deepest level of you being. Your thought process give energy to what you focus on.What is the purpose of life you may ask.

Your purpose in life is to identify by contrast what you would like in your life now and create it by the power of the love in your heart.Then focus with all your being on what you want, by living in the now moment , moment by moment.

Divine Marriage of Spirit and Matter


Divine Marriage of spirit and matter.Adapting the right attitude to life purpose, take a bit of effort. The universe is always speaking to each individual soul through their level of awareness. Awareness changes for each soul through their own desire. Prayers and meditation activates our spiritual centers and when the Chakras, the Lotuses are activated and begin to vibrate, they set in motion as a magical extraordinary transformation. In order to vibrate with the Supreme being, one would be wise to embrace with Unconditional Love. When the individual has the concept of unconditional love, their focus is there is “no separation, we are all one”. Everyone is from the same Divine Source. All are decompressed individuality of their own God Self, which is Love. All the great Masters have been telling us since the beginning of time. All mankind is now in the process of shifting to wisdom (cosmic wisdom). My own experience has lead be to accept that we are all returning to the wisdom of the soul. This journey has many paths, but all return the lost soul back to full awareness of its source.

Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Perception are always speaking through each individual’s own experience. Being able to listen and communicate with infinite Christ Consciousness is your work on this planet. This is brought about by a change in consciousness which is a realization that you are not separate, isolated and alone. But you are infinite consciousness and have chosen to come to this planet and individualize within a personally which separates from “All That Is” to create that which is encoded in you as your truth.

The Intelligence of the Soul


The intelligence within the separate mind has the awareness of discrimination and functions as the know-er and doer of what is. It appears to be conscious because it reflects the intelligence of the soul or the Divine Self. When the focus of this intelligence is Ego bent due to lack of true awareness one thinks one is the cause of what is. This hides the truth of our true existence., which is one with all life in the Divine presence of “I Am Al That I Am” our true bride and source. Then with our focus firmly rooted in the separate mind we forget about our true origin and our true nature which is love.

We replace eternal life with dying, abundance with scarcity, suffering and disease with as out side of our self , instead of true awareness of our true nature which is at the inner core of our selves. So to become aware of our true origin and our true higher self ” it would be wise to be still daily so one can access the inner teacher the Christ self level of awareness., where one can experience the Divine bliss of their true nature.

Divine Discrimination Sheds Light Into your Life Path. Listen to the Inner Teacher


When one goes about realigning the separate, fearful mind with “I Am All The I AM” , one choose to change their focus and practice a form of discrimination This changes what one will pay attention to. Then by the changed focus one will reflect back into their own experiences their new focus of attention. When one aligns to refocus their desires and attention to adopting the principles of love, one uses the power of discrimination.

This discrimination does not come from the separate mind but from the Divine Christ impulse which is active in all at different levels of awareness, one starts their inner journey. Here one discovers new perceptions as one makes contact with Divine presence, Divine discrimination sheds light into your life path. Love, wisdom, and truth are attracted into all so as one seeks one is furnished with new thoughts. Which when acted upon will effortlessly chance life experiences with the power of discrimination. This. , love, wisdom, and truth are attracted into all. Then as one seeks truth, one is furnished with new thoughts. Which when acted upon will effortlessly chance life experiences.

The habits of separate fearful mind will cease to run but within new perception new thoughts of purity with “I Am All That I Am ” Will now manifest with intention and trust in Divine partnership.Which when acted upon will effortlessly chance life experiences .When one goes about realigning the separate fearful mind with “I Am All The at I Am When one aligns to refocus their desires and attention to adopting the principles of love, one uses the power of discrimination. This discrimination does not come from the separate mind but from the Divine Christ impulse which is active in all at different levels of awareness, one starts their inner journey. Here one discovers new perceptions as one makes contact with Divine presence, Divine discrimination sheds light into your life path. , love, wisdom, and truth are attracted into all so as one seeks one is furnished with new thoughts. Which when acted upon will effortlessly chance life experience something…

Find the Truth of Your Assumptions by shifting to wisdom and listening to the inner teacher.

Find the Truth of Your Assumptions by shifting to wisdom

Everyone makes assumptions. But are they good for us. We do it all day long. We use our own God given imagination to dream up the, what if, but story line that we summon into our own life experiences. Our focus and attention creates our point of attraction. We assume that the self-talk going on in our separate mind is right without testing its origins. Let say, we want a raise in our job. We assume that we won’t get a raise if we ask for it. If we’re really stuck, we assume that there’s nothing we can do to change our lives for the better. So we take the path of least resistance and do nothing, due to listening to our self-made belief and imagination that our self-worth does not need empowerment.One’s self worth is rediscovered by listening to the inner teacher ” The Christ Self “while in meditation.Our own inner knowing become more self realized.

But the truth is we all have faulty assumptions and accepted truths. We have lots of them in every area of our life.

Consider that if everything you believed were true, you’d have exactly the life you desire. But that is not the case. Your own direct experiences tells you that everything you believe must not be true If everything you believed about relationships were actually true, you’d have more good relationships that work for your good.. So if your life is lacking in some way, then your believe system is not true.

When we hold faulty beliefs, we make faulty assumptions. It’s a trap, because testing all of our assumptions is a great way to find the truth. Jesus said what truth is.

Rather than assuming a course of action is doomed to fail, put the universe to the test and make it say “no.” But do test the possibilities of the creative thought. For this is the only way to know for certain.

Try these steps to learn the truth:

Pick 5 areas of your life that could use improvement. Perhaps it’s your self-esteem, your finances. It might be your love life and your career. The areas in which you’re struggling are the areas with the most incorrect assumptions Seek out the truth of your actual experiences. The things that are right in front of you and come into your awareness daily are the things that require change.

Find someone that’s doing better in your areas of interest. We all have a co-worker or friend that seems to defy all logic and have a high-level of success. Have the awareness to examine your present beliefs systems. Have the courage to change them. Maybe you have a co-worker that always seems to get the best bonus or the promotion, in spite of appearing average or even low performing. Look at your set of beliefs about yourself. See where you adopted them and why.

Test could you be wrong? Is there a way to test your hypothesis and discover the truth? Keep in mind that a solid experiment requires more than a single test. Meditation supports one to disassociate from fearful thoughts and ideas.

Keep testing your beliefs and assumptions. There are numerous times each day we don’t try because we assume we’ll be told “no.” Find out if you’re actually right.

Certainly you can remember a time where you knew you would be told “no,” but you went ahead and asked anyway, and much to your surprise, everything worked out. How many other times might that happen if you simply tried?

For a month, give yourself the gift of testing out every possibility that comes to mind, without risking life and limb. There’s no reason to prove that you can’t flap your arms and fly. But ask the object of your desires out on a date. Apply for the job you’re sure you can’t get. Put your online business idea into action.

After a month, you’re sure to find you were wrong about many things. You’ll also discover that the times you were right weren’t nearly as painful as you anticipated!

Learning how to deal effectively with the world requires stretching yourself and gaining experience. As you discover new distinctions, your perception of the world will change and your approach to life will see positive benefits. With new discoveries and new perceptions you will increase your awareness of possibility that present to your mind.