Day: December 19, 2015

Emotional Intelligence?


For anyone dealing with fearful thoughts, you are probably aware how emotions can worsen or relieve the stressful situation you are in. Also as we give our attention and focus to our thoughts, we allow then to become our total focus which create disappointing solution to an already bad situation.  Better to still the fearful mind  and focus on the intelligence of the heart .The practice of meditation gives all the ability  disassociate  from fearful thoughts. For within everyone the Christ Divine intelligence is at work depending on the level of awareness one has become aware of.. According to research studies, people who have managed to boost their emotional intelligence skills are better able to reduce stress levels in their lives.They also have better clarity to solve life problems.

Stress and Negative Emotions and there effect on the body mins and contact with the inner teacher ” The Christ Self level of awareness

Upon the onset of stress, the body undergoes various physiological changes that are later on manifested in physical form of symptoms of stress. But what is the ultimate source of stress that you are experiencing? When the mind and heart are in opposition to one another one senses stress. Since we create our life experiences by projecting our thoughts on to the screen of life . Then the Divine intelligence within our hearts reacts to our lack of awareness which is noticed in us as stress, as the intention and belief are not for our good but a perceived good. This perceived good lacks true wisdom.   Basically, it comes as a result of the negative emotions that is developing inside you, to warn you of intention and possibility of creating suffering.

All of these emotions trigger biochemical events inside your body such that it is prompted to release cortisone or stress hormones, as well as adrenaline. The buildup of negative emotion can therefore either be a cause or effect of stress. When the separate mind focus on problems it causes one to go into the what , if and story. Which takes one away from this now moment.meaning one is not present in the here now moment.For one can only enjoy bliss in the present moment.

Enforcing Positive Emotions with pure thoughts that create joy, bliss and well being will allow one to dissociate from what is not real yet.

Now that you realize the potential harm brought about by the presence of negative emotions in your life, it is important to transform them into something positive. keep your thoughts, intention and awareness on good fro all.  This will serve to counteract the effects of negative emotion in your health and social relationships.  you can do this by promoting positive emotions promoting positive thought, intentions which   can boost the supply of DHEA or anti-aging hormone in your body.

While negative emotions can risk you of developing harmful health conditions, promoting positive can boost the supply of DHEA or anti-aging hormone in your body.  So, whether you are suffering from a positive or negative emotion, it will  by its own corresponding effect  your physiological and emotional situation.