The journey of our life depends on our perception through the guidance of our Inner Wisdom.
It's in the silent of the heart that we start to connect to our Inner Wisdom that will guide us to true path of life.
Unconditional love is the foundation of our true being.

The Awakening and your Own Body Wisdom


The awakening happening now is being experienced by the heart and whole body. The spirit of God within you is being quickened, regenerated, born again as the inner teacher “the inner Christ” Actual experience of knowing God through the divine Christ impulse intimately give rise to divine wisdom.Desiring to be quickened by His spirit is a wondrous thing.It does require work For ask and you shall receive.“When He, the spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13)..

Most of the time, God will speak in an inspiration that comes from deep within us and we will not always understand it with the separate conscious mind, but as we continue to take time in His presence, He makes us clear as to what He is saying. If God spoke to us it is natural that it would be a universal voice as we all speak different languages. Love and the vibration of love is universal languages Many people say they have never heard God speak to them, because they do not know how He speaks to each one of us.But through the intelligence of the heart thoughts and feeling come together to raise our vibration and raise our consciousness.

As one’s consciousness expands it embraces unconditional love. The resonance of truth felt by the confirmation of thought and feeling sends up through the body divine bliss which lifts our vibration.The resonance of truth felt is Divine bliss and comes with an expansion of consciousness.Potential creative ideas enter the separate conscious mind and become possible.For now confirmation is acknowledge and the potential of what could manifest is now possible.

Christ Conscious Awareness


Christ conscious awareness is about receiving wisdom from your emotional intelligence.If you want to receive first empty out old beliefs and accept new truth.Remember Jesus spoke to his disciples in secretly and with purpose.for they alone had their hearts open to truth. “unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God. but to them that are without ” all these things are done in parables Mark( 1V .11)

Every Thought Must Manifest According to it’s Intensity


Every thought must manifest according to it’s intensity. The slightest thought of intelligence set in motion a power in the law to produce a corresponding idea.This idea will gather power and attract to it’s self like minded concepts that will magnetize to you the energy of people , circumstances and events that will bring good into your life.

Results of Our thoughts,What is the Purpose?


Intensity is derived from your heart and the feeling that energize the thought, through your knowing at the deepest level of you being. Your thought process give energy to what you focus on.What is the purpose of life you may ask.

Your purpose in life is to identify by contrast what you would like in your life now and create it by the power of the love in your heart.Then focus with all your being on what you want, by living in the now moment , moment by moment.

Divine Marriage of Spirit and Matter


Divine Marriage of spirit and matter.Adapting the right attitude to life purpose, take a bit of effort. The universe is always speaking to each individual soul through their level of awareness. Awareness changes for each soul through their own desire. Prayers and meditation activates our spiritual centers and when the Chakras, the Lotuses are activated and begin to vibrate, they set in motion as a magical extraordinary transformation. In order to vibrate with the Supreme being, one would be wise to embrace with Unconditional Love. When the individual has the concept of unconditional love, their focus is there is “no separation, we are all one”. Everyone is from the same Divine Source. All are decompressed individuality of their own God Self, which is Love. All the great Masters have been telling us since the beginning of time. All mankind is now in the process of shifting to wisdom (cosmic wisdom). My own experience has lead be to accept that we are all returning to the wisdom of the soul. This journey has many paths, but all return the lost soul back to full awareness of its source.

Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Perception are always speaking through each individual’s own experience. Being able to listen and communicate with infinite Christ Consciousness is your work on this planet. This is brought about by a change in consciousness which is a realization that you are not separate, isolated and alone. But you are infinite consciousness and have chosen to come to this planet and individualize within a personally which separates from “All That Is” to create that which is encoded in you as your truth.

The Intelligence of the Soul


The intelligence within the separate mind has the awareness of discrimination and functions as the know-er and doer of what is. It appears to be conscious because it reflects the intelligence of the soul or the Divine Self. When the focus of this intelligence is Ego bent due to lack of true awareness one thinks one is the cause of what is. This hides the truth of our true existence., which is one with all life in the Divine presence of “I Am Al That I Am” our true bride and source. Then with our focus firmly rooted in the separate mind we forget about our true origin and our true nature which is love.

We replace eternal life with dying, abundance with scarcity, suffering and disease with as out side of our self , instead of true awareness of our true nature which is at the inner core of our selves. So to become aware of our true origin and our true higher self ” it would be wise to be still daily so one can access the inner teacher the Christ self level of awareness., where one can experience the Divine bliss of their true nature.

Divine Discrimination Sheds Light Into your Life Path. Listen to the Inner Teacher


When one goes about realigning the separate, fearful mind with “I Am All The I AM” , one choose to change their focus and practice a form of discrimination This changes what one will pay attention to. Then by the changed focus one will reflect back into their own experiences their new focus of attention. When one aligns to refocus their desires and attention to adopting the principles of love, one uses the power of discrimination.

This discrimination does not come from the separate mind but from the Divine Christ impulse which is active in all at different levels of awareness, one starts their inner journey. Here one discovers new perceptions as one makes contact with Divine presence, Divine discrimination sheds light into your life path. Love, wisdom, and truth are attracted into all so as one seeks one is furnished with new thoughts. Which when acted upon will effortlessly chance life experiences with the power of discrimination. This. , love, wisdom, and truth are attracted into all. Then as one seeks truth, one is furnished with new thoughts. Which when acted upon will effortlessly chance life experiences.

The habits of separate fearful mind will cease to run but within new perception new thoughts of purity with “I Am All That I Am ” Will now manifest with intention and trust in Divine partnership.Which when acted upon will effortlessly chance life experiences .When one goes about realigning the separate fearful mind with “I Am All The at I Am When one aligns to refocus their desires and attention to adopting the principles of love, one uses the power of discrimination. This discrimination does not come from the separate mind but from the Divine Christ impulse which is active in all at different levels of awareness, one starts their inner journey. Here one discovers new perceptions as one makes contact with Divine presence, Divine discrimination sheds light into your life path. , love, wisdom, and truth are attracted into all so as one seeks one is furnished with new thoughts. Which when acted upon will effortlessly chance life experience something…



With our conscious mind, we tend to analyze and judge data. We used the process of thinking, planning, making judgement and using references of past experiences from our memory to determine truth. Whether good or bad experiences, the mind holds them in our memory and accepts them as truth. When we, as individuals seem and act with fear, the feelings of fear distort truth . In fact these feelings come from the spirit self , as it does not agree with your focus or your self talk coming from the conscious mind. These feelings are guidance from within our being, that the thoughts that we are focusing on are deficient and that they will manifest in your life as we are co creators with” all that is” So our heart prompt us in one direction and the fearful mind prompt us in another direction out of fear. Hence we have two masters. Some point in the future the mind will furnish us with the stored thought which will be triggered with certain feelings of fear. Our bonding to this old feelings will keep attracting the same outcome through the law of attraction. Thought patterns that become permanent do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries.

By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete we ignore our superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the super conscious mind which is available to all. This super conscious mind gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to all that is. So it is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. It used to be said that knowledge was power, but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? One must know what to do with the knowledge that one has acquired and one must utilized this knowledge for all.

So how can we let these feelings and deficient thoughts deprived us from the love that we truly are. The process to successfully released old thoughts and associated feelings is called meditation. Meditation will create greater mental clarity. It will also give you the ability to dissociate from what is no longer working in your life or damaging your life experiences. After meditating for a while you will developed a proficiency and be able to have the advantage point from where you will become aware to your own thoughts and associated feelings as they arise in your daily activities. You will see and be aware of what sets off the trigger that creates fear or how you react to a given situation or to certain ideas or individual concepts.

This gives you the upper hand and allows you to use wisdom to think things through., meta-physicians and mystics seem to understand what consciousness is, but to the broader community, it remains very limited. It is to this group of people who I am addressing this “pearl of wisdom” to.
Since I am a mystic and have been all my life, I would like to address the short fall of information that is available for those who now seek truth. The word consciousness has been clearly misunderstood by the vast population of the world. Conscious as been defined by the dictionary “ as awareness by the mind of itself and awareness of the world around itself”. This awareness is based on the five senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste but it does not take into account other perception which have been developed by psychics, meta-physicians and mystics.

When I first started studying metaphysics and mysticism, I was always looking at the other side of the equation of life. My daily background was in Science, mostly Biology, Chemistry and Fine Sciences. So I came from a practical logical background. But I was always drawn to people who were like teachers for me who encouraged my deep analytical mind to develop greater means of understanding and analysing what consciousness was. I came across another definition of what consciousness was from a paper I read by a British psycho physiologist Cecil Maxwell Cade (1918-1984). He had actually developed a new way to measure consciousness. This new method is called “Electroencephalogram or EEG readings.

The paper goes on to say that “there are five observable levels of consciousness” for which I can vouch for through my own experienced. But that study is now obsolete. But for the purpose of this discussion we will briefly review it. For this study, it was decided to observed experienced mediators, for they have achieved various other levels of awareness. These five levels of consciousness were recorded as going from the awaken state to deep meditation state and beyond. They are described as what follows.

1) Dream State or dream sleep state – This awareness does not take into account any awareness from the external world. This awareness is associated as coming from the internal imagination of the recipient. So “who or what” is the observer. .
2) The next state is called Hypnotic – This state of awareness happen between the awaken state and the half a sleep state. Within this awareness you are aware of the external world, but also the semi-consciousness of the dream sleep state.
3) The Fully Awaken State – your full awareness is on the world and your focus is the world around you.
4) The Meditative State – where one has withdrawn their awareness from the external environment and are perceiving perceptions from within the core of their being.
5) The fifth state is the Awaken Mind – This state of awareness is experienced only by experienced mediators. This is where one is able to maintain awareness of both the self and the internal awareness of the awareness of the all environments.

On inspection, the results shows vast differences between the different states of awareness particularly between the awaken state of everyday awareness to that of the awakened mind. Cade’s overall research was an eye opener to those people particularly Scientist and Physicist who were looking for evidence of data and proof of the benefit of meditation. Cade’s results also showed that beta wave content was balanced over the two brains hemisphere. This suggested that there was a balanced between the left brain and right brain. So it was obvious that the best most productive and highest level of consciousness and brain functionality cannot be achieved in the awaken state. Just look what Albert Einstein did and said I can remember the exact quote but if goes something like this – the intelligence that created the problem, can not solve the problems, and the only way is to shed new light on the subject. New light is every day been shed on what consciousness is, from meta physicians and other innovative Scientist and healers.

As a meta physician, mystic and a healer I believed and know that there is no separation from existence but that which the mind accept as true. Also, I now introduce to these five levels of consciousness a sixth state. This state of consciousness is called “Self-Mastery in Christ Consciousness“. This is the state of consciousness that Jesus sheared to the world over 2000 years ago. Within this state of consciousness, the recipient interacts at the diamond heart awareness level of awareness with the materialization of invisible beings .through thoughts, feelings and the actual momentarily materialization into form, which can be seen by the material eye both internally and externally. Para-psychological studies had been recorded as well as telepathic experiences also clairvoyance and clairaudience by many prominent scientists. There are many prominent Doctors and Scientist forging a path with new an innovative discoveries. Also many such studies on pre-cognition, psycho metrics, astral projection, dream analysis and communication with animals and other life forms are easily found on the internet.

I have spoken to many people who have had these experiences and have shared them with me. All of them had revealed to me a vast amount of wisdom. More and more people in this present age are experiencing higher levels of consciousness which vary from individual to individual. Just as there are only five levels of consciousness which can be proven by the Scientific measurement there are many more levels of consciousness to be discovered. Jesus said, “In my Fathers there are many mansions”. In order to gain perception into these levels of consciousness, one would be wise to prepare to give up self (ego), as self does not exist as separate entity outside of the mind of infinite consciousness. One has to choose to loose oneself to find one’s true self.

This true self is a Christ Being of infinite love and power and is there to be realized by all. When one receives conscious contact with their own Christ Self or I Am Presence, one is attuned to the higher spiritual vibration of love. Up to now most of us have been broken and taken apart and have experienced deep separation from love. But now as the awakening is taken place, people are starting to realized that to be broken and lost is the only way to find our true self. Our work or task was to integrate our egos with our true self the Christ Being.

All can be forgiven if there is no concept of sin or guilt. Jesus knew this when He said “ Your sins are forgiven”. The awakening has been taken place as the perfect love which is the perfect idea is now birthing and manifesting. This will facilitate a new consciousness of love for all who focused and search for truth. Love dissolves all fears. When this realization takes place, which is the perfect idea that you are the Immaculate Concept of Father Mother God, also unique, truth set you free. When this takes place within your conscious mind, you put on the mind of the Christ and this is accompanied by a massive spiritual experience of ecstasy of ever new bliss. You will feel this within your heart. This will be a conscious communion taken place with spirit. After which further awakening will take place and greater wisdom will be followed by new knowledge of one’s true self. All will start to receive love feedings as the diamond river of light brings to recipient Diamond Heart awareness. This begins the recipient’s task to move into the sixth state which I call The Self Mastery in Christ Consciousness.

In Cade time this state was not measurable , but now major break through are well on their way. All will start to receive stronger feedings of love, peace and joy. These love feedings will grow in magnitude and length. At first gradually then as the conscious mind accepts the truth, the feelings will gather great momentum. As the mind starts to receive wisdom, confirmation will be recognized by feedings of ecstasy and joy and the recipient will be left in no doubt of the unconditional love of our Father Mother God. These feelings of love will come with inter heart awareness, this is a trans-formative process which I call “Diamond Heart Awareness”. After persistent and deliberate focus, the person or people who attuned to the level of spirit will developed self authority in all levels of their lives.

This level of self authority will allow all who practice self mastery in Christ consciousness to heal influences and entities of the lower levels of vibration. I realized that I was an individual expression of my parents “ Father Mother God of all that is“ As an individual express .there was an impulse to be co -creative and to express all that I am. I started to realise that certain desires were planted within my soul by Father Mother God of all that is. The desire which spirit plants in our souls are our talents. All that is , is dynamic therefore we are dynamic beings who wish to express our unique talents for the good of all. But fear and bonding to fear represses our through expression of life. Bonding takes place by what we habitually focus on and keep us limited. So it is little wonder that we stay bonded to a limited life.

What is it in us that keeps us believing that we are limited beings.? The Christ in you see you as perfect , but you do not agree. So you judge your talents and gifts as less and fail to deliver them to the world. Our souls are pure and beyond beauty, but with our attachment to fear, and our focus kept on fear, we are not enough. So deficient thoughts and associated feelings keeps us bonded to the life we have.

“All That Is” (Source) call it God or any name you like but do get to know it. The means in which you will be supported and guided is called meditation. Meditation increases the activity of the pituitary gland and also opens more of your brain to a new level of consciousness. It allows you to accept within your truth the invisible power that you posses and allows you access your true nature which in turn creates a knowing of “Who you really are”. You are the consciousness of all that is which is all expanding, all knowing, all loving source. Your empowerment will come from the awareness of loving all things without judgment and accepting what is. Remember, you are constantly changing and perceiving new discoveries and levels of awareness also “ALL That Is” is expanding and ever evolving by your partnership. Each of us represent a unique perception of divine reality. So truth does not exist, truth is always expanding and changing.

Not realizing that we are the prodigal children of God and Goddess and all we have to do is choose to contact home. Our work is to realize this fact. Our inheritance is our divine inner loving, all powerful nature. It is only when we remember our true nature and start acting with this knowing that we bring heaven to earth. This knowing of our unconditional loving nature allows us to have a relationship with God. As we are fully conscious of whom we are. By making meditation your work on a daily bases, you learn consciously to lift the soul in bondage from body consciousness into the divine presence of God.

I was a prodigal soul wandering in consciousness of only mater but now I am doing the work of meditation and self discipline and have been graciously been given a small glimpse of the infinite presence that I am. Now I am blessed as I truly feel the presence all around me. With this support and guidance I am in the process of practicing non attachment and unconditional love. Hopefully I will gain more wisdom and knowing of Gods Love.



Divine love of Father Mother God has released spiritual heat and spiritual light to shed Faith , LOVE, and Wisdom to resurrect the known of our true origin and the potential of what we could become. This wisdom cannot be understood by the conscious mind. This wisdom comes from the DiamondHeart conscious of the purity of the love of what life is. So life is love. The purpose of life was to experience love. Without love, life is nothing more than utilizing the five senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch and the acting out with this information. But to what purpose? Where do sensation and the need to act come from?

When one ask the question about feelings, it become necessary to question where do feelings come from and what comes first? If thought is first why is it deficient. This question alone will produce an awareness of a different level of questioning which deserves an answer .The answer will come from within your own body as wisdom. The answer is in the good feeling within the heart. as theirs appears to be a blending of both thought and feeling which gives the overall effect of expansion of love experience within the body. This reality happens when mind and heart blend together as the perfect reflection of the potential of what could be.

To my knowledge and my own experience, this spiritual light is expanding the heart of all to be able to receive more love. With the acceptance of love the emotional intelligence of all life will start remembering the source of love and the truth of what life is. By putting love before every thought, the vibration of focus within love will raise the vibration away from deficient thought based on fear. At the moment, our focus is certainly on fear and issues of survival. It is time to shift to wisdom and discover the true essence of our being, which is love. Also the power of realizing the potential of what could exist by embracing the incoming streams of wisdom, light and love through meditation. Meditation supports you to wake up to greater awareness of your being. Without meditation, it is impossible to become aware of what truth is. Without meditation, there can be no unfolding from all your fear condition that the subconscious mind has accepted as truth. So, your acquired nature blocks you realizing your true self. If you examine your day, you will notice that you are subjected to sensory input which is compounded by false belief system which limits your potential. Also it create a holding pattern of a particular mind set. which the law of attraction will unconditionally create for us and the limitation we image into been. In fact, our mind behave like a spoilt children running wild without awareness of your constant focus on the “drama of me” and the resultant image we focus on. So, at any given moment, there is an attachment and identification with the random thoughts. Bear in mind that these random thoughts also produce feelings. Sometime good, other times bad. But how are we to interpret these feelings.

The mind has been programmed to judge these feelings rather than use these feelings as a guidance system to stay focus on a positive constructive thought instead of what we habitually create, which are deficient thoughts based on past experiences and imagined thoughts based on fear. The deficient thought within the conscious mind have been accepted as seeds of what will be. By maintaining our focus on positive focused thought, we will enrich all aspect of your life both practical and spiritual. Once you embrace meditation, it will empower for you a process of change.

Meditation is really a technique or practice to expand you awareness beyond the five senses. It will support you in becoming more aware and more sensitive to what is within you. So, realization of facing unpleasant parts of oneself may well be part of your meditation. But do not judge , be the witness regardless of the experience you should try to become aware of the experience and how you have bonded to it. This knowing will allow you to let the past go and embrace a whole new world At first, there will be apparent failure to experience silence, peace of mind, clarity of mind or bliss and joy. In fact, there will be probably a time when you can’t concentrate properly or concentrate enough to feel any benefit at your meditation. But, do not give up. Do not beat yourself up over it. Be gentle on your self, love yourself enough to not judge or be critical, accept that you are doing the best you can for now. Be in to it for a long haul. I personally found for myself that regular meditation with reasonable effort will bring results.

Always know that meditation is an active process where you the participant remain fully aware of what the awareness is doing. Then, overtime, dedication and perseverance meditation will transcend the thought process. Meditation begin with letting go of the outer environment i.e., your focus on the world . Then you begin the journey towards the heart. First relax the body, so you give instruction for the body to relax. Start with the feet, then slowly go up through the body relaxing and focus on bring the whole body to a place of stress free awareness from this practice. Then embrace the practice of focusing on the breath. Breath in love and breath out fear. Allow your awareness to show you what ever turns up for you, do not judge, just be the observer with out any judgment or input of what the awareness is doing.

Meditation will over time transcend the self talk going on within your mind. You, the mediators, will transcend the random thought activity which is unproductive. Remember that your mind is like a noisy classroom full of rude children. Meditation gives you the opportunity to realize that your constant thoughts are not who you are. You will start to become aware of more. This more exists independent of your thoughts, then the awareness spontaneously expands out into a whole new level of knowing. So by taken time out everyday to communicate within the emerging Christ Self, an inner knowing will become a reality of what is truth. When truth is perceived and discovered, the emotional perceptions of the Diamond river of life will gather momentum and bring you to a place of self realization of what is true for you.

With more and more people taken up meditation and more and more people experiencing contact with the Christ self , there will be a new wisdom born .So more and more people will begin to shift their focus to only positive constructive thought that does no harm to the experience of life. What will be taken place over the next couple of years is the removal of small mindedness, fear and thoughts blocking our potential. Our thoughts and minds have been thought fear. But fear has no real power, but the amount of energy and focus that we give these fearful thoughts, gives them life and these thoughts are energized with the emotion of fear. It is because we have free will to focus on imperfections that we create apparent imperfections. But now, within the consciousness of mankind, the truth of what our potential is, has been awaken. Out of this new awareness, a whole new world is awaiting to make its presence felt.

This presence is awaken within us, the power of living in the NOW moment, by working to remember ourselves as spiritual being and making the choice to forget our former world of fear. It is time to embrace a new order within ourselves. It is only by having this inner agreement established within our consciousness that we’ll be able to take our rightful place as sons and daughters of God. Nothing can or will stand in the way of your awakening but that of your own resistance of fear and anxiety. Know that a small cup cannot hold much water, so it is time to expand the mind and allow the universe to expand your mind so it can hold a new level of awareness especially if it is already filled with inhibitions, fear and worthlessness of your own value. With this realization, you will understand that you will not be able to add value to your life or anybody else unless you empty out any misconceived idea that you have given your attention and focus to. So empty out old thoughts and associated feelings to make room for this new wisdom. Then you might then decide to examine your own beliefs and the pattern of your thoughts and then start to ask question how you could change what you are attracting to yourself.

By feeling love within one’s own consciousness, while mediating a light will begin to break which allows the individual to experience a profound peace and joy more than the ordinary human heat has ever known before. Christ peace gives all who with devotion and whole heartiness to obtaining “Christconsciousness Awareness” within meditation the total enjoyment of ecstasy and peace. By keeping your feeling free from fear vibrations which create restlessness in the mind, you have but one master. When this inner peace is experienced within meditation, one enters the soul and overtime the vaster peace that one feels is the Christconsciousness or the Christ self which moves into cosmic consciousness and a knowing of the infinite consciousness and what you are able to tap into. Eventually, overtime and devotion, the restless thought and associated feeling are vanquished within the silence and ever new bliss is celebrated within the soul and body.

Shift To Wisdom By Developing Diamond Heart Awareness Within Your Consciousness


Shift To Wisdom By Developing Diamond Heart Awareness Within Your Consciousness

This world is a creation of the material creation of “All That Is”. God stands far and beyond this finite world. From its inception, the material creation was bound to the laws of evolution and dissolution.
Jesus once said, “Be ye perfect as my Father is in Heaven”. But what was Jesus talking about? The thoughts, the words, the intention, focus and desired outcome all belong to the realm of this world. Although, one cannot see what thoughts are? They are vibrating according with “The Law of Attraction”. There effects are interwoven into the finite world that we live in. Notice I say finite not infinite. Equally the same thoughts attract together by the same frequency of intention and focus. So it would be wise for you to keep your thoughts pure. Always focus on what you want and have the desired intention for the good of all. All thoughts manifest where they find homogeneity of frequency. This creates group consciousness. Where by each group consciousness actually create its own God. Through belief systems, it then proclaims laws and robbery of the soul of its true identity and wisdom begins.
In trying to understand why so many interplanetary visitors are been attracted to this planet, I came up with the idea of the “Claiming of souls by the homogeneity of frequency” which lock the separation of evolution of where the soul vibrates at. In summary, we all choose our own destination in this universal planetary creation of our Father, Mother God.
With the manifestation of Jesus, His love and His inner teachings which are only manifested by stilling the mind, we have choice of what to focus on what thoughts to create and for what intention we live our life. With the stilling of the mind you break free from belief systems and the ” UN- Godly mass consciousness groups” and regain your connection to your Divine Soul.

At Jesus death, there is a statement that is recorded. It is concerning the tearing in two of the elaborate and beautiful curtain 30 ft x 60 ft length and height in the place of worship. I wish to now at this time give the hidden meaning to the significance of this event.
An inner room called the” Holy of Holies” which represents the Holy Place of God’s Presence. The secret room was separated from the rest of the temple by an elaborate and beautiful curtain, 30ft x 60ft high separating out the priests from the people. This was set up by a group consciousness that used this to propagate separation from God as a belief system which was programmed into the masses of people to control them. In the tearing in two from top to bottom at Jesus death, this was the sign of a birthing of a New Consciousness “the Christ of Father, Mother God” within the world of form. The curtain was torn to let all know that Christ conscious awareness also known “ as diamond heart awareness,” would give access to all to their Soul Wisdom. This would provide daily contact with our Divine Source. Not just to the privileged of few Priests, who after all were affiliated to the false group consciousness and were allowing corruption to enter the world. This corruption is now within every aspect of our legal religions, political institutions and teaching of what truth is, but it is all false. The world is wakening up to this fact. The accepted truth is been questioned. Synthesis expands the center to include all those who are ready to receive the cosmic diamond heart awareness vibration within their heart. “The Christ lights “which is expanding from the center will make all things whole and create a New Earth. Where mankind will continue its journey of discovery.
Now we come to the question of the apparent evil that the world has gone through. This evil has been allowed for a period of time unconditionally to give all the right to choose and to give free will and choice to all. At some stage in our evolution, this apparent evil has been set up by a group consciousness of evil intent as they replicated a false center of” Holy of Holies”. You could say they set themselves up as A God. This group consciousness has their identity as, “I am more worthy than the rest of God’s creation”, which is the sin of pride. The “Law of Attraction” gathers like to like thereby expanding by belief the limitations within the said belief thereby masquerading as truth. They used supply of money and control of supply and demand thereby creating scarcity. Then, they build by constructing system to enslave the entire population to a life of slavery. Investigate what tax system are? Investigate what legal systems are and how they are enforced? Who enforces them and for the benefit for who? Investigate what news is allowed and who controls it?All the system in use today has been set up by this group consciousness which has evolved from the beginning of time, and handed down from one generation to another, keeping the mass population in the dark of their agenda. Remember, without the realization of love within your heart, you and I can fall to this level of separation. Many already have falling into this group consciousness because of the law of vibration. “like attract like”.
The unprecedented moment is fast approaching, which I can talk about from the perspective of what is resonating with me concerning 2012 and other prophecies within many spiritual and religious culture, which is all about focus, attitude and determination. It would be wise to focus on loving thoughts even to those who persecute you. It is by having the right attitude, seeking the truth of your being and be determined to seek truth, that a change in consciousness can start within you.“Ask and you will receive”. Extraordinary happening and experience are been reported all over the world. Great speculation and tribulation as well as great fear on what if, but, and so what scenario to be played out within the minds of everybody.
With discoveries and new perceptions been openly discussed in books, radio, TV and with the general group discussion, naming but a few, spacecraft, extraterrestrial, star beings angels and walk-ins. I would like to suggest that we create a visitors book so as all the new travelers give their identity name and address and indicate what their purpose is for their visit to this planet. For surely, there is a purpose for their visits. There are description of the greys and reptilian and many more. In fact, there are countless books and experiences recorded throughout this last century and before.
What is true is that everyday reality is expanding. Our awareness level is also expanding. Gravity is changing and frequencies of the earth are changing. There is an over 500% increase in earth quakes and this finite world we live on is changing fast. There are major changes in our “Solar Deity” every day, i.e. Sun. It must be obvious, that the human being is concluding its destination and preparing for the next step in the evolution of man. This theory was written about by the great Rudolf Steiner. I wish to quote a few lines from one of his lectures. These few sentences have been curate from “Christ and the Human Soul.” In the 3rd lecture given by him .What follows concerns the mystery of Golgotha. “Man must fill his soul with the substance of Christ Being; he must as it were, have taken something of the Christ into his soul, so that Christ is active in him and bears him a kingdom where man has indeed no power to make his karma ineffective, but where it comes to pass through Christ that our debts and sins are blotted out from our external world.”All are been introduced to the concept of Love. The Love that is unconditional, all expanding and is non-judgmental. So there is no need to focus on fear, instead, focus on Love. Focus on the delight and pleasures of the Love that you are.
As awareness expands, new experience and perceptions widen our universe to us. What we could not have imagined 20 years ago is now taken place at great speed and great urgency. In order to put things in perspective, I wish to take you (the reader) back in time . If you observe History, you will see that there has been a progressive development taken place every couple of centuries. It is my opinion that the human mind does not find it easy to conceive any other type of existence other than human beings. Yet, all our knowledge has been accumulated from ancient knowledge and wisdom from the early centuries. In order to solve the purpose of human life, we require wisdom and exact knowledge. So open your mind, be prepared to let go any human notions of what constitute reality.
In the perspective of our human history, we have been visited by Gods. The Bible is full of stories of Angels, Demons and God, but it was Moses that was privileged to have an encounter with the “God of Israel”. The term “God of Israel” suggests that there might be other Gods. Example comes to us from the Greeks who had many Gods and Goddesses. Then there is the question of dead or extra-terrestrial Aliens, whether it is the Greeks stories of Zeus and Athena or the Egyptian stories about Horus. One thing is certain; people focus of attention was firmly on the beliefs that these stories were indeed true.
Now, we have to look briefly at wars fought in the name of these Gods. The Bible is full of battles and wars fought in the name of “God of Israel”. The crusade went to war in the name of the Christian God and the Saracens who resisted then in the name of “Allah” were all real. Added to that of the ancient cultures of Egypt, China, Mexico and many more, all possessed elaborate hierarchies of Gods and Goddesses of some Deities or other. Let us move forward to the 16th century with the developing of the change in the minds of people living in that time.
Galileo and the new discoveries of the telescope gave mankind the ability to observe close-up of the heaven. This great invention had great implication on the concept that God created this world at the center of the universe. Now, one could observe other planets, stars and galaxies. Indeed, the universe was a vast expanding unknown universe to mankind. Can you imagine what this did to the imagination of the people? Can you imagine the types of question they were asking themselves and each other. Surely, they asked if people like us inhibited them or had similar physical, mental and emotional mentalities .It was not until mid century arrived that two Russian scientists invented the Kirling photography, which demonstrated energy fields surrounding plant life Then there was the aura pictures of the past 20 years. Then quantum physics and string theory and multiple universes started to be investigated. Now further technology such as H.A.R.P. and recently Squid technology which measures the conducting quantum interference of different energy fields. So science now is moving into find the God particle. So you can see with new discoveries and perceptions, focus changes. What also changes is what we imagine with our co-creative mind through fear, doubts and beliefs. In fact, belief and worship limits our consciousness.
There is outstanding evidence from the 1980 onward of people who have reported be abducted or taken off world. Then in 1995 in the book “From elsewhere: being E.T. in America, Dr. Scott Mandelker suggest to his readers to contemplate the idea that they might be the extra-terrestrial been having a human experience. He called them “Watchers” and to those not yet awake, “Sleepers”. Walk-in Extra-terrestrials also appeared to carry some validation, as there were people who reported that they had agreed with this. So, one can see how the imagination has developed with shades of fear and doubt, with stages of discovery of who we are, or who is coming to this planet.
So what are all these visitors doing on this planet? Question like; could they be abductors? Or could they be benevolent being here to support us in growth of our awareness? Could they be thieves here to imprison us and rob us of our Divine inheritance? Again, the imaginations run on. It is really all about what we focus on. This brings me on to these people who are channeling messages and teaching certain ideas. Some of these are ancient; others are new, such as never before could be imagined.But all seem to be leading up to something.
Based on my own experience, there are basic ideas been accepted by people in general?
1)Because so many different groups of people from all over the world are teaching, channeling and encouraging mass group of people to change the way they focus and project on to the world their ideas ,what is indeed happening is a widening of our awareness.
2) We are all becoming aware of our body wisdom which resonates with our truth.
3) Different people resonate at different frequencies according to these expressions, beliefs and the imagination.
4) Love is talked about; Love is discussed but is Love understood?
5) Our notion of what Love is is certainly changing.
Adapting the right attitude to life purpose, take a bit of effort. The universe is always speaking to each individual soul through their level of awareness. Awareness changes for each soul through their own desire. Prayers and meditation activates our spiritual centers and when the Chakras, the Lotuses are activated and begin to vibrate, they set in motion as a magical extraordinary transformation. In order to vibrate with the Supreme Being, one would be wise to embrace with Unconditional Love. When the individual has the concept of unconditional love, their focus is there is “no separation, we are all one”. Everyone is from the same Divine Source. All are decompressed individuality of their own God Self, which is Love. All the great Masters have been telling us since the beginning of time. All mankind is now in the process of shifting to wisdom (cosmic wisdom) My own experience has lead be to accept that we are all returning to the wisdom of the soul. This journey has many paths, but all return the lost soul back to full awareness of its source.
Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Perception are always speaking through each individual’s own experience. Being able to listen and communicate with infinite Christ Consciousness is your work on this planet. This is brought about by a change in consciousness which is a realization that you are not separate, isolated and alone. But you are infinite consciousness and have chosen to come to this planet and individualize within a personally which separates from “All That Is” to create that which is encoded in you as your truth.
Christ Consciousness was brought to the planet over 2000 years ago by Jesus. This Consciousness is the “Only Begotten Son of God” (Child of Spirit) so designated because it is the sole Perfect Reflection in creation of the transcendental absolute Spirit of God, the “Father Mother God” of “All That Is”. Jesus went up the mountain a lot and he took Peter, James, John with him. I believe these people were metaphors for Faith, Love and Wisdom. Jesus went on to build on the power of Faith in things invisible to establish Love (Unconditional Love for All) and wisdom to know how to trust the wisdom that the Christ-Self would bring forth as truth. When Jesus ascended back to “All That IS”, he said, that He would send a Comforter for all. Those people who had Faith and Trust and above all Love in their hearts, will receive the “Holy Spirit”. (Pentecost Story illustrates the joy of this realization) The Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit; hence people watching thought they were drunk
Man is endowed with the ability of conscious effort. The question I ask myself when I first started out my search was, “If my body was active and psychologically fit and my mind and intellect were active, why did I feel as if I was asleep? I must be asleep, so how could I wake up? I realized, I am inside a spiritual being and it would be wise to make use of this situation called “Life” in order to bring about the development of my spiritual self. So I started to neglect the physical and psychological personality levels through meditation.
Before, I was completely enslaved by the lower propensities of passion, anger, hate, greed and sensuality. People forget their mission in life was to cultivate their inner life and develop Christ Consciousness, the Consciousness of Spirit.This is the true marriage of spirit and matter. This is cosmic balance as described in the marriage of Cana in the New Testament.
The LOVE principle is dormant in most people. The Love I am talking about is Unconditional, all-encompassing and ever-expanding. If people knew that at the core of their being, is their Inner Divinity (Their Christ-Self). But instead people are bonded to beliefs, giving their own power away and accepting the False Anti-Christ of what they are not. People project outside towards this gross world their own creation from what is in their heart. Hence, we have corruption in every level of society.
What I believe now after my long search is, my work is to bring about the fullest truth and expression of that Divinity and become the “Son of God”, the Only Begotten Son (Christ Consciousness) Child of Spirit. Modern man thinks that he will reach the pinnacle of his powers and is fully evolved. Really, our work is the transformation of human consciousness in Divine Consciousness just as Jesus did when He show us the way by developing the Son of God Consciousness.
The whole world is in the progress of awakening to a new reality of our true being. There is a light emerging from within your own heart. This light is announcing an Inner Teacher or Presence which is in the progress of birthing a new consciousness while at the same time preparing each of us for a Paradigm Shift. Our focus of attention will begin to shift; we will start to support this new understanding which is emerging as truth.
Thoughts pattern that have become permanent do not allow for new perception and discoveries. By only depending on the Conscious Mind as the Superpower Mind, we limit ourselves from accessing the Super-conscious Mind of Christ-Conscious ,Mind of Infinite Consciousness. When we have a resistance to change, our beliefs keep false assumption as our truth, we limit our power. It used to be said that “Knowledge Was Power”, but what is now taken place is wisdom for what is “Knowledge without Wisdom”. One must know what to do with that knowledge. Wisdom is accessed by stilling the conscious fearful mind and developing a trust within your own heart, the gift of love you are. Then creating a partnership with Father Mother God and a bond of trust.
As children growing up, we accept truth from those people who we depend on such as parents, older brothers, sisters and relatives. Our truth is saturated by the level of awareness of our beliefs and habitual patterns of thought which we generally accept as our own. Since reality is a by-product of our beliefs, attitudes and habits, it is beholds us to refine out habitual patterns base on our own perceptions. At some point in our lives, we are faced with certain challenges which create a desire for new wisdom, so that we are able to overcome particular blockages. This is the beginning of the Dark Night of the Soul, which the whole world is going through now.
Modern Science is now looking at reality creating, as a product of our unconscious and subconscious beliefs manifesting as our truth. Mass mind reality is the collective level of where the whole world is at, as a whole. But there is an individual level of consciousness which can be developed called “Diamond Heart Awareness”. This type of consciousness is developed by Meditation and mastering your thought and associated feelings. The more people that start developing this consciousness within them, the more what manifests will change the old paradigm.Our focus of attention will not entertain thoughts, ideas, ideologies and beliefs less than love. Our focus of attention will change. We will stop creating different thoughts that focus on fear and lack and thoughts that create scarcity written about in the books, films, plays and entertainment. Instead, our entertainment will incorporate ideas, ideologies and beliefs that instil peace, joy and freedom. We will elect politicians that create a focus on joy, peace and freedom. Above all, we rid ourselves of all elite groups that have held this world in slavery.
At the moment, our TV depicts violence which acts within our subconscious mind and bonds us to attracting this into our very own lives. Simply because, we chose to focus on it, we thereby give our attention and energy to keeping the false idea of who we are not within our soul. Our newspapers indeed, our media, bonds us to the quality and focus of the collective consciousness. For example, our minds are bombarded with violence, death, pain, guilt, torture and in explicit behavior. These create fear within our system. This bonds us to the limitation and the contingency of more of the same, except, it is real and starts happening in our very own lives within friends and neighbors.
So for the future, let us put our focus on the higher forms of entertainment, higher ideas of love and peace. Money, greed and corruption are at the center of this false God. Jesus destroys the temple with the money lenders. This allows us a hint at what Jesus tried to tell us then. Remember also, He said “In three days he would knock the temple”. The temple which Jesus “Christ-Consciousness of Universal Love” will destroy is the Old Paradigm of greed and perpetration of evil. The new generation will be formed when the Final Judgment by “ALL THAT IS” will allocate by vibration intent, focus and desire the soul’s destination.