Tag: spirituality

Availability and Awareness of the Presence of the Inner Christ

Vast horizon

As one embraces meditation and adopts the principle of love, one makes their availability to the presence of god a daily thing One is in communion with the Christ within.Here their focus is to grow more aware of God’s love for all of life.To be in communion with ” I Am All That i Am” one would be wise to still the separate mind. For the separate mind believes the idea of being separate from our good.The separate mind needs to protect itself from perceived  forces that would be against it’s good.

As you experience yourself in stillness, you will intuit a new way of using your mind. You will be taught – from within the stillness – how to receive moment-to-moment inner guidance during the day from the Infinite  Christ Mind, and you will be given individual inspiration spiritual teachings for you to act on. With inner guidance and spiritual insight, you can know with certainty the most appropriate thing to do at any given moment in your life. Inner guidance is the means of right action,right thought . It is how you can know what to do with confidence with out doubt. It is your deepest knowing made conscious and when acted upon made manifested.. And as you learn to trust and make use of this faculty, it can become your decision maker.The resonance of truth felt deep with your inner knowing confirms your next step.  Practice daily listening to the inner guidance that resonance with Divine bliss.  The more experience you have with it and the better you get at utilizing the information available to you, the more convinced you’ll be of just how wonderful an attribute of mind this actually is. Listening for guidance is the technique of spontaneous wisdom.As one learns to trust the inner guidance the inner teacher announces it’s self to the conscious mind.

The spiritual teachings you’ll receive from within your silent mind within the silence will be the source of new meaning  and understanding in your life,  awakening revealing to you lift’s inherent meaning. and hidden laws . Spiritual teachings are communications of truth about the way things are.Why they are that way and how to change them. They will answer your conscious and unconscious questions concerning the nature of who you are and how the world works. Inspiring and guiding you in your thought, word and  speech, and behavior, they will come in the form of clarifying insights and sudden inspirations, creative ideas, intuitive knowings, life circumstances, people and situations, hunches, premonitions, desires, attractions, and spontaneous impulses. The teachings, taught from within, will he important to you and your life. They will make sense to you.As you live your new spiritual wisdom you will awaken to the joy and bliss of your life experiences.

Shift to Wisdom and Guidance “Know thy self”


All our life experiences are equally supported and challenged  to create in us greater awareness of  what could be or what is possible.Limitation creates safety and risk free actions, but with limitations life becomes dull and less interesting.But as one awakens one perceives them selves as not alone and separate from their good. Instead one become aware that they are in the process of becoming more.As one awakens ,one become less fearful and their attention and focus on reaching there objectives is their main aim.Daily growth happens when we are equally supported and challenged.The spiritual journey is equally supported and challenged .Since I  have started to see that my challenges are God’s good to help me grow and the feeding of love are god’s love encouraging me to believe every thing is possible.A new deeper sense of gratitude and understanding enters my mind and is experienced by my heart.This sensitivity allows me to become aware of the ever growing support and challenges keep me on the up ward path to true awareness.So as one embraces the true path to greater awareness one sees the good in all circumstances and accepts all life experiences.

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Within the Silence and After


shift to wisdom - sunset view

Self reflection
Silent nights allow me to listen to my Heart while being in meditation. In the silence of the night being nowhere, I get the opportunity to listen to the expressions of my heart. While in the silence my inner world opens up to me. I quietly hear and feel all the emotions that stir within my soul
I listen to my heart sing praises to my Creator for all the blessings of the day. I give thanks for the lesson and ask for greater clarity of my purpose That moment allows me to stop and truly give thanks in a conscious way. It allows me to forget everything else and focus on how I am blessed in a myriad of so many different ways.

The joy and bliss that fills my heart and the guidance I receive from my own inner Christ fills my awareness with pure joy and inner bliss. During the quietness of the night, I lay still with eyes closed so I can focus on the bliss passing through my body ,I am able to have an awareness of communication with the Christ within the Holy spirit as if peering through the windows of my soul. That is when I get the best view and inner knowing of the beauty of my soul. of what I am made of. We are all made of love. It is pure love. No part of us is less than love. I am made aware of the all emotional high points as well as the lows, and truly understand the person I am.

The silence of the night gives me the chance to renew my spirit and give thanks for all my experiences to “I Am All That I Am” Taking an emotional journey back in time allows me to see where I went wrong and what I need to work on going forward. Every day , I commit to taking advantage of silent nights for retrospection, contemplation and enjoying communion with the Holy spirit and my own Christ Self. I pledge to use the opportunity to renew my spirit so it can shine brightly – like a beacon – to guide my way and bring joy to others as well.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are my thoughts when I reflect after my meditation and communication with spirit? Do I judge myself or others.

2. What inner know and discoveries have I experienced.
3. Do I seize the opportunity to make a pact to be more conscious of my thoughts and deeds? So I can become a conscious creator of the ideas of the “I Am All that I Am”

4. Am I honest with myself when assessing my thoughts and actions from the past? What feeling arise when I judge myself or others.

5. After meditation give thanks for all the bodily sensations and inner Christ healing .Take action on new discoveries and perceptions.

6. Become aware of the inner light the new light of the Christ self and give it out to all for as you give it out more love returns back to you. It is eternal and it is ” I Am All That I Am ” unconditional ,desire less love which is there for all.

Trust the Divine Intelligence of the Inner Christ


Trust is something that has become harder and harder to find, due to past experiences which the separate mind is not willing to let go . Hence we all live our lives from the fear of miss trust. We don’t trust our friends.  and our partners and our children. This leads to our governments , our laws and the way we do business.

We question our doctors, we worry about the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. So one can see that the habit of miss trust is a real one. Our daily thoughts that we imagine into being are co created due to lack of awareness . Awake, Awake Awake, to the fact that we reflect back to the world what we think into creation. This is magnetized by the energy of the heart.

We lock our doors at night because we don’t trust the people who live down the street or anyone who may be traveling through our neighborhood. In this increasing environment of fear and distrust that we live in, our ability to trust each other has also deteriorated. The present migration taken place in the world to day is creating miss trust.  Instead of trusting someone until we are wronged, we automatically assume the opposite, that they are guilty until proven innocent. So our starting out focus of attention is summing into our life’s the very situations we think into being.

Our own life experience gave us reason to be miss trustful.As we live our lives, there are many things that can create feelings of distrust toward others in our psyches. We acquire these habits  growing up,in a volatile environment of emotional pain brought on by belief in separation from our good. This creates abuse and neglect and  set the stage for distrusting others from our earliest of days. The subconscious separate mind accepts all information that we believe ,regardless of new perception and the application of wisdom.  As an adult we  all have  suffer the pain afflicted by others though their put downs, belittling or victimization, where we lose our self esteem and ultimately learn that we cannot believe in ourselves let alone others.

By embracing unconditional love one has moments of self realization This focus on fears attracts more to be feared and dis- trusted. Over time, the scars that we carry around from this deep emotional wounding cause us to shut parts of ourselves down. This hardens the heart and creates reason for believing in fear. where we are fearful of opening ourselves up to others and only to be hurt again.

As one embraces unconditional love , one acknowledges universal divine intelligence and love as their bases for growth on their spiritual path. For love bonds us collectively to others as one family of man. The more one embraces unconditional love the more one becomes whole and starts to feel their own body wisdom. As we go deeper right into our sensitivity of the awaken heart one will experience an accelerated period of spiritual growth and daily break through in the real definition of what love is. This will create in you greater clarity in making better decisions  using the principles of love. With each meditation and act of service of love ,one’s consciousness will expand.

Trusting your own divine guidance will come with the energy of love. Your spirit flows and your co creation abilities work best while you allow all other grow into their own awareness of the fullest expression of the inner Self the Christ within. Trusting that change is purposeful and good and is in all our life paths as a process of our own life experience to become more love.

Transformation of all ways of thinking,  feeling and knowing will creates higher vibrations of love so pure that will be able to transform our own lives as well as other. As we change our life will unfold a purposeful reason for accepting a change in consciousness from fear and lack of trust to love and trusting our good.