Divine Marriage of Spirit and Matter
Divine Marriage of spirit and matter.Adapting the right attitude to life purpose, take a bit of effort. The universe is always speaking to each individual soul through their level of awareness. Awareness changes for each soul through their own desire. Prayers and meditation activates our spiritual centers and when the Chakras, the Lotuses are activated and begin to vibrate, they set in motion as a magical extraordinary transformation. In order to vibrate with the Supreme being, one would be wise to embrace with Unconditional Love. When the individual has the concept of unconditional love, their focus is there is “no separation, we are all one”. Everyone is from the same Divine Source. All are decompressed individuality of their own God Self, which is Love. All the great Masters have been telling us since the beginning of time. All mankind is now in the process of shifting to wisdom (cosmic wisdom). My own experience has lead be to accept that we are all returning to the wisdom of the soul. This journey has many paths, but all return the lost soul back to full awareness of its source.
Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Perception are always speaking through each individual’s own experience. Being able to listen and communicate with infinite Christ Consciousness is your work on this planet. This is brought about by a change in consciousness which is a realization that you are not separate, isolated and alone. But you are infinite consciousness and have chosen to come to this planet and individualize within a personally which separates from “All That Is” to create that which is encoded in you as your truth.
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