Day: February 24, 2016

Shift to Wisdom and Experience Life Unconditionally

Shift to wisdom by actually giving thanks for all your life experiences.

Believing we are separate from our good, puts conditions on the need to be self- reliant in making our good happen. The conditions create walls of belief and limitations of creating our desired out- come. Our own deficient thoughts and our own focus on limitations is always projected back on to our life experiences. What we think into the world of form is co -created by us.. The word spiritual is used to describe that which relates the human spirit, which is not of this world. It goes beyond the material. Nothing is created in the world of form without first be created in the spiritual level , it then manifests in the perfect right time. The greatest and only true foundation for manifesting anything is joining your separate consciousness with the will of “ I Am All That I Am”

Spirituality is about appreciating all aspects of life fully. Most of us have learned to experience the world in a very superficial way. But there is so much more just below the surface. The more is reached by embracing the principles of love. The door is the” Christ self level of awareness” which is born as the inner teacher the Christ Self.

Spirituality embraces all religions because it recognizes that all of them are different paths to the same destination. All lead to the Divine Presence of “I am All That I Am”

If you’d like to further cultivate your spirituality, consider these ideas:

Practice openness and truthfulness. Our tendency is to judge things by our past experiences. But what about this now , new now moment. When faced with something new, try to keep an open and non-judgmental mind. New opportunities to learn and expand your perspective are all around you. Attaining a higher sense of spirituality requires being open to the possibilities. Meditation stills the separate conscious mind and supports your desire to expand you consciousness. Over time one will root themselves in an expanded consciousness. This in turn roots one to Divine wisdom and new perceptions. With discovery and new perceptions one can act on divine wisdom to improve their own life experiences.

Learn to listen. Few people really listen. Most of us are simply waiting for our turn to talk. But it’s not just about listening with your ears. It’s about listening with your heart to hear what the world is trying to communicate to you. As one develops the resonance of truth within the heart all false truth will be challenged. The inner Christ will cut away all that does not serve you. For it will lack the vibration of love.

See the beauty in people, things, and situations, for all are in the process of becoming more. Part of spirituality involves seeing the truth. There is beauty to be found in nearly everything and recognizing it is part of recognizing the truth. Your own body wisdom will be communicating to you through you ability to sense the love and inner knowing of what truth is.

When you see the truth, you come to realize there are very few things to worry about. New found confidence will become apparent. It will be confirmed by the vibration of love felt within your own body wisdom. The awakened soul ,the Christ attracts the body of Christ ,Christ being the perfect reflection “I Am All That I Am” The ruling Christ Consciousness the Divine son ordaughter daughter intelligence will be ables to receive the inner knowing of being one with “I am All That I Am”

Spend some time in nature. There are few things more spiritual than sitting in nature with the sun on your face and the breeze pressing against your back. Experience the trees, grass, flowers, and birds. Fully understand the five senses. Only then will the other senses be awakened. Give gratuities for what perceptions you have now and ask for more.

Look for the bigger picture. . Have it your intention to grow in truth and greater awareness Be amazed with life and your own life experiences. The act of wondering about the universe and what it all means is an exercise is spirituality and creating greater awareness.

Consider your own purpose and true meaning to the world. What is the greatest gift you have to give?

An awakening consciousness is ultimately about self-discovery. It can be considered the art and science of discovering who and what you really are. Knowing your are living in source ,all one has to do is trust , believe and know through what is confirmed through the resonance of truth felt with the body.

Stay focused on the present. Living in the past or the future isn’t living. Life can only be lived right now. Joy and bliss can only be received in this now new moment. Part of being spiritual is recognizing that living a positive life today leads to good things tomorrow.. Keep your own thoughts pure, free from judgments and self-discouragement.

Spend time each day focusing only on the moment you’re currently experiencing. Adapt a childlike approach to all of your experiences. Know you have received those experiences to wake you up.

By focusing on your thoughts, words, and actions today you have the ultimate amount of control over your life. By keeping your thoughts pure and non- judgmental and trusting you are one with “I Am All That I Am” you become a co-creator consciously.

Love yourself for all of you is in the process of becoming more. If you don’t love yourself, how will you ever feel comfortable enough to present your true self to the world? Live the truth of who you have become. We’ve all done things the wrong way and come up short numerous times, but it doesn’t define us. It merely describes us in a certain situation at a certain time. But with greater awareness and new perceptions all that will change for the better.

Allow yourself to be inspired. To fully learn about yourself, it’s important to experience new things. Meet new people and read new books. Only by being exposed to everything that interests you can you learn everything there is to know about yourself. Being non- judgmental at our selves encourages us to become more.

If you’ve ever been dissatisfied with your life and thought, “There must be something more” you’re absolutely right. There’s a whole lot more. Learning about yourself and your place in the world might even be the true meaning of life. But that’s for you to decide and discover.
Jesus and the mount of transfiguration were seen with Peter, James and John .Peter represents faith in the invisible forces being made visible. Through thought and intention and faith in the invisible forces working for our good we develop trust in Divine guidance which resonates within our whole being. which makes all things possible. With more and more people practicing meditation the Christ light is becoming an accepted truth for all.