Category: Wisdom Querries

What is self mastery?

What is it all about? Why am I here? Who am I? To solve any mystery, one requires right knowledge and wisdom. So what is knowledge? And what can one do with it. Our minds we know help us to determine, choose and discard ideas, but also our mind tells us what to feel, what to think, and what kind of life to have. But what do we mean by mind. Is it just our thoughts or would it better to mean the totality of our psyche. The question always arises in us, “What is good for us” Now based on whatever knowledge we have, we always act with the knowledge that it is good for us. The moment we realize that we always do what we believe to be good, this will allow us to appreciate the value of knowledge. Based on what one believes they know about a subject, they usually use knowledge for good. But what if this belief isn’t true. Some think money will give or create peace, but it does not. So what some rich people believe is not always true. So it is necessary to investigate what one believes as their truth and to take into account that truth changes with time due to discovery and new perceptions.

“How we act according to what we know or what we think we know is important” So the ability of our minds to be able to accept a paradigm shift will determine your lives, what you want to be, what you want to do and how you want to live. FEAR is dependent on what we think we are. I believe lack of knowledge creates all fears. With fear based ideas wisdom has no home. So we now know that we do not have full knowledge or wisdom about everything. We tend to be afraid of what we lack in knowledge about things. To name but a few – anger, sadness, love, compassion, dependence, emptiness, being alone.

Let us briefly examine ourselves. Believing in death makes us scared of dying. Knowledge also extends to feeling, and knowledge also extends beyond thought and feelings. The more we gain knowledge of who we are, the more our desires, for what we think is good for us will change and reflects within reality.” When examining facts and experiences that you have or that another person is describing. Focus on the following “what am I assuming I know and believe and accept as my truth happen not to fit with my new perceptions from other people that I have just experienced ”The more you gain knowledge and wisdom of who you are . the more your desires for what you think is good for you will change and reflect a new reality. When you experience knowing that you are beyond your body, mind, emotions and sensations, you will realize that there is more to you than that of physical being. It would be wise to be still and tap into your infinite consciousness. This is achieved. by meditation Then you will find out who you really are. You nature is love so you do not need to look for love outside of yourself.

We do what we believe to be good for us, based on the knowledge we have. Everything we do, every little thing depends on what we think we know. What we believe to be the best way to do things is not really the best way, at the time of taken action if the knowledge changes or expands to include new knowledge. Try applying the old law of physics to land a rocket on the moon. It can not be achieved. Take another example pain in the body always creates fear for everybody, but if it is explained as trapped air the fear will go. But if it is explained as medical condition fear over power the person.

So reaction depends on knowledge (less creates fear). So it is important to gain the necessary knowledge to live our lives to the full. Knowledge gained through our lives becomes our beliefs. We tend to believe our own beliefs too much without questioning them, then go about our lives based on them. But what about old perceptions. “Knowledge becomes part of our minds” But is this wise. So now would it not be better to test all accepted knowledge and see if it fits with your new perceptions.

So how do we find out the truth? Remember: “Ask and you shall receive” So ask the question: Is this thing I want really good for me? Did the person I learned it from know it was good? It was good for that person but is it good for me? Could it be obsolete and requires new ideas to fit it in to your new perceptions.

What we know is not ultimate knowledge but only inconclusive knowledge or part of the truth . So what about the situation where knowledge is evolving due to new perceptions that some people are realizing.

Ask the question: What information am I assuming about what I know about what to do, that I do not know that is accepted by others? Could there perceptions be valid. You will realize that there is much more to you than this, and how much more”. Because of the capacity to learn and with our minds we can investigate, study and arrive at new knowledge to see and understand new concepts. We actually find out who we are. Our nature is Love, so we do not have to look for love outside ourselves, but we can share our Love with those who desire more Love. Having loving thoughts and only projecting thoughts that are not deficient makes way for unconditional love. Any thought less than love is deficient. Put love before every thought. Then the wisdom in the feeling will reflect the truth.

By questioning and investigating, you will be able shift though of what you think you know and with an open mind allow other kinds of perceptions and values and even actions to emerge in you.

Now from experience, I know as your ability to question all things to find truth strengthens your perspective widens and what was spoken as another truth can become your new truth. Your now focus is bigger and your ability to know increases. Knowledge requires awareness, without awareness you cannot know yourself.

When there is more awareness in the body, the capacity to know feelings increases. With increasing feelings, it is easier to discriminate, strength grows, patience and courage grow. Peace and gentleness reside within the body. Particularly within the heart. Our experience of our nature becomes knowledge. It is when our essential nature of oneness with all life is achieved, that experience and knowledge become inseparable and that is wisdom

Our bodies and minds are knowledge. This happens when the oneness” all that is “reveal its magic, of its boundless dimensions. With these new revelations the new paradigm is accepted.

Let us talk about twin ideas of knowledge and power and the concept of Self-Mastery. In order to gain self-mastery, it would be wise to shift your focus inward and see the world and your place in it in new light. Throughout our lives we acquire information which in turn allow us to pursue status and symbols of status. This gives us power over others. From now on, it would be wise to develop self-mastery over your own thinking and the feeling in yourself. This will allow you to give your gift to the world.

So power over others is replaced with self mastery over self . The awareness of your self mastery and inner strength, will empower you to behave from a place of great wisdom, that will be revealed by the Christ Self (within). As you learn to modify your thinking, your world will undergo fantastic dramatic changes. You will realize that you are responsible for your reactions in any given moment. Others will cease to have power over you or control you. e.g. Why is that person behaving that way and making me feel upset and tired? Ask the question. See this situation as an invitation to explore yourself from a new attitude of self-mastery. By seeking your stream of thoughts and simply going with them, the conduct of that other person instantly loses its power. Your inward examination will allow you to listen to the inner teacher (inner response). Your inner Christ Self will allow you to examine your thoughts with tolerance (LOVE) toward yourself. By calling on the inner Christ, the conduct of the other person instantly loses its ability to hurt you.

By refusing to turn the controls of your existence over to anyone or any set of circumstances, your exercising your personal strength instead of force, you are now practicing self-mastery and a new internal state will come about.

Whatever situations that you find yourself in , where you are anxious/upset over the conduct of others, take the focus off those people or situations you are holding responsible for your inner distress. Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling without blaming yourself or others for the feelings. Tell yourself that no one has the power to make you feel whatever you are feeling and make you act in a certain way without your consent. But you are willing to feel your emotions without calling them wrong or need to chase them away. This is the time to focus on understanding yourself. Now by taking full responsibility for how you chose to respond to anything or anyone. You are aligning yourself with your Christ Self. It is about changing the way you chose to perceive the power that others have over you.

Allow yourself to dismiss any desire to extend power over others through forceful nature of your responsibility. Catch yourself as you are about to tell others how they should be. Practice allowing them to make their own mistakes without interference from you. When you are in judgment mode, you isolate yourself from the “Inner Teacher” (Christ-self). Your whole body constricts and acts as an insulation from love. To poison another you first have to be the vessel to create the poison ,hence you poison yourself.

Remember: “I am responsible for what I see, I also choose the feelings I experience“. By questioning and investigating , you will be able to shift through what you think you know and with an open mind allow other kinds of perceptions and values and even actions to emerge within you. Now from experience I know as your perceptive ability widens, the picture is bigger and your ability to know at deeper levels increases. Knowledge requires wisdom , which leads to awareness. Without awareness it will be impossible to know yourself.

When there is more awareness in the body , the capacity to know feeling increases. With that change in perception the intuition and heart sense begin to make them self know . Hence awareness is off and running. With the increase in feeling ,Your Divine presence is able to guide you through how you feel. Loving thoughts about your world increases the vibration and the feeling of love that you experience is transferred to the sub consciousness which is then your new truth. With regular feeding of love this change perception deepens your awareness. Now with the added awareness it is easier to identify what is truth for you. The conscious mind become aware of the experience and that becomes knowledge which will become wisdom over time.

As we experience our true nature ,we begin to realize our essential nature is Love. It is in the realization of our oneness with all life that peace begins to be known. Then experience and knowledge become available and our bodies and mind become wise and knowledgeable. There is no separation, you realize that you are unique, special and a loved soul. It is our essential nature of oneness with all life that experience and knowledge become whole. Then essences revels it’s boundless wisdom and knowledge of all dimensions to the recipient. The spirit realms are now revealing to the world the Christ Teachers. Who in turn will make ready all who are desiring Christ contact. This will be different for everybody. You will not know the time or place when you will be lifted up into that realization. My own experience was beautiful . I remember the feeling of pure love energy passing through my body. To describe the energy there are no words. What I experience was expansive ,gentle, smooth ,and loving. At no time did this energy create fear , doubt or judgement about me . It was the most beautiful knowing which produced cosmic brotherhood which awaken in me spiritual comprehension and resurrected me into the consciousness of Bliss. With daily meditation you will be choosing to awaken your spiritual joy and you will be prepared to begin to liberate your soul which has been in bondage since the beginning of time. I recommend eternal life. So make meditation your daily work and prepare to receive your Christ-Self.

Hallmarks of focus of attention.

If one stand back from the screen of life, one will noticed that our focused of attention is based on egotist conflict where one sees themselves as separate from all that is. The simple fact is, our minds are the stage where we are entertained by the diversity of false egotist conflicts as a form of entertainment. From the first time we start to observe life at the very young age, we are lead into the trap of the ego. Our focused of attention is blindly lead into absorbing false truth, which is accepted by the subconscious mind as our truth. Our true consciousness is denied and the destruction of truth of the child of spirit begins. No longer do we get to know the inner Christ consciousness within, so we do not develop the ability to access our true power. Instead, we create a destructive consciousness as the false anti-Christ is given power and hides from us our true reality as co-creator of father-mother God of all that is. If we look at the lies and the falsehood perception that are carried out in the name of relaxation and a sense of being who we are, TV films, plays, media materials which keep our attention and bond us to the limitation of who we have become. It would be better to focus our imagination and use the power of our wisdom and rise above who we are now to become our future selves where love, peace and joy are our focused. Not only is our attention firmly on a destructive conscious form which when seeded within our consciousness create feelings which we claim as our own and misinterpret the guidance within this feeling that are produced within our body.

We have allowed our focused and attention to be consistently diverted to watching and filling our minds with entertainment that desensitized the mind allowing the emotional fears and subsequent vibrational frequencies to become real within our lives. Just take a brief look at our media and our focused that is directed to it on a daily basis. Now, ask the question “Why do we give so much power to what invested interest want to keep our attention on?”. Taking into account the “Law of Attraction” what you habitually focused on you invite into your co-creator mind by your attention to it. There is little doubt that someone in your community or country will be experiencing the very same situation as real. Remember, what you watched on TV or what you focused on TV is implanted into your subconscious mind as real. Now I have a question for you and is simply this, “Why do we ask people aspiring to know love, to be love and to express love, allow our attention to be consistently kept on full gross mental heavy ideas or pictures, story lines and concepts?, that create fear.
We, as people are in the midst of a paradigm shift in consciousness. A time is coming when people will rise up with one voice to not support such horrific, disgraceful use of imagination and instead realize that what we focused on, we give invitation to expand ideas, concepts, ideologies that come into our lives and create fear, pain, anguish, distress and these visit us and our children.
A while ago I wrote an article called “Body Wisdom”. In that article, I was stating that it would be wise to listen to your own body wisdom within the silence as you meditate. I have found that the ability to communicate with your own body wisdom gives you the advantage to utilize greater wisdom than the conscious mind has to offer. The conscious mind offers data, at best other people data that you accept as truth. So the question I have for you today is “Do you really know who you are?” also “Have you ever tried to find out who you are?”. If you decide to ask this question, I would ask you not to ask somebody else but to ask your inner self within the silence. Before I started my own spiritual journey, I was confused to the distinction to be discovered between the ego and the real self. In the beginning of my journey, I studied a book called “A Course on Miracles”, it was the first step to lasting freedom. This first step allowed me to adjust my mind set. After many years of studying the course, certain realization started to take place within my life. So I meditated on the following questions for several weeks.

Question: What is the primal distinction to be discovered between “one’s real-self” and the ego? In other words, who is the “real self”? The next question I asked was; if everything is an illusion, what was real and authentic? So if one keeps their focus on the illusion, the illusion get bigger and more real. So I felt that such a view can’t really escape dualism at all. This is where I saw and experience conflict within myself. Now for me conflict was evidence of lack of true peace and a degrading of what real love is. I know the real love is all encompassing so I choose not to be stuck in contradiction. So with meditation, I expanded my consciousness and accelerated my awakening which opened other spiritual gates to the vastness of my soul. Then the soul through the Christ-consciousness allowed me to awaken and understand my life purpose and divine nature. So it becomes necessary to awaken from the dream of the dreamer itself. “The mind has the choice about what it chooses to think of what is reality. But what about what I feel? By focus attention and meditation on everything through the belief of metaphysical conclusion that “it all unreal” creates false reality. I am very much fused to a dream made by an internal sense of the dreamer.

What about the real reality of love? This then allow me to ask, how could love be a dreamer? For love is not separate. Love is real. With this realization, I felt a presence a strange feeling of love was experienced within my body. (This truth set me free). I realized that a belief created by the conscious mind which is based on fear and is the corner stone of what is seen and felt is not real or illusion was erroneous. The fact that we state that object, people, things and experience or ideas are illusions will always that draw our focus to them, which expands them and it does become a reality through “The Law of Attraction” (What you believe and expect is).

The strong possibility of finding peace is before you. This journey is achievable, for I am in the process of it. The NEXT STEP is yours. You can experience these same divine truths within yourself. If you would like to read more, I refer you to the previous article that I wrote “Embracing Peace”.

The whole world is in the progress of an awakening to a new reality of our true being. There is a light emerging from within everybody’s heart. This light is the light of the world and announcing an inner teacher or presence which is in the progress of birthing a new consciousness and at the same time preparing each of us for a paradigm shift. Our focused of attention will begin to shift from what we presently pay attention to. We will start to support a new understanding of how the world really operates and this understanding will emerge as truth.

Thought patterns that become permanent do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries. By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete we ignore our superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the super conscious mind which is available to all. This super conscious mind gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to all that is. So it is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. It used to be said that knowledge was power, but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? One must know what to do with the knowledge that one has acquired and one must utilized this knowledge for all.

As children growing up, we accepted truth from those people who we depended on such as parents, brothers and sisters and closed relatives. Our truth was clouded by their beliefs and their habitual pattern of thoughts, which we generally accepted as our own without ever testing. Recently there has been published new article relating to how the mind works. It is now generally accepted by the visionary community of innovative and new thinkers that reality is a by product of our beliefs, attitudes, habits and what we pay attention to. With this new understanding, it beholds us to redefine our habitual patterns of thought and ideas based on our own perception. Empirical data is not enough. New perceptions and new discoveries always change the paradigm of our beliefs system in which we operate. In some point in our lives we are faced with certain challenges which create a desire for new wisdom. With new discoveries and perceptions we are able to overcome particular blockages. You must remember that modern science is now looking at reality creating as a product of our unconscious and subconscious beliefs manifesting as our truth.

Mass mind reality creation is the collective level where the whole world is at as a whole. But there is an individual level of consciousness which can be developed and improved. This type of consciousness is developed by meditation and mastering your thought and associated feeling. The more people that engaged in the practice of meditation and developing within their own consciousness a knowing that we are all from the same source called LOVE. Our focused of attention will not choose to entertain thoughts, ideas, ideologies, beliefs that create fear instead our focused of attention will demand with one voice that we stop creating deficient thoughts through our books, films, plays and entertainment in general. Instead our entertainment and our focused and attention will incorporate ideas, ideologies and beliefs that instill peace, joy and freedom. We will elect politician that create a focused on joy, peace and freedom. At the moment, our TV depicts violence which acts within our subconscious mind and bonds us to attracting these into our very own lives. Remember, our newspapers, all our media keeps our attention bonded to the concept of imperfection and creates the vibration of fear.

For example, our minds are bombarded with violence, death, pain, guilt, torture and explicit behavior that create fear and lodges within our body system at the core of our being. This bonds us to the limitation and imperfection that we presently have and creates a continuance for more of the same that gives invitation for more of the same to come in to our lives and the lives of our children.

So would be wise to start focused on the higher form of entertainment, ideologies and perceptions which is love, joy and peace.

God is coming into the world in a new way. He will reveal himself in all of us as we are all in the Diamond Heart of God where all facets are of the one substance called Love. All are equal and all have equal potential to manifest heaven on earth. We have free will to not focus on deficient ideas and thoughts which were introduced into the world from the beginning of time. “I am All That I Am” lives within us and through our being. We are starting to conduct His power all around us. God is Love, Wisdom and Truth and you will know the manifestation of the Christ within your own consciousness by these virtues. There is nothing greater than love; wisdom and truth for these principles is the cornerstone of developing Christ consciousness within you. God’s love brings forth life, His wisdom brings forth light and His truth brings forth freedom that destroys fear. It would be wise to merge with the love nature of God being, as without merging we create separation which leads to fear. The path we walk in life leads only to love and when we are filled with God’s love our bodies becomes shining, majestic and invincible. To support this paradigm shift, it would be wise to start your own spiritual journey so you are ready to receive within your own knowing and own consciousness the knowing that you are one with all life and “all that is” and that your very nature is LOVE.


Perfect reflection of Christ- consciousness

Perfect reflection of Christ- consciousness

In the beginning of the birth of creation the first coming of Christ was the birth of creation. God breath a desire and the Holy Ghost or Mary carried within its virgin whom the Christ consciousness. Which was symbolized by the son of God? which was” the only begotten Son” child of spirit. The PERFECT REFLECTION of cosmic consciousness (GOD THE FATHER) in and beyond all creation.” In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was GOD.” So the perfect reflection was imbued with cosmic intelligence. It is my understanding now that Jesus was the first to become aware of this knowing within his conscious mind. So was able to say” I and the father are one” He did say follow him. Jesus message for all of us was to follow him into the diamond heart awareness of Christ consciousness. The diamond heart consciousness and awareness is symbolized by wisdom, love, clarity and ascension. The diamond and the heart symbol can be seen in every era, culture, religion and esoteric writings since the beginning of time.

The second coming of Christ is happening now. It is happening within you right now. It is happening within the subtle regions of your being.

To support the diamond heart consciousness it would be wise now to practice meditation and begin to focus on the heart sense which has intelligence far beyond that of a fear based mind which is after all a servant and collector of data. Daniel Defoe once said “that the soul is placed in the body and it is like a rough diamond, it must be polished within or the larder of the soul will never appear “The Diamond heart awareness will transform the lost soul of every day realm of consciousness to a new understanding and wisdom of the potential of each soul. Already modern science has acquired new perspectives of multiple universes including the string theory and folding time theories. We hear a lot about vibration and resonances, and soon more discoveries will lift the lid to new discoveries. Since new discoveries and perceptions force us all to acknowledge paradigm shifts do take place. Soon it will be common knowledge for all to see. This vibration tone is at present been measured by modern science. The diamond heart awareness symbolizes the soul’s journey home to its true awareness. It is with this new awareness or heart sense that the people of the world will define what we give our attention too. Already many people of the world have started to wake up. The hallmarks of our attention will manifest our very thoughts and will utilize the emotion of fear or love to co creates them.

The Native American Indians and other Native nations such as the Australian tribes have been given the concept of the diamond and the heart to acknowledge immortality. It has been preserved as both a symbol and acknowledgement to transformation. The first time I came across the Indian motet was on my visit to America back in the early eighties. I learned that the butterfly diamond symbolized transformation by a process called metamorphosis. At that time I was searching for answers which no person was able to give me. Since that time I have learned that the diamond symbol is emblematic of time and space, which prompts us to live in the now moment. The diamond heart awareness is announcing to the world a new understanding or reality to be embraced.

In alchemical philosophies and metaphysical speaking the diamond and the heart create unity and balance to” all that is”.

Most of us now more than ever before are very much caught up in the restlessness of the annoyances of life. These include the constant roller coaster of emotions and the drama of life. Our worries and our constant expectations of financial, emotional and spirituality aspirations are always arising. It is my opinion that without loosening of the hold of our focus on these issues, our attention keeps us binding to these and we invite more of the same because of the unconditional love of the “Law of Attraction”. Focus attention on imperfection binds us all to more imperfections. In the modern world, freedom can only be achieved by realizing that you are a spiritual being having a human experience and have forgotten the nature of your being. What is taken place now is the remembering of who you are, or your return to the knowing of your infinite eternal soul. Be aware that the energy waves will be ebbing and flowing with increasing frequencies from now on. It would be wise to call on the comforter The Holy Spirit, when fearful thoughts enter the mind through habit. So anybody who would attain the diamond heart awareness would be wise to include meditation. This will support you in loving and merging with the ego. Then rise above the consciousness of your physical self (deny himself) and keep in attention constantly focused in Christ peace even while you are daily crucified by trials and your spiritual aspiration, as well as being tormented by restlessness and destructions. The intensified focus, fervent devotion and meditation produce the ecstasy of oneness with cosmic consciousness.

By now some of you will be aware that you are beliefs of who you think you are. Your very intentions and thoughts are energy and this energy that you create will manifest. So any intention of thought set in motion will change to the degree that the soul remembering will allow. Fear inhibits the remembering process. We are becoming aware of energy and as it expands beyond the physical, some of us sense it others see it and yet still others can communicate with it. With this group of people I have this to comment. Notice how the mind set of unconditional love practices regularly will change the reality that you are experiencing. All the resistance of the drama of life dissipates. Limitation will start to fall away. New belief systems will be evidence of the new seeds that you are planting within your consciousness. This will become your new truth for now and your experiences will reinforce the “Law of Attraction” with vibration of love and this energetic environment will affect your physical world. In fact you will be working with thought and intention before it will come into manifestation. Now with deliberate conscious creating of your part in creation as a co-creator, the universe will create that which you desire. This freedom creates peace within and more remembrance of your purpose.

Any thought that is diluted down with the remembrance of fear is not perfect. Hence we are the creator of what is. Have the wisdom to know that your very thoughts are creating this world. Accept full responsibility for your thoughts, words, deeds and associated feelings and beliefs which are making you a beggar man in God’s House. We then can take responsibility as co-creators and have the wisdom to stay focused on putting LOVE before every thought. This will bring about unconditional love. As a result, the people of the world will find a new and meaningful means of nurturing ourselves and allowing the emergence of truth, love and wisdom to allow the all new expansive transformation of life which is well and truly underway.

By feeling love within one’s own consciousness, a light will begin to break which allows the individual to experience a profound peace and joy more than the ordinary human heart has ever known before. The first time I have personally felt this peace, I heard and felt a feeling of love so pure and real .It changed me there and then. An inner voice, the same as what the shepherds in the countryside of Bethlehem had experienced. “Peace on earth, goodwill towards men”, was my knowing within the pure silence. I had realized, I had to create peace within myself. So I resigned to create peace within my own heart. My task was to create a heart that could love unconditionally. The only way I knew how to do this was through meditation. This practice created in me peace. It enlarge my consciousness, my cup became overflowing. Before, this peace was realized, I had two masters. My fearful mind was one master, and my heart prompts was my second master. Whenever I decided to do what my inner prompts were trying to achieve my fearful mind would overrule them. I was a divided house, and my ability to focus was always over ruled with fear full thoughts .So my overall focus was fear. Christ peace gives all who with devotion and whole heartiness to obtaining Christ consciousness within meditation the total enjoyment of ecstasy and peace. By keeping your feeling free from fear vibrations which create restlessness in the mind, you have but one master. When this inner peace is experienced within meditation, one enters the soul and overtime the vaster peace that one feels is Christ consciousness or the Christ self which moves into cosmic consciousness and a knowing of the infinite consciousness and what you are able to tap into. Eventually, overtime and devotion, the restless thought and associated feeling are vanquished within the silence and ever new bliss is celebrated within the soul and body. You are the consciousness which you have realized within yourself. Therefore, you are a belief expressed about who you think you are.

Christ consciousness is the perpetual state of unconditional love always choosing love over fear. This is achieved by blending heart and mind in meditation and developing an inner sensitivity to be able to be on vigilant watch to hold fast to the joyous inner communication with infinite consciousness (the only begotten son of the Father Mother of God of All That Is) child of spirit. Over time, this will bring about the ideal of unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and adherence to the highest divine truths of universal love, where one realizes their oneness with God.

By learning to listen to the pulsating presence, feelings will generate a world of love for everybody, by feeling our hearts desires into creation. Soon more and more people will be radiating energy for the good of all. Throughout the universe everything is vibrating. It is the balancing of the fearful thoughts that is now taking place so that the correct order as per design of our Father Mother God where Love dismantles what thought has diluted down and has created from the beginning of time, by distorting the perfect mind, by introducing the concept of the possibility of not good, hence the creation of imperfection.

Intention seems to play a great role in the evolution of WHAT IS. So it would be wise to align and listen to Divine intention. Any decision based on fear or selfish benefit creates an intention to hoard or keep there by breaching the “Law of Supply”. Hence we have created this recession. So companies and institutions that lay claim to possession and who with hold information will be focusing on fear and fear related issues. The unconditional law of attraction like a good servant will reflect back to them, what they imagine into being through their fear. By sharing information and desiring to support all and accepting that we are all on our journey home, life will be so different. Unconditional Love will transform all. So by practising inner silence, one will meet God, and Goddess and divine peace will abide. In my own experience, it took devotion, faith and perseverance, but I keep knocking at the door of silence and God did respond. It was the habit of being inwardly in the calm and peaceful knowing of infinite consciousness that I realized the Divine Presence. Ideas in the mind created through the power of faith produce the respondent feeling of Love. Taking control over your thoughts the emotions by merging heart and mind in the now moment creates a partnership of trust with Divine Presence, I noticed that, invading the disturbing thoughts of restlessness which were focus on, sometimes produce feelings that created in me, judgements and I was trapped in the duality of having feeling of attraction or repulsion for them. So what I experienced through my heart bonded me to likes and the dislikes which create attraction and repulsion situations. I realized that my heart stores up emotions and it is the desire of habit that my words, thoughts and deeds reflect what was in my heart. In realizing the truth about what emotion I allow into my heart, I knew it would be wise not to be tempted by the fearful thoughts and corresponding feelings. Knowing that my thoughts can produce various emotions I started to use my feeling to monitor my ideal thoughts and then started to choose better thoughts to produce associated good feelings of love.

Divine intention is now more than ever before, forging a path for all. To support this paradigm shift in consciousness to allow the subjective nature to prompt each of us “Be still and know I AM”. Daily meditation would be a wise choice to know the loving voice of the only begotten son of God and Goddess (The Christ consciousness) the only begotten son, child of spirit speaks within the silence. Allow the spiritual power to strengthen, uplift and redeem you. It would be wise to accept the baptism of fire, which burns away your fear and replaces this with unconditional love. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter will be your redemption to quicken the spiritual nature of your being and return you to the true consciousness which is the purity of the diamond heart consciousness and its ability to fulfils Divine Intention

The diamond crystals feature the building blocks of all life. The diamond crystals are pure and all life comes from this purity of creation. With the recent introduction of the law of attraction we all are becoming aware of the reflective nature of our lives, hence our habitual focus on fear and powerlessness, bonds us to the limitations we think in being and reflects our reality. Each person on the planet is love and at no time are they less than love, but within their own accepted truths of who they believe they are. We are all unique and perfect and will all contribute to the whole, just as the many facets of the diamond contribute to the overall beauty of the diamond. When the Christ light becomes a reality, the diamond heart awareness allows intuition to guide and to establish faith, love and wisdom within your consciousness. ” I am the door and no man can shut it” this door that no man can shut is the door to infinite consciousness. It is only by actually experiencing this knowing within the silence that you begin to be self realized. All the great masters realized this.

So by practising meditation and developing your inner sensing capabilities you will embrace the Christ light of your higher self, which is love. As the diamond heart awareness grows among the population, the collective awareness will shift the masses in a new direction. This will be the beginning of wisdom, which will transform and create the magnificent metamorphosis on planet earth. This will bring forth a new earth and new consciousness will be introduced as pure wisdom. Advancement of great magnitude and magnificence will be ever increasing and joyous. Our bodies will be transformed and our soul will know of its capabilities, leading to the development of our dormant capacities which have yet to be discovered.

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Body Wisdom and perception.

Body wisdom does not come from the fearful mind. It comes from a deeper knowing than that of the intellect. Body wisdom comes from the ability to develop an inner sensitivity. This inner sensitivity can be developed by taken massive action to acquire the ability to allow spirit to impart the process of cleansing. As far as I know this can only happen within meditation and while you sleep. What do I mean by massive action? It is taken the necessary time and attention to achieve a desired result. Most people tend to mean to do something about their fearful minds. But few actually do anything about it. Those that do, acquire the ability to receive guidance from within through the silence. What actually takes place is a knowing originates inwardly within the mind. So it was with me. To explain more about the body wisdom, I want to introduce to you the process of what you would be familiar with. This process is the dialogue which would take place between two separate being (Tom and His Christ Self). But in fact there is no separation, for all are one.

“Did you feel that? Good is it? A vibration came through Tom. He didn’t hear anything, but there was a knowing within him from (His Christ Self). Tom paused and drew a deep breath; he wondered what was taken place. You have asked for wisdom, a wise choice, his Christ Self said. Tom asked, how did you know that? I only decided that last night and it is to be my gift for my confirmation from the Holy Spirit, Tom continued. His Christ Self answered, well, I hear you. I have come to teach you body wisdom. What is body wisdom? Tom asked. His Christ Self answered, it is an inner sensitivity with your self, which will allow you to be sensitive to other realms. What do you mean by other realms? Tom asked again. Do you remember what Jesus said? Let me remind you, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions”. His Christ self implied. So there are other places in the universe? Tom questioned. Yes, see, you are receiving your wisdom already. His Christ Self said. What is your job for the universe? He asked. My job is YOU. I am your door into the infinite universe. My first job is to teach you sensitivity. Sensitivity to truth and wisdom. So that, you can carry out your divine mission. His Christ Self explained. So, I have a divine mission? What is my divine mission? Tom continued to ask. Your divine mission is whatever you want it to be. His Christ Self answered. I need more of answer than that. He insisted. You are created out of love, you are love and at no time you are less than love. Peace is with you. His Christ Self said.”

With these words, Tom felt a tingling sensation throughout his body. It was a feeling of love and Tom noticed a beautiful odor of flowers and a tingling sensation of joy filled his body. Tom was left in no doubt that he was experiencing very strange phenomena. But he was not afraid, in fact, he was at peace. Tom was receiving his dialogue from within and it was been confirmed with a beautiful feeling of love and fragrance of flowers. Tom felt like he was in heaven.

“Don’t go, don’t leave me, I have so many questions for you. Tom begged to his Christ Self. There is no separation, so I am not going anywhere, but you have work to do. Remember, truth is relative, it will change. His Christ Self said.”

Tom decided to make a regular place and time to communicate with his Christ Self, and also, he would not allow anything to distract him from this. He told himself that he would make it consistent. Many weeks had passed and on review, Tom noticed that the visits became less and less. Tom started to think that he was doing something wrong. The feeling of the presence, grow hot and cold. Tom wonders why. So Tom asked the question. He addressed that question to his Christ Self within meditation and waited for a reply. But none was received. Tom thought he was going mad. He thought he might be in illusion about his experience, or that he was going mad and having a nervous breakdown.

But something inside his knowing said, Be patient. Be still and know “I am all that I am”. Tom continued to meditate, and within his meditation, he asked for more wisdom. Tom became aware that meditation was the most important thing he could do. This excited Tom, as a full sense of knowing has given him the answer to his dilemma. Tom found peace with regular meditation

So within Tom’s next meditation, Tom’s Christ Self came through very quickly. He announced himself with the usual fragrance of flower and a deep sense of peace and love. Then he spoke.

“You are learning fast. Tom’s Christ Self uttered to him. What do you mean? Why didn’t you come when I ask you all those other times? He asked his Christ Self with a bit of dismay. It has to do with your vibration. His Christ Self answered. What was wrong with my vibration? Tom asked again with confusion. You had created a holding vibration of fear, which had insulated me from reaching you. His Christ Self explained. How did I do that? Tom questioned. You did that by your attention on your fears, which allowed your fearful mind to be in control. His Christ Self replied. What fears did I give attention to? He continued asking. You were unconsciously focusing on not been able to reach me. The “what if” story had been created in your head, “The Law of Attraction” only works in the now moment. So your thoughts created the block. His Christ Self said. You mean, because I was afraid that I would not be able to contact you, I just created that experience by focusing on that fear, and that’s what I got? Tom wondered and said. YES, his Christ Self answered. So my focused thoughts are very powerful and what I give my attention to will manifest? Tom asked again with realization about what happened to him. YES, his Christ Self replied. So any fear creates separation from my desired results, if I give attention to it? He continued asking his Christ Self. YES, his Christ Self answered. So my thoughts create my life? Tom asked. Partially so. There are also other factors that come in to play. His Christ Self replied. All souls have a path or journey, which allows it to return to full awareness. Then, what do you mean? He continued to ask again until he got the answers to things that bothering him. When you think good thoughts, how do you know they are good? His Christ Self asked him. I feel good. Tom answered. Now, use that wisdom and apply it to your thoughts. So for next week, I want you to do a list of feelings and thoughts associated with these feelings. His Christ Self gave him something to do to challenge his beliefs and faith.”

Tom decided that the way he was looking at the world could be improved. So he made a promise to himself, to be aware of what he gave his attention to.

From that day onward, whenever Tom had to make an important decision for his life, or create clarity for his life, Tom was told to seek spiritual awareness from within him. To become the watcher and learn on the daily basis, by creating inner space and learn from the lesson inherent in each day. Tom started to realize the unconditional love takes many forms. So he decided to start to see love in all experiences, whether painful or in joy. Love in Tom’s heart grew. Tom started to separate truth from illusion, and realized that his circumstances were stepping stones on his journey of self-realization.

Tom also realized that it would be wise to listen to his heart, as it had intelligence far beyond what his head keep telling him. Then “out of the blue”, a realization came over him about what Jesus said about having two masters. Just then, his head said something and his heart said another or rather a feeling of knowing came over him. Jesus words kept on ringing within his heart, “you can’t have two masters”. So Tom realized that meditation was how he could merge his mind and heart, so that there would be only one master.

For the next two months, Tom paid careful attention to his thoughts and how his thought creates different feelings. He segmenting his day as his Christ Self gave him instruction to do so. Tom learned to break up his day so as his focus would rotate every two hours, to allow a hundred percent attention on particular areas of his life. He also energized this focus with feelings of love and acceptance.

Tom started to listen to the heart as before he listens to his mind. New awareness and stronger intuitive perceptiveness started to grow within him. A deeper intuitive wisdom started to emerge into Tom consciousness. He was asked to withhold judgment and accept whatever was unfolding in his life as it was by the grace of God that this lesson were sent to him. This acceptance allows subtle changes to take place within Tom, which created enlightenment. Tom’s capacity to heal himself became his priority. He learned from his past negative experiences. So he chooses to let these perceived fearful feelings go. In there place he used the power of his imagination to create new feelings by creating new thought which he focused on.

The objective was to remove fear which would build up over time. Tom noticed that any fear related thought would block the flow of light and create a resistance to the flow of love which had started within him. Becoming one with the Christ Self is the first step in eradicating fear. When Tom looked around himself and at other beings, he noticed that some men and women thought of themselves of been individual and separate, where they believe they are the centre of the universe, ego centered rather than God centered. Tom was shown that direct guidance would increasingly become available to every person who sought it, and that their guides and teachers would be forthcoming in their wisdom to help all through the complexities of life.

Tom accepted the process of collecting and receiving new awareness. He searched for serenity and self-realization, because he realized that was the purpose of his life. He believed that all human beings were meant to prosper and to learn the means to discover a peaceful and joyful ways of learning to live together cooperatively. Tom practiced his breathing. Everyday before he went about his day, he would re-assure himself that the presence of his Christ Self was real and present, by calling in the presence of his Christ Self. He would know this truth by the feelings of love which would run through his whole body.

Tom was told by the “Inner Teacher” that time was his ultimate tool. With daily spiritual study, he would experience more insight and powerful feedings of love. And when the love became overpowering, give it out to others and to know that there was no limit to the amount of love that could be received. Tom was told to “breathe in love, and breathe out fear”. This state of inner peace and joy could be achieved by regular meditation. He was also told to create space between his daily thoughts “to still the mind” and that over time he could observe different kinds of waves of energy passing in him and around himself. When Tom sought awareness, he would ask question and then become aware through direct knowing which would be confirmed by a feeding of love and awareness.

Tom realized that breathing brought his life energy into balance, and also cleansed his system by eliminating unwanted and negative or unproductive thoughts and feelings. He also noticed that no thought could be introduced into his mind while he focused on his breath. His Christ Self had brought his attention to breathing in love and releasing fear every time he had an encounter with fear.. He was getting very good at doing it. He knew that he was accepting divine love with each breath and releasing his fear by transforming them into love and sending them back into “All That Is”. Transformation started in Tom’s life. He started to believe that anything was possible.

I hope that Tom’s story will inspires you to discover the true wisdom within you. All of us have the power to awaken our own Christ Self. What it would be wise to pay attention to is the feelings which are like a small spring which will become a river and over time will lead you to the infinite ocean of cosmic consciousness. It would be wise to keep in-tune and listen to the inner voice that will guide and help you realized your true purpose in life. It is all our purpose to support each other to embrace the new wave of love which is been now attracted to all humanity.

What Is Love?

  1. shift to wisdom
  2. WHAT IS LOVE?   A continued energy that emanates a psychic radiation that permeates our being. It is received by an opened heart.
  3. WHAT DOES IT DO? It creates within our consciousness, a feeling of oneness with the beloved which become the centre of our attention.
  4. WHAT DOES LOVE CONTAIN? It contains light warmth and the condition for growth. Within this feeling is vital information from your Higher-Self or the Christ Within.
  5. WHEN YOU ARE ABLE TO RECEIVE LOVE, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU? Love is the fulfilment of wisdom that there is no separation from our Source (God).
  6. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF RECEIVING LOVE? Love gives life continually and intentionally to the beloved and makes a statement that everything is contained in the all-consuming consciousness of direct knowing.
  7. HOW DOES ONE RECEIVE LOVE IN THE PRESENT? By living in the present and desiring it. “Ask and You Shall Receive”. Let the past go.
  8. HOW DOES ONE RECEIVE? By keeping your attention in the NOW moment. The mind tends to live in stories of the past and the mind creates story of the future. What type of script writer are you? Do you write yourself out for all your good by your habitual focus on the past and fearing the future?

When the descending masculine force meets the feminine force in the bridal chamber of the heart, the Christ Child is awakened.

WHAT RESULTS WHEN THE CHRIST CHILD IS AWAKENED? The resultant is the mystical union on the physical plane of the Father/Mother God. Here in the Immaculate Divine Conception takes place, wherein the Spiritual Embryo is conceived and the Christ-Self is born around the pure-self with your soul.

WHAT DOES THIS DO? It creates awareness of Who YOU Are and you Divine Purpose in Life.


Our Father Who Art in Heaven

Hallowed Be, Thy Name, I AM

I AM Thy Kingdom Come

I AM Thy Being Done

I AM On Earth Even As I AM in Heaven

I AM Giving This Day Daily Bread to All

I AM Forgiving All Life this Day Even As

I AM also All Life Forgiving Me

I AM Leading All Men and Women Away from Temptation

I AM Delivering All from Every Evil Condition, Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual



What Is Enlightenment?



The human mind has spiritual currents running through its thoughts streams. These streams contain vital information from spirit that is highly valuable to us. Spirit is the source of everything and conveys these ideas through the human mind that intersect with a person’s belief and helping the individual ascend into the higher information that uplifts and improves the quality of life.

In human life, spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of spirit by intellectual ascent and emotional devotion. Christconsciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (ego) mind with divine mind and the divine personality, that is the source of human happiness and fulfilment. As this is the state of awareness of our true nature, our higher selves and our birthright as children of God. Christconsciousness is our living expression as a child of spirit as we unfold our own divine life plan into the earth, bringing heaven on earth.

The Christ Self is actually being fully alive and invested in who we truly are. In our Christed Self we live as inspiration for others to seek this for themselves so we can collectively move our planet forward into the divine plan for planetary transformation and glorification.

Based on what we believe or expect, we tend to acquire. But what about the path of the soul. “The Law of Attraction” is understood as a mechanism or principle by which one receives based on the quality of their output of thought and ability to stay focused until the desired outcome is achieved. It is important to become aware of unconscious self-talk, trauma, induced beliefs, values, and other types of dysfunctional deficient projections going on within the mind

So let us now rephrase. Our lives are product of the consistency of our outgoing prayer/focus/attentions to details. Which are depended on the true path of the soul This makes it critically important to understand “The Law of Attraction” in its entirely, takes into account the soul desire. So “The Law of Attraction can be understood as “What we focus on expands” depending on the skill and ability to stay focused. But by becoming more aware the true focus changes direction, hence new desires become new reality.

Example: One thought, or idea purely held without any fear attached to it , attracts to it another thought like it but more powerfully established which will crystallizes pure concept of desire outcome. Now these two thoughts powerfully held attract a vibration of love which in turn attract a third thought for which the accumulation of the feeling vibration becomes increasingly powerful in the future. So this original thought gathers momentum after momentum allowing reality to manifests. So the original thought has become the initiator hence intension of desired result is off and running.

So now you understand there is an additional component to this growing vibration (resonance) and it is the feeling that are associated with the arising thoughts that are produced. This is where fear dilutes down by creating deficient thought. Feeling are the interchange with the source or the intelligence recognized within oneself It is in the resonance, feeling, and quality of connection with the source that we get insight or advise of the quality of the reality creating, we are each producing. Therefore, reality creating happens for everyone depending on the connection and flow to the source. through the Christ self. The Christ self is the door and it is only opening.

Once a person has acquired access to deep levels of consciousness, change is possible. Hence, the traditional paradigm of looking at reality will be set aside and a new paradigm will be born.

“The Law of Attraction” is The unconditional mindset which is only opening, and the way we use our mind can be improved upon which will lead to more understanding of the true concept of love. Then by allowing guidance to come through this door. To open this door fully, meditation is advised. Then we will understand that flow and non-resistance will release fear, guilt, shame, blame, and allow acceptance of what is which will move to create through the power of the imagination a new heaven.