Shift To Wisdom Within DiamondHeart Awareness (By investing your time ,energy and attention to listening to the” Inner Christ” pulsating within your heart.)



If your life is not working out the way you thought it would ,do not be mislead. What is really happening is, love is redefining your life as a product of repetitive patterns of thoughts and the resultant expression of feelings which accompany them. So the more you live your life as unconditional and with no attachments to deficient thought ,the more joy you will feel. But our focus tends to limit what could be and lends itself to not seeing the bigger picture of the soul journey , we can’t see or be aware of our unconscious thought, so we don’t change them. This is because our pattern of thoughts are products of what we have learned and known to be so. The book of life is the unconscious mind, and whatever we put into it by what we lend our focus to, draws to it the reflection of the deficient created thought. So our life is a reactionary perception of what we focus on, which we establish as truth of the unfolding of “what is”.

In these amazing moments in our world, extraordinary events are taking places. We are all once again awakening to unconditional love. This divine love is stirring in the very depths of our being and calling to us through our hearts. We are starting to listen to these subtle whispers and paying attention to our intuitive wisdom. We are starting to turn within and beginning to question our very notion of reality.

Multi-dimensional interaction with the world of source will become of great interest to all. But for the moment, we have a resistance, partly because of new ideas and a different way to look at the world which is the old paradigm. Is it not our focus on old belief system and our bonding to limitations that keeps reflecting back to us the life we have. The resistance comes from the acceptance that what we know about reality is true, therefore, how could we change it?

Now paradigms are powerful because they create the ideas through which we see the world. To be able to make a conscious shift to examine new ways of looking at the world and ourselves and to put into practice quantum leaps in consciousness, meditation is necessary and advised. In fact, without meditation, it is impossible to still the mind which block all new ideas from entering it. The mind always creates a psychic block or barrier. But once this psychic barrier has been reached, it is then possible to explore the unconscious mind while the conscious mind is temporarily closed down. The hypnotist use this method to take control of you. So resistance is there within the fear focus mind, and it is the source of all dysfunction in the world. Having experienced a lessen of resistance through meditation which still the mind, you create non-resistance and over time you will come to believe that everything is possible.

Meditation allows you to feel the love. This in turn allows us to love ourselves. We will catch ourselves looking at and recognizing our own patterns of judgment, criticism, and reactions. We will become the witness, or the knower of “what is” and start to ask question and come up with the right answer for ourselves. We begin to take out the swords in our hearts which we carry for other people. We learn to forgive ourselves for carrying other people swords and decide to give them back with love. We then move into the NOW moment, the past is left in the past and emotional healing takes place. Old feelings are healed and new feeling are imagined.

By now most of us now know that we are the end result of more choices than simply our own, or that many of our thoughts and choices are unconscious and have a fear aspect to them. So taken into account your lineage and going back thousand of years, you are the end result of all these influences. So it would be wise to examine what you believe as truth for you. The whole process of being conscious creator is to understand the capacity we each have for transmitting the old patterns to something more useful through our ability to imagine a process which will work to achieve the objectives of change of consciousness. Hence, a new paradigm can be created. If enough people hold this vision, it surely will manifest.

As we move into trust and access the Christ-Consciousness, we will move from the old linear mind focus to the many and varied levels of wisdom. We will travel upward and outwards through judgment, all types fear, doubt, anger, resentment,. This will allow new courage, willingness, and acceptance, to be able to reason not with the mind but with the heart through sheared, love, joy, peace, and eventually unconditional love which strengthen our connection with source or “all that is”. Then it is possible to create “heaven on earth”. This potential for change will solve our problems as it allows us to express our possibilities and to fulfil our intention to do better.

Now that the full gathered cosmic momentum of purity is gathering strength and meaning for the world at large, there will be less and less resistance for change and the birth of Christ Consciousness within everybody only requires your attention on love. Our mental bodies will continue to be purified and the fear and old concepts of truths will give way to a new paradigm. The outer mind will merge with the inner Christ (Which is the Perfect Marriage creating cosmic balance). Greater and greater realization of what truth is will begin the restoration of the divine atmosphere in which there will be no veil of “Maya” preventing self realization. I have found that it was the tainting of the conscious mind focus on fear that prevented me from discovering the truth of my being. So by purifying the mental body from the disintegrating forces of fear and doubt by meditation, one will start to prevent negative qualities that always destroys constructive patterns of thought from forming and manifesting. One will begin to see that the focus on deficient ideas will bond us to attracting the very ideas, concepts and ideas of truth that trap us and prevent us from finding our true Christ Self.

Meditation is the true purifier of human being that makes consciousness receptive to divine contact. Remember, it is the experience and the thoughts produced that one allowed to enter the mind of man. This foothold of thoughts and feelings saturate his consciousness with error thinking (evil) and come forth as evil desires and actions that destroy the spirit within. If any man has ears of understanding, let him hear and understand. Inner purity not outer observation are the gauge of one’s spirituality. Be watchful of the company you keep, or it will dilute down the spirit within you and your ability to connect to spirit. So be vigilant of your mind and heart. There are over 100 cosmic laws to be understood, and it is only by direct experience that we gain understanding which leads to wisdom. This wisdom is what Jesus referred to when He said “If any man have ears to hear, let him hear” Mark 7:14-16.

Meditation works to clear the ”Etheric body” of unqualified energy that is created by deficient thought. Also it clears the memory and soul seeds we choose to clear in this lifetime. We are starting to see that it is the failure of the past that we bond to by focussing our attention firmly on miss-qualified deficient concepts of truth that prevent us externalising our wisdom to create blessing for all. Meditation allows us to receive divine ideas from the presence which will through your newly purified creative centres of thoughts and feelings externalize heaven on earth.

Remember Jesus words, “Are ye also yet without understanding”. “Do not ye yet understand that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly and is cast out into the draught. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile man.” So by merging heart and mind, one understands that we are all one. All from the one source, which is Love (unconditional love). Character is revealed by what proceeds from the feeling you nurture in your heart. The feelings you hold in your heart are diluted down by the thoughts you allow into the subconscious mind. So it is necessary to have internal methods of purifying the heart. Hence, meditation is advised. Living in duality, man subverts transcendent soul nature with egoist involvement of the feeling of his heart in likes and dislikes. Indiscriminate attractions and repulsions. About maternal things and experience and his focus of those distortions of consciousness becomes insidious entanglements that make him a part of, rather than a being apart, rather than a being from, delusion. Hence, the distorted lives that we as men and women experience.

Remember the words, “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”. So freedom from emotion allows peace and with peace one attains connection to spirit. Hence, evil thoughts (any thought less than love) are like smoke screens of ignorance that hides from the conscious mind the purity and everlasting joy of the soul. Be in this world, but not attached to it. By regularly purifying your inner feeling with bright and cheerful thoughts and spiritual aspirations (through meditation) one will cleanse the consciousness to create wisdom, love (John), faith (Peter) which are the building blocks to the doorway of the soul. As our task was to rise above the duality of creation and perceive the unity of the Creator. But man has foolishly use the intellectual part of his mind to solve his problems and forgetting the subconscious or super consciousness of his God unity with the Soul.

So meditation is a step by step to self realization (Christ-Consciousness) -cosmic consciousness and eventually attain God union. This is not possible with our rationalizing mental restlessness which is our constant companion. (which is based on fear). Divine communion or rather deep meditation dismantles the delusion, and once sincere devotees of truth have experienced the divine joy of sanctuary in Christ-consciousness within their bodies and nothing will be able to lure sincere devotees away from the truth, wisdom, and love that they experience. It is through your perception of Christ-consciousness within yourself that you will know God contact. This is the keys to the kingdom of heaven. You are the consciousness which you have realized within yourself. Therefore, you are a belief expressed about who you think you are

Over the past month you the reader  will have discovered that meditation will transform your mind by allowing you to focus your attention and energy in positive constructive way. I will be starting a blog with the intention of introducing all who desire to receive knowledge, wisdom and practical experience with the benefits of meditation .  So any body who feels drawn to taking up meditation will have a step by step process to follow. I will bring your understanding of contemplation and the benefits and uses of experiencing it at the deepest level of your being. When you master contemplation you will enter a whole new world of thought within your mind. Instead of thinking that you are alone and separate and that you are powerless to change your life, you will start to experience a new level of consciousness that will allow you to connect with infinite power of the universe. Then with practice, perseverance and determination, you will begin to reach a state of being of an expanding consciousness. These will be experienced as true grace. You will start to realize the benefits and the clarity of which your mind will enjoy.

The principal idea behind meditation is to have a tool to promote the health of the mind. When regularly used and practiced you will enter a state of improve state of mind. This will allow you to be the best “You” rather than being a person captive by the world around you. You will take your first step to be self realized and gain the true wisdom of your soul. The blog will cover many different types of meditation. Some will be very ancient and others will be modern. All meditations fall into two main classification. These are concentration meditation and mindfulness mediation. It depends where one focus their attention and energy. In concentration meditation, one will streamline their focus to one thing. The best concentration meditation I know of is when you concentrate in your breathing, for me this was the most simpler of the methods that I tried. Whereas mindfulness meditation is the total opposite. You do not streamline your focus but you enlarge it and take all the information from all the senses including the developing senses of the sixth, seventh and eight levels of awareness. You will start to become aware of your feelings in a new way as your inner sensing awareness becomes sharper and overtime you will have the ability to interchange the two processes of meditation. You will be just a witness or observer of “What Is”. This will allow you not to be the doer but to be the witness of this new awareness in the NOW moment. So your focus will now be relative to “What IS” and the experience will be greater awareness of the infinite power and beauty of your new found wisdom. Regular practice of using both processes of meditation will benefit you greatly. The reason is you’re not becoming involve with the ideas, images and elements that have been filtered through your mind. Instead, the mind is learning to calm down and this in turn eliminates the self talk of fear, doubt, guilt and shame. The critical self talk is momentarily quite.

Meditation gave me the experience of becoming aware of the pure love that I could feel and sense within my being. This allowed me to realize I was not alone or separate from “All That Is”. I realized that meditation empties out the need to bonding to past experiences and associated feelings of fear, doubt and guilt. So by becoming aware that focusing your attention and energy in the past will inhibiting you living in the NOW moment, you will edge nearer and nearer to living your life with joy. Do try out meditation and discover for your self the stillness, tranquillity, peace and joy that will become part of your awareness and afford you the ability of achieving a focused mind. Now more and more people are starting to realize that vital information and wisdom is becoming available through the spiritual currents running through their minds and hearts. Our spiritual parents are the source of everything. And if this is so, what is blocking our parents from conveying their ideas of love? I have realized and answered this question for my self and the answer I came up with was, that I lack the ability to focus a hundred percent attention to positive constructive focus thought. This was due to the gathered momentum of fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness and lack of self belief that I accepted as truth. This kept me bonded to deficient ideas, hence I kept creating a diluted version of what I desired.

The goal of life is to align with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of spirit by intellectual ascent and emotional devotion. Knowing this, it would be wise to make meditation an important part of your day, as meditation stills the mind and allows purification of deficient thoughts which is entertained by the medium of the mind on a daily basis.

As more and more people take up meditation their will be a blending of the human evolutionary  with that of “all that is”. Remember the ego mind thinks it is separated and unsupported, due to fear having been hand down from generation to generation .“ and became a away of life for all of us, which kept our focus always in some form of negativity which always create deficient ideas ,beliefs systems, that were reflected back to us as real. This could be described as SIN, feeling separation being isolated, and full of negative focus. This in turn prevented us from discovering our true nature which is love. In our search for love, we tend to search outside of ourselves as we believe we are less than love but the only place that you are less than love , or that energy to this thought is, is within your own limited conscious mind. So make a decision to make meditation an important task in your day. As you will discover the hidden agendas that block you from the truth of your being.

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