Author: Thomas

Availability and Awareness of the Presence of the Inner Christ

Vast horizon

As one embraces meditation and adopts the principle of love, one makes their availability to the presence of god a daily thing One is in communion with the Christ within.Here their focus is to grow more aware of God’s love for all of life.To be in communion with ” I Am All That i Am” one would be wise to still the separate mind. For the separate mind believes the idea of being separate from our good.The separate mind needs to protect itself from perceived  forces that would be against it’s good.

As you experience yourself in stillness, you will intuit a new way of using your mind. You will be taught – from within the stillness – how to receive moment-to-moment inner guidance during the day from the Infinite  Christ Mind, and you will be given individual inspiration spiritual teachings for you to act on. With inner guidance and spiritual insight, you can know with certainty the most appropriate thing to do at any given moment in your life. Inner guidance is the means of right action,right thought . It is how you can know what to do with confidence with out doubt. It is your deepest knowing made conscious and when acted upon made manifested.. And as you learn to trust and make use of this faculty, it can become your decision maker.The resonance of truth felt deep with your inner knowing confirms your next step.  Practice daily listening to the inner guidance that resonance with Divine bliss.  The more experience you have with it and the better you get at utilizing the information available to you, the more convinced you’ll be of just how wonderful an attribute of mind this actually is. Listening for guidance is the technique of spontaneous wisdom.As one learns to trust the inner guidance the inner teacher announces it’s self to the conscious mind.

The spiritual teachings you’ll receive from within your silent mind within the silence will be the source of new meaning  and understanding in your life,  awakening revealing to you lift’s inherent meaning. and hidden laws . Spiritual teachings are communications of truth about the way things are.Why they are that way and how to change them. They will answer your conscious and unconscious questions concerning the nature of who you are and how the world works. Inspiring and guiding you in your thought, word and  speech, and behavior, they will come in the form of clarifying insights and sudden inspirations, creative ideas, intuitive knowings, life circumstances, people and situations, hunches, premonitions, desires, attractions, and spontaneous impulses. The teachings, taught from within, will he important to you and your life. They will make sense to you.As you live your new spiritual wisdom you will awaken to the joy and bliss of your life experiences.

Shift to Wisdom and Guidance “Know thy self”


All our life experiences are equally supported and challenged  to create in us greater awareness of  what could be or what is possible.Limitation creates safety and risk free actions, but with limitations life becomes dull and less interesting.But as one awakens one perceives them selves as not alone and separate from their good. Instead one become aware that they are in the process of becoming more.As one awakens ,one become less fearful and their attention and focus on reaching there objectives is their main aim.Daily growth happens when we are equally supported and challenged.The spiritual journey is equally supported and challenged .Since I  have started to see that my challenges are God’s good to help me grow and the feeding of love are god’s love encouraging me to believe every thing is possible.A new deeper sense of gratitude and understanding enters my mind and is experienced by my heart.This sensitivity allows me to become aware of the ever growing support and challenges keep me on the up ward path to true awareness.So as one embraces the true path to greater awareness one sees the good in all circumstances and accepts all life experiences.

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Within the Silence and After


shift to wisdom - sunset view

Self reflection
Silent nights allow me to listen to my Heart while being in meditation. In the silence of the night being nowhere, I get the opportunity to listen to the expressions of my heart. While in the silence my inner world opens up to me. I quietly hear and feel all the emotions that stir within my soul
I listen to my heart sing praises to my Creator for all the blessings of the day. I give thanks for the lesson and ask for greater clarity of my purpose That moment allows me to stop and truly give thanks in a conscious way. It allows me to forget everything else and focus on how I am blessed in a myriad of so many different ways.

The joy and bliss that fills my heart and the guidance I receive from my own inner Christ fills my awareness with pure joy and inner bliss. During the quietness of the night, I lay still with eyes closed so I can focus on the bliss passing through my body ,I am able to have an awareness of communication with the Christ within the Holy spirit as if peering through the windows of my soul. That is when I get the best view and inner knowing of the beauty of my soul. of what I am made of. We are all made of love. It is pure love. No part of us is less than love. I am made aware of the all emotional high points as well as the lows, and truly understand the person I am.

The silence of the night gives me the chance to renew my spirit and give thanks for all my experiences to “I Am All That I Am” Taking an emotional journey back in time allows me to see where I went wrong and what I need to work on going forward. Every day , I commit to taking advantage of silent nights for retrospection, contemplation and enjoying communion with the Holy spirit and my own Christ Self. I pledge to use the opportunity to renew my spirit so it can shine brightly – like a beacon – to guide my way and bring joy to others as well.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are my thoughts when I reflect after my meditation and communication with spirit? Do I judge myself or others.

2. What inner know and discoveries have I experienced.
3. Do I seize the opportunity to make a pact to be more conscious of my thoughts and deeds? So I can become a conscious creator of the ideas of the “I Am All that I Am”

4. Am I honest with myself when assessing my thoughts and actions from the past? What feeling arise when I judge myself or others.

5. After meditation give thanks for all the bodily sensations and inner Christ healing .Take action on new discoveries and perceptions.

6. Become aware of the inner light the new light of the Christ self and give it out to all for as you give it out more love returns back to you. It is eternal and it is ” I Am All That I Am ” unconditional ,desire less love which is there for all.

Shift to Wisdom and Guidance by Embracing the Principles of Love.



Jesus once said, “Be ye perfect as my Father is in Heaven”. But what was Jesus talking about. The thoughts, the words, the intention, the focus and desired out all belong to the realm of this world. Although, one cannot see what thoughts are, they are vibrating according with “The Law of Attraction”. These effects are intention over and attract to them by the same frequency of intention, focus and manifestation. So it would be wise for you to keep your thought pure. Always focus on what you want and have the desired intention for the good of all. All thoughts manifest where they find homogeneity of frequency.

In trying to understand why so many interplanetary visitors were been attracted to this planet, I came up with the idea of the “Claiming of souls by the homogeneity of frequency” which lock the separation of evolution of where the soul vibrates at. In summary, we all choose our own destination in this universal planetary creation of our Father, Mother God.

With the manifestation of Jesus, His love and His inner teachings which are only manifested by stilling the mind, we have choice of that to focus on what thoughts to create and for what intention.
At Jesus death, there is a statement that is recorded. It is concerning the tearing in two of the elaborate and beautiful curtain 30 ft x 60 ft height. I wish to now at this time give the hidden meaning to the significance of this event.

An inner room called the Holy of Holies which represents the Holy Place of God’s presence. The secret room was separated from the rest of the temple by an elaborate and beautiful curtain length 30ft x 60ft high. It tearing in two from top to bottom out Jesus death birth that the Christ seed of Father, Mother God within the world of form. The curtain was torn to let all know that Christ conscious awareness would give access to all with perseverance, desire and focus of attention creates a New Earth. So access to the inner senses, we all will start to be self-realized.

Now we come to the question of the apparent evil that the world has gone through. This evil has been allowed us to give free will and choice to all. At some stage in our evolution, this apparent evil has been set up by a group conscious of evil intent as they replicated a false center of Holy of Holies, you could so then set themselves up as God..

The unprecedented moment is fast approaching, which I can talk about from the perspective of what is resonating with me concerning up and coming prophecies within many spiritual and religious culture is all about what we give focus ,attention attitude and determination to. The Extraordinary happening and experience are been reported all over the world. Discoveries and new perceptions are been openly discussed in books, radio, TV and with the general group discussion.

Even now with in the EEC lead by Germany compassion for the refugees and now the rest of Europe following suit. Love is being experienced within the decisions. Also Divine wisdom is now letting all know that the migration of the refuges is all our problem to solve .For it is only by creating a agreed agenda that is of sound judgement and Divine wisdom can we solve the ranges of problems that our world leader have to pay attention to.

What is true is that everyday reality is expanding. Their awareness level is also expanding. The human being is concluding its destination within the awakening. All are been introduced to the concept of Love. The Love that is unconditional, all expanding and is non-judgmental. So there is no need to focus on fear, instead, focus on Love. Focus on the delight and pleasures of the Love that you are.

As awareness expands, new experience and perceptions widen our universe to us. What we could not have imagined 30 years ago is now taken place at great speed and great urgency. In order to put things in perspective, I wish to take you (the reader) back to the beginning. If you observe History, you will see that there has been a progressive development taken place every couple of centuries. It is my opinion that the human mind does not find it easy to conceive any other type of existence other than human beings.They talk about spirit but can their limited conscious understand what spirit is. Yet all our knowledge has been accumulated from ancient knowledge and wisdom from the early century. In order to solve the purpose of human life, we require wisdom and exact knowledge. So open your mind, be prepared to let go any human notions of what constitute reality.
In the perspective of our human history, we have been visited by Gods. The Bible is full of stories of Angels, Demons and God, but it was Moses that was privileged to have an encounter with the “God of Isaac”. The term “God of Israel” suggests that there might be other Gods. Example comes to us from the Greeks who had many Gods and Goddesses. Then there is the question of dead or extra-terrestrial Aliens, whether it is the Greeks stories of Zeus and Athena or the Egyptian stories about Horus. One thing is certain; people focus of attention was firmly on the beliefs that these stories were indeed true.

Now, we have to look briefly at wars fought in the name of these Gods. The Bible is full of battles and wars fought in the name of “God of Isaac”. The crusade went to war in the name of the Christian God and the Saracens who resisted then in the name of “Allah” were all real. Added to that of the ancient cultures of Egypt, China, Mexico and many more, all possessed elaborate hierarchies of Gods and Goddesses of same Deities or other. Let us move forward to the 16th century with the developing of the change in the minds of people living in their time.

Galileo and the new discoveries of the telescope gave mankind the ability to observe close-up of the heaven. This great invention had great implication on the concept that God created this world at the centre of the universe. Now, one could observe other planets, stars and galaxies. Indeed, the universe was a vast expanding unknown universe to mankind. Can you imagine what this did to the imagination of the people? Can you imagine the types of question they were asking themselves and each other. Surely, they asked if people like us inhibited them or had similar physical, mental and emotional mentalities (xxx) C. Photography. So you can see with new discoveries and perceptions, focus changes. What also changes is what we imagine with our co-creative mind through fear, doubts and beliefs. In fact, belief and worship limits our consciousness. There is outstanding evidence from the 1980 onwards of people who have reported be abducted or taken off world. Then in 1995 in the book “From elsewhere: being E.T. in America, Dr. Scott Mandelker suggest to his readers to contemplate the idea that they might be the extra-terrestrial been hang a human experience. He called them Watchers and to those not yet awake, Sleepers. Walking Extra-terrestrials also appeared to carry some validation, as there were people who reported that they had agreed with this. So one can see how the imagination has developed with shades of fear and doubt, with stage of discovery of who we are, or who is coming to this planet.

So what are all these visitors doing on this planet? Question like; could they be abductors? Or could they be benevolent being here to support us in growth of our awareness? Could they be thieves here to imprison us and rob us of our Divine inheritance? Again, the imaginations run on. It is really all about what we focus on. This brings me on to these people who are channeling messages and teaching certain ideas. Some of these are accent, other such never, but all seem to be leading up to something.

Based on my own experience, there are basic ideas been accepted by people in general.
1)Because so many different races of people for all over the world are teaching, channeling and encouraging mass group of people to change the way they focus and project on the world, their ideas what is indeed happening is a widening of our awareness.
2) We are all becoming aware of our body wisdom which resonates with truth.
3) Different people resonate at different frequencies according to these expressions, beliefs and the imagination.
4) Love is talked about; Love is discussed but is Love understood?
5) Our notion of what Love is, is certainly changing.

Adapting the right attitude to life purpose, take a bit of effort. The universe is always speaking to each individual soul through their level of awareness. Awareness changes for each soul through their own desire. Prayers and meditation activates our spiritual centres and when the Chakras, the Lotuses are activated and begin to vibrate, they set in motion as a magical extraordinary transformation. In order to vibrate with the Supreme Being, one would be wise to embrace unconditional love. When the individual has the concept of unconditional love, their focus is no separation. Everyone is from the same Divine Source. All are decompressed individuality of their own God Self, which is Love. All the great Masters have been telling us since the beginning of time. All mankind is now in the process of shifting to wisdom (cosmic wisdom).

Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Perception are always speaking through each individual’s own experience. Being able to listen and communicate with infinite Christ Consciousness is your work on this planet. This is brought about by a change in consciousness which is a realization that you are not separate, isolated and alone. But you are infinite consciousness and have choice to come to this planet and individualized personally which separates from all that is to create that which is encoded in you as your truth.

Christ Consciousness was brought to the planet over 2000 years ago by Jesus. This Consciousness is the “Only Begotten Son of God” (Child of Spirit) so designated because it is the sole Perfect Reflection in creation of the transcendental absolute Spirit of God, the “Father Mother God” of “All That Is”. Jesus went up the mountain a lot and he took Peter, James, John or with hive. I believe these people were Metaphors for Faith, Love and Wisdom. Jesus went on to build on the power of Faith in things invisible to establish Love (Unconditional Love for All) and Wisdom to know how to trust the wisdom that the Christ-Self would bring forth as truth. When Jesus ascended back to “All That IS”, he said, that He would send a Comforter for all. Those people who had Faith and Trust and above all Love in their hearts, will receive the “Holy Spirit”. (Pentecost Story)

Man is endowed with the ability of conscious effort. The question I ask myself when I first started out my search was, “If my body was active and psychologically my mind and intellect were active, why did I feel as if I was asleep? I must be asleep, so how could I wake up? I realized, I am inside a spiritual being and it would be wise to make use of this situation called “Life” in order to bring about the development of my spiritual self. So I started to neglect the physical and psychological personality levels through meditation.

Before, I was completely enslaved by the lower propensities of passion, anger, hate, greed and sensuality. People forget their mission in life was to cultivate their inner life and develop Christ Consciousness, the Consciousness of Spirit.

The LOVE principle is dormant in most people. The Love I am talking about is Unconditional, all-encompassing and ever-expanding. If people knew that at the core of their being is their Inner Divinity (Their Christ-Self). But also, people project outside towards this gross world of name, shops, journeys and money.

What I believe now after my long search is, my work is to bring about the fullest enfoldment and expression of that Divinity and become the “Son of God”, the Only Begotten Son (Christ Consciousness) Child of Spirit. Modern man thinks that he will reach the pinnacle of his powers and is fully evolved. Really, our work is the transformation of human consciousness in Divine Consciousness just as Jesus did when He show us the way by developing the Son of God Consciousness.

The whole world is in the progress of awakening to a new reality of our true being. There is a light emerging from within your own heart. This light is announcing an Inner Teacher or Presence which is in the progress of birthing a new consciousness while at the same time preparing each of us for a Paradigm Shift. Our focus of attention will begin to shift; we will start to support this new understanding which is emerging as truth.

Thoughts pattern that become permanent do not allow for new perception and discoveries. By only depending on the Conscious Mind as the Superpower Mind, we limit ourselves from accessing the Super-conscious Mind of Christ-Conscious Mind of Infinite Consciousness. When we have a resistance to change our beliefs and keep false assumption as our truth we limit our power. It used to be said that “knowledge was power”, but what is now taken place is wisdom for what is “knowledge without wisdom”. One must know what to do with that knowledge.

As children growing up, we accept truth from those people who we depend on such as parents, older brothers, sisters and relatives. Our truth is cloned by their beliefs and habitual patterns of thought which we generally accept as our own. Since reality is a by-product of our beliefs, attitudes and habits, it is loves us to refine out habitual patterns base on our own perceptions. At some point in our lives, we are faced with certain challenges which create a desire for new wisdom, so that we are able to overcome particular blockages.

Modern Science is now looking at reality creating as a product of our unconscious and subconscious beliefs manifesting as our truth. Mass mind reality is the collective level of where the whole world is at as a whole. But these are an individual level of consciousness which can be developed call “Diamond Heart Awareness”. This type of consciousness is developed by Meditation and mastering your thought and associated feelings. The more people that start developing this consciousness within them, our focus of attention will not entertain thoughts, ideas, ideologies and beliefs. Our focus of attention will that, we stop creating different thoughts about the books, files, plays and entertainment. Instead, our entertainment will incorporate ideas, ideologies and beliefs that instill peace, joy and freedom. We will elect politicians that create a focus on joy, peace and freedom.

At the moment, our TV defects violence which act within our subconscious mind and bonds us to attracting this into our very own lives. Our newspapers indeed our media bonds us to the quality and focus of the collective consciousness. For example, our minds are bombarded with violence, death, pain, guilt, torture and in-explicit behaviour. These create fear within our system. This bonds us to the limitation and the continence of more of the same, except, it is real and starts happening in our very own lives.

So for the future, let us put our focus on the higher forms of entertainment, higher ideas of love and peace. Money, greed and corruption are at the centre of this false God. Jesus destroys the temple with the money lenders. This allows us a hint at what Jesus tried to tell us then. Remember also, He said “In three days he would knock the temple”. The temple which Jesus “Christ-Consciousness of Universal Love” will destroy is the old paradigm of greed and perpetration of evil. The new generation will be formed when the Final Judgment by “ALL THAT IS” will allocate by vibration intent, focus and desire the soul’s destination.

Shift To Wisdom Within DiamondHeart Awareness (By investing your time ,energy and attention to listening to the” Inner Christ” pulsating within your heart.)



If your life is not working out the way you thought it would ,do not be mislead. What is really happening is, love is redefining your life as a product of repetitive patterns of thoughts and the resultant expression of feelings which accompany them. So the more you live your life as unconditional and with no attachments to deficient thought ,the more joy you will feel. But our focus tends to limit what could be and lends itself to not seeing the bigger picture of the soul journey , we can’t see or be aware of our unconscious thought, so we don’t change them. This is because our pattern of thoughts are products of what we have learned and known to be so. The book of life is the unconscious mind, and whatever we put into it by what we lend our focus to, draws to it the reflection of the deficient created thought. So our life is a reactionary perception of what we focus on, which we establish as truth of the unfolding of “what is”.

In these amazing moments in our world, extraordinary events are taking places. We are all once again awakening to unconditional love. This divine love is stirring in the very depths of our being and calling to us through our hearts. We are starting to listen to these subtle whispers and paying attention to our intuitive wisdom. We are starting to turn within and beginning to question our very notion of reality.

Multi-dimensional interaction with the world of source will become of great interest to all. But for the moment, we have a resistance, partly because of new ideas and a different way to look at the world which is the old paradigm. Is it not our focus on old belief system and our bonding to limitations that keeps reflecting back to us the life we have. The resistance comes from the acceptance that what we know about reality is true, therefore, how could we change it?

Now paradigms are powerful because they create the ideas through which we see the world. To be able to make a conscious shift to examine new ways of looking at the world and ourselves and to put into practice quantum leaps in consciousness, meditation is necessary and advised. In fact, without meditation, it is impossible to still the mind which block all new ideas from entering it. The mind always creates a psychic block or barrier. But once this psychic barrier has been reached, it is then possible to explore the unconscious mind while the conscious mind is temporarily closed down. The hypnotist use this method to take control of you. So resistance is there within the fear focus mind, and it is the source of all dysfunction in the world. Having experienced a lessen of resistance through meditation which still the mind, you create non-resistance and over time you will come to believe that everything is possible.

Meditation allows you to feel the love. This in turn allows us to love ourselves. We will catch ourselves looking at and recognizing our own patterns of judgment, criticism, and reactions. We will become the witness, or the knower of “what is” and start to ask question and come up with the right answer for ourselves. We begin to take out the swords in our hearts which we carry for other people. We learn to forgive ourselves for carrying other people swords and decide to give them back with love. We then move into the NOW moment, the past is left in the past and emotional healing takes place. Old feelings are healed and new feeling are imagined.

By now most of us now know that we are the end result of more choices than simply our own, or that many of our thoughts and choices are unconscious and have a fear aspect to them. So taken into account your lineage and going back thousand of years, you are the end result of all these influences. So it would be wise to examine what you believe as truth for you. The whole process of being conscious creator is to understand the capacity we each have for transmitting the old patterns to something more useful through our ability to imagine a process which will work to achieve the objectives of change of consciousness. Hence, a new paradigm can be created. If enough people hold this vision, it surely will manifest.

As we move into trust and access the Christ-Consciousness, we will move from the old linear mind focus to the many and varied levels of wisdom. We will travel upward and outwards through judgment, all types fear, doubt, anger, resentment,. This will allow new courage, willingness, and acceptance, to be able to reason not with the mind but with the heart through sheared, love, joy, peace, and eventually unconditional love which strengthen our connection with source or “all that is”. Then it is possible to create “heaven on earth”. This potential for change will solve our problems as it allows us to express our possibilities and to fulfil our intention to do better.

Now that the full gathered cosmic momentum of purity is gathering strength and meaning for the world at large, there will be less and less resistance for change and the birth of Christ Consciousness within everybody only requires your attention on love. Our mental bodies will continue to be purified and the fear and old concepts of truths will give way to a new paradigm. The outer mind will merge with the inner Christ (Which is the Perfect Marriage creating cosmic balance). Greater and greater realization of what truth is will begin the restoration of the divine atmosphere in which there will be no veil of “Maya” preventing self realization. I have found that it was the tainting of the conscious mind focus on fear that prevented me from discovering the truth of my being. So by purifying the mental body from the disintegrating forces of fear and doubt by meditation, one will start to prevent negative qualities that always destroys constructive patterns of thought from forming and manifesting. One will begin to see that the focus on deficient ideas will bond us to attracting the very ideas, concepts and ideas of truth that trap us and prevent us from finding our true Christ Self.

Meditation is the true purifier of human being that makes consciousness receptive to divine contact. Remember, it is the experience and the thoughts produced that one allowed to enter the mind of man. This foothold of thoughts and feelings saturate his consciousness with error thinking (evil) and come forth as evil desires and actions that destroy the spirit within. If any man has ears of understanding, let him hear and understand. Inner purity not outer observation are the gauge of one’s spirituality. Be watchful of the company you keep, or it will dilute down the spirit within you and your ability to connect to spirit. So be vigilant of your mind and heart. There are over 100 cosmic laws to be understood, and it is only by direct experience that we gain understanding which leads to wisdom. This wisdom is what Jesus referred to when He said “If any man have ears to hear, let him hear” Mark 7:14-16.

Meditation works to clear the ”Etheric body” of unqualified energy that is created by deficient thought. Also it clears the memory and soul seeds we choose to clear in this lifetime. We are starting to see that it is the failure of the past that we bond to by focussing our attention firmly on miss-qualified deficient concepts of truth that prevent us externalising our wisdom to create blessing for all. Meditation allows us to receive divine ideas from the presence which will through your newly purified creative centres of thoughts and feelings externalize heaven on earth.

Remember Jesus words, “Are ye also yet without understanding”. “Do not ye yet understand that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly and is cast out into the draught. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile man.” So by merging heart and mind, one understands that we are all one. All from the one source, which is Love (unconditional love). Character is revealed by what proceeds from the feeling you nurture in your heart. The feelings you hold in your heart are diluted down by the thoughts you allow into the subconscious mind. So it is necessary to have internal methods of purifying the heart. Hence, meditation is advised. Living in duality, man subverts transcendent soul nature with egoist involvement of the feeling of his heart in likes and dislikes. Indiscriminate attractions and repulsions. About maternal things and experience and his focus of those distortions of consciousness becomes insidious entanglements that make him a part of, rather than a being apart, rather than a being from, delusion. Hence, the distorted lives that we as men and women experience.

Remember the words, “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”. So freedom from emotion allows peace and with peace one attains connection to spirit. Hence, evil thoughts (any thought less than love) are like smoke screens of ignorance that hides from the conscious mind the purity and everlasting joy of the soul. Be in this world, but not attached to it. By regularly purifying your inner feeling with bright and cheerful thoughts and spiritual aspirations (through meditation) one will cleanse the consciousness to create wisdom, love (John), faith (Peter) which are the building blocks to the doorway of the soul. As our task was to rise above the duality of creation and perceive the unity of the Creator. But man has foolishly use the intellectual part of his mind to solve his problems and forgetting the subconscious or super consciousness of his God unity with the Soul.

So meditation is a step by step to self realization (Christ-Consciousness) -cosmic consciousness and eventually attain God union. This is not possible with our rationalizing mental restlessness which is our constant companion. (which is based on fear). Divine communion or rather deep meditation dismantles the delusion, and once sincere devotees of truth have experienced the divine joy of sanctuary in Christ-consciousness within their bodies and nothing will be able to lure sincere devotees away from the truth, wisdom, and love that they experience. It is through your perception of Christ-consciousness within yourself that you will know God contact. This is the keys to the kingdom of heaven. You are the consciousness which you have realized within yourself. Therefore, you are a belief expressed about who you think you are

Over the past month you the reader  will have discovered that meditation will transform your mind by allowing you to focus your attention and energy in positive constructive way. I will be starting a blog with the intention of introducing all who desire to receive knowledge, wisdom and practical experience with the benefits of meditation .  So any body who feels drawn to taking up meditation will have a step by step process to follow. I will bring your understanding of contemplation and the benefits and uses of experiencing it at the deepest level of your being. When you master contemplation you will enter a whole new world of thought within your mind. Instead of thinking that you are alone and separate and that you are powerless to change your life, you will start to experience a new level of consciousness that will allow you to connect with infinite power of the universe. Then with practice, perseverance and determination, you will begin to reach a state of being of an expanding consciousness. These will be experienced as true grace. You will start to realize the benefits and the clarity of which your mind will enjoy.

The principal idea behind meditation is to have a tool to promote the health of the mind. When regularly used and practiced you will enter a state of improve state of mind. This will allow you to be the best “You” rather than being a person captive by the world around you. You will take your first step to be self realized and gain the true wisdom of your soul. The blog will cover many different types of meditation. Some will be very ancient and others will be modern. All meditations fall into two main classification. These are concentration meditation and mindfulness mediation. It depends where one focus their attention and energy. In concentration meditation, one will streamline their focus to one thing. The best concentration meditation I know of is when you concentrate in your breathing, for me this was the most simpler of the methods that I tried. Whereas mindfulness meditation is the total opposite. You do not streamline your focus but you enlarge it and take all the information from all the senses including the developing senses of the sixth, seventh and eight levels of awareness. You will start to become aware of your feelings in a new way as your inner sensing awareness becomes sharper and overtime you will have the ability to interchange the two processes of meditation. You will be just a witness or observer of “What Is”. This will allow you not to be the doer but to be the witness of this new awareness in the NOW moment. So your focus will now be relative to “What IS” and the experience will be greater awareness of the infinite power and beauty of your new found wisdom. Regular practice of using both processes of meditation will benefit you greatly. The reason is you’re not becoming involve with the ideas, images and elements that have been filtered through your mind. Instead, the mind is learning to calm down and this in turn eliminates the self talk of fear, doubt, guilt and shame. The critical self talk is momentarily quite.

Meditation gave me the experience of becoming aware of the pure love that I could feel and sense within my being. This allowed me to realize I was not alone or separate from “All That Is”. I realized that meditation empties out the need to bonding to past experiences and associated feelings of fear, doubt and guilt. So by becoming aware that focusing your attention and energy in the past will inhibiting you living in the NOW moment, you will edge nearer and nearer to living your life with joy. Do try out meditation and discover for your self the stillness, tranquillity, peace and joy that will become part of your awareness and afford you the ability of achieving a focused mind. Now more and more people are starting to realize that vital information and wisdom is becoming available through the spiritual currents running through their minds and hearts. Our spiritual parents are the source of everything. And if this is so, what is blocking our parents from conveying their ideas of love? I have realized and answered this question for my self and the answer I came up with was, that I lack the ability to focus a hundred percent attention to positive constructive focus thought. This was due to the gathered momentum of fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness and lack of self belief that I accepted as truth. This kept me bonded to deficient ideas, hence I kept creating a diluted version of what I desired.

The goal of life is to align with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of spirit by intellectual ascent and emotional devotion. Knowing this, it would be wise to make meditation an important part of your day, as meditation stills the mind and allows purification of deficient thoughts which is entertained by the medium of the mind on a daily basis.

As more and more people take up meditation their will be a blending of the human evolutionary  with that of “all that is”. Remember the ego mind thinks it is separated and unsupported, due to fear having been hand down from generation to generation .“ and became a away of life for all of us, which kept our focus always in some form of negativity which always create deficient ideas ,beliefs systems, that were reflected back to us as real. This could be described as SIN, feeling separation being isolated, and full of negative focus. This in turn prevented us from discovering our true nature which is love. In our search for love, we tend to search outside of ourselves as we believe we are less than love but the only place that you are less than love , or that energy to this thought is, is within your own limited conscious mind. So make a decision to make meditation an important task in your day. As you will discover the hidden agendas that block you from the truth of your being.

Shift to Wisdom by Striving for Self mastery One Own Separate Mind



Divine Father Mother God together creates unconditional love. This is the love that everyone on this planet is striving for. Unconditional love is a process. It is the only process in life that is worth striving too. With the eventual achievement of obtaining the consciousness of unconditional love, peace within is achieved. Unconditional love does not identify with anything outside of your self. Your happiness does not depend on others or something outside of yourself, you are enough. Peace is always there, but if you create deficient thought, you turn your attention elsewhere and peace is disturbed. Usually our attention wanders to the past, what was or it rambles on to a desired future bringing with it also undesired fears. When you embrace Christ consciousness, life becomes about acceptance as it unfolds in its perfect way.

I have noticed with myself as soon as I desire something other than “What Is”, I create conflict and usual attract the lesson that come with that. There is a time to build and there is a time to act. So the question we all ask is what do I do with this life of mine? Within my experience, I have found that each moment unfolds with its own wisdom, truth and integrity. I also have found that when I am not in the moment I am not present, I am not at peace and I am creating deficient thought.

So, self mastery is about experiencing the NOW moment, moment by moment. When action takes place from a non-peaceful state, I am living in the past or a feared future. Hence, I try not to give attention to creating suffering for myself. Before I speak, act or do, I try to find a place within myself where I am at peace with the situation as it is.. When a situation become over bearing in my life and suffering is created, I now know its origin was my own mind. So this is the place where I choose to undo the attention to the suffering. In my younger days, I used to let my thoughts and feeling run wild without taming them. Hence, I lived my life through my beliefs, and so call truths that I accepted as truth. Also I miss read the feeling that were generated by all my thoughts, I created ideas about why my feelings were the way they were. I judged my words as I spoke them, and adopted the associate feelings that were produced..

The area that I first concentrated on was my mind, I started to realize that that the majority of the population had failed to utilize or develop their mind in all aspects. First I examined all of the old concepts and beliefs which occupied my mind and I accepted. I realized that I had accepted false truths about who I was. I then eliminated the negative errors with the help of my Christ Self and I accepted new ideas which were feed into my mind to test and used. Through this article, I am doing a service of self expression and by living it, I am making it ours. Let us talk about the assimilation of food in relation to the four concepts). We all know that the correct intake of food and body activity creates a beautiful body form. Non judgments on the self and on others will digest life in a joyful way; and body digestion will correspond by being healthy as judging life and making any aspect deficient will create indigestion the body. Now we all know that the elimination of the food intake is necessary and we eliminate it regularly. Improper elimination will slow the process and also creates other problem with the body. Try not to go to the toilet for a week and see for yourself.

When we exhaled, we apply this technique to release the build up of carbon dioxide which the body produces as a by product of breathing and body metabolism build up. So what technique do we use to release old thoughts and associate feelings that are no longer working or useful in our life? We feed the human body regularly, with food of deficient thought. We breathe on instinct, and at night, we die for a short period of time each day. We regain consciousness and enter into the dream of perceptions that we have accepted as truth. But where does this truth come from .On analysis you will find it’s from previous perceptions that you accepted as your truth. Your focus is that you are powerless to change the dream of the perception you have created by your own minds. But during our day, the dream sometimes is too real and what is demonstrated in our lives is not desirable. But we still keep our focus on the problem, which create deficient thoughts which generate feelings. Where do these feelings come from but our own spirit self? I have found that my feelings are really a guidance system coming from within the core of my being. My own Christ self does not willing go along with the deficient thought that my fear based mind is suggesting. Over time, we are always creating our lives through the law of attraction. Do become aware of all your habitual self talk that is always going on within your fearful mind. This fear bonds us to creating less desirable outcomes. As we live in an unconditional response loving universe that manifests what we habitually focus on. It is recommended to create time in our lives for release and regeneration .The practice of good meditation, walks in nature, and prayer within Christ consciousness contact, is a good start to finding out if what I have told you is true for you. Our Christ Selves and the “I AM” presence are regenerating us all now with a new and developing consciousness so we can complete our spiritual journey.

In my life, I have become aware of Christ feeding of love since 1988. At first, it was just a small amount, and every so often it would increase. It was a gradual loving way that the spirit increases the love that my heart could take. I found that when I required more love, the love that I was receiving would become more intense and increased within me. This feeding of love always supported me. Sometimes it became so intense, I would feel overjoyed with the experience and I had a compelling desire to give it out to all around me. So with planned meditation, I have learned we regenerate ourselves consciously by desire and knowing.

When I was younger, I was really aware of one body. Then as I got older, I became aware of another body. I started to see the “Aura”. It was a beautiful array of color and it existed. I became very aware of the existence of other people aura. They would fade in and out of my mind, but it was always there. When I went through the psychic barrier and made my first contact with my Christ Self, I felt up lifted and free from fear and a sense of peace filled me and I received a knowing beyond anything I had felt before. This took place regularly. At times when I was going through these experiences I thought that my body was changing. Each subsequent spiritual experience that I went through I changed my perception of what I accepted as truth. Over along period of time my perceive consciousness was replaced with a new level of awareness. I choose to change my eating habits and use my free time to familiarize myself with the new energy within meditation. I felt that I grew increasingly lighter and lighter. My conscious mind was able to relax very easily over time. I became aware of the thoughts that my mind was entertaining and became the watcher. I started to be the witness of my deficient thoughts which were playing out in my life.

Over time, I tried not to be judgmental and increasingly my body felt more refined and my mind became more disciplined. I tried only to allow thoughts that would support life and that were constructive and positive. I habitually denied error thought of deficient nature and positively affirmed the truth which was communicated to me by my Christ Self. Now this was no walk in the park. I had to face all my desires and fulfill them by knowing that this was right for me for now without judgments.. It was when I started to have no desire left in me other than doing the work of Self Healing that I started to move in ways that astounded me.

I found for me the best way to dissolve my fears was by “prayer”. Not a pity me prayer, but a prayer of unification with God and a desire to know the truth. Over time, I found the any kind of fear would lower my vibration, so I would lovingly release any fear that I had to my Christ Self. With daily meditation, at first for 5 minutes, increasing to 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, later 20 minutes and later again 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours. When I got stuck, I used “prayer treatment”, I used prayer treatment for specific situations. This was a prayer similar to the prayer that Jesus thought his Disciples. Again, I found over time at the beginning that I was attracting fear entities by the dozen. I even attracted fake entities who gave signal which I assumed were from the Christ Self but they were not. So unless I received a unification experience with God, I did not believe the channel that I received. The signal given to me by my Christ Self never changed. So I am assuming that every person that has a desire to establish contact, their signal will remain constant. I used this to build it into safe guarding the channel. By channel I mean an inner knowing. There were times when I could not get verification signal, somehow I knew by the doubts and fears that I was experiencing that I would be wise not to trust the information coming from the fear related vibration.. The only time that my signal changed was when I was introduced to new Christ teachers and Christ masters. Here I was lifted to a higher vibration and awareness. An inner knowing would occur. I was told that if there was any judgment or fear related material presented to me, to affirm the truth by allowing non judgment, and love to heal the deficient thought forms occupying my mind.

When signals changed, I used to get two other practicing Christ conscious people to verify what this change meant and what it would be wise for me to accept. I had learned early on in my development that other entity would copycat the signal. So I always use double safe guard to verify information. The double safe guard was a complete joy that use to take place with the vibration I received. For me, I received various different types of signals all through my life. The first type of signal that I got was a feeling signal. The palms of my hands use to warm up. This signal was from my Christ Self, it was given before I realized I could communicate with my Christ Self. The next signal was the psycho-kinetic energy of lifting, it was from my “I AM” presence and my body was lifted or apparently lifted. The next signal I received was for verification, sometimes I would think of some thought and my body would verify by feelings of love within my heart that this was indeed from the Christ consciousness.

In the beginning, I used to get low vibration signal which I believed were entities that wanted to move into the light. I would receive “clairvoyant” signals and inner knowing. As time went on, I would receive Holy Fire” and many beautiful sensations that would last for various time spells, during these contacts, I gain great realization about unconditional LOVE. Now some of the feeling I received caused me to weep with joy and sometimes, I could but only bear it. When this happened, I used to send it to whoever needed it. After several months of receiving feedings of Holy fire, my Christ self told me to give it out to others. I became a channel and could do this at will when ever my intention was to empower others.

From a very early age in life, we are thought to judge not to appreciate. We are indoctrinated in the concept of using judgment of “what is good” and “what is bad”. By the very act of judgment, we create separation between us and God. We empower one person and make less of another but in fact we are both in the one mind of God. Jesus knew this when he spoke about judgment. “Judge not least you be judged”. As how can one say that one is better of less than the other when all is one? There is only one God and all life is that consciousness of God. My first judgment was that of my brother, “he was my younger brother and I created a perception that he need more love, so there would be less love for me”. Therefore I had to fend for myself. This act alone created for me separation and I saw myself as less, and it became a reality for me as my brother appeared to be loved to a greater degree. This self judgment by me was wrong. It was a perception that I accepted as true. It would have been better for me to appreciate him and look at the uniqueness of who he really was and who I really was, not put my attention to the fact that I was less than my brother. This act of judgment empowers one and makes less of the other.

With this act of judgment, I saw myself as less, therefore I became less. At four years, I became deaf and this started a series of things that would manifest in my life to fulfill this idea of what less could be. The fact that I was hard up in hearing made me more resolve to become aware, then if I had two good ears and not be aware. My brother was a sickly child and had to be loved more. My mother’s judgment about my brother created for me a desire for independence it wasn’t until my brother joined the army that he finally overcame this dependence on our mother. I on the other hand was not influenced by my parent’s beliefs hence I became independent thinker. As an independent individual, I ventured into my own world gaining insights, wisdom and confidence to empower myself by loose all preconceived ideas of false truths. Then my unique specialness started to develop. My place in the family was always looking in hence I created separation from my family and their limited perceptions which they accepted . So one can see how this self act of separation created for me both inhibition as well as blessings. My life played second best to my brother, until I became aware of the concept of unconditional love. Knowing and feeling God’s love, allow me to know I was loved and over time I healed the error in my thinking.

My second act of judgment was “when I damaged my ear drum and became deaf. I started to analyses why this happened to me. This too, played out its role in my life. If I am less than there must be a reason for that .So I manifested a hearing problem. From the time I became deaf in one ear my personality underwent change .Every body use have to repeat every thing twice for me. I became inhibited in school, I was considered not very bright. I felt that I was less intelligent than others and I developed a coping mechanism by retreating in to my heart. My mind was telling me that other people found it hard to understand me .So people then must be thinking that I am less than them. So I must be less intelligent than others. My brother was 13 months younger than me, so when my brother was born, I had to be second to everything. Firstly to my mothers love, then to my brother ability and too what he could achieves. All of my younger life, I perceived that there was less love for me. This was an error in my thinking as love is unconditional .Love was all around me, what was wrong was my perception .We are all one, we have come to this earth to create something that is so unique and special. These were just too early judgment that I made which created separation from God. Then at 12 years of age, I tried to connect to God because I missed the love that I used to have earlier. But the love never went anywhere. It was always there. It was the perception I had which created the chains of event that took place. With this a different perception, I have grown up to be the consciousness which I now have.

You the reader will be able to see where you might have created separation from love, but remember, the love is always there. It is your perception which has created judgment and it’s the love of Christ which fulfils it. “Christ Consciousness” is universal power. The universal power is directed by thought through the mind. So by creating deficient thoughts, these thoughts will manifest sometime in the future I learned that, the mind or lower ego is the tool we use to create separation from love from the higher source which is “God”. You have an idea in your mind, but often you wonder how that idea got there in the first place. Fear based thoughts stop any thing from coming into existence. I know that the mind of every individual is the medium which spirit puts ideas to take form. So mind is the channel through which the spiritual power takes a certain direction. Mind gives direction to the “spiritual law”. So if our minds have created separation and judge anything less than perfection, then through that process, spiritual law takes direction, which is false and what is demonstrated in our lives has a direct bearing on the content of the mind. So it is a wise man or women who learn to observe the thoughts which are allowed to grow within their mind. Without love the heart is hardened and devoid of presence.

Now, let us examine the thought which enter the mind. As fresh new beings coming into this world, we have clear and open minds. But by our judgments, we have created separation and in doing so; we have created negative thought forms that align with fear.. Also, we have being already influenced by the race mind negative thoughts from everyone who came before us. To add to that, we are reinforced with negative thought forms of (guilt, resentment, self rejection, fear, pride) this may be buried deep in our subconscious mind. One may ask, “How can a person clear this avalanche of negative thoughts, so one can better give direction to mind?”. The answer is, it will be done for you, through your desire to connect to your Christ self. It will be done through your work with the Father in meditation. Here you will experience pure love without thoughts, there is no deficient thought created. Because in God everything that happened in everyone life is accepted with no judgments as God’s love is unconditional. Remember you are hear to birth a new consciousness that will be supported by” all that is”

The first time when I went through the “psychic barrier” I felt negative thoughts, and old perceptions being cleared. Lightness and a knowing came from within. Thought entities that were stopping me making contact were cleared out of my mind. As I felt connected to the Christ self, a great clearing and cleaning of my subconscious mind took place. I had a major emotional reaction my whole body from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet experienced warm electric charges which cascade all over me, It was as if a bolt of lightening passed through me. My perception changed. I became aware of what thoughts my mind was entertaining and I started to see where my focus was bonding to. Also I became aware of what my habitual thoughts were for the last few months. Over time, I let go of old beliefs and negative thought forms which were no longer useful to me. Being individual expressions of God, it is our innate desire to express freely; what you may call your gifts or talents, become possible. Up to that time I had ignored my interest in psychic development, I only delayed the desire, really, because it was always there. It kept raising its head. At regular intervals I was prompted from within very gently to pursue a spiritual journey. After searching outside of my self and allowing others to define what truth was for me, I started to develop spiritually? I was living with false perceptions which I was indoctrinated with since I was born. I repressed my true dynamic expression of life and was living a life which I did not desire. You will have learned that people either express life of repress it. You will be able to look back over your life and see what you actually express and what you repressed. But overtime it will surface; sometimes it will manifest itself as hostility or even rebellion. Also illness or misfortune can vent out the disunity. In my case, I am a diabetic because I created a disunity thought form which may have been chosen by me to learn sensitivity and is manifesting as diabetes. Any thoughts which block your progress of having a wonderful experience could be thought of as mental inhibitor.

Mental inhibitors are block to true life expression. You will not know all your mental inhibitor as one by one they are brought up in front of you by your Christ self within your own mind. When they do, just be honest with yourself and love yourself. Then dissolve them, after all they are just thoughts. Any false thoughts can be dissolved by knowing it’s corresponding true thoughts or ask the Christ Self to give you the corresponding thoughts to re-educate yourself into a greater consciousness of perfection. One way is to re-affirm the truth as the need arises. In the beginning, we lost our identities of “Christ consciousness” and have learned to survive against everything else, as we saw ourselves as individual and separate from God.

Have you the reader ever been held as a prisoner by anyone? Up to passing through the physic barrier I had created my life situation where I felt like a prisoner, but within the prison, I had a life, but a limited life. You the reader have a life. Do you want more? Do you want to realize your dreams? After I went through the physic barrier I did. Before went through that experience was in a prison within my own mind. I was living a limited life with limited situation. My life was been created by my mind which habitually focus on fear. Daily I had to face my fears. For until recently, I lived the life of a man with chains, who accepted the chains and in doing so, I accepted the conflict for my life. I accepted the idea that I was an individualized being and I had to fend for myself. I had to fight for survival; I had to beat others in order to win. I mistakenly felt that I had no value. The question I asked was how could (God) allow me, his son to suffer. Worse, how could a loving Father cause all his sons and daughters to suffer as we do? I felt that God would find a way if I asked to figure out the world which I found myself in. Others who came before me must have asked too. As God did, find a way through Jesus, by sending His Christ consciousness into the dream which I lived and allowed it to take root within my dream. I felt that God knew that the seed would grow and that one day the “Prodigal Son” would wake up and see the error of his thinking. In order to wake up, one must have light to shine into the illusion of the dream. For me, the light was my desire and my desire has been fulfilled. So how did I recognize that I had a problem? You may well know of your problems about money, work, brothers, sisters, food and any circumstances surrounding your dream life. But, do you know what the real problem is?

I throughout my life I have had many problems. One by one, I solved them. Then a new set of problem would raise their head and I equally, tried to solve these as well. There was always one more problem to solve. , At times I felt inadequate and hence, I fell back into the dream. I re-bonded to my fear and fear related issues. My mission was not a success, I failed once again. I had tried to wake up from the dream many times before but also I had failed. My problems were on many levels. They were of a variety of different forms with as much varied content that I was left helpless, so failure was the result. On examination, I realised the complexity of the problem. Then I got an idea to think outside the box to solve the problem, just like the inventor or the modern artist would.

I asked myself “why was the world so unfair” and so not true, what might be the answer to the problem, Many times in my life, I has tried to fix whatever problem presented it’s self to me. But I just created another lot of problems, even worse than before. Until, I came upon the idea after one of my intensive workshops. The idea was, there is just one problem. The problem was “within the perception and the mechanism” that I saw the world in which I was experiencing now. So, when I stopped perceiving the world with only my five senses. I started to meditate to perceive it another way, and from that perspective, I solve the one problem. The answers were always there, but I failed to see them. When I got nearer and nearer the answer, I got drawn back into the false reality, which was the dream again. It was only when I realised what the problem was that I was able to solve it. Then I realised, I had the means to solve the problem. It came about for me in realizing that I was not an individualized being who had to fight for survival, but that was indeed A Christ of “I AM ALL THAT I AM” (God). So too was everyone else. Equally all life is the conscious of the Christ consciousness. All that was necessary for me was to acknowledge the truth and that alone would set me free. When I recognized that the one problem was solved, I started to see that I had no problem. It was like the story about” the king who had no cloths.”It just needed to be said. A sense of peace filled my being and acute awareness grew within my being which set me free. Now I am ready to take my rightful place in God plan for my salvation and support others as well.

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Shift To Wisdom and Guidance by Self Realizing All Is In A State Of Becoming


Ever since I was a young child, I have always taken a keen interest in the subject of “Philosophy”. I took a particular interest in Rene Descartes who wrote “I Think, Therefore I Am”. Possibly due to the importance and attention that this man got for his work on thinking and allowing the superior label be put on this work gave rise to a complete split away from paying attention to feelings and intuitive knowing that was meant to be. This created a split away from spirit and the intention of spirit. This line of thought started way back at 1637 A.D. But now as we are well on our way through 2016, what is becoming apparent now is that there are many different level of mind , that have become accepted by science and those who study” what consciousness is” All life is imbued with Christ consciousness, as creation is the projected perfect thought of God. 

From my own experience, I have experienced frontiers and realms beyond time and space. I call these realms “Secret Things of God waiting to be realized”. Dr. Mantir Samanta – Laughton said “This world is not devoid of meaning or thought, but one alive with consciousness where we dance in a field of light imbued with the mind of God”.

Jesus spoke about “The Comforter, Holy Ghost” who is always with us. The Holy Ghost who is the invisible substance which has a vibratory power of God and is always sustaining the universe, hence it vibrates at all levels. Within the Holy Ghost, cosmic vibration is the all pervading Christ, the only begotten Son or Consciousness of Father Mother God and is pure love.

The world perceptions are changing and new discoveries and awakenings are happening everyday. The Christ Consciousness is imbued into all creation at every level. But what is now taken place is an expansion of human consciousness making ready the ability to receive the ocean of Christ Consciousness, to guide the population to their true reality. This true reality is “We are all Christ’s”. We are all “Christ beings” having a human experience. I now wish to briefly discuss what actually this means.

When something is imbue with a quality, that quality has the power to be utilized and to be realized. Having read the gospel of Thomas, where Jesus said “I am not your Master, because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out”. So I realized, I was drinking from the wisdom through the Holy Ghost of His perceptions. All this wisdom was given unto me so that I could experience within my knowing the Christ mind. This now is the path which the whole world is now embracing.

The Diamond River of Light is now flowing through all life. The Christ mind is coming into being for all those who desire truth. Very soon, all will begin to start to resurrect within themselves the infinite Christ Consciousness; hence they will put on the mind of Christ.

When I made my confirmation at the age of 12, I felt a small glimmer of energy running through my body. In preparation for the sacrament of confirmation, my teacher spoke about the Exodus from Egypt. My teacher was a student of Kabalistic tradition. He told us that journey from bondage as slaves in Egypt to the Promised Land was the journey we all will take. He spoke of the spiritual journey home to the expanded self of knowing our true nature. He told us that all will at some time embark this journey consciously. The world is now embarking this journey in earnest. As we are all waiting for this new paradigm to be realized?

By embracing the spiritual journey, one begins to be self-realized. Just as in the beginning when God above and beyond all things, the cosmic bachelor spirit created the perfect idea to manifest the cosmic Virgin Mary or Cosmic Vibration given birth to his reflection, the only Begotten Son “Christ Consciousness” present in all level s of creation. Each individual identity is imbued to be self-realized of its origins. I bring your attention to what Saint John said “As many as received Him to them gave He the power to become the Sons of God”. Sons imply many. So Jesus said, “Follow Me”. In order to follow Jesus, it would be wise to master the fear based mind and strive toward the developing a Christ Consciousness state of mind, where you become self-realized of your origin and the love, wisdom and truth of your true being.

Before I started meditating, I suffered because of the limitations of only using the five senses. But when I developed the ability to still the mind, I was able over time to broaden my senses to develop the sixth sense of intuition, the seventh sense of Diamond heart Awareness and now eighth sense of Christ Conscious awareness.
I am now going to write about the different levels that one would have access to through meditation. These concepts are not entirely new, you the reader may know of some of these ideas and concepts. But to give you an overall picture, I will name and label them as follows.

Physical Body
The physical body allows the daunting experience of complete separation from spirit. We come from various levels of awareness into the physical body to experience process through the bonding to a limited perception. All experience will crystallize into well defined and permanent limited awareness of the consciousness we truly are. So we keep our focus on the five senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

Etheric Body
The esthetic body is an overlay in the form of a subtle sheet composed of various energies vital for the production of the electro-magnetic field which one feed energy from the interlinking chakra system. The Esthetic body feeds into the endocrine glands which function as to process the many different type of consciousness with the discovery of experiences at this level, one is aware of the energy around them.

Astral/Emotional Body
The astral body allows us to experience imagination, dreams and a full range of emotions ranging from fear to love. Also call the desire body which holds all desires which were being created through the ego, where one believes they are separate entity that is separated, isolated and full of negative perceptions. This has a range of perception of hell to complete bliss. The awareness of the astral body can magnified by meditation, psychic development and can be experience by experiencing different types of trauma and by taking drugs. Drugs are not advisable

Mental Body 
One perceives and relates to the outer object world through their outer objective mind called the conscious mind. With this conscious mind one thinks chooses and with capable reasoning forms conclusion through logic and perception.. The conscious mind has the ability to discern and create thoughts, concepts and foster certain beliefs. But with meditation, one starts to develop the ability not only discerning very specific and detailed data, but to realize the power that the intuition and intention of life’s purpose has to provide wisdom of the next step on the road of becoming. The practice of meditation will support all to become more. As with meditation new perceptions and the ability to integrate with the Christ mind (the supper consciousness mind) allows for the truth to be self realize, to who you are and the power you have access to. Then having accessed the supper consciousness mind, be able to perceive unified embracing thought which lead to the development of an awakened mind and eventually to develop “Christ Consciousness awareness. You could say the awaken mind has the ability to access clairaudience, clairsentience, psychometric and different levels of clairvoyance. This is dependant on which level one experience feelings coming from one own spirit self. Also how one interprets those feelings. 

In order to discuss the mental body one has to take into account the ability to utilize all 3 aspects of the mental body. These aspects are the lower mental body or lower mind where one is concerned with fact and figures and accepted data that the lower mind accepts as truth. The next aspect is the higher mental body; here we tend to apply judgment and the power of discrimination using the information that experience gives us. These first 2 parts are mainly concerned with the facility of discerning very specific and detail data and then making judgment on the acquired data. With the conscious mind operating on only the lower mental awareness, and the higher mind without access to intuition one rises only to a level of the ego, and looses out on the ability to gain wisdom . At this level one can think, choose and with cognition form conclusion through logic and reasoning. But the accepted truth is incomplete or lacks the full truth. This leads me on to the higher mental intuitive body. The best way to understand intuition is realizing you can access the wisdom of your inner self (Christ Self) It is by listen to your own spirit self you can access the non physical aspect of the intelligence that created you. Here lies the power of the ability of been in touch with your emotions and the guidance been presented. Your own Christ Self will not willing go along with your deficient ideas and thoughts that are based on fear and fear related issues and coming from incomplete information. So there is a requirement to disassociate from the limited perception of the fearful mind. This is why meditation supports where you put your attention, by giving you the ability to commune with the spirit.

The Christ Body 
The Christ body contains the archetype of the perfect union of the inner and the outer reality, which is the perfect union of spirit and matter. The Christ child is the realization of the perfect idea made manifest on earth. The embodiment of this state of consciousness is what our life is really all about. Then the ego and the Christ mind become one. 
Pure Christ consciousness is characterized by an expansion of identity in steps. First the Christ teachers announce themselves. They prepare you to receive your Christ self. This allows you to experience compassion and love for all, your consciousness goes beyond reflections of the Mental or Astral levels, of consciousness where a state of ecstatic individual self transcendence takes place. Feelings of intense love are feed into your body and continue to a plateau of orgasmic ecstasy. Every New Bliss is experienced; until that time comes to let go all deficient thought and ideas less than love go. When you are in advanced state of inner communication with your Christ self you will be in a state continual ecstatic union with others. It is a state of intense love and communication with Father Mother God and all life.

This level is greatly misunderstood as within this body conscious is undifferentiated awareness so there is no real sense of individuality instead there is pure equality and a complete transcendence of the experience of all. Extreme sense of peace and the ability to see truth, hear sound, and know one’s nature is love, by accepting the wisdom which is characterized my omnipotence cosmic presence and the ability to unfold the progress of creation. If highly developed it knows that all is one. It perceives it is acting through all living creatures on all levels within existence. Specific laws govern the atma body.

The Monadic Body
This level of awareness can be best be described an un-extended indivisible and indestructible entity that is the ultimate constituent of the universe as well as been the microcosm of it. Experiences at this level, one is able to receive pure universal spiritual flame within their consciousness. The soul has acquired wisdom from the divine flame and has access to al levels below. Having experienced this level of consciousness, there is a direct relationship with the evolution of consciousness for all life.

The Logoic body
I can only give you an account of the brief experiences that I have experienced at this level of awareness. From my own personal experiences, awareness at this level is fundamentally Love. With the development of love and faith one enters into developing will and power. One then becomes aware that all is one. All power is from the one mind of Father Mother God, and can to be realized by all. While living on this level of existence, it briefly shows itself to the soul that is dismantling the Ego. It also demonstrates the unconditional love aspect of its knowing. It is at this level that one perceives all as love. There is a knowing that all is in a state of becoming and deserves to be supported with unconditional love. The laws govern form within a stellar body are now bringing all to a place within their consciousness to be self realized Christ’s. Here one starts to forgive, as this is the quality the Jesus demonstrated .When he said” Father forgive them, they know not what they do “.

The soul’s journey reaches it final destination when it become aware of its origins, then as you unite your lower consciousness with God, you begin to know God. You put on the mind of Christ. Without self realization you will feel a presence and the eminent nature of spirit merging within you. But in order to receive this new consciousness, it would be wise to empty out the consciousness which is based on fear and false truth of misconception of reality handed down from the beginning of time. Before you put on the mind of Christ, it is necessary to integrate your experience so as to understand the wisdom coming from the Diamond heart of God. “The Diamond River of Light” will merge within you to the wonder feeling of ever new bliss as result of been consciously be aware of the Love you are, the perfect reflected intelligence which is the Christ Consciousness made manifested on earth through us all. With the souls inherent intuitive sense awareness of God’s omnipresence what has obscured the soul from the truth will be unveiled by the ability to receive wisdom directly from the Christ Self, the true identity who is now aware of the Christ level of awareness of the Father Mother God of “All That Is”.

To support the unveiling of truth, I have prepared a process which I would like to share with you the seekers of truth. Our minds are drunk with delusion as we depend on only our five senses. Science has proving that this is most unproductive state of mind. (Cade research) I covered this already in one of my earlier articles in the pearls of wisdom section. It is this delusion that obliterates our true perceptions. We will not be able to apprehend the light of God vibrating through out creations until we become still. I have found from my own experience that the darkness of delusion that bonds me to fear goes away and into its place intuitions prevails allowing the “Diamond River of Light” awaken the “Diamond heart Awareness” revealing ourselves as light, love and wisdom.“That was the true light which lighted’ every man that cometh unto to the world” John 1:19” the significant problems we face in life just need light to be shined on them. What is light but love? So by giving love to all apparent problems, we can learn to release old feeling and thoughts that do not honor us or our true nature. 

I practice a method to release old thoughts and associated feeling which I call inner Christ letting go. I wish now to share the process with you.

Preparation to receive the Christ Self – Set aside space, time and attention to receive peace within your being. Be still and know I am .You can use certain prayers or you can be guided from within your own heart. This is the prayer I use and feel free to use it.
“I call forth the collective wisdom flame of the Diamond heart of The Father Mother God of which Love Wisdom, and power are being projected into my consciousness to be absorbed into my four lower bodies to support the transmutation of every trace of in- harmony, every perceived negative thought, word, miss judged feeling, or action that I have judged as less than love. In the sacred name of God “I AM”. I call forth my Holy Christ Self __________. (When you learn the name, you can apply)

“I Am” within the truth of love, wisdom and power. It expands my consciousness; it fills my awareness with power and authority of the presence of God. I ask this presence to remove all miss qualified energy of deficient thoughts and judgment of feeling coming up within my body to be released. Cut free all thoughts, ideas and concepts that bound me to this past energy. Cut free all thoughts that are less than love. Oh beloved Supreme Presence from every part and particle of God’s plan for me to materialize into my life now. Expand my consciousness so as it become stable in all vibratory realms of my being. Support me in realizing the presence of the immaculate Christ Consciousness in the all pervasive cosmic vibration through out creation” in all levels of my being. On and within my physical body,( slight pause to allow the experience to manifest within your consciousness )on and within my enteric level , pause ___, on and within my emotional body, ___pause ,___ on and within my mental body,___ on and within my intuitional levels,___ on and within my atomic body ,___on and within my Monadic level,___ on and within my logic levels,___ Since I am infinite, I make this call for all levels of my being. I ask this to be kept in place to support my every expanding consciousness. Thank you Father Mother God, and so it is now. 

Release every crystallize thought that I have created out of my focus on fear based ideas, concepts, judgments that were less than love within the core of my being. .For all is love. Release from the co –mind of Father Mother God all energies that have ever been created by me that are less than love. 

Before saying this prayer, one need to examine what is their focus. Usually we focus on our fears. I would ask you to regard intention in every thing you do as your divine work. Respect all; develop compassion and forgiveness for self and others. I remind you of what Jesus said “But I say unto you, I will not drink hence forth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father Kingdom” Matthew 26:29 so by developing the Christ consciousness awareness within you being, you too will drink of the divine bliss.

PEARLS OF WISDOM – PART I (Shift To Wisdom and Access Diamond Heart Awareness)



When we come to this earth through the process of birth, we are unaware of “who we are”. Our awareness is that of another world “We are lost to our true reality, which is one with “all that is” and we have been lost since the beginning of time. This experience of been lost is because we choose to take this position, in order to find our true nature. But as we experience separation a spiritual darkness enters into the consciousness. Our focus of attention is now directed to the physical world . So all action come now with a result and actions taken are intentional and will incur karma. It is our bonding to the result which creates attachment and this attachment will incur karma,especially when we believe that the self exist as a separate entity. If it is the case that the self the anti Christ exist then the small self (ego) will create separation from “all that is” and the results is now separation. This separation is experienced as a separate me against the world, hence a separate ego full of fear is born. This ego need to defend itself, also to stay in existence by keeping you from your true Christ Self. Thus the true identity and nature of the infinite Christ consciousness that we posses is lost.

The belief that the ego self exist really creates separation. It is perpetuated by the belief of self as separate that causes the suffering. Then living as a separate individual being reinforces the now separate ego self. So as we go through life and ever increasing idea of identity becomes real. Jesus message and wisdom was “I and the Father are One” and He came so we could have more. He also said “Greater thing shall you do than I have done”. To follow Jesus, it is essential to dissolve and transmute and transcend karma. This is carried out by embracing the spiritual journey.

I found it very difficult to release the existence of the self as the sole doer of my life. I also found it difficult that all actions are the manifestation of the grace of God as God is not separate from His creation but interwoven into it at every level. I try now to live in the moment. This allows me to experience and accept things as they are while not attaching any outcome that creates fear of not been able to achieve a certain outcome. Jesus said “let the self die”. So in reality, one has to lose oneself to be free of a desired result, hence there is no attachment to the result in no karma been created and gives the ability to live in the now moment, moment by moment. It is only by developing the wisdom to abandon both the self that is doing the work or task and the self that desires certain results, for this alone nurtured freedom from the results. Another way to look at it is to abandon the self and become the activity or task experiencing the moment in its entirety .

If you have not read the article on hallmarks of focus which I wrote a couple of months ago, please do” Please refer to it ,to help you understand how the law of receptivity works within your life.
When I look at the present reality now, my mind objectifies it. It uses the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell) which give me a certain perceptions which allow me to take action and gain a result. But when I do not have enough information, I tap into the sixth sense of intuition and the seventh sense of Diamond heart awareness. It is within these inner sensing abilities that the perception and wisdom becomes available to me. This allows me to trust and become the partner with the universe where all resistance falls away. Universal life “God” is the prime movement or activity in all life. God is constantly creating from itself and manifesting into “all that is” as form.

God created the world and saw it was good. So God creates through self contemplation. Remember in the beginning, God created an idea to create the perfect son, the Christ consciousness child of spirit. It was the perfect idea that was projected into it self. It self then became the medium or substrate through which all ideas were manifested. It is the projected idea that is objective by nature which we can call “the masculine nature”. This objective nature by its very existence has will and absolute choice with the power to act. “All that is” had the wisdom to create out of itself a vessel to project ideas unto itself. The aspect of “all that is” is the subjective or the feminine nature. Since the masculine or objective nature has the absolute choice, the feminine nature has no will of its own other than to accept all respondent ideas that are projected unto it and to support their growth. Also to develop these ideas through the “law of growth”. This subjective nature or feminine aspect is called “the spiritual law of receptivity” because it always acts without judgment to give the identical form to whatever is projected upon it from the masculine nature.

In the beginning God said, “ Let there be light”, this light is the Christ consciousness the only begotten son of God child of spirit. This was the first coming of the Christ. What is taken place now is the second coming of Christ. The second coming will take place within you and all who embrace the truth of existence. It was by speaking the word that the projected idea was implanted in the feminine aspect of God, hence creation was off and running. God at this plane of existence communicates to all by a particularization of “all that is” by means of two complimentary and symbiotic nature through our thoughts and feelings. I would like to remind you at this point, you the reader of a time when you became aware of your heart prompting you to one course of action and your head prompting you a different way. It is here that you realized that you have two masters (your head and your heart) and within this situation you become powerless through fear and lack of clarity.

The masculine nature has been diluted down to attract fear due to its separation from “all that is “and it is this fear that suggests , that the law of attraction bonds to. So the belief and focused attention keeps mankind from realizing their true self. The true self is a Christ being . But now the anti-Christ has taken over and hides from the conscious mind the truth. It is this fear and the focus you put your attention fearing a certain outcome that is implanted into the spiritual law which creates unconditionally the identical form into existence therefore, it is. One can now see it is the masculine nature or objective mind which includes the intellect and the capable reasoning faculties that has been diluted down as the results of the attracted fear. Add to this, certain limiting beliefs that are accepted as truth, will influence the manifestation and colour it , depending on our use of the law of receptivity as individual, separate beliefs fulfills the personal law of limiting belief.

While grown up as a young child, I was not aware that whatever I gave my attention to by a fact I feared that result, I was projecting ideas into the spiritual law of receptivity and I would attract what I fear most into my life. I now know after much discovery that every thought which I accept into my subconscious, registers in the book of life and will manifest. Every word that I project out will be fueled by the emotion in my heart. So I try to let all ideas, concepts and judgment from my heart go allowing the feeling of unconditional love fill my heart. Remember Jesus words, “ Are ye also yet without understanding”” Do not ye yet understand that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into belly and is cast out into the drought. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile man”

As an individual while on my spiritual journey, I obtained a certain degree of peace and freedom. Now I can intuitively merge with the reality of another person and through the awareness of my heart obtain wisdom to facilitate their next step.

True wisdom can only be access by apply unconditional love to all aspects of what is. Then the resulting Christ consciousness will transcend both the subjective and objective view points and creating a higher consciousness of direct wisdom for a bi-lateral solution in thinking for the next step.

All egocentric desires where one believes that they are separate from “all that is “creates karma. If we examine the world religious, they fail to support the seeker to gain control over their created negative thoughts and actions. So, more and more people are tuning to meditation and various other methods to develop the mind. It is important to now develop and awaken other states of awareness.

It is by becoming conscious within meditation by been the witness and having developed the ability to disassociate oneself from what one observes that allow the letting go to attachment to begin. When all of the letting go to attachment is realized, the associated feeling will fall away and in there place a new awareness will announce itself as Love.

When one first begins to practice meditation, the desired outcome may not be realized as the participant will not be able to withstand the deluge of constant ideas and concepts which will distract them. The idea of meditation is to allow awareness of the content of ideas in the subconscious that does not serve you anymore to go pass through your mind as an observer and not to get involved in interacting with them. Just witness them. Then as the astral body becomes purified, a sense of peace is achieved as a result of gaining control over emotions and the imagination. Then your work really begins to transcend your karma. It is now time to surrender without knowing the outcome. The diamond river of light will awaken you to the diamond heart awareness which resides in the deepest core of your heart.

This magical awareness is unknowable; it can not be described or prepared for. When all the work of letting go to attachment becomes an awareness. It becomes time to live in the “Now Moment.” For me, this is the mysterious, magical and intriguing part of the trust with “All That Is“. The past couple of months challenged me to let go all the limiting beliefs that were holding me back.
For every given day, I am possessed by various levels of fear and joy that I cannot control. It is enough for me to allow without resistance what is and release my fears on a daily basis and let the power of release create for me passion for existence and there by letting go in order to meet my future self. At the same time blessing every experience and feeling the love sweep through my body. Letting time take it proper place while letting it change all that exists. It is by listening to my receptive innocence from within my heart and that I become aware of the still small voice “my inner teacher”, The Christ Self.. This voice reminds me of a new vision. This new vision has been living on the inner core of my being and consciousness, and is now asking me to take responsibility for the work at hand. Divine Intention is working through all life. God is coming into the world in a new way. He will reveal himself in all of us as we are all in the DiamondHeart of God where all facets are of the one substance called Love. All are equal and all have equal potential to manifest heaven on earth. We have free will to not focus on deficient ideas and thoughts which were introduced into the world from the beginning of time. “I am All That I Am” lives within us and through our being. We are starting to conduct His power all around us. God is Love, Wisdom and Truth and you will know the manifestation of the Christ within your own consciousness by these virtues. There is nothing greater than love; wisdom and truth for these principles are the cornerstone of developing Christ consciousness awareness within you. God’s love brings forth life, His wisdom brings forth light and His truth brings forth freedom that destroys fear. It would be wise to merge with the love nature of God being, as without merging we create separation which leads to fear. The path we walk in life leads only to love and when we are filled with God’s love our bodies becomes shining, majestic and invincible. To support this paradigm shift, it would be wise to start your own spiritual journey so you are ready to receive within your own knowing and own consciousness the knowing that you are one with all life and “all that is” and that your very nature is LOVE.

Trust the Divine Intelligence of the Inner Christ


Trust is something that has become harder and harder to find, due to past experiences which the separate mind is not willing to let go . Hence we all live our lives from the fear of miss trust. We don’t trust our friends.  and our partners and our children. This leads to our governments , our laws and the way we do business.

We question our doctors, we worry about the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. So one can see that the habit of miss trust is a real one. Our daily thoughts that we imagine into being are co created due to lack of awareness . Awake, Awake Awake, to the fact that we reflect back to the world what we think into creation. This is magnetized by the energy of the heart.

We lock our doors at night because we don’t trust the people who live down the street or anyone who may be traveling through our neighborhood. In this increasing environment of fear and distrust that we live in, our ability to trust each other has also deteriorated. The present migration taken place in the world to day is creating miss trust.  Instead of trusting someone until we are wronged, we automatically assume the opposite, that they are guilty until proven innocent. So our starting out focus of attention is summing into our life’s the very situations we think into being.

Our own life experience gave us reason to be miss trustful.As we live our lives, there are many things that can create feelings of distrust toward others in our psyches. We acquire these habits  growing up,in a volatile environment of emotional pain brought on by belief in separation from our good. This creates abuse and neglect and  set the stage for distrusting others from our earliest of days. The subconscious separate mind accepts all information that we believe ,regardless of new perception and the application of wisdom.  As an adult we  all have  suffer the pain afflicted by others though their put downs, belittling or victimization, where we lose our self esteem and ultimately learn that we cannot believe in ourselves let alone others.

By embracing unconditional love one has moments of self realization This focus on fears attracts more to be feared and dis- trusted. Over time, the scars that we carry around from this deep emotional wounding cause us to shut parts of ourselves down. This hardens the heart and creates reason for believing in fear. where we are fearful of opening ourselves up to others and only to be hurt again.

As one embraces unconditional love , one acknowledges universal divine intelligence and love as their bases for growth on their spiritual path. For love bonds us collectively to others as one family of man. The more one embraces unconditional love the more one becomes whole and starts to feel their own body wisdom. As we go deeper right into our sensitivity of the awaken heart one will experience an accelerated period of spiritual growth and daily break through in the real definition of what love is. This will create in you greater clarity in making better decisions  using the principles of love. With each meditation and act of service of love ,one’s consciousness will expand.

Trusting your own divine guidance will come with the energy of love. Your spirit flows and your co creation abilities work best while you allow all other grow into their own awareness of the fullest expression of the inner Self the Christ within. Trusting that change is purposeful and good and is in all our life paths as a process of our own life experience to become more love.

Transformation of all ways of thinking,  feeling and knowing will creates higher vibrations of love so pure that will be able to transform our own lives as well as other. As we change our life will unfold a purposeful reason for accepting a change in consciousness from fear and lack of trust to love and trusting our good.

Shift to Wisdom and Experience Life Unconditionally

Shift to wisdom by actually giving thanks for all your life experiences.

Believing we are separate from our good, puts conditions on the need to be self- reliant in making our good happen. The conditions create walls of belief and limitations of creating our desired out- come. Our own deficient thoughts and our own focus on limitations is always projected back on to our life experiences. What we think into the world of form is co -created by us.. The word spiritual is used to describe that which relates the human spirit, which is not of this world. It goes beyond the material. Nothing is created in the world of form without first be created in the spiritual level , it then manifests in the perfect right time. The greatest and only true foundation for manifesting anything is joining your separate consciousness with the will of “ I Am All That I Am”

Spirituality is about appreciating all aspects of life fully. Most of us have learned to experience the world in a very superficial way. But there is so much more just below the surface. The more is reached by embracing the principles of love. The door is the” Christ self level of awareness” which is born as the inner teacher the Christ Self.

Spirituality embraces all religions because it recognizes that all of them are different paths to the same destination. All lead to the Divine Presence of “I am All That I Am”

If you’d like to further cultivate your spirituality, consider these ideas:

Practice openness and truthfulness. Our tendency is to judge things by our past experiences. But what about this now , new now moment. When faced with something new, try to keep an open and non-judgmental mind. New opportunities to learn and expand your perspective are all around you. Attaining a higher sense of spirituality requires being open to the possibilities. Meditation stills the separate conscious mind and supports your desire to expand you consciousness. Over time one will root themselves in an expanded consciousness. This in turn roots one to Divine wisdom and new perceptions. With discovery and new perceptions one can act on divine wisdom to improve their own life experiences.

Learn to listen. Few people really listen. Most of us are simply waiting for our turn to talk. But it’s not just about listening with your ears. It’s about listening with your heart to hear what the world is trying to communicate to you. As one develops the resonance of truth within the heart all false truth will be challenged. The inner Christ will cut away all that does not serve you. For it will lack the vibration of love.

See the beauty in people, things, and situations, for all are in the process of becoming more. Part of spirituality involves seeing the truth. There is beauty to be found in nearly everything and recognizing it is part of recognizing the truth. Your own body wisdom will be communicating to you through you ability to sense the love and inner knowing of what truth is.

When you see the truth, you come to realize there are very few things to worry about. New found confidence will become apparent. It will be confirmed by the vibration of love felt within your own body wisdom. The awakened soul ,the Christ attracts the body of Christ ,Christ being the perfect reflection “I Am All That I Am” The ruling Christ Consciousness the Divine son ordaughter daughter intelligence will be ables to receive the inner knowing of being one with “I am All That I Am”

Spend some time in nature. There are few things more spiritual than sitting in nature with the sun on your face and the breeze pressing against your back. Experience the trees, grass, flowers, and birds. Fully understand the five senses. Only then will the other senses be awakened. Give gratuities for what perceptions you have now and ask for more.

Look for the bigger picture. . Have it your intention to grow in truth and greater awareness Be amazed with life and your own life experiences. The act of wondering about the universe and what it all means is an exercise is spirituality and creating greater awareness.

Consider your own purpose and true meaning to the world. What is the greatest gift you have to give?

An awakening consciousness is ultimately about self-discovery. It can be considered the art and science of discovering who and what you really are. Knowing your are living in source ,all one has to do is trust , believe and know through what is confirmed through the resonance of truth felt with the body.

Stay focused on the present. Living in the past or the future isn’t living. Life can only be lived right now. Joy and bliss can only be received in this now new moment. Part of being spiritual is recognizing that living a positive life today leads to good things tomorrow.. Keep your own thoughts pure, free from judgments and self-discouragement.

Spend time each day focusing only on the moment you’re currently experiencing. Adapt a childlike approach to all of your experiences. Know you have received those experiences to wake you up.

By focusing on your thoughts, words, and actions today you have the ultimate amount of control over your life. By keeping your thoughts pure and non- judgmental and trusting you are one with “I Am All That I Am” you become a co-creator consciously.

Love yourself for all of you is in the process of becoming more. If you don’t love yourself, how will you ever feel comfortable enough to present your true self to the world? Live the truth of who you have become. We’ve all done things the wrong way and come up short numerous times, but it doesn’t define us. It merely describes us in a certain situation at a certain time. But with greater awareness and new perceptions all that will change for the better.

Allow yourself to be inspired. To fully learn about yourself, it’s important to experience new things. Meet new people and read new books. Only by being exposed to everything that interests you can you learn everything there is to know about yourself. Being non- judgmental at our selves encourages us to become more.

If you’ve ever been dissatisfied with your life and thought, “There must be something more” you’re absolutely right. There’s a whole lot more. Learning about yourself and your place in the world might even be the true meaning of life. But that’s for you to decide and discover.
Jesus and the mount of transfiguration were seen with Peter, James and John .Peter represents faith in the invisible forces being made visible. Through thought and intention and faith in the invisible forces working for our good we develop trust in Divine guidance which resonates within our whole being. which makes all things possible. With more and more people practicing meditation the Christ light is becoming an accepted truth for all.