Tag: love

Who are we. what are we capable of manifesting-What about the manifesting of love.


When we come to this earth through the process of birth, we are unaware of “who we are”. Our awareness is that of another world “We are lost to our true reality, which is one with “all that is” and we have been lost since the beginning of time. This experience of been lost is because we choose to take this position, in order to find our true nature. But as we experience separation a spiritual darkness enters into the consciousness. Our focus of attention is now directed to the physical world . So all action come now with a result and actions taken are intentional and will incur karma. It is our bonding to the result which creates attachment and this attachment will incur karma,especially when we believe that the self exist as a separate entity. If it is the case that the self the anti Christ exist then the small self (ego) will create separation from “all that is” and the results is now separation. This separation is experienced as a separate me against the world, hence a separate ego full of fear is born. This ego need to defend itself, also to stay in existance by keeping you from your true Christ Self. Thus the true identity and nature of the infinite Christ consciousness that we posses is lost. The belief that the ego self exist really creates separation. It is perpetuated by the belief of self as separate that causes the suffering. Then living as a separate individual being reinforces the now separate ego self. So as we go through life and ever increasing idea of identity becomes real. Jesus message and wisdom was “I and the Father are One” and He came so we could have more. He also said “Greater thing shall you do than I have done”. To follow Jesus, it is essential to dissolve and transmute and transcend karma. This is carried out by embracing the spiritual journey.
I found it very difficult to release the existence of the self as the sole doer of my life. I also found it difficult that all actions are the manifestation of the grace of God as God is not separate from His creation but interwoven into it at every level. I try now to live in the moment. This allows me to experience and accept things as they are while not attaching any outcome that creates fear of not been able to achieve a certain outcome. Jesus said “let the self die”. So in reality, one has to lose oneself to be free of a desired result, hence there is no attachment to the result in no karma been created and gives the ability to live in the now moment, moment by moment. It is only by developing the wisdom to abandon both the self that is doing the work or task and the self that desires certain results, for this alone nurtured freedom from the results. Another way to look at it is to abandon the self and become the activity or task experiencing the moment in its entirety . If you have not read the article on hallmarks of focus which I wrote a couple of months ago, please do” Please refer to it ,to help you understand how the law of receptivity works within your life.
When I look at the present reality now, my mind objectifies it. It uses the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell) which give me a certain perceptions which allow me to take action and gain a result. But when I do not have enough information, I tap into the sixth sense of intuition and the seventh sense of Diamond heart awareness. It is within these inner sensing abilities that the perception and wisdom becomes available to me. This allows me to trust and become the partner with the universe where all resistance falls away. Universal life “God” is the prime movement or activity in all life. God is constantly creating from itself and manifesting into “all that is” as form.
God created the world and saw it was good. So God creates through self contemplation. Remember in the beginning, God created an idea to create the perfect son, the Christ consciousness child of spirit. It was the perfect idea that was projected into it self. It self then became the medium or substrate through which all ideas were manifested. It is the projected idea that is objective by nature which we can call “the masculine nature”. This objective nature by its very existence has will and absolute choice with the power to act. “All that is” had the wisdom to create out of itself a vessel to project ideas unto itself. The aspect of “all that is” is the subjective or the feminine nature. Since the masculine or objective nature has the absolute choice, the feminine nature has no will of its own other than to accept all respondent ideas that are projected unto it and to support their growth. Also to develop these ideas through the “law of growth”. This subjective nature or feminine aspect is called “the spiritual law of receptivity” because it always acts without judgment to give the identical form to whatever is projected upon it from the masculine nature.
In the beginning God said, “ Let there be light”, this light is the Christ consciousness the only begotten son of God child of spirit. This was the first coming of the Christ. What is taken place now is the second coming of Christ. The second coming will take place within you and all who embrace the truth of existence. It was by speaking the word that the projected idea was implanted in the feminine aspect of God, hence creation was off and running. God at this plane of existence communicates to all by a particularization of “all that is” by means of two complimentary and symbiotic nature through our thoughts and feelings. I would like to remind you at this point, you the reader of a time when you became aware of your heart prompting you to one course of action and your head prompting you a different way. It is here that you realized that you have two masters (your head and your heart) and within this situation you become powerless through fear and lack of clarity.
The masculine nature has been diluted down to attract fear due to its separation from “all that is “and it is this fear that suggests , that the law of attraction bonds to. So the belief and focused attention keeps mankind from realizing their true self. The true self is a Christ being . But now the anti-Christ has taken over and hides from the conscious mind the truth. It is this fear and the focus you put your attention fearing a certain outcome that is implanted into the spiritual law which creates unconditionally the identical form into existence therefore, it is. One can now see it is the masculine nature or objective mind which includes the intellect and the capable reasoning faculties that has been diluted down as the results of the attracted fear. Add to this, certain limiting beliefs that are accepted as truth, will influence the manifestation and colour it , depending on our use of the law of receptivity as individual, separate beliefs fulfils the personal law of limiting belief.
While grown up as a young child, I was not aware that whatever I gave my attention to by a fact I feared that result, I was projecting ideas into the spiritual law of receptivity and I would attract what I fear most into my life. I now know after much discovery that every thought which I accept into my subconscious, registers in the book of life and will manifest. Every word that I project out will be fuelled by the emotion in my heart. So I try to let all ideas, concepts and judgment from my heart go allowing the feeling of unconditional love fill my heart. Remember Jesus words, “ Are ye also yet without understanding”” Do not ye yet understand that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into belly and is cast out into the draught. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile man”
As an individual while on my spiritual journey, I obtained a certain degree of peace and freedom. Now I can intuitively merge with the reality of another person and through the awareness of my heart obtain wisdom to facilitate their next step.
True wisdom can only be access by apply unconditional love to all aspects of what is. Then the resulting Christ consciousness will transcend both the subjective and objective view points and creating a higher consciousness of direct wisdom for a bi-lateral solution in thinking for the next step.
All egocentric desires where one believes that they are separate from “all that is “creates karma. If we examine the world religious, they fail to support the seeker to gain control over their created negative thoughts and actions. So, more and more people are tuning to meditation and various other methods to develop the mind. It is important to now develop and awaken other states of awareness.
It is by becoming conscious within meditation by been the witness and having developed the ability to disassociate oneself from what one observes that allow the letting go to attachment to begin. When all of the letting go to attachment is realized, the associated feeling will fall away and in there place a new awareness will announce itself as Love.
When one first begins to practice meditation, the desired outcome may not be realized as the participant will not be able to withstand the deluge of constant ideas and concepts which will distract them. The idea of meditation is to allow awareness of the content of ideas in the subconscious that does not serve you anymore to go pass through your mind as an observer and not to get involved in interacting with them. Just witness them. Then as the astral body becomes purified, a sense of peace is achieved as a result of gaining control over emotions and the imagination. Then your work really begins to transcend your karma. It is now time to surrender without knowing the outcome. The diamond river of light will awaken you to the diamond heart awareness which resides in the deepest core of your heart.
This magical awareness is unknowable; it can not be described or prepared for. When all the work of letting go to attachment becomes an awareness. It becomes time to live in the “Now Moment.” For me, this is the mysterious, magical and intriguing part of the trust with “All That Is“. The past couple of months challenged me to let go all the limiting beliefs that were holding me back.
For every given day, I am possessed by various levels of fear and joy that I cannot control. It is enough for me to allow without resistance what is and release my fears on a daily basis and let the power of release create for me passion for existence and there by letting go in order to meet my future self. At the same time blessing every experience and feeling the love sweep through my body. Letting time take it proper place while letting it change all that exists. It is by listening to my receptive innocence from within my heart and that I become aware of the still small voice “my inner teacher”, The Christ Self.. This voice reminds me of a new vision. This new vision has been living on the inner core of my being and consciousness, and is now asking me to take responsibility for the work at hand. Divine Intention is working through all life. God is coming into the world in a new way. He will reveal himself in all of us as we are all in the DiamondHeart of God where all facets are of the one substance called Love. All are equal and all have equal potential to manifest heaven on earth. We have free will to not focus on deficient ideas and thoughts which were introduced into the world from the beginning of time. “I am All That I Am” lives within us and through our being. We are starting to conduct His power all around us. God is Love, Wisdom and Truth and you will know the manifestation of the Christ within your own consciousness by these virtues. There is nothing greater than love; wisdom and truth for these principles are the cornerstone of developing Christ consciousness awareness within you. God’s love brings forth life, His wisdom brings forth light and His truth brings forth freedom that destroys fear. It would be wise to merge with the love nature of God being, as without merging we create separation which leads to fear. The path we walk in life leads only to love and when we are filled with God’s love our bodies becomes shining, majestic and invincible. To support this paradigm shift, it would be wise to start your own spiritual journey so you are ready to receive within your own knowing and own consciousness the knowing that you are one with all life and “all that is” and that your very nature is LOVE.

Personal Myth, Awake, Awake, Awake


The nature of the human being is LOVE. We spend an amazing amount of time trying to find it outside ourselves. I have most of my life been living my own personal myth. I now know this personal myth is an aspect coming and resulting from beliefs that I have accepted about me. Could personal myth that we all accept be the reason the gives fear monopoly rule over our lives? The feeling of love is absent in most of our lives. It is a journey of discovery to find internal harmony and balance. Are you willing to examine your personal myth?

We are starting to see ourselves as a global community; in fact we are all indigenous people of the earth. Ireland is now a cross culture society with various different nationalities and beliefs systems. Yet there is a gathered momentum of compassion for its entire people without prejudices from the overall population, due to the gradual change in perception which has come about with an overall change of attitude or adjustments, society and consciousness has evolved. But to increase the momentum of change, it would be wise to look at perception and how that might release us, as people of the world to reflect our new spiritual beliefs. But how do we restructure belief systems. Also, where do we start the process? As long as I have memory, I have been accepting certain belief system all my life.

Since the beginning of time, the human consciousness has been made imperfect due to the fabricated selfish egotistical drives that were instilled into part of us all. It is my knowledge now that the ego is divinely created in order to create separation from divine consciousness (ALL That IS) into individual sparks of potential. Within the core of the ego is a belief in self sufficiency. It is the clinging to this concept of self sufficiency, which keeps us attached to limiting belief systems and the foolish notion to trusting our limiting knowledge. Without wisdom you are not aware of the connection you have to Divine Consciousness within yourself. That knowledge and wisdom is far greater than the limiting ego (imperfections). To know one self, trust in the divine connection, for it knows your purpose and it will put everything in your path to help you ascend up the ladder to your Divine Consciousness to give your gift to the world.

Back in my twenty’s, just after I finished college, my earthly consciousness was starting to put together ides of thought of what I was going to become. A part of me was filled with drive, intention and purpose but other part of me which I have learned to call “my little ego” was always saying NO. It kept telling me to be practical. I needed to earn money so I could have anything I ever wanted. My belief systems were programmed into me by the time I reached the age of reasons. The definition I had of me came from other people. I was different from other people due to the divine intention which always raised its head to stop me from getting carried away with egotistical desires. It was as if my “boots got too big”, I was always taken down a peg or two as if I had two masters. My head used to say one thing and my heart another. So when I discovered meditation it became possible to hear my spiritual consciousness which Jesus came to manifest. This consciousness is starting to be recognized throughout the world. In fact CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS awareness is now forging head all over the world.

Within my meditation, I was seeking with the intention of gaining insight into my life. It was here that I found relief from the anguish of my life. I was supported by the removal of the limitations particularly limiting belief systems. I started to accept my natural worth as a divine being of the Diamond heart consciousness “where all are one”.

I have been lead to know that our minds and emotions are being given guidance within from many dimensions and will reflect the beauty of the soul. So now I am starting to realize by adjusting my inner belief, I will open the door for new wisdom that includes all the belief systems which were programmed into my life and the subconscious accepted as truth.

It would be necessary not to look at belief systems as beliefs, but the way I accept them and the way I believe them. Also what feeling was produced as result of my attention on them? I felt that this would bring up its own emotional dynamics of belief. The Feeling of belonging creates attachment to beliefs, as attachment itself makes us feel emotionally good or bad or even secure. The question I had for myself was “could I distinguish between my belief and my true identity as I now realizes it. The ego always needs a defense, so it will attack any idea that try to dismantle a belief system. In the past, I defended ideas of beliefs and acted out a behavior and attitude defense. What I have realized is, that my over identification with what I believe was changed, with an emotion of fear and this bonded me to defending whatever belief I had. I noticed also the associated feelings that were produced, did not agree. Sometimes I would have use aggressive defense which would further bond me to that belief that I need to defend it. This was due to my attention and focus on the belief in question.

At this present time, I am examining childhood beliefs which are at the core of my being and allowing divine guidance through new awareness to create new ideas which are followed by a feeling of allowing one the confidence to exchange these new ideas with the world. Hence the tendency to hold on to old beliefs is losing its hold in my life. For those on the path of a new consciousness, bear this in mind, “beliefs are erroneous convictions that will restrict love, light and truth”

Preconceived opinion come from beliefs and makes it nearly impossible to change to the slightest degree. It is this foolish investment which each of us is afraid to let go. So rather than accept what is new, most people reject all even if it contains truth. In the case of a belief that you hold, that you are conscious about, have the intention of subjecting yourself to strict examination. Access what you want to change, by including the possibility that it might be incomplete and benefit by the expansion of your new truth. Now as children, we all accept a great majority of indoctrinating truth which is accepted by the subconscious mind by our acceptance and trusting nature. This empowers the so call beliefs to run in the background of our minds like a pilot light in your oven in the kitchen. It is always on. So our lives are built on the wrong foundation and will continually run like a computer without the ability to change. Change will only come by focus attention on intent, which will be energized by the feelings generated by action.

Growth can only take place when you dissociated from closed and limiting beliefs through meditation. Meditation allows dissociation and analysis of new wisdom which will expand your consciousness and identity. With self inquiry, we knock at the door of a new perception which opens to a new consciousness. By being focused and opened mind to new perceptions, one is able to listen to the inner teacher which will guide everyone to the true identity of who you are and what you could become.

So it would be wise for you to intentionally want to advance your consciousness. This will add to humanity a new level of contribution to the unfolding of who we are, and what we are capable of. With this knowledge, the focus of attention will be in the NOW moment. This is the only place where JOY can be experience and true reality begins.

Spirit is the will of God and Goddess, and it is freely available for all. So it is my understanding that the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, welcomes all those who seek and absorb new wisdom. This act of free will to seek the spirit of God and make present Gods will, allows “The Law of Attraction” to work perfectly to bring in LOVE. This love is a real experience which will support you to develop your new consciousness of Christconsciousness. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all else shall be added to you”.

Embracing the Christ Mind develops when one learns to give and receive.

By embracing the Christ mind consciousness the two essential principles of masculine and feminine within your self become one. The heavenly Father and Divine mother who are the polarization of the principles of love are within your heart when realization of the true self occurs.The separate mind seeks to find a partner to love, but in reality what is being sought is unity with the Self. Love contains every thing and outside of love nothing exists.To become complete and perfect one searches out side them selves for the perfect partner, but in reality all are one , but the separate mind creates judgement which compound individuality of the separate ego which in turn creates likes and dislikes creating separation. Having a life partner is part of the process , where one receives love and gives love.In the process one may raise a family , but for what purpose you may question? The purpose of family is to learn love. But now the bigger picture of what is truly your family is emerging. A lot of people speak about love, for love is the purpose of life. So loving all of “the family of man “is our goal. As one embraces all life as them selves one is playing the separate game by believing we are all separate. When we are searching for our twin soul we are searching for our selves. You could call it the other pole of your separate self. When you do find your other pole or see the Divine principle within your own present partner you arrive home. Bliss and joy fill your whole being. When one knows one self one fuses the two principle , which become one. The love between these two principles is infinite. Finding the other pole in your self creates for you awareness that the other pole is not of this kingdom , but is the higher self watching over you guiding you to greater awareness of the truth of your being. to know God is to love your self and all life.For as love passes through your body you begin to love yourself. loving your self is a very hard road to follow, but this must happen before you all life. loving all of your self without judgement requires acceptance of who you are. Loving you self creates respect and harmony and invites into your being the Divine presence.Knowing and sensing the divine presence within your being allows you to know and embrace unconditional love.
The birthing of the Christ Child now is possible for both principle are consciously on the planet. The immaculate conception takes place when the descending masculine force meets the feminine force in the bridal chamber of the now opened heart. One intuitively will know when this happen as one focus of attention will have changed. about this time one starts to loose old friends and change their interests and habits. This will be noticed when you feel that other are asleep. but do not judge them , just send them love. For we all have our own journey to take to awaken.

What results when the Christ Child is awakened you may ask. The divine conception that has taken place is the immaculate conception born not of matter but of spirit. Like all children that child will be guided to learn who it is and in who’s Divine presence it has it’s life experiences in. All that have awaken are the result of their awareness of who they are , but we are still children. We may decide to play for a while and enjoy life experiences but there will come a time when our Divine purpose will call to us to work.

Daily you will receive feeding of love which will be confirmed by your own inner sensing. Bouts of joy and bliss will confirm for you right thought, and right action . You may call this the resonance of truth,. With new perceptions and new discoveries what was accepted as truth will change. It will take courage to live by your new truth. As you embrace the principles of love you will become aware of what love is. You will learn that it is a continued energy that emanates a psychic radiation that permeates your being and that to receive it consciously it would be wise to live by your now new principle of newly discovered truth. What does the feeding of love do you may ask? It creates within your consciousness a feeling of oneness. This allows the ego to bask in the love and drop all thoughts of fear or deficient thoughts in the separate mind. Then over time a merging of every thing you are will support your awakening. The love you receive contains light, warmth and conditions for growth. This includes what will be now attracted in your life. Love is the is the fulfilment of wisdom received and the knowing that there is no separation from” I Am All That I Am ”

Love gives life continually and intentionally to the beloved and makes a statement that every thing is contained in the all consuming consciousness of direct knowing.

The loving voice of Christconsciousness awakens in us the spiritual powers that strengthen, uplift and redeems. Love and wisdom always go hand in hand together. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the quickening of the spiritual nature which is reflected in the intellect and in the body. We can then weave new ideas into our soul consciousness and create out of them the ideas of the heart. LOVE is th…e attractive force that draws our good to us according to the depth and strength of our realization of love. Pure intelligence of divine ideas does cause the emanation of a soft golden light which dissolves the darkness of fear that surrounds us and in so doing, cleans out consciousness of fear.
Remember, it is the experience and the thoughts produced by the individual from their belief of what is truth for them and is allowed to enter the mind that creates and foothold. As long as people live in duality they will be subverting their transcendent soul nature which is love and replacing it with egoist involvement of the feeling in our heart of likes and dislikes which causes indiscriminate attraction and repulsion through the

While hear on this planet our task is to realize our true consciousness and to become aware of higher states of consciousness while we put on the mind of the intelligence of “The only begotten Son” of” I Am All That I Am”. The Christ intelligence. The ability to perceive God through direct experience is only one breath away.” be still and know” I Am All That I Am ” . For God is not separate form H…is creation. God created the many and the many knew Him not. Your higher consciousness is not something you have to get ,or obtain or even develop.it is available at all times. To connect to it all one would be wise to do is desire the truth of their being. Since our focus is on and in the world we attach all our focus and attention to the physical. This hides from us the truth of our being and in who presence we have our life experiences in. Our focus on individuality and being separate from our good created our fear. We all seek good. To communicated with God one requires stillness . In the stillness one will develop new perceptions and discover new awareness of one’s being. With practice of meditation one will still the separate mind that feels separated isolated and always focusing on negative unconstructive thought through fear. You could say the word( SIN ) There is not one person who does not seek good. But due to the apparent absence of good we created the idea of evil. When God created the world He saw it was good. Could you perceive changing the word of God to Good. Then the Good we all are seeking is God. If we accept this then the good I am seeking is life experiences that bring me joy. bliss and truth. The good I am seeking is the substance of God ” I Am All That I AM” I know the God love all His children so the good that is there for me I ought to have .

It is the belief and attention we put on the separate ego of our individuality that obscures the realization of reality of the self. It is our only focus on the ego ideal that keep fear alive. The ego only deals in form and what it can possess. This keep our identification hidden and bonds us to acting out of fear, forgetting the spirit within. The true Self as God created it. As one practices me…ditation and put on the mind of the true intelligence of the perfect reflection of God , one embraces the principles of unconditional love. Then by living with these principles one become a Christ aware being. The Christ Self is awareness itself, and is you guide and teacher to bring you home to your true one Divine consciousness . Behind your Christ consciousness is the supreme consciousness o”f I Am All That I Am” in who Divine presence you have your life experiences in.

The separate mind can only come in contact with the vibratory sound of Om and the Divine presence when it is still. As long as the separate mind is entering thought, it will not become aware of the every present , eternal and infinite Divine presence signified by the supreme being ” I Am All That I Am”. The turbulence of the separated mind is always focused on fear and the idea of separation from …it good. The subtle energies can not be picked up by the separate mind. The separate mind can not comprehend any thing that is more subtle than it self. The cosmic vibratory sound of Om has within it the Christ intelligence of pure love.So when you receive bouts of pure love within your body and consciousness know that you are blessed. As you experience Divine bliss in ever increasing new bliss you are making direct contact with” I Am All That I Am” through the perfect mind of the centre of God’s consciousness of absolute stillness and oneness which vibrates through all creation .

So meditation is a step by step to self realization (Christ-consciousness) -cosmic consciousness and eventually attain God union. This is not possible with our rationalizing mental restlessness which is our constant companion. (which is based on fear). Divine communion or rather deep meditation dismantles the delusion, and once sincere devotees of truth have experienced the divine joy of sanctuary in Christ-consciousness within their bodies and nothing will be able to lure sincere devotees away from the truth, wisdom, and love that they experience. It is through your perception of Christ-consciousness within yourself that you will know God contact. This is the keys to the kingdom of heaven. You are the consciousness which you have realized within yourself. Therefore, you are a belief expressed about who you think you are.

All meditations fall into two main classification. These are concentration meditation and mindfulness mediation. It depends where one focus their attention and energy. In concentration meditation, one will streamline their focus to one thing. The best concentration meditation I know of is when you concentrate in your breathing, for me this was the most simpler of the methods that I tried. Whereas mindfulness meditation is the total opposite. You do not streamline your focus but you enlarge it and take all the information from all the senses including the developing senses of the sixth, seventh and eight levels of awareness. You will start to become aware of your feelings with a new type of awareness and sensitivity,.Body wisdom will become your awareness and your inner knowing. in a new way as your inner sensing awareness becomes sharper and overtime you will have the ability to interchange the two processes of meditation. You will be just a witness or observer of what is.

Meditation-The First To True Awareness


True awareness for me began when I started to feel energy running through my body. I labelled this at the time, “Body Wisdom”, and later “Diamond Heart Awareness”.  I had recently started to meditate and take an interest in search for truth. I was learning the streams of energy which I was now aware of contained vital information from spirit. I had to be in a meditated state to receive these feelings.  It became obvious to me that the mind never stops creating deficient ideas and making me live through my mistakes which created guilt and feeling of depression would take me over and I would feel powerless. I started to realize that I needed tools to clear this avalanche of negative thoughts, so that I could experience peace in my waken day. So, while in meditation, I would ask for wisdom so I could discover truth.  From then onwards, the spirit within my heart gave me many experiences to awaken the soul nature.

If you examine your life over the past years, you would have started to realize that you have been given life lessons to help you develop and progress from lower to higher realization of who you are and what you could become. The practice of meditation possibly has become a big part of your life as you would have realized that you can only access spirit through the seven astral doors (Chakras). Cosmic force that flows through our body has definitely increased, and if the practice of meditation can create wisdom for all, why not include it within our education system.

By learning the art of meditation and successfully stilling the mind, I became less affected by the “Law of Duality”. This is not to say that life was easy or that I didn’t have problems. But, with regular meditation, I was able to follow the inner teacher from within my heart. I was able to access the sanctuary of my soul. To switch on the electricity of love, all I had to do was meditate. This realization, supported the idea that only a small portion of my brain was actually been used. In fact, my brain was full of facts, other people experience and what I observed everyday.

With regular practice of meditation, I broke out of what I call “self-imprisonment” which came into my life through my focus and attention on deficient thoughts, ideas and lack of self-belief. My focus on fear and deficient ideas created limitation and produce a feeling of despair.  With my discovery of meditation, it become obvious to me that discovery and awareness, changes perception.  New paradigm requires new understanding and acceptance. As we merge with the tide which is rising, it will move us faster and faster upwards to greater wisdom which will be felt in our hearts.

In order to come deeply in the present moment where real joy can only exist, acknowledgment of the past and integration of wisdom obtain, plays a vital part in our level of awareness.

What Is Enlightenment?



The human mind has spiritual currents running through its thoughts streams. These streams contain vital information from spirit that is highly valuable to us. Spirit is the source of everything and conveys these ideas through the human mind that intersect with a person’s belief and helping the individual ascend into the higher information that uplifts and improves the quality of life.

In human life, spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of spirit by intellectual ascent and emotional devotion. Christconsciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (ego) mind with divine mind and the divine personality, that is the source of human happiness and fulfilment. As this is the state of awareness of our true nature, our higher selves and our birthright as children of God. Christconsciousness is our living expression as a child of spirit as we unfold our own divine life plan into the earth, bringing heaven on earth.

The Christ Self is actually being fully alive and invested in who we truly are. In our Christed Self we live as inspiration for others to seek this for themselves so we can collectively move our planet forward into the divine plan for planetary transformation and glorification.

Based on what we believe or expect, we tend to acquire. But what about the path of the soul. “The Law of Attraction” is understood as a mechanism or principle by which one receives based on the quality of their output of thought and ability to stay focused until the desired outcome is achieved. It is important to become aware of unconscious self-talk, trauma, induced beliefs, values, and other types of dysfunctional deficient projections going on within the mind

So let us now rephrase. Our lives are product of the consistency of our outgoing prayer/focus/attentions to details. Which are depended on the true path of the soul This makes it critically important to understand “The Law of Attraction” in its entirely, takes into account the soul desire. So “The Law of Attraction can be understood as “What we focus on expands” depending on the skill and ability to stay focused. But by becoming more aware the true focus changes direction, hence new desires become new reality.

Example: One thought, or idea purely held without any fear attached to it , attracts to it another thought like it but more powerfully established which will crystallizes pure concept of desire outcome. Now these two thoughts powerfully held attract a vibration of love which in turn attract a third thought for which the accumulation of the feeling vibration becomes increasingly powerful in the future. So this original thought gathers momentum after momentum allowing reality to manifests. So the original thought has become the initiator hence intension of desired result is off and running.

So now you understand there is an additional component to this growing vibration (resonance) and it is the feeling that are associated with the arising thoughts that are produced. This is where fear dilutes down by creating deficient thought. Feeling are the interchange with the source or the intelligence recognized within oneself It is in the resonance, feeling, and quality of connection with the source that we get insight or advise of the quality of the reality creating, we are each producing. Therefore, reality creating happens for everyone depending on the connection and flow to the source. through the Christ self. The Christ self is the door and it is only opening.

Once a person has acquired access to deep levels of consciousness, change is possible. Hence, the traditional paradigm of looking at reality will be set aside and a new paradigm will be born.

“The Law of Attraction” is The unconditional mindset which is only opening, and the way we use our mind can be improved upon which will lead to more understanding of the true concept of love. Then by allowing guidance to come through this door. To open this door fully, meditation is advised. Then we will understand that flow and non-resistance will release fear, guilt, shame, blame, and allow acceptance of what is which will move to create through the power of the imagination a new heaven.