Self realization is within the energy and awareness of the diamond heart and the diamond river of light.

With the cultivation of only using the five senses (smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing) the human brain has been under developed to what its original purpose was intended for by its Creator. By failing to develop the other part of the human mind, man has cut himself off from the ability to receive spirit. The part of the brain that has been neglected is of course the cerebellum, since man has only developed one part of his brain and the rest is practically asleep. It is but a sleeping giant which is in the first stages of waking up.

From now on the already awaken people will experience significant and profoundly meaningful intuitive knowing which will be from the Christ self within. This experience will further awaken many to take up their divine purpose and offer their service and expertise to the many. Most will be directly guided from within; it is by paying attention that most of you will see significant realization of the Heavenly kingdom. At first you will encounter bursts of energy of spirit clearing away your fear and fear related issues. This energy will start like a small water spring and as you pay attention to it you will become a river of diamond light. The river of Diamond light will awaken the” diamond heart awareness “within your knowing. By embracing this new awareness of the purity of your soul you will go through a process of remembering the love you are. Your own body wisdom will reinforce your convictions of the new awareness that you are experiencing. Some will enter the secret space of knowing and be transformed by the transformation power of the diamond heart awareness. The universe through your Christ self will intuit to you the next step for you. You will be asked to embrace the intuitive thoughts that enter your mind with compassion and love and non judgment and an inner knowing will become your new truth. The non physical world will start to become a reality for you. This realization will reinforce your spiritual journey towards God- Awareness .Thus you will take your part in building your unique gift to this world and accept the diamond heart awareness of Christ consciousness knowing of the purity of you immaculate soul. You are bless and loved and “all that is “will rejoice in your returning to your true consciousness.

To support the diamond heart consciousness and the diamond river of light it would be wise now to practice meditation and begin to focus on the heart sense which has intelligence far beyond that of a fear based mind. The diamond heart awareness symbolizes the soul’s journey home to its true awareness. Notice the amount of material been brought into arena of new wisdom. It is with this new awareness or heart sense that the people of the world will define what we give our attention too. Already many people of the world have started to wake up. The hallmarks of our attention will manifest our very thoughts and will utilize the emotion of love to co creates them.

Your truth will keep on changing and our assumption about the nature of existence is now undergoing the process of change. It will become obvious to you that discovery and awareness changes your perspective. This new paradigm requires new understanding, wisdom, and acceptance. As you merge with the tide of this new paradigm shift, it will pick you up and move you faster and faster into right relationships, right action, and right opportunities, then you will be in position to let go of the past and acknowledge what is true for you. Look at how the majority of the people of Ireland have accepted the Queen of England visit and have started to move on to a new beginning with England. You too can let go the past and choose not to focus on what was, but start to build a new future, while letting innate intelligence or heart sense expresses itself through you. In the process of merging your heart sense will increase its current, which you will noticed as a feeling of love and a new found peace and stillness will be the result. This will create the right resonance to attract the corresponding dream for you. Each life will unfold effortlessly, beautifully, and it is in our acceptance of what is that we can ask for more. It is really in our ideas of what truth is that prevents the freedom of individual thought. Then it will become apparent that there is a fundamental illusion about Jesus ‘message. Which translate into the error of “that a belief is enough to enter heaven?” Jesus message was not understood. This error was not made by Jesus, but by those who misunderstood his message. What is becoming apparent now is Jesus told us to follow him. To follow Jesus, it would be wise to develop Christ consciousness within your inner being. This is the true marriage of life. This will bring about a new consciousness which will allow us to access our higher power and let go our limiting beliefs allowing us to expand and change them to create perfection as a new “heaven on earth”.
Any thought that is diluted down with the remembrance of fear is not perfect. It was fear that prevented this island of Ireland from embracing the future which is enfolding. Hence we are the creator of what is. Have the wisdom to know that your very thoughts are creating this world. Your daily objective was to remove fear which has built up over time. It is your fear related thought which block the flow of light and create a resistance to the flow of love for you. Becoming one with the Christ Self is the first step in eradicating fear. When you call on the Christ self the power of power attracts the Christ self to you by your intention to be one with “all that is” where you let go the belief that you are separate isolated and less. Whereby you become God centred and let go the need to defend the Ego. You will be shown by direct guidance coming from your own spirit self, how to take the next step. Thus with the increase of focused attention on truth, you will increasingly become aware of the presence within. New wisdom will become available to every person who seeks it, and new guides and teachers will be forthcoming in their wisdom to help all through the complexities of life.

Accept full responsibility for your thoughts, words, deeds and associated feelings and beliefs which are making you a beggar man in God’s House. We then can take responsibility as co-creators and have the wisdom to stay focused on putting LOVE before every thought. This will bring about unconditional love. As a result, the people of the world will find a new and meaningful means of nurturing ourselves and allowing the emergence of truth, love and wisdom to allow the all new expansive transformation of life which is well and truly under way.

Jesus was a bringer of truth. It is only by recognizing the will of God in creation, that man can find the path to the luminous glorious resurrection of eternal life. But man has failed to cultivate that part of the brain which is specifically for the purpose of knowing spirit within his consciousness. Meditation was a gift from the Father Mother God to cultivate that part of the brain that now science is paying much respect to.

With the advent of the law of attraction there is now a shift of deep philosophical questions been investigated and new discoveries are making the headlines. The question of free will was discussed in the April addition of the New Scientist 2011 What caught my attention in the article was the author drawn my attention to the fact that Neuroscientists are increasing describing our behaviour as been a result of a chain of cause and effect in which the physical brain of patterns of neural activity inexorably lead to the next culmination in a particular action of decision. But the question should be asked, what the underlining reason could be for a particular action or decision. From my own experience people tend to take action, if they can see a benefit from the choice of action. But where does the information come from that allow one to choose a particular action and where does fear fit in. Modern science is now realizing that the sub-consciousness is the store house of all our experiences, bearing in mind that the sub-consciousness gathers and stores past experiences and associated feelings which bond us to attracting more of the same as the patterns of thought are etched into the core of our being. So our patterns of thought create our focus and the hallmarks of focus demonstrate our thoughts into the world. The article discusses challenging people’s beliefs. It suggests trying to change people beliefs by overlaying them with more reasonable knowledge obtained with new perceptions. Certainly the world is now experiencing new perceptions. Using new ideas and new concepts they try to dilute down strongly held beliefs. Visionaries are now looking at the limitations of beliefs, if you watched the Gerry Springer show you would have observed peoples beliefs been challenged and how they behave in response to a major challenge been presented. It is noted the when a person beliefs are challenged they tend to defend and become aggressive. The reason for this is usually the amount of invested energy put in over time is flawed. It is this awareness that the ego will not willingly admit it is wrong and has been for a long time. So it denies that its knowledge is wrong. Or that might be incomplete.

If you’re predominant thought is fear and fear related, your very focus and knowing creates an unconscious feeling of lack, loneness and separation from your good. This focus creates a holding vibration of undesired results. It also will influence choices and prompt certain actions. For the purpose of explaining, predominant thought or a holding vibration, let us say you are observing a lack of money in your life. I am using this example as we are presently in a recession. So every day you are observing lack. It is talked about in the news; it is written about in the newspapers and is spoken about everywhere. Hence, “The Law of Attraction” binds us to the very circumstance we do not desire

The Law of Attraction” matches your habitual dominant vibration. Therefore what you focus on will become real to you. Belief is only a practised vibration. “The Law of Attraction” accepts your beliefs as your point of attraction and brings you things that match that vibration. Anything you call your truth is your creation, because it will come to pass and anything that you give your attention to will become your truth. So take a look at the predominance of your thoughts as they will become your truth and reality. To deliberately decide to redirect your thoughts, you are now focusing on your new point of attraction and “The Law of Attraction” is working to give you this new thought and working to create it.

In the process of merging the heart sense will increase its current, which will be noticed as a feeling of love and a new found peace and stillness will be the result. This will create the right resonance to attract the corresponding dream for each individual. Each life will unfold effortlessly, beautifully, and it is in our acceptance of what is that we can ask for more. It is really in our ideas of what truth is that prevents the freedom of individual thought.

So it would be wise to examine your belief system that has been accepted by your subconscious mind. These are your hidden agendas and handed down from generation to generation. Also, by doing this you are able to detach yourself from the aspect of your focus which binds you to your place of limitations. The Holy Spirit washes out your consciousness with fire and burns away all fear and thought forms of non-truth. Please recall what Matthew 3:16-17 wrote, “This is my beloved Son in whom I Am well pleased”. This Christ Consciousness is the only begotten Son of God and Goddess. It is by developing this consciousness and raising the Son of man up within you, that Ascension takes place. The Son of Man body, ordinary man women of limited consciousness contains spiritual centres, and by awakening these centres and by immersion of one’s consciousness in the diamond river of life the light of spirit will make your focus and intentions very clear. Then you will choose to enter the wilderness of the silence and absorb the cosmic sound of the silent intuitive wisdom where all can be conceived and revealed

We have lost through fear our free will and have dissociated from the heavenly essences by choosing to identify solely with the physical world. But it is only by merging your spiritual self with your physical self that you can bring to your conscious mind, the truth. Then one can transcend the physical consciousness which hold us to our own limited perception which is limited to what is. Then one starts to realize that those of religious titles by virtue of intellectual knowledge have no real wisdom. They alone cannot advise the masses to believe in false notions of what is good and what is evil, without any real wisdom because they themselves are blinded to their temporal power. People are starting to see that this power was handed down to control people by fear. One feels very incomplete and helpless. So one searches a deeper truth not limited by intellectual understanding. So develop your intuition your 6TH sense and your 7th heart sense, this will open the door to the 8th chakra, where the diamond heart awareness knowing of infinite consciousness will transform your consciousness to the truth of your infinite power. I learned a long time ago, that meditation reverses the life force and consciousness from matter to God and Goddess. So by realizing your Christ Self and learning to communicate and perceive wisdom through body wisdom, you will not choose to be condemned to live and think as a struggling mortal. It is the sensory boundaries and the cutting off of the spiritual aspect of your being that condemns you to self temptation of a lesser existence Body wisdom does not come from the fearful mind. It comes from a deeper knowing than that of the intellect. Body wisdom comes from the ability to develop an inner sensitivity. This inner sensitivity can be developed by taken massive action to acquire the ability to allow spirit to impart the process of cleansing. Dictate time and attention to be focused on been in the moment.

Daily be resurrected with Christ light as you take your individual conscious and merge with the illuminating light of Christ consciousness within your meditation in the diamond river of eternal life. Allow the diamond river of light to saturate your consciousness. Be inspired and sustained in the wisdom of the transparent purity which will build for you the ability to manifest your spiritual powers to lift the soul beyond fear and fear based ideas and associated feelings that come with such thoughts. Remember we have lost through fear our free will and have dissociated from the heavenly essences by choosing to identify solely with the physical world. But it is only by merging your spiritual self with your physical self” The perfect marriage” that you can bring to your conscious mind, the truth. Then one can transcend the physical consciousness which hold us to our own limited perception which is limited to what is. Then one starts to realize that those of religious titles by virtue of intellectual knowledge have no real wisdom. They alone cannot advise the masses to believe in false notions of what is good and what is evil, without any real wisdom because they themselves are blinded to their temporal power. Thereby they were not able to access real power. The power that they managed was the accumulation of invested energy in a belief and was kept in check with fear. People are starting to see that this power was handed down to control people by fear. One feels very incomplete and helpless. So one searches a deeper truth not limited by intellectual understanding

The descending masculine force meets the feminine force in the bridal chamber of the heart. The resultant is the mystical union on the physical plain of the “Father Mother God”. Here, the immaculate divine conception takes place wherein the spiritual embryo is conceived and the Christ Self is born around the pure self within your soul. You will begin to feel energy within your body. Now is the time to listen to your own body wisdom. As the divine dual forces start to awaken the soul, you will be able to access the wisdom of your soul. This process will allow you to receive new truth about who you are.

What becomes important is what you allow your conscious mind to be feed on. So your focus and what you accept as truth will be diverted away from fear and fear related issues. Fear will be defeated the newly born Christ child will attract the body of Christ within the inner dimension of its being. The new awaken soul will feel the presence of that “I Am All That I Am” within their body. It is heard from within the throne chamber the new awaken soul abiding with the Christ will know it very own nature is Love. No longer is the ego, the false Christ or Anti-Christ ruling but instead the “I Am All That I AM” the true Christ has gained dominion over the anti-Christ.

It is by stilling the mind in meditation, that the new earth will support and lead everybody to discover and utilize the origin of power, health, happiness, courage and zeal to build for yourself the life of your dreams. Your individualized self-consciousness is within the core of your being. The trick is how to harmonize the activity of the individual consciousness with that of the universal consciousness. This is achieved by merging the heart and mind together and at the same time taken guidance from what you feel and start to communicate the potentialities of what could exist, will start to manifest. This leads to harmony of thoughts through feeling which will result in right action and deed. So you see, we actually perceive the world within by our intuition and imagination and we should be capable of listening to the voice of our own spirit self not one’s own fear based mind. It is the fear based thoughts which create a total false perception by the ego who does not want to listen to it own spirit self. It is the ego’s impatient of wants and lack of understanding that we are all one. Instead, it uses the intellect to give it life and survival. At the same time it creates a sense of lack and deficient ideas that human being are not enough and forgetting the pure soul within, which is the Christ Self of infinite consciousness and The Diamond heart Awareness that we are one.

When you experience the slowdown of the creation of your thoughts through meditation, you start to realize that you are creating all your experiences but you are not aware consciously that this is what you are doing. It is only when you realize that your habitual thoughts of likes and dislikes bond you to the life you have.

By utilizing meditation, the sacred dual forces will nourish and care for the Christ child that is born anew in you. Then overtime, growth of the inner divinations will speed up. Your body will undergo change at the core of your being; your cells will receive the program of immortality from “All That I AM”. By feeling love within one’s own consciousness, a light will begin to break which allows the individual to experience a profound peace and joy more than the ordinary human heart has ever known before. From this point on wards the diamond river of life feeds your new awareness of your diamond heart awareness and the perfection of your soul. You will be asked to embrace yourself with compassion, non judgements and unconditional love. As your inner knowing becomes your new truth, you will be let in no doubt how love and blessed you are. Then as time goes on your courtship with Spirit alter your perceptions. Hence new perceptions will be experienced and acknowledge. You will start to perceive the world in a new way. Greater clarity and perspective will lead you towards wholesome thinking and feelings of the love that exists. This will support you about your spiritual convictions and your inner knowing. All that remains is you trust the guidance of this new partnership and marriage “to all that is “

The Christ self is the door and once opened no man can shut it. Love is the divine energy of Father Mother God and you are child of spirit. Bear this in mind the love feeling is the denominator which is now announcing itself to the world.

We are becoming aware of energy and as it expands beyond the physical, some of us sense it others see it and yet still others can communicate with it. Notice how the mind set of unconditional love practised regularly will change the reality that you are experiencing. All the resistance of the drama of life dissipates. Limitation will start to fall away. New belief systems will be evidence of the new seeds that you are planting within your consciousness. This will become your new truth for now and your experiences will reinforce the “Law of Attraction” with vibration of love and this energetic environment will affect your physical world. In fact you will be working with thought and intention before it will come into manifestation. Now with deliberate conscious creating of your part in creation as a co-creator, the universe will create that which you desire. This freedom creates peace within and more remembrance of your purpose.

So my recommendation to you who have the inner eyes to see and the inner ears to hear my words “Be Still and Know I AM, All That I AM”. I am the Diamond Heart consciousness where all are one. Be emerged in the diamond river of life daily within your meditation. Know that all facets of our diamond are pure, immaculate and of the same and only one substance called LOVE. To give expression of trust to the highest potential, it would be wise to evolve in wisdom, intelligence and higher consciousness in order to return to the awareness of the full consciousness of your being. Which is the source (God and Goddess) the nature of your true reality and being

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